How to Copy a DB and a Collection?

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The scope of copying a database or a collection in MongoDB typically involves the following: Creating a backup of the database or collection using the mongodump command. Restoring the backup to a new database or collection using the mongorestore command. Verifying the copied data in the new database or collection to ensure it matches the original data. The mongodump command creates a backup of the specified database or collection in a binary format that can be easily restored using the mongorestore command. The mongorestore command imports the data from the backup files into a new database or collection.


Copying a database or a collection in MongoDB is a common task that can be accomplished using various methods. The simplest way to copy a database or a collection is by creating a backup of it and then restoring the backup to a new database or collection.

To create a backup of a database or a collection, you can use the mongodump command. This command creates a binary export of the data in the specified database or collection and saves it to a directory called "dump" by default.

Once the backup is created, you can restore it to a new database or collection using the mongorestore command. This command reads the backup files and imports the data into the specified database or collection.

It is important to note that the mongodump and mongorestore commands require appropriate permissions to execute. Additionally, you can modify the options of these commands to suit your specific requirements.

Overall, copying a database or a collection in MongoDB can be achieved through a simple backup and restore process using the mongodump and mongorestore commands.

After the data has been copied, it is important to verify the new database or collection to ensure that the data matches the original database or collection. This can be done by comparing the data in the two databases or collections, checking indexes, and verifying the permissions and roles of the users.

Overall, copying a database or a collection in MongoDB involves creating a backup of the data, restoring it to a new database or collection, and verifying that the copied data is accurate.

What Is the Need of Copying a Db or A Collection?

There are various reasons why someone may need to copy a database or a collection in MongoDB. Some of the common reasons include:

  • Creating a test environment:
    Copying a database or collection can be useful when creating a test environment for applications or software that use MongoDB. By copying the database or collection, developers can test new features or code changes without affecting the original data.
  • Data migration:
    When migrating from one MongoDB instance to another, copying a database or collection can help transfer data easily. For example, if you are moving from a local MongoDB instance to a cloud-based MongoDB service, you can copy the database or collection to the cloud instance without losing any data.
  • Backups:
    Creating backups of databases or collections is important to ensure data integrity and availability in case of hardware failure, natural disasters, or other unforeseen circumstances. Copying a database or collection is a useful backup strategy that allows for quick recovery in case of data loss.
  • Analysis and reporting:
    Copying a database or collection can be useful for performing analysis and generating reports. By copying the data, analysts can work with the data without affecting the original data or disrupting the live system.

Overall, copying a database or collection in MongoDB is a common practice that serves various purposes, including testing, data migration, backups, and analysis.

Ways of cloning a MongoDB Collection

db.collection.copyTo() Command

The copyTo() command is used in MongoDB to copy data from one collection to another within the same database or even across different databases. The syntax for the copyTo() command is as follows:

This command will create a new collection called "newCollection" and copy all the documents from the original collection to the new one. By default, the operation will not copy any indexes or validators from the original collection.

However, you can also include optional parameters with the copyTo() command to specify which documents to copy and whether to include indexes and validators. Here's an example of using the copyTo() command with these optional parameters:

In this example, the copyTo() command will copy only the documents from the original collection where the "age" field is greater than or equal to 18. The collation option specifies the collation to use for the copy operation, and the indexes and validators options specify whether to include indexes and validators from the original collection in the new collection.

Note that the copyTo() command may take some time to complete, depending on the size of the collection and the amount of data being copied. It's also worth noting that the copyTo() command can only be used on standalone mongod instances or replica set members. It cannot be used on sharded clusters.

db.collection.find().forEach() Command

The find() method is used in MongoDB to query a collection and retrieve the documents that match a specified set of criteria. The forEach() method is used to perform a certain operation on each document returned by the find() method. The forEach() method is typically used in conjunction with the find() method to apply a certain operation to each document returned by the query.

