What are Indexes?

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In this article, we are going to learn about What are Indexes in MongoDB. Before getting started, let us get a short overview of the topic.

What are Indexes in MongoDB: In MongoDB, indexes are a way to optimize the performance of database queries. They are data structures that store a subset of the data in a collection in an easy-to-traverse form. When a query is executed, MongoDB can use these indexes to quickly find the documents that match the query criteria. Overall, indexes are a powerful tool for optimizing MongoDB query performance, but they should be used judiciously and with an understanding of their impact on both read and write performance.

So let us now begin with the main agenda of our article, What are Indexes in MongoDB?


Everyone loves reading books, and in every book, you might have observed there is an index page in every book. An index page is a list of the important topics or keywords contained within the book, along with the page numbers where they can be found.

For example, if you were reading a book on gardening, the index might include entries for topics such as "composting," "pruning," and "fertilization." Each entry would list the page numbers where those topics are discussed in the book.

With the help of indexing in books, you can easily find the topic, which you want to read, without going through the entire book. If you wanted to learn about pruning, for example, you could simply look up "pruning" in the index and find the pages where that topic is discussed, rather than having to search through the entire book.

Similarly, in MongoDB, indexes serve a similar purpose. They provide a way to quickly find specific documents within a large collection by creating a list of the important fields and their values. This allows MongoDB to quickly find the documents that match a specific query, without having to scan through the entire collection.

Just like an index in a book, indexes in MongoDB can greatly improve performance and make it easier to find the information you need. Now, moving on to the professional explanation.

In MongoDB, indexes are a way to optimize the performance of database queries by providing a way to quickly locate the documents that match a specific query.

Indexes are created on one or more fields within a collection and store a subset of the data in a collection in an easy-to-traverse form. When a query is executed, MongoDB can use these indexes to quickly find the documents that match the query criteria, rather than scanning through the entire collection.

Creating indexes can greatly improve the performance of read queries, especially those that involve sorting or filtering large amounts of data. However, indexes do come with a cost in terms of storage space and write performance, as MongoDB needs to update the indexes whenever new documents are added or existing documents are modified. Therefore, it's important to carefully consider which fields to index and to monitor the impact of indexes on overall database performance.

In MongoDB, indexes can be created in ascending or descending order, and can also be created as unique, meaning that no two documents in the collection can have the same value for the indexed field(s).

What is Indexing in MongoDB?

Indexing in MongoDB involves creating data structures that optimize the performance of database queries. These structures store a subset of the data in a collection in a way that facilitates fast access to the documents that match a particular query, rather than scanning through the entire collection.

Indexing can be implemented on one or more fields within a collection and defined in ascending or descending order. Unique indexes can also be created to ensure that no two documents in the collection have the same value for the indexed field(s).

By strategically creating indexes on specific fields, MongoDB can greatly enhance query performance, especially for read queries involving sorting or filtering large amounts of data. However, care should be taken when selecting which fields to index and monitoring the impact of indexes on overall database performance, as they can consume storage space and affect write performance.

Ultimately, indexing is a crucial tool for optimizing query performance in MongoDB and enhancing the efficiency and responsiveness of applications.

Advantages of Indexing

Here are some advantages of indexing in MongoDB:

Faster query performance: Indexing allows MongoDB to quickly find the relevant documents for a specific query, rather than scanning through the entire collection. This can significantly speed up query performance, especially for large collections or complex queries.

Improved read performance: By creating indexes on specific fields, MongoDB can quickly retrieve and return only the data that is required for a query, rather than returning the entire document. This can improve read performance and reduce the amount of network traffic required to serve a request.

Efficient sorting and filtering: Indexing can be used to speed up queries that require sorting or filtering large amounts of data, making it easier to extract relevant information from a collection.

Data integrity: By creating unique indexes on specific fields, MongoDB can ensure that no two documents in a collection have the same value for those fields. This can help prevent data integrity issues and ensure the accuracy of your application's data.

Flexibility: MongoDB supports a variety of indexing options, including single-field, multi-field, and text indexes, allowing developers to tailor their indexing strategy to the specific needs of their application.

Overall, indexing is a powerful tool for optimizing query performance, improving read performance, ensuring data integrity, and enhancing the overall efficiency and responsiveness of MongoDB applications.

MongoDB Index Commands

Here are some MongoDB commands related to indexing:

Create a Single Index

This command creates a single index on a specified field of a MongoDB collection. To create a single index in MongoDB, you can use the createIndex() method. Here's the basic syntax:


In this syntax, the collection is the name of the collection you want to create the index on, the field is the name of the field you want to index, and 1 is the direction of the index (1 for ascending, -1 for descending).

Here's an example of creating a single index on a field called name in a collection called users:

This creates an ascending index on the name field.

