Fetch the no of documents in a collection

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When working with collections in MongoDB, it is often important to know how many documents are present in a given collection. This information can help with tasks such as resource planning, optimization, and analysis. In MongoDB, to fetch the no of documents in a collection involves executing a specific command. This command returns the count of documents in the specified collection, providing valuable insights into the extent of data being stored. In this article, we will explore how to fetch the number of documents in a collection in MongoDB and discuss the importance of this information in data-driven applications.

So let us now begin with the main agenda of our article, fetch the no of documents in a collection in MongoDB.


MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database system that stores data in collections. A collection is a set of data records that are related to databases. It is often beneficial to know the number of documents that exist within a particular collection while working with collections. The number of documents within a collection can offer valuable information about the extent of data being stored and can be useful in tasks like resource management and optimization.

To fetch the no of documents in a collection, the specific commands used will depend on the database management system being used. For example, in MongoDB, a popular NoSQL database, the commands to get the count of documents in a collection are db.collection.count(), db.collection.countDocuments(), db.collection.estimatedDocumentCount(), cursor.count(), sortByCount(). This command returns the number of documents in the specified collection. These commands are used based on the situation and compatibility. We will further discuss them in detail in this article.

In SQL databases, the syntax for counting the number of records in a table varies depending on the database system being used. For instance, in MySQL, the SELECT COUNT(*) statement can be used to get the total number of records in a table.

db.collection.count() Method

The db.collection.count() method in MongoDB is used to fetch the no of documents in a collection. It is a simple method that does not take any arguments, and it returns an integer that represents the number of documents present in the collection. The db.collection.count() method is an older method that has been deprecated since MongoDB 4.0.


In the above syntax, collection refers to the name of the collection for which the document count needs to be retrieved. For instance, if the collection name is "employees", the command would be:

The count() method returns an integer value that represents the number of documents in the collection. This value can be used to gain insight into the extent of data being stored and can be useful for optimizing database resources.

The count() method is similar to the db.collection.find() method, which returns a cursor to the documents in the collection. However, the count() method is faster than the find() method, as it does not return the actual documents but rather just the number of documents in the collection. As a result, it is often preferred for performance-critical applications.

It is important to note that the count() method can take longer to execute on large collections, as it needs to scan the entire collection to count the number of documents. In such cases, the db.collection.estimatedDocumentCount() method can be used instead, which provides an estimate of the number of documents in the collection based on metadata and is generally faster than the count() method.


Suppose we have a collection named customers that contains customer data, such as name, email, and address. We can fetch the number of documents in the customers collection by executing the following command in the MongoDB shell:

The above command will return an integer value that represents the number of documents in the "customers" collection.

To summarize, the db.collection.count() method is a valuable resource for fetching the no of documents in a collection in MongoDB. This approach is fast and straightforward and can assist in improving database resource allocation. Nevertheless, it must be exercised prudently when dealing with large collections since the execution process can be lengthy.

Use Cases:

Now, let us look at different use cases to fetch the no of documents in a collection in MongoDB.

Count All Documents From the Collection

The count all documents from the collection use case is helpful when you need to know the total number of documents present in a collection. It can be used to get an overall idea of the size of the collection and to estimate the processing time for certain operations, such as indexing or aggregation. For instance, if you are working with a large dataset and want to optimize the performance of a query, knowing the total number of documents can be useful to determine the best strategy to retrieve the data efficiently.


For example, imagine a collection of customer records for an e-commerce website. The collection may contain various fields such as name, age, and email. The collection could contain millions of records, and it may be challenging to understand the scope and scale of the data without first determining the total number of records.

To count all documents in a collection using MongoDB, you would use the countDocuments() method. Here is an example of how to create a customer collection, also how we can insert data in it, and lastly, count all documents in a "customers" collection:


In this example, we first connect to a MongoDB server using the MongoClient object and specify the connection details (username, password, cluster name, and database name). We then create a customers collection and insert some sample data into the collection using the insertMany() method.

After inserting the data, we use the countDocuments() method to count the number of documents in the collection. The first parameter of the countDocuments() method is an empty object {}, which means that we are counting all documents in the collection. Finally, we close the database connection using the client.close() method.


The output of running this code should be:

This output confirms that we have successfully created a customers collection in MongoDB and that it contains four documents.

Count All Documents that Match a Query

The count of all documents from the collection that match a query use case involves determining the total number of documents that exist in a given collection. This functionality is a fundamental feature of many database systems and is often used to gain an overall understanding of the size and complexity of a data set. It can be used to filter out irrelevant documents and focus only on the ones that are relevant to your analysis.


For example, imagine a collection of e-commerce customer records that contains a field orders, which is an array of objects containing information about customer orders. You may want to count the number of customers who have made at least one order in the past month.

To count all documents that match a query in MongoDB, you would use the countDocuments() method with a query filter as a parameter. Here is an example of how to count all documents in a "customers" collection that have at least one order in the past month:


In this example, we will fetch the no of documents in a collection, we first create a MongoClient object and specify the connection URL and database name. We then use the connect() method to connect to the MongoDB server.