The syntax for using the find() and forEach() methods is as follows:

In this example, query and projection are optional parameters that can be used to specify which documents to retrieve and which fields to include or exclude from the returned documents. The forEach() method is called on the result of the find() method, and takes a function as a parameter that will be applied to each document.

Inside the function passed to forEach(), you can access the current document using the doc variable. You can then perform any operation you like on the document, such as updating it, printing it to the console, or exporting it to a file.

Here's an example of using find() and forEach() to print the values of a certain field in all the documents that match a certain criteria:

In this example, the find() method is used to retrieve all the documents in the collection where the "age" field is greater than or equal to 18, and only the "name" field is included in the returned documents. The forEach() method is then used to print the value of the "name" field in each document to the console.

Note that the forEach() method can also be used with other methods that return a set of documents, such as aggregate() or mapReduce().

db.collecion.aggregate() Command

The aggregate() method in MongoDB is used to perform complex aggregation operations on the documents in a collection. Aggregation operations are a set of operations that allow you to group, transform, and analyze data in MongoDB.

The syntax for the aggregate() method is as follows:

The pipeline parameter is an array of one or more stages that specify the operations to perform on the input documents. Each stage can perform a different operation, such as filtering, grouping, or projecting. The output of one stage is passed as input to the next stage, allowing you to chain multiple stages together to form a complex aggregation pipeline.

Here's an example of using the aggregate() method to perform a simple aggregation that groups documents by a certain field and calculates the average value of another field:

In this example, the pipeline consists of a single stage that groups documents by the "category" field and calculates the average value of the "price" field for each group. The output of this pipeline will be a set of documents, one for each group, that contain the "category" field and the "avgPrice" field.

You can also include optional parameters in the aggregate() method to control the behavior of the aggregation operation. For example, you can use the allowDiskUse option to allow the aggregation operation to use temporary files on disk if the operation exceeds the available memory.

In this example, the allowDiskUse option is set to true to allow the aggregation operation to use temporary files on disk if necessary.

Overall, the aggregate() method is a powerful tool for performing complex aggregation operations on data in MongoDB.

Mongodump and Mongorestore Tools

Mongodump and Mongorestore are two command-line tools provided by MongoDB that are used to backup and restore databases and collections, respectively.

Mongodump is used to create a binary export of the contents of a database or collection. It can be used to create backups, move data between different servers, or analyze the data in a collection. The output of mongodump is a BSON file, which is a binary representation of the data in the database or collection.

Here's an example of using mongodump to create a backup of a database named "mydb":

In this example, the --db option is used to specify the name of the database to backup, and the --out option is used to specify the folder where the backup should be stored. The output of mongodump will be a set of BSON files, one for each collection in the specified database.

mongorestore is used to restore the contents of a mongodump backup into a MongoDB database. It can be used to restore backups, move data between different servers, or clone databases. The input for mongorestore is a BSON file, which is a binary representation of the data in the database or collection.

Here's an example of using mongorestore to restore a backup of a database named "mydb":

In this example, the --db option is used to specify the name of the database to restore the data into, and the path to the backup folder where the BSON files created by mongodump are stored.

Overall, mongodump and mongorestore are useful tools for managing backups and restoring data in MongoDB

Mongoexport and Mongoimport Tools

Mongoexport and Mongoimport are two command-line tools provided by MongoDB that are used to import and export data to and from a MongoDB database in a variety of formats.

Mongoexport is used to export data from a collection to a file in a specified format. It can be used to create backups, move data between different servers, or analyze the data in a collection. The output of mongoexport is a file in JSON, CSV, or TSV format, which can be easily imported into other applications or databases.

Here's an example of using mongoexport to export data from a collection named "mycollection" in the "mydb" database to a JSON file:

In this example, the --db option is used to specify the name of the database to export data from, the --collection option is used to specify the name of the collection to export data from, and the --out option is used to specify the path and name of the output file.

mongoimport is used to import data from a file into a collection in a MongoDB database. It can be used to import data exported from another MongoDB database or from other applications or databases in a supported format. The input for mongoimport is a file in JSON, CSV, or TSV format.

