MySQL Constraints

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MySQL constraints ensure data accuracy, consistency, and integrity in database tables, and can be applied to columns to limit inserted or updated values. Common constraints include NOT NULL, UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY, and CHECK. Constraints can be modified with SQL commands and used with triggers and stored procedures to enforce business rules. Understanding NULL in MySQL is important in enforcing constraints.

Composite Constraints in SQL Server also allow multiple constraints to be combined. Constraints are necessary for maintaining accurate and efficient database operations, establishing relationships between tables, and ensuring data consistency.


The general syntax for creating constraints in MySQL is as follows:

where table_name is the name of the table, column1, column2, column3, etc. are the names of the columns, the datatype is the data type of the column, and constraint is the constraint that is applied to the column.

What is Data Integrity in MySQL?

Data Integrity in MySQL ensures accurate, consistent, and reliable data. It's enforced through constraints, triggers, and stored procedures. Constraints automatically check data and prevent storage if it doesn't comply. Triggers execute in response to events and enforce complex rules. Stored procedures encapsulate business logic, ensuring Data Integrity for specific rules like valid email addresses or date ranges.

For more details the following article can be checked: Data integrity in sql

What are the Constraints in MySQL?

Constraints in MySQL are a set of rules that define the allowable values and relationships between the data in a table. They are used to enforce Data Integrity, which ensures that the data entered into a database is accurate, consistent, and reliable. Constraints can be defined at the column level or the table level, and they are used to enforce various rules, such as unique values, referential integrity, and data type restrictions.

MySQL provides several types of MySQL constraints, including Primary Key, Foreign Key, Unique, Not Null, Check, and Default constraints. Primary Key constraints ensure that each record in a table is unique and can be accessed quickly and efficiently.

Why do we Need Constraints?

  • Data Integrity:
    Constraints ensure that data entered into a database is accurate, consistent, and trustworthy.
  • Preventing Invalid Data:
    Constraints prevent the insertion of data that does not meet specified criteria, such as data type restrictions, unique values, and referential integrity.
  • Error Handling:
    When data doesn't meet criteria, MySQL generates errors and prevents invalid data from being stored, reducing data inconsistencies and errors.
  • Query Performance:
    Constraints enable MySQL to create indexes on relevant columns, improving query execution speed.
  • Storage Efficiency:
    Constraints prevent duplicate data and unnecessary columns, reducing storage space requirements.
  • Security:
    Constraints enhance database security by preventing unauthorized access and helping to prevent data breaches and leaks.

Understanding NULL in MySQL

NULL in MySQL represents a missing or unknown data value. It's distinct from zero or an empty string and can impact database operations. For instance, arithmetic operations with NULL result in NULL, and concatenating a string with NULL also yields NULL. This can cause unexpected outcomes and errors. To handle NULL values effectively, use operators like IS NULL or IS NOT NULL to explicitly check for their presence or absence.

Some of the Common MySQL Constraints are:


The NOT NULL constraint is used in MySQL to ensure that a column in a table cannot contain a NULL value. This means that when a record is inserted or updated, the specified column must contain a valid value. If a NULL value is attempted to be inserted into a NOT NULL column, MySQL will generate an error and prevent the data from being stored in the database.


The UNIQUE constraint in MySQL is used to ensure that the data in a specific column or a combination of columns is unique across all records in a table. This means that the column(s) specified with the UNIQUE constraint cannot contain duplicate values. When a record is inserted or updated, MySQL checks the specified column(s) for existing values and generates an error if a duplicate value is found. The UNIQUE constraint is commonly used to enforce Data Integrity by ensuring that data is consistent and accurate. It is often applied to columns such as usernames, email addresses, or other unique identifiers to prevent the entry of duplicate values.


The PRIMARY KEY constraint in MySQL is used to uniquely identify each record in a table. It is a special type of constraint that specifies a column or a combination of columns that uniquely identify each record in the table. The values in the PRIMARY KEY column(s) must be unique and cannot contain NULL values. The PRIMARY KEY constraint is used to enforce Data Integrity by ensuring that each record in the table is unique and can be accessed quickly and efficiently.


The FOREIGN KEY constraint in MySQL is used to establish a relationship between two tables based on the values in a column or a combination of columns. The FOREIGN KEY constraint is used to ensure that the data in the child table (the table with the FOREIGN KEY constraint) corresponds to the data in the parent table (the table with the PRIMARY KEY constraint).


The CHECK constraint in MySQL is used to ensure that the values in a column or a combination of columns meet specific conditions. The CHECK constraint specifies a condition that must be met by the values in the column(s). When a record is inserted or updated, MySQL checks the values in the specified column(s) to ensure that they meet the condition specified in the CHECK constraint. If the condition is not met, MySQL generates an error and prevents the data from being stored in the database.


The DEFAULT constraint in MySQL is used to specify a default value for a column in a table. When a record is inserted and a value is not specified for a column with a DEFAULT constraint, MySQL will automatically assign the default value to the column. The DEFAULT constraint can be applied to columns of various data types such as integers, strings, or dates. The DEFAULT constraint is commonly used to ensure that each record in a table has a value for a specific column, even if it is not specified during insertion.


The AUTO_INCREMENT constraint in MySQL is used to automatically generate a unique value for a column when a new record is inserted into a table. The AUTO_INCREMENT constraint can be applied to a column of the INTEGER data type, and MySQL will automatically increment the value by 1 for each new record that is inserted into the table. This ensures that each record in the table has a unique identifier that can be used to identify it.