Next, we create a customers collection using the createCollection() method. If the collection already exists, this method will not create a duplicate.

We then insert some sample data into the customers collection using the insertMany() method. The sample data contains four documents, each with a name, age, and orders field that is an array of objects containing information about customer orders.

Finally, we get a count of all the documents that match with the query filter provided as a parameter in the countDocuments() method. The filter used in the query specifies that we only want to count documents in which the orders.orderDate field is equal to or more recent than 30 days ago.


When you run this code, you should see the following output in your console:

This output confirms that we have successfully connected to the MongoDB server, created a customers collection, inserted some sample data, and fetch the no of documents in a collection that match a specific query in the collection.

Count All Documents that Match a Query Using More than one criteria

The Count all Documents that Match a Query using more than on criterias use case is helpful when you need to know how many documents in a collection satisfy multiple criteria. It can be used to retrieve a subset of documents that satisfy a complex condition or to perform an analysis that involves several dimensions.


For instance, if you are working with a collection of products in a store. The collection may contain various fields such as name, price, brand, and category. and you want to count documents where the price field is greater than or equal to 500 and the brand field is equal to Samsung, you can use this functionality to count the number of documents that match both criteria simultaneously. This can help you identify your brand of product, also the price range for which you want to purchase the product. Here is an example of how to count all documents in a "product" collection where the price field is greater than or equal to 500 and the brand field is equal to Samsung:


In this example, we create a MongoClient object and specify the connection URL and database name, and then use the connect() method to connect to the MongoDB server.

Next, we create a products collection using the createCollection() method, insert some sample data using the insertMany() method, and then count all documents that match a query with multiple criteria using the countDocuments() method.

The query filter specifies that we only want to count documents where the price field is greater than or equal to 500 and the brand field is equal to Samsung. This is achieved by using the $gte operator to match all prices greater than or equal to 500 and a simple equality match on the brand field.


When you run this code, you should see the following output in your console:

This output confirms that we have successfully connected to the MongoDB server, created a products collection, inserted some sample data, and fetch the no of documents in a collection that match a specific query with multiple criteria in the collection.


db.collection.countDocuments() is a method in MongoDB that returns the number of documents in a collection that match a specified filter. It is used to retrieve the count of documents that meet certain criteria. This is the method that is called on the collection object. It takes an optional filter as a parameter, which is used to specify the criteria for counting the documents. The filter can be a query document, a query expression, or an aggregation pipeline. When you call db.collection.countDocuments(), MongoDB counts the number of documents that match the specified filter in the collection and returns the count as an integer. If no filter is provided, the method returns the count of all the documents in the collection. It can be used to filter out irrelevant documents and focus only on the ones that are relevant to your analysis.


Here is an example of using countDocuments() to retrieve the count of documents that match a specific filter:


In this example, we connect to the database, access the collection collection, and call countDocuments() with a filter object that matches documents with a status field equal to active. The method returns the count of documents that match this filter, which is logged to the console. Finally, we close the database connection.

db.collection.estimatedDocumentCount() Method

Sometimes, the count() method can take longer to execute on large collections, as it needs to scan the entire collection to count the number of documents. In such cases, the db.collection.estimatedDocumentCount() method can be used instead, which provides an estimate of the number of documents in the collection based on metadata and is generally faster than the count() method. The db.collection.estimatedDocumentCount() method in MongoDB returns an estimate of the total number of documents in a collection. Unlike the db.collection.countDocuments() method, which calculates the exact number of documents in the collection, the estimatedDocumentCount() method uses collection metadata and statistics to provide a faster but less precise result.


The estimatedDocumentCount() method has the following syntax:

Here's what each parameter does:

  • query (optional): A query document that specifies the filter criteria. Only documents that match the query will be counted. If you don't provide a query, all documents in the collection will be counted.
  • options (optional): An object that specifies additional options for the operation. The available options are:
    • maxTimeMS: The maximum amount of time to allow the operation to run in milliseconds.
  • callback: A function that will be called with two arguments: an error object (if there was an error) and the estimated number of documents in the collection.


For instance, if you are working with a collection, and the collection consists of thousands of documents. Now, if you use the db.collection.count() method, it will take a lot of time to find the total count of documents, and in this scenario, we don't want a precise answer or count of the documents in the collection. So, in this case, using the estimatedDocumentCount() method will be the best option to find an estimated count of the documents in the collection. Here's an example of how to use the estimatedDocumentCount() method in Node.js:


  • First, we require the MongoClient module from the MongoDB package and set the connection URL and database name.
  • Then, we use the connect() method of the MongoClient object to connect to the MongoDB server. This method takes two arguments: the connection URL and a callback function that will be called once the connection is established (or if there's an error).
  • Inside the callback function, we first log a message to the console to indicate that we've successfully connected to the server.
  • Next, we create a db object using the client. db() method, passing in the name of the database we want to work with.
  • Now that we have a db object, we can use the estimatedDocumentCount() method to count the number of documents in a collection. In this case, we want to count the number of documents in the customers collection.
  • We call the estimatedDocumentCount() method on the customers collection, passing in a callback function that will be called with two arguments: an error object (if there was an error) and the estimated number of documents in the collection.
  • Inside the callback function, we log the estimated number of documents in the customers collection to the console.
  • Finally, we close the database connection using the client.close() method.