You can also create an index on multiple fields by passing in an object with multiple fields and directions. Here's an example:

This creates an ascending index on the name field and a descending index on the age field.

Note that creating an index on a large collection can take some time, especially if the collection is actively being used. It's best to create indexes during off-peak hours or when there is low activity on the database.

Create a Unique Index

This command creates a unique index on a specified field of a MongoDB collection, ensuring that no two documents in the collection have the same value for the indexed field. To create a unique index in MongoDB, you can use the createIndex() method with the unique option set to true. Here's the basic syntax:


In this syntax, the collection is the name of the collection you want to create the unique index on, the field is the name of the field you want to index, and 1 is the direction of the index (1 for ascending, -1 for descending).


Here's an example of creating a unique index on a field called email in a collection called users:

This creates a unique ascending index on the email field, which ensures that no two documents in the collection can have the same value for the email field.

Note that if you try to insert a document with a duplicate value for the indexed field, MongoDB will throw a DuplicateKeyError. If you want to create a unique index that allows for null or missing values, you can use the sparse option. Here's an example:

This creates a unique ascending index on the email field but allows documents that do not have an email field or have a null value for the email field.

Create a Compound Index

This command creates a compound index on two or more specified fields of a MongoDB collection. To create a compound index in MongoDB, you can use the createIndex() method with an object that contains the fields you want to index as keys and their sort order (ascending or descending) as values. Here's the basic syntax:


In this syntax, collection is the name of the collection you want to create the index on, field1 and field2 are the names of the fields you want to index, and 1 and -1 indicate the sort order (ascending and descending, respectively).


Here's an example of creating a compound index on two fields, category and price, in a collection called products:

This creates a compound index on the category and price fields, with categories sorted in ascending order and prices sorted in descending order.

Compound indexes can be useful for queries that involve multiple fields, as they can allow MongoDB to use the index to satisfy a query even if the query doesn't include all of the fields in the index. However, keep in mind that compound indexes can be larger than single-field indexes, so you'll want to be judicious about creating them.

Create an Index on the Nested Field

This command creates an index on a specified nested field of a MongoDB collection. To create an index on a nested field in MongoDB, you can use the dot notation (.) to specify the field path in the index object. Here's the basic syntax:


In this syntax, the collection is the name of the collection you want to create the index on, nested is the name of the nested field object, and field is the name of the field within the nested object you want to index. The 1 value specifies the index should be sorted in ascending order.


Here's an example of creating an index on a nested field called address.city in a collection called users:

This creates an ascending index on the city field within the address nested object.

You can also create a compound index on a nested field and other fields in the same document by including the nested field path in the index object along with the other fields. Here's an example:

This creates a compound index on the name field and the city field within the address nested object, with both fields sorted in ascending order.

Note that when querying a nested field index, you need to use the dot notation (.) to specify the full path to the field. For example:

This query will use the address.city index to find all documents where the city field within the address nested object is New York.

Get All Indexes

This command returns a list of all indexes on a specified MongoDB collection. To get a list of all indexes on a collection in MongoDB, you can use the getIndexes() method. Here's the basic syntax:


In this syntax, the collection is the name of the collection you want to retrieve the indexes.


Here's an example of retrieving all indexes on a collection called users:

This will return a cursor that contains information about all indexes on the user's collection, including the index name, the fields that are indexed, and any options that were used when the index was created.

Note that the _id index is created automatically for every collection in MongoDB, so it will always appear in the list of indexes even if you didn't create it explicitly.

Remove an Index

This command removes a specified index from a MongoDB collection. To remove an index in MongoDB, you can use the dropIndex() method. Here's the basic syntax:


In this syntax, the collection is the name of the collection that the index belongs to, and indexName is the name of the index you want to remove.


Here's an example of dropping an index called email_1 from a collection called users:

This will remove the email_1 index from the user's collection. If you're not sure what the name of the index is, you can use the getIndexes() method to retrieve a list of all indexes on the collection and their names, and then pass the name of the index you want to remove to dropIndex().

Note that dropping an index will cause MongoDB to rebuild the indexes on the collection, which can be a time-consuming operation for collections with a large number of documents. If you need to drop an index and then immediately recreate it with different options or fields, you may want to use the reIndex() method instead, which will rebuild all of the indexes on the collection without dropping them first.

Analyze Query Performance after Indexing

To analyze query performance after indexing in MongoDB you can use multiple methods, let us discuss them in detail.

Using $explain

To analyze query performance after indexing in MongoDB, you can use the $explain() method. The $explain() method returns a document that contains information about how MongoDB executed the query, including which index (if any) was used to satisfy the query, the number of documents that were examined during the query, and other statistics.


Here's the basic syntax for using the $explain() method:

In this syntax, the collection is the name of the collection you want to query, the query is the query object you want to execute, and .explain() is the method that returns the query plan.


