Create a Compound Index in MDB

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This article provides an overview of Create a compound index in MDB and various aspects of indexing in MongoDB. It covers the importance of considering the order of fields in compound indexes and the benefits of creating prefix indexes while you create a compound index in MDB. The article also explains index intersection and its impact on query performance. Additionally, it discusses the advantages of using sparse compound indexes in certain scenarios and guides their appropriate usage. Finally, the article highlights the considerations and limitations associated with these indexing techniques. Overall, this comprehensive overview equips readers with valuable insights for optimizing query performance and managing indexes effectively in MongoDB.


In MongoDB, a compound index is a type of index that combines multiple fields from a collection into a single index key. When you create a compound index in MDB, you may improve the efficiency of your queries that require several columns by allowing MongoDB to quickly fetch and sort the data depending on the provided fields.

Create a Compound Index

To create a compound index in MDB, you need to use the createIndex() method provided by the MongoDB driver or an administrative shell, such as the Mongo shell. Here's an example of how you can create a compound index in MDB:


In the above example, db.collection represents the name of the collection where you want to create a compound index in MDB. field1 and field2 are the fields from the collection that you want to include in the compound index. The numbers 1 and -1 represent the sort order for each field. In this case, field1 will be sorted in ascending order (1), and field2 will be sorted in descending order (-1).

When you create a compound index in MDB, field order matters. The order should be based on cardinality, prioritizing fields with higher distinct values. MongoDB utilizes the compound index to optimize queries involving those fields, enhancing performance by efficiently retrieving and sorting data.

Sort Order

In MongoDB, you can use the sort() method to define the order of query results. This method allows you to sort documents based on one or more fields in ascending or descending order. You can specify multiple fields for sorting, and MongoDB will sort the documents accordingly. Sorting is done in lexicographic order, comparing values character by character. Keep in mind that sorting large result sets can impact query performance, so consider creating an index on the sorted field(s) to improve performance.

Example 1:

Here's an example of how to use the sort() method in the MongoDB shell:


In this example, we are sorting the documents in the collection based on field1 in ascending order and field2 in descending order. The number 1 represents ascending order, and -1 represents descending order.

Example 2:

If you want to sort in ascending order, you can use 1 or the string "asc" as the sort order. For descending order, you can use -1 or the string "desc".

If you don't specify a sort order for a field, MongoDB assumes the default sort order as ascending.

Example 3:

If you want to sort based on the natural order of fields (i.e., the order in which documents are stored on disk), you can use the $natural sort order

The $natural sort order doesn't use any specific field for sorting and returns the documents in the order they are physically stored in the database.


A prefix index is a subset of fields within a compound index. It optimizes queries that match the included fields without requiring the entire compound index. This is useful for query patterns that primarily involve a subset of fields. Creating a prefix index reduces index size and improves query performance, but careful analysis is needed to balance query optimization and index management. Excessive indexes can impact write performance and storage space.

For example, let's consider a compound index with three fields: field1, field2, and field3. You can create a prefix index using only the first two fields (field1 and field2) by specifying their order in the index.



With this compound index, queries that match the prefix of the index, such as queries that involve field1 and/or field2, can efficiently utilize the index. However, queries that involve field3 alone or a combination of field2 and field3 may not benefit from this index.

Index Intersection

Index intersection in MongoDB combines multiple indexes to satisfy queries when a single index is not enough. MongoDB analyzes query predicates and merges results from each index, providing the final result set. Index intersection is beneficial when indexes cover different subsets of query predicates, ensuring efficient retrieval of matching documents and accurate results. When designing schema and indexes, consider query patterns and select indexes that cover frequently executed queries. While index intersection is useful, use it carefully and understand its impact on query performance.

However, it's important to note that index intersection has some limitations and considerations:

  • Index intersection introduces query execution overhead, impacting performance compared to using a single index.
  • The effectiveness of index intersection depends on the selectivity and cardinality of the individual indexes.
  • MongoDB's query planner determines index intersection usage based on factors like selectivity, index size, and query patterns.
  • Index intersection is supported in MongoDB version 4.2 and later but not available in earlier versions.

Sparse Compound Indexes

Sparse compound indexes in MongoDB only include documents with values for the indexed fields, excluding those without a value for at least one of the indexed fields. When considering sparse compound indexes, analyze your data and query patterns. Evaluate the frequency of queries involving the indexed fields and the impact on index size and query performance. Sparse compound indexes have benefits in specific scenarios, but it's important to use them appropriately based on your specific needs.


To create a sparse compound index, you can specify the sparse option when creating the index. Here's an example:


In this example, we are creating a sparse compound index on field1 and field2. The sparse: true option indicates that the index should only include documents that have values for both field1 and field2. Documents without values for either of these fields will be excluded from the index.

Sparse compound indexes can be useful in certain scenarios:

  1. Optimizing queries: If you have a large collection where only a subset of documents has values for certain fields, a sparse index can improve query performance for queries involving those fields. The sparse index avoids indexing the non-existent values, reducing index size and improving query efficiency.

  2. Schema flexibility: Sparse indexes can be helpful when working with evolving or flexible schemas. New fields can be added to documents without requiring an index update, as the sparse index doesn't include documents that don't have indexed fields.

However, it's important to consider the trade-offs when using sparse compound indexes:

  • Query coverage: Sparse indexes may not cover all the query patterns if some documents don't have the indexed fields. Queries relying on those fields won't benefit from the index and might require a collection scan instead.
  • Index selectivity: Sparse indexes may have lower selectivity since they exclude documents without the indexed fields. This can impact query performance when the indexed fields have a wide range of values.
  • Index size and performance: Sparse indexes can potentially reduce index size by excluding documents without the indexed fields. However, they can still consume significant disk space if a large portion of documents have indexed fields.


  • Proper field order in creating a compound index in MDB improves query efficiency.
  • Prefix indexes optimize queries involving specific fields without the need for a full compound index.
  • Index intersection combines multiple indexes for satisfying query requirements.
  • Sparse compound indexes exclude documents without values for indexed fields, enhancing query performance and reducing index size.
  • Careful analysis of data and query patterns is crucial for the effective use of sparse compound indexes.
  • Considerations such as index selectivity, index size, and query patterns influence the decision to use index intersection.
  • Understanding the trade-offs and impact on query performance is essential for making informed indexing decisions in MongoDB.