Top Node.Js Projects

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NodeJS was released in 2009 as a JavaScript runtime environment to create server-side applications. With the ever-increasing popularity of JavaScript, app development in NodeJS is becoming more and more common. Whether it's a social networking, messaging, or another type of application, Node.js is an ideal platform for building your next web application.


Node.js is the most popular JavaScript Runtime environment. It allows developers to develop server-side applications. Node.js can run on any operating system but the core is written in JavaScript. It allows programmers to build large networked applications quickly by using JavaScript as the main language and reuse code across the application. This means JavaScript can be used for both front-end and back-end applications and the APIs as well.

Node.js is a platform built on Chrome's V8 engine for quickly building fast, scalable network applications. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices. Node.js applications can access the network, hardware devices, files, and other services for the real-time processing of data.

Node.js is open-source and cross-platform. There is huge community support for Node.js as there are over a million libraries contributed by the community for Node js projects and application development. All of the above-mentioned features make node.js one of the best and most popular platforms for Web Development. The best way to learn web development is by doing node.js projects.

Node.JS Projects for Beginners

node js project photo gallery app

Suggested Technologies:

  • Back-end: Node.js, ExpressJS
  • Front-end: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Database: Image Files

We can make node js projects to display the photo gallery of an individual. We can use Node.js at the back end for a server that can fetch photos from an image file hosting database or server and then using HTML and CSS, we can display these images. With JavaScript, we can add functionality where we only need to create a display template for a single image and then use the same template for every image.

Other Suggested Features:

  • Aesthetically pleasing gallery display using CSS.
  • Image date and time display.
  • Search and Sort Images feature
  • Add Favourites feature

Todo List

node js projects todo list app

Suggested Technologies:

  • Back-end: Node.js, ExpressJS
  • Front-end: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Database: MySQL

We can make node js projects that can help us to keep a track of our tasks in a to-do list. The application should have the option to:

  • Create Tasks
  • Display Tasks
  • Delete Tasks
  • Edit Tasks

For this, we can use a MySQL database and we can make services that will perform the above-mentioned operations on the database. The tasks can be displayed in a list format to the browser using HTML and CSS. There can be buttons to add or delete tasks that can have JavaScript events.

Other Suggested Features:

  • Searching for tasks
  • Deleting multiple tasks at once
  • Adding Date and Time to a task

Chat Application

node js projects chat app

Suggested Technologies:

  • Back-end: Node.js,, WebSockets
  • Front-end: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

We can make real-time chat node js projects for beginners using WebSockets. For this, we can install a very popular NPM package - Sockets allow client-servers to have bi-directional communication in real-time which will enable a chatroom experience. The number of users can be more than two and using a simple HTML Form and JavaScript events, we can make the front-end display the messages from the users.

Other Suggested Features:

  • User Authentication and Authorization
  • Ability to send non-text messages
  • Responsive design so that the app can be easily used on a mobile.

Movies Lister

node js projects movies lister app

Suggested Technologies:

  • Back-end: Node.js, ExpressJS
  • Front-end: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Database: MySQL

We can make node js projects to display the movie data which would be fetched from a movie database. We can display the movie poster, name, actors, rating, language, genre, etc. in a tabular format. We will also have the functionality to create an entry for a custom movie. The app should allow the users to Create movies and also search for movies based on filters. The deletion of movies should not be possible.

Other Suggested Features:

  • Aesthetically pleasing movies gallery using CSS
  • User Authentication and Authorization
  • Sorting the movies feature
  • Add TV Shows and Web Series as well
  • Track upcoming movies feature


node js projects photo blog app

Suggested Technologies:

  • Back-end: Node.js, ExpressJS
  • Front-end: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Database: MySQL

We can develop blog node js projects that will allow us to write on any topic that we want. The blog would have a heading and a body. Readers should be able to scroll through a list of blogs. Users should also be able to search for keywords to locate blogs easily. Other information like the blog date, time, author, and content overview should also be displayed for a better user experience.

Other Suggested Features:

  • Comments and Promotion Section
  • Trending topics
  • Bookmark the blog feature

Intermediate Node JS Project Ideas

Library Management

node js projects library mgmt app

Suggested Technologies:

  • Back-end: Node.js, ExpressJS
  • Front-end: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Database: MySQL

We can develop library management node js projects that will not only track all the books but also the library users. This application would require multiple database tables and relationships between these tables for correct data mapping.

Here are the key features:

  • View all available books
  • View the user details who has issued a book
  • Issue an available book
  • Track upcoming books

Other Suggested Features:

  • A blog section where people can discuss the books
  • A ranking of most issued books
  • Books rating based on user reviews

User Authentication App

node js projects user authentication app

Suggested Technologies:

  • Back-end: Node.js, ExpressJS
  • Front-end: HTML, BootStrap, JavaScript
  • Database: MySQL

We can develop user authentication node js projects that will handle everything related to user authentication and authorization. This app will extend APIs which can then be included in other applications. This application would be hosted on an independent and stand-alone server. This is essentially a microservice. Here are the key features:

  • Register Users
  • Password Encryption
  • Sending user access tokens via headers
  • Ensure all users are unique

Other Suggested Features:

  • Include multiple authentication methods like email and mobile.
  • Implement two-factor authentication.
  • Alert users to change passwords regularly over email.

Payments Gateway

node js projects payments gateway app

Suggested Technologies:

  • Back-end: Node.js, ExpressJS, Stripe
  • Front-end: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Database: MySQL or MongoDB

We can develop payments gateway node js projects that will handle all sorts of payments including credit cards, debit cards, net banking, UPI, etc. This app will extend APIs which can then be included in other applications. This application would be hosted on an independent and stand-alone server. This is essentially a microservice. Here are the key features:

  • Fetched user account data from all major banks.
  • 100% safe and trusted payment transfer using Stripe
  • Quick and asynchronous transactions
  • Tracks all payments

Other Suggested Features:

  • Implement a wallet feature.
  • Implement features to pay government service bills like electricity.
  • Automatic top-up in wallet feature.

Music Streaming