Transactions in MongoDB

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In this article, we are going to learn about transactions in MongoDB. Before getting started with the topic, let us get a short overview of the topic.

Transactions in MongoDB: MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database management system that supports efficient storage and retrieval of data. One of the key aspects of working with MongoDB is understanding its transaction capabilities. Transactions in MongoDB allow for atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability (ACID) properties to be maintained while performing multiple operations on the database.


MongoDB is a widely used NoSQL database management system known for its flexibility and scalability. When working with databases, it is crucial to maintain data integrity and consistency, especially when performing multiple operations simultaneously. MongoDB addresses this need through its transaction capabilities. Transactions in MongoDB allow developers to group multiple operations and ensure that they are executed as a single, indivisible unit. This ensures that either all the operations within a transaction are completed, or none of them are applied to the database. In this way, transactions provide atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability (ACID) properties. MongoDB's transaction API allows for complex operations spanning multiple documents and collections, providing a powerful mechanism for maintaining data integrity. Transactions can be committed, persisting the changes to disk for durability, or rolled back, discarding any modifications made within the transaction. With its support for ACID transactions, MongoDB offers developers a reliable and robust approach to handling complex data operations while maintaining the correctness and reliability of the underlying data store.

What are Transactions in MongoDB?

A transaction in MongoDB is a logical unit of work that consists of one or more operations, such as inserts, updates, or deletes, executed as a single, indivisible unit. Transactions ensure that either all the operations within a transaction are completed, or none of them are applied to the database. This guarantees data integrity and helps maintain a consistent state even in the presence of concurrent operations.

To use transactions in MongoDB, you need to make use of the multi-document transaction API. This API allows you to start a transaction, perform multiple operations within it, and then either commit the changes to the database or roll back the transaction, discarding any modifications made within it. Transactions can span multiple documents and collections, enabling complex operations involving multiple data points.

When a transaction is committed, MongoDB ensures durability by persisting the changes to disk, ensuring that they are recoverable even in the event of a system failure. If a transaction is rolled back, all the changes made within the transaction are discarded, reverting the database to its previous state.

MongoDB transactions also provide isolation by default, meaning that the changes made within a transaction are not visible to other concurrent transactions until the transaction is committed. This prevents data inconsistencies and conflicts that may arise from simultaneous modifications.

Transactions API

The Transactions API in MongoDB provides developers with a set of methods and operations to work with transactions within their applications. The API enables the management of ACID transactions, allowing for atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability.

To use the Transactions API, the following steps are typically involved:

  1. Start a Transaction:
    To begin a transaction, you use the startSession() method to create a session object. Sessions in MongoDB are used to group operations within a transaction. You can associate the session with a specific database and initiate the transaction.
  2. Define Operations:
    Within a transaction, you can perform multiple operations such as inserts, updates, and deletes. These operations can span multiple documents and collections. Each operation is executed within the context of the session, ensuring that they are part of the ongoing transaction.
  3. Commit or Rollback:
    After executing the desired operations, you can choose to either commit or rollback the transaction. When committing, the changes made within the transaction are permanently stored in the database, ensuring durability. On the other hand, rolling back the transaction discards any modifications made within it, reverting the database to its previous state.
  4. Handle Exceptions:
    During the execution of a transaction, exceptions may occur. If an exception is thrown, the transaction is automatically aborted and rolled back, ensuring that no partial changes are applied to the database. Proper exception handling is important to handle any potential errors and ensure data consistency.

The Transactions API also provides features such as read and write concerns, which allow you to define the level of consistency and isolation required for a specific transaction. Read concerns specify the consistency requirements for read operations within a transaction, while write concerns define the durability requirements for write operations.

By utilizing the Transactions API, developers can implement complex data operations that require multiple steps, ensuring that the integrity and consistency of the data are maintained throughout the transaction.

Transactions and Atomicity

Transactions and atomicity are closely related concepts in the context of database management systems. Atomicity refers to the property of a transaction where it is treated as an indivisible unit of work. In other words, either all the operations within a transaction are completed, or none of them are applied to the database. This ensures that the database remains in a consistent state even in the presence of failures or concurrent operations.

Transactions provide atomicity by grouping multiple operations and executing them as a single logical unit. When a transaction is initiated, the database management system creates a transaction context that keeps track of the modifications made within the transaction. The operations within the transaction are executed one after the other, and the changes are temporarily held in a separate area called the transaction log or undo log.

If all the operations within the transaction are successfully executed without any errors or exceptions, the transaction can be committed. Committing a transaction means that the changes made within the transaction are permanently applied to the database. The transaction log is then updated to reflect the successful completion of the transaction.

On the other hand, if any operation within the transaction fails or encounters an error, the transaction is rolled back. Rolling back a transaction means that all the changes made within the transaction are discarded, and the database is reverted to its previous state before the transaction started. The transaction log is updated to indicate the rollback of the transaction.

The atomicity property of transactions ensures that the database remains consistent even in the face of failures or concurrent access by multiple users. If an error occurs during the execution of a transaction, it is rolled back, preventing any partial modifications from being persisted. This guarantees that the database is always in a valid and consistent state.

By providing atomicity, transactions allow developers to implement complex data operations that involve multiple steps and ensure that the changes are applied to the database atomically. This property is essential for maintaining data integrity and consistency in database systems.

Transactions and Operations

Transactions and operations are fundamental components of database management systems, particularly when it comes to maintaining data integrity and consistency.


A transaction is a logical unit of work that groups multiple operations and treats them as a single, indivisible unit. Transactions ensure that all the operations within them are executed as a whole, either completely or not at all. The ACID properties (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability) govern the behavior of transactions, guaranteeing that the database remains in a consistent state.