For example, if you have a collection called users and you want to find all documents where the name field is equal to John, you could use the following query:

To see how MongoDB executed this query and which index (if any) was used, you could append the .explain() method to the query like this:

This would return a document that contains information about how the query was executed, including whether an index was used to satisfy the query, the number of documents that were examined, and other statistics.

By analyzing the output of the explain() method, you can get a better understanding of how your indexes are being used by MongoDB and identify any queries that may benefit from additional indexing. For example, if the output of the explain() method indicates that a query is not using an index, you may want to create an index on the fields that are being queried to improve performance.

Query Performance without Index

Query performance in MongoDB can be significantly impacted when a query is executed without an index. Without an index, MongoDB must scan every document in a collection to find the documents that match the query, which can be very slow and resource-intensive for large collections.

To illustrate the impact of indexing on query performance, let's consider an example. Let's say there is a collection of users in MongoDB, which consists of 10,000 documents, and we want to filter those documents in which the age field is more than or equal to 30. Without an index on the age field, MongoDB would need to scan all 10,000 documents in the user's collection to find the matching documents. This could take a significant amount of time and use a lot of resources, especially if the collection is very large.

To measure the impact of indexing on query performance, you can use the explain() method to see how MongoDB executed the query. For example, you could run the following query to find all documents where the age field is greater than or equal to 30:

If you append the .explain() method to the query like this:

You'll see the query execution plan. If there is no index on the age field, you'll likely see that the query is performing a COLLSCAN (that is, a collection scan), which means that MongoDB is scanning every document in the collection to find the matching documents. This is a slow and resource-intensive operation.

To improve the performance of this query, you could create an index on the age field like this:

This creates an ascending index on the age field. Once the index has been created, you can re-run the query and append the .explain() method to see the query execution plan. With the index in place, you should see that MongoDB is using the index to satisfy the query, which should result in much faster and more efficient query execution.

Query Performance After Index

Query performance in MongoDB can be significantly improved by creating appropriate indexes on the fields that are frequently queried. Once an index is created, MongoDB can use the index to efficiently find the matching documents and return the results to the client.

To measure the impact of indexing on query performance, you can use the explain() method to see how MongoDB executed the query. For example, let's say you have a collection called users with 10,000 documents, and you want to find all documents where the age field is greater than or equal to 30. If you create an index on the age field like this:

You can then run the following query to find all documents where the age field is greater than or equal to 30:

If you append the .explain() method to the query like this:

You'll see the query execution plan. With the index in place, you should see that MongoDB is using the index to satisfy the query, which should result in much faster and more efficient query execution. The query execution plan should show that the query is performing an IXSCAN (that is, an index scan) on the age index, which means that MongoDB is using the index to find the matching documents.

By analyzing the output of the explain() method, you can get a better understanding of how your indexes are being used by MongoDB and identify any queries that may benefit from additional indexing. For example, if the output of the explain() method indicates that a query is not using an index, you may want to create an index on the fields that are being queried to improve performance.


In this article, we learned about What are Indexes in MongoDB. Let us recap the points we discussed throughout the article:

  • In MongoDB, indexes are a way to optimize the performance of database queries.
  • Indexes are data structures that store a subset of the data in a collection in an easy-to-traverse form.
  • When a query is executed, MongoDB can use these indexes to quickly find the documents that match the query criteria.
  • Overall, indexes are a powerful tool for optimizing MongoDB query performance, but they should be used judiciously and with an understanding of their impact on both read and write performance.
  • In MongoDB, indexes can be created in ascending or descending order, and can also be created as unique, meaning that no two documents in the collection can have the same value for the indexed field(s).
  • By strategically creating indexes on specific fields, MongoDB can greatly enhance query performance, especially for read queries involving sorting or filtering large amounts of data.
  • some advantages of indexing in MongoDB are Faster query performance, Improved read performance, Efficient sorting and filtering, Data integrity, and Flexibility.
  • To create a single index in MongoDB, you can use the createIndex() method.
  • To create a unique index in MongoDB, you can use the createIndex() method with the unique option set to true.
  • To create a compound index in MongoDB, you can use the createIndex() method with an object that contains the fields you want to index as keys and their sort order (ascending or descending) as values.
  • To create an index on a nested field in MongoDB, you can use the dot notation (.) to specify the field path in the index object.
  • To get a list of all indexes on a collection in MongoDB, you can use the getIndexes() method.
  • To remove an index in MongoDB, you can use the dropIndex() method.
  • To analyze query performance after indexing in MongoDB, you can use the $explain() method.
  • The $explain() method returns a document that contains information about how MongoDB executed the query, including which index (if any) was used to satisfy the query, the number of documents that were examined during the query, and other statistics.