Multi-user Operating System

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An operating system that allows and grants permission to multiple users to access underlying hardware resources simultaneously is a Multi-user operating system. Multi-user operating systems get used in large organizations, e-commerce sectors, government institutions, educational institutions, and large-scale universities. The servers grant permission to multiple users for simultaneous access to the operating system, hardware, and kernel.

What is a Multi-User Operating System?

A multi-user operating system is an operating system that allows multiple users to access underlying hardware resources simultaneously. Multiple users access the operating system with the help of many terminals connected to a network. The objective of a multi-user operating system is time-sharing and batch processing.

Components of a Multi-User Operating System

A multi-user operating system has four types of software components. Let us learn about each of them in detail.

  • Kernel - The Kernel is the low-level component of a Multi-user operating system written in a low-level programming language. It is present in the main memory of the computer system. It can interact directly with the hardware of the system.
  • Device handler - Every input and output device has its device handler. The primary goal of a device handler is to provide requests from the entire device request pool, which is a queue that follows the first-in, first-out method. The device handler cycle works continuously, discarding the request blocks of the input/output received from the queue side.
  • Spooler - A Spooler in a Multi-user operating system stands for Simultaneous Peripheral Output On Line and is responsible for executing all processes running on the computer. It also provides relevant results at the same time. It mediates between a computer application and peripheral devices such as a printer.
  • User Interface - A user interface sets up interaction and communication between humans (users) and computers ( software/hardware ) in a device. Its objective is to create an easily accessible and simplified working platform that serves the needs of all users.

Working of Multi-User Operating System

The multi-user operating system works on a single system called the master system. This system can be accessed by multiple users on the network from anywhere at their convenience. The users have their local view of the system, known as the working model. All users can create a new file and update and delete it in the local area of their working model. However, the changes remain hidden from the other users until they save them from their working model to the master system.

Features of the Multi-user Operating System

  • Multi-tasking - A multi-user operating system can perform multiple programs simultaneously.
  • Resource sharing - A multi-user operating system can share multiple peripherals or resources, such as printers, hard drives, fax machines, plotters, etc. This feature helps to share files, documents, and data among users. This feature maps to time-slicing, where a tiny slice of CPU time gets allocated to all users.
  • Background processing - A multi-user operating system can process tasks in the backend if they are not allowed to process in the front. It also allows simultaneous processing and interaction of programs with the system.

Types of Multi-user Operating Systems

The multi-user operating system is classified into three different types - Distributed systems, Multi-processor systems, and Time-sliced systems.

Distributed Operating Systems

The entire system in the distributed operating system is a network through which the end-users communicate or operate. Distributed operating system, also called distributed computing, is a compilation of multiple components. The components are distributed over multiple computers to help the end-user interact and coordinate like a single coherent system.

Time Sliced Systems

It is a system where each user task is assigned a short period of CPU time. The CPU time gets divided into time slices where each slice is too small for the user. This method of dividing the CPU time is known as time slicing. Time slicing is a scheduling algorithm also called Round Robin Scheduling. It gives equal opportunity to all the processes running in the system to use CPU time.

Multiprocessor Systems

`Multiprocessor systems are systems that use multiple processors at the same time. Using multiple processors increases the system performance as all the processors run side by side. It works at a pace that is faster than the single-processor operating system. In a multiprocessor system, if one processor fails, another processor completes its assigned tasks.

Advantages of the Multi-user Operating System

  • Avoids Disruption: A multi-user operating system has multiple computers and devices operating and running on the same network. Thus, the damage to one computer in the network does not affect others. Thus it avoids disruption, which is the most significant advantage of a multi-user operating system.
  • Distribution of Resources: One user can share the file they are working on to be visible to other users. Thus, any user who requires it can access the file whenever they want. For example, if a user wants to view the ppt file of some other user, the user working on it can share it so that other users can access it.
  • Used in Airlines, Railways, and Buses: The ticket reservation system uses a multi-user operating system wherein multiple users can log in, book a ticket, cancel a ticket, and check the availability or the status of the booked ticket simultaneously.
  • Backing up of Data: The multi-user operating system makes the backing up of data easier as it gets done on the machine used by the user.
  • Stability of servers: The multi-user operating system provides remote access to servers from all countries in different time zones. The up-gradation of hardware and software with the latest technologies makes the server systematic and stable.

Disadvantages of the Multi-user Operating System

  • Virus: In the multi-user operating system, if a virus gets into a single network of computers, it will pave the way for the virus to affect all the computers in the network.

  • Visibility of data: Privacy of data and information becomes a concern as all the information in the computers gets shared in public.

Example of Multi-user Operating System

Linux, Mac OS X, Windows 1010, Unix, and Ubuntu are examples of Multi-user Operating systems.

Single User vs Multi-user Operating System

Single-user operating systemMulti-user operating system
In the single-user operating system, only one user can access the resources and perform its tasks.In the multi-user operating system, multiple users can access the resources simultaneously.
It is simple.It is complex.
This operating system supports standalone systems.This operating system doesn't support standalone systems.
Single-user operating system is of two types - Single user Single task Operating System and Single-user Multi-task Operating System.Multi-user operating system is of three types - time-sharing operating system, distributed operating system, and multiprocessor system.
MS-DOS is an example of a single-user operating system.Linux, Unix, Ubuntu, and Windows are examples of multi-user operating systems.

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  • An operating system that allows and grants permission to multiple users to access underlying hardware resources simultaneously is a multi-user operating system.
  • It is of three types - a time-sharing operating system, a distributed operating system, and a multiprocessor system.
  • Its features include background processing, resource sharing, and multitasking.
  • It has various advantages like avoiding disruption, backing up data, and distributing resources, and is also used in ticket reservation systems, educational institutions, and libraries.
  • With the advantages come the disadvantages. Its disadvantages include the disturbance caused in the whole network by a virus entering a single computer and the data visibility.