Operations refer to individual actions performed on a database, such as inserts, updates, or deletes. These operations modify the data stored in the database according to the desired changes. Within a transaction, multiple operations can be executed in sequence or concurrently. The result of these operations collectively determines the outcome of the transaction.

Transactions and Operations Relationship: Transactions provide a mechanism to group operations and manage their execution in a controlled manner. By encapsulating operations within a transaction, changes made to the database are isolated from other concurrent operations until the transaction is completed. This isolation ensures that the consistency of the data is maintained throughout the transaction.

If all the operations within a transaction are successfully executed, the changes made by those operations are considered as a whole and can be committed to the database, making them permanent. However, if any operation encounters an error or fails, the transaction is rolled back, and all the changes made within the transaction are discarded. This ensures that no partial modifications are persisted, maintaining data integrity.

Transactions provide a level of reliability and consistency by ensuring that either all the operations within them succeed or none of them have any effect on the database. They provide a way to group related operations and maintain the correctness and integrity of the data. By using transactions, developers can perform complex and interdependent operations on the database while preserving data consistency and reliability.

Transactions and Sessions

Transactions and sessions are closely related concepts in the context of database management systems, particularly when it comes to maintaining the integrity and consistency of data.


A transaction is a logical unit of work that groups multiple database operations as a single, indivisible unit. It ensures that all the operations within the transaction are either completed or rolled back in case of failure. Transactions adhere to the ACID properties (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability) to guarantee data integrity and consistency. Transactions provide a way to perform complex operations on the database while maintaining data consistency.


A session represents a logical connection or context between a client application and the database. It maintains stateful information about the client's interaction with the database. Sessions allow for the execution of multiple operations within the same context, enabling features such as read/write concerns, transaction management, and client-specific settings. Sessions provide a way to maintain a consistent view of data and handle concurrent operations effectively.

Relationship between Transactions and Sessions: Sessions play a crucial role in managing transactions. When working with transactions, a session is typically created to associate the transaction with a specific client application. The session tracks the state and context of the transaction. All the operations within a transaction are executed within the context of the associated session. This ensures that the operations are part of the ongoing transaction and maintain the transaction's integrity.

Sessions allow for the initiation and management of transactions. Transactions can be started within a session using the session's transaction API. Operations performed within the session are considered part of the transaction until it is committed or rolled back. Sessions also provide mechanisms to handle transactional errors and exceptions, ensuring proper transaction management.

By associating transactions with sessions, developers can control the scope and behavior of transactions within their applications. Sessions provide the necessary context for executing operations within a transaction and maintaining data consistency. The combination of transactions and sessions enables developers to perform complex and interdependent database operations while ensuring data integrity and reliability.

Read Concern/Write Concern/Read Preference

Read Concern, Write Concern, and Read Preference are important concepts in MongoDB that allow developers to control the consistency, durability, and distribution of data when reading from and writing to the database.

Read Concern:
Read Concern defines the level of consistency required for read operations in MongoDB. It specifies the point in time from which a read operation should reflect the data changes. The available read concern options include:

  • local:
    Reads data from the primary replica set member or a secondary member if it has received the latest data from the primary.
  • majority:
    Reads data that has been acknowledged by a majority of replica set members, ensuring strong consistency.
  • linearizable:
    Provides linearizability, which guarantees that the read operation reflects the latest data and prevents reading stale or outdated information.

Write Concern:
Write Concern determines the level of acknowledgment and durability required for write operations in MongoDB. It specifies how many replica set members should acknowledge the write before it is considered successful. The available write concern options include:

  • acknowledged:
    Waits for the write operation to be acknowledged by the primary replica set member. This is the default write concern.
  • journaled:
    Ensures that the write operation is durably written to the journal before it is acknowledged.
  • majority:
    Requires acknowledgment from a majority of replica set members for increased durability and consistency.

Read Preference:
Read Preference defines how MongoDB distributes read operations across replica set members or sharded clusters. It allows developers to control where read operations are directed and enable load balancing and high availability. The available read preference options include:

  • primary:
    Directs read operations to the primary replica set member for the most up-to-date data.
  • secondary:
    Routes read operations to the secondary replica set members for improved scalability and availability.
  • primaryPreferred:
    Prefers the primary replica set member for reads but uses secondary members if the primary is unavailable.
  • secondaryPreferred:
    Prefers secondary replica set members for reads but uses the primary if no secondary members are available.
  • nearest:
    Routes read operations to the replica set member with the lowest network latency, regardless of its role.

By configuring the appropriate read concern, write concern, and read preference, developers can optimize the consistency, durability, and performance characteristics of their MongoDB applications based on their specific requirements.


In this article, we learned about the Transactions in MongoDB. Let us recap the points we discussed throughout the article:

  • Transactions in MongoDB ensure atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability (ACID) properties for multiple operations performed on the database.
  • A transaction is a logical unit of work that groups operations and treats them as a single, indivisible unit.
  • Transactions guarantee that either all the operations within a transaction are completed or none of them are applied to the database.
  • MongoDB's transaction API allows for complex operations involving multiple documents and collections.
  • Transactions can be started using the startSession() method, which creates a session object associated with the transaction.
  • Operations within a transaction are executed within the context of the session, ensuring their inclusion in the transaction.
  • Transactions can be committed, persisting the changes to the database, or rolled back, discarding any modifications made within the transaction.
  • MongoDB ensures durability by persisting committed changes to disk, making them recoverable in case of system failures.
  • Transactions provide isolation by ensuring that the changes made within a transaction are not visible to other concurrent transactions until the transaction is committed.
  • Proper exception handling is important to handle errors and ensure the integrity of the data within transactions.
  • By utilizing transactions, developers can perform complex data operations while maintaining data integrity and consistency in MongoDB.