React MUI Input Component

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The React MUI Input component is a part of the Material-UI library, which is a popular UI framework for building modern web applications. It provides a set of pre-designed and customizable input fields that adhere to the Material Design guidelines. These inputs are not only visually appealing but also highly functional and accessible.

Basic Example

Creating a basic input field with Material-UI is incredibly simple.

This code creates a basic input field using the React MUI Input component.

Fixed Labels

To create a text input field with a fixed label that doesn’t animate when you start typing, you can use the InputProps property with the shrink attribute set to true.

This configuration creates a text input field with a fixed label that remains in place, providing a clear and static reference for the input.

Floating Labels

To create a text input field with a floating label that animates when you start typing, you can use the React MUI Input component without any additional configuration because floating labels are the default behavior.

In this code, we’re using the TextField component from Material-UI without any additional properties or configurations. By default, the label for the input will float above the input field when it gains focus, providing a dynamic and interactive user experience.

Controlled Componenets

Controlled components are input fields in React where the value is controlled by the application’s state. To create a controlled input using the React MUI Input component, you need to specify the value prop to bind it to a state variable and provide an onChange handler function to update that state variable when the input value changes. Here’s an example:

In this example, We use the useState hook to define a state variable inputValue to hold the value of the controlled input.

We create a handleChange function that is called whenever the input value changes. Inside this function, we update the inputValue state variable with the new value from the input field.

The TextField component has its value prop bound to the inputValue state variable, making it a controlled component. This means the input field’s value will always reflect the value of inputValue.

Uncontrolled Components

Uncontrolled components are input fields in React where the value is managed by the DOM itself rather than being controlled by React state. To create an uncontrolled input using the React MUI Input component, you can use the defaultValue prop to set an initial value, and React will leave the control to the DOM. Here’s an example:

In this example, We use the TextField component from Material-UI and provide it with a defaultValue prop, which sets the initial value of the input field.


The React MUI Input component, provided by the Material-UI library, offers a variety of properties (props) that allow you to customize its behavior and appearance.

  • label: Specifies the label for the input.
  • variant: Determines the visual style of the input field (e.g., “outlined,” “filled”).
  • disabled: Disables the input field, making it non-interactive.
  • error: Indicates an error state for the input.
  • helperText: Provides additional context or information related to the input, typically displayed below the input field.
  • value: Binds the input value to a controlled component by connecting it to a React state variable.
  • defaultValue: Sets the initial value for an uncontrolled component.
  • onChange: Specifies the function to be called when the input value changes (used in controlled components).
  • InputProps: Allows customization of the underlying input element. You can use this prop to add attributes like type, name, or other HTML attributes to the input field.
  • inputProps: Similar to InputProps, but specific to the input element. Useful for adding custom attributes or event handlers directly to the input.
  • placeholder: Provides a placeholder text within the input field.
  • multiline: Specifies whether the input field should be a multiline textarea.
  • rows: Sets the number of rows for a multiline input.
  • rowsMax: Defines the maximum number of rows for a multiline input.
  • autoFocus: Automatically focuses on the input field when the component is mounted.
  • select: Turns the input into a select field, allowing users to choose from a list of options.
  • SelectProps: Customizes the behavior of the select field when used with select.
  • fullWidth: Expands the input field to fill the available width.
  • inputRef: Allows you to get a reference to the input element for programmatic access.
  • multiline: Indicates whether the input should accept multiple lines of text.


  • The React MUI Input component offers versatile input options suitable for various web applications, ensuring flexibility in design.
  • Adhering to Material Design principles, it provides a visually appealing and consistent user interface that users find engaging.
  • You can choose to implement fixed labels, which remain static for clear reference within input fields, enhancing user experience.
  • Alternatively, you can opt for floating labels that gracefully animate when users interact with the input, adding dynamism to the UI.
  • Controlled components empower developers to have precise control over input values by connecting them to React state variables.