Here's an example of using mongoimport to import data from a JSON file into a collection named "mycollection" in the "mydb" database:

In this example, the --db option is used to specify the name of the database to import data into, the --collection option is used to specify the name of the collection to import data into, and the --file option is used to specify the path and name of the input file.

Overall, mongoexport and mongoimport are useful tools for importing and exporting data to and from MongoDB databases in a variety of formats.

Duplicate Collection Tool of NoSQL Manager for MongoDB

NoSQL Manager for MongoDB is a popular database management tool that provides a variety of features to manage MongoDB databases. One of the features offered by NoSQL Manager is the "Duplicate Collection" tool.

The Duplicate Collection tool is used to create a duplicate of a MongoDB collection. It can be useful when you want to create a backup of a collection, make changes to a collection without affecting the original, or move a collection to another database.

Here's how to use the Duplicate Collection tool in NoSQL Manager for MongoDB:

  1. Open NoSQL Manager and connect to the MongoDB database that contains the collection you want to duplicate.
  2. Select the database that contains the collection you want to duplicate from the left-hand pane.
  3. Right-click on the collection you want to duplicate and select "Duplicate Collection" from the context menu.
  4. In the Duplicate Collection dialog box, specify the name of the new collection and any other settings you want to apply. You can choose to duplicate only the structure of the collection, only the data, or both.
  5. Click the "OK" button to create the duplicate collection.

Once the duplicate collection is created, you can modify it as needed without affecting the original collection. You can also export the duplicate collection to a file using the Export feature in NoSQL Manager, or you can use the MongoDB shell or other tools to manipulate the data in the duplicate collection.

Copy Collection to Another Database Tool of NoSQL Manager for MongoDB

NoSQL Manager for MongoDB is a popular database management tool that provides a variety of features to manage MongoDB databases. One of the features offered by NoSQL Manager is the "Copy Collection to Another Database" tool.

The Copy Collection to Another Database tool is used to copy a MongoDB collection from one database to another database. It can be useful when you want to create a copy of a collection in another database, move a collection from one database to another, or merge data from multiple collections into a single collection.

Here's how to use the Copy Collection to Another Database tool in NoSQL Manager for MongoDB:

  1. Open NoSQL Manager and connect to the MongoDB database that contains the collection you want to copy.
  2. Select the database that contains the collection you want to copy from the left-hand pane.
  3. Right-click on the collection you want to copy and select "Copy Collection to Another Database" from the context menu.
  4. In the Copy Collection to Another Database dialog box, specify the name of the destination database and the name of the new collection.
  5. Click the "OK" button to copy the collection to the new database.

Once the collection is copied to the new database, you can modify it as needed without affecting the original collection. You can also export the copied collection to a file using the Export feature in NoSQL Manager, or you can use the MongoDB shell or other tools to manipulate the data in the copied collection.


  • In conclusion, copying a database or collection in MongoDB is a common task that can be achieved through a simple backup and restore process using the mongodump and mongorestore commands.
  • There are various reasons why someone may need to copy a database or collection, including creating a test environment, data migration, backups, and analysis.
  • The mongodump command creates a backup of the specified database or collection, while the mongorestore command imports the data from the backup files into a new database or collection.
  • It is important to verify the new database or collection to ensure that the data matches the original data. Open a MongoDB client and connect to the source database using the Mongo command or a MongoDB client application.
  • By copying a database or collection, developers and analysts can work with the data without affecting the original data or disrupting the live system.
  • Additionally, backups of databases or collections are important to ensure data integrity and availability in case of hardware failure, natural disasters, or other unforeseen circumstances.
  • Overall, copying a database or collection is a useful and necessary process for managing MongoDB databases and collections. Select the source database by running the use command followed by the name of the database.