The AUTO_INCREMENT constraint is commonly used with the PRIMARY KEY constraint, as it provides a quick and easy way to generate unique identifiers for each record in the table. The AUTO_INCREMENT constraint is an important feature of MySQL database design and schema management, as it simplifies the process of generating unique identifiers.

Imposing Constraint in MySQL

MySQL offers various constraints that can be imposed on the table's columns to enforce data integrity and consistency. Constraints can be used to specify rules that restrict or govern data that is entered into a database table. Constraints can be imposed either at the column level or the table level. The most common types of constraints in MySQL include NOT NULL, UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY, CHECK, and DEFAULT. These constraints can help to ensure data accuracy, reduce errors and inconsistencies, and maintain data integrity.

Imposing MySQL Constraint at Column Level

To impose a constraint at the column level in MySQL, you can specify the constraints while defining the column in the CREATE TABLE statement. Imposing constraints at the column level allows for more granular control over the data that is entered into the table.

For example, suppose we have a table called "customers" with columns such as "id," "name," and "email." We can impose constraints on each column to ensure data accuracy and consistency. We can impose a PRIMARY KEY constraint on the "id" column, a UNIQUE constraint on the "email" column, a CHECK constraint on the "age" column, and a DEFAULT constraint on the "status" column.

Imposing MySQL Constraint at Table Level

MySQL Constraints can also be imposed at the table level in MySQL. Table-level constraints are imposed on one or more columns and enforce business rules that apply to the entire table. The most common types of table-level constraints include CHECK, FOREIGN KEY, and UNIQUE. When imposing constraints at the table level, you can either specify the constraint as part of the CREATE TABLE statement or alter an existing table to add or modify the constraints.

To impose constraints in MySQL, you can use the CREATE TABLE statement. When creating a table, you can specify the constraints that should be applied to the columns in the table. The following are some examples of how to impose constraints in MySQL:

  • NOT NULL constraint:
    To impose a NOT NULL constraint on a column, you can add the keyword "NOT NULL" after the column name in the CREATE TABLE statement. For example,

  • UNIQUE constraint:
    To impose a UNIQUE constraint on a column, you can add the keyword "UNIQUE" after the column name in the CREATE TABLE statement. For example,

  • PRIMARY KEY constraint:
    To impose a PRIMARY KEY constraint on a column, you can add the keyword "PRIMARY KEY" after the column name in the CREATE TABLE statement. For example,

  • FOREIGN KEY constraint:
    To impose a FOREIGN KEY constraint on a column, you can add the keyword "FOREIGN KEY" after the column name in the CREATE TABLE statement. You must also specify the table and column that the FOREIGN KEY refers to. For example,

  • CHECK constraint:
    To impose a CHECK constraint on a column, you can use the keyword "CHECK" followed by the condition that the values in the column must meet. For example,

  • DEFAULT constraint:
    To impose a DEFAULT constraint on a column, you can use the keyword "DEFAULT" followed by the default value for the column. For example,

Creating Constraint with User-defined Name in MySQL

In MySQL, it is possible to create constraints with user-defined names. By default, MySQL assigns a system-generated name to each constraint that is created. However, user-defined names can be useful for identifying and managing constraints in a database. User-defined names can be more meaningful and easier to remember than system-generated names.

To create a constraint with a user-defined name, you can use the CONSTRAINT keyword followed by the desired name. The name should be unique within the table and should follow the naming conventions for database objects. The constraint name can be used later to modify or drop the constraint.

For example, suppose we have a table called "employees" with columns such as "emp_id," "emp_name," and "dept_id." We want to create a foreign key constraint on the "dept_id" column that references the "departments" table. We can give the constraint a user-defined name "fk_employee_dept" as follows:

In this example, the foreign key constraint is given the name fk_employee_dept using the CONSTRAINT keyword. This name can be used later to modify or drop the constraint if needed.

What are Composite Constraints in SQL Server?

In SQL Server, a composite constraint is a type of constraint that involves two or more columns in a table. Composite constraints are used to enforce rules that involve multiple columns, such as ensuring that a combination of column values is unique or that the values in one column are related to the values in another column.

The most common type of composite constraint is a composite primary key, which is a primary key that consists of two or more columns. This is useful when a table does not have a single column that can uniquely identify each row, but a combination of columns can. For example, a table that stores orders might use a composite primary key consisting of the order ID and customer ID to ensure that each order is unique.

Another type of composite constraint is a composite unique constraint, which ensures that a combination of column values is unique. This is useful when certain combinations of column values should not be duplicated in the table. For example, let's say you have a table called "employees" with columns "employee_id", "first_name", and "last_name". You want to ensure that no two employees have the same combination of first and last names. You can create a composite unique constraint on the "first_name" and "last_name" columns like this:

In addition to composite primary keys and composite unique constraints, SQL Server supports other types of composite constraints such as check constraints and foreign key constraints. Check constraints are used to enforce rules on column values, such as ensuring that a column contains only positive numbers. Foreign key constraints are used to enforce relationships between tables, such as ensuring that a column in one table references a column in another table.


  • MySQL constraints are used to enforce rules on data in a database and ensure data integrity and consistency.
  • Constraints in MySQL can be defined at the column level or the table level.
  • MySQL supports various types of constraints such as NOT NULL, UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY, CHECK, DEFAULT, and AUTO_INCREMENT.
  • Constraints can be imposed using SQL statements such as CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE.
  • User-defined constraint names can be used to identify and manage constraints in a database.
  • Composite constraints in SQL Server involve two or more columns and are used to enforce rules that involve multiple columns, such as ensuring unique combinations of column values or enforcing relationships between tables.