When you run this code, you should see the following output in your console:

This output confirms that we have successfully connected to the MongoDB server and estimated the number of documents in the customers collection using the estimatedDocumentCount() method.

cursor.count() Method

In MongoDB, the cursor.count() method is employed to count the number of documents that satisfy a query. It can be invoked on a cursor object produced by calling the find() method. This method takes in a callback function as a parameter, which is executed with the count of documents that match the query and an error object (if any). The cursor.count() method is beneficial when we require only the number of matching documents and not their entire contents.


Here's an example code that demonstrates the use of cursor.count():


  • To illustrate the usage of the cursor.count() method in MongoDB, we start by establishing a connection to the MongoDB server using the MongoClient.connect() method. After establishing the connection, we create a db object using the client.db() method and specify the name of the database we intend to operate on.
  • Subsequently, we invoke the find() method on the cuscustomer'sllection to retrieve all documents that satisfy a specific condition, in this case, where the age field exceeds 30.
  • This returns a cursor object that we can use to iterate over the results, or we can call the count() method on it to get the number of documents that match the query.
  • We call the count() method on the cursor object, passing in a callback function that will be called with two arguments: an error object (if there was an error) and the number of documents that match the query.
  • Inside the callback function, we log the number of documents that match the query to the console.
  • Finally, we close the database connection using the client.close() method.
  • That's a brief explanation of the cursor.count() method in MongoDB and an example of how to use it to count the number of documents that match a query.


The sortByCount() method in MongoDB is used to group the documents in a collection by a specific field and return the count of documents in each group. It is equivalent to performing a groupstagefollowedbyasortgroup stage followed by a sort stage in an aggregation pipeline.

The sortByCount() method can be called on a collection and takes a single parameter, which is the name of the field that we want to group by. The method returns a cursor object that contains documents with two fields: _id, which is the value of the field we grouped by, and count, which is the number of documents in that group.


Here's an example usage of the sortByCount() method:

Let's assume we have a collection named orders with documents that have the following structure:

To group the documents in the orders collection by the item field and sort the groups by the count of documents in each group in descending order, we can use the following code:

This will return a cursor object with documents that have the following structure:

This indicates that there are ten documents in the orders collection with the item field set to apple, eight documents with item set to banana, and so on.


In this article, we learned about Fetch the no of documents in a collection. Let us recap the points we discussed throughout the article:

  • When working with collections in MongoDB, it is often important to know how many documents are present in a given collection. This information can help with tasks such as resource planning, optimization, and analysis.
  • MongoDB provides several methods for fetching the number of documents in a collection, each with its advantages and use cases.
  • A collection is a set of data records that are related to databases. It is often beneficial to know the number of documents that exist within a particular collection while working with collections.
  • in MongoDB, a popular NoSQL database, the commands to get the count of documents in a collection are db.collection.count(), db.collection.countDocuments(), db.collection.estimatedDocumentCount(), cursor.count(), sortByCount().
  • In SQL databases, the syntax for counting the number of records in a table varies depending on the database system being used. For instance, in MySQL, the SELECT COUNT(*) statement can be used to get the total number of records in a table.
  • The db.collection.count() method is an older method that has been deprecated since MongoDB 4.0. It returns the number of documents in a collection, but it does not support queries or filtering criteria.
  • The db.collection.count() method can be used to get an overall idea of the size of the collection and to estimate the processing time for certain operations, such as indexing or aggregation.
  • The count all documents from the collection use case is helpful when you need to know the total number of documents present in a collection.
  • The db.collection.countDocuments() method is a more recent addition to MongoDB and is recommended for counting documents in a collection. It can be used to count all documents in a collection, documents that match a specific query, or documents that match a query with multiple criteria.
  • Sometimes, the count() method can take longer to execute on large collections, as it needs to scan the entire collection to count the number of documents. In such cases, the db.collection.estimatedDocumentCount() method can be used instead
  • The db.collection.estimatedDocumentCount() method is a faster alternative to countDocuments() that provides an estimated count of the number of documents in a collection.
  • The cursor.count() method can be used to count the number of documents returned by a find() method call. It is useful when we want to know the number of documents that match a query without actually retrieving them.
  • Finally, the sortByCount() method is useful when we want to group the documents in a collection by a specific field and return the count of documents in each group.
  • Understanding the appropriate method to use for a given scenario can help optimize the performance of our MongoDB queries and ensure accurate results.
  • In summary, the process of fetching the number of documents in a collection involves executing a specific command or statement in the database management system being used. This information can be useful for understanding the amount of data being stored, and for optimizing resources and performance in data-intensive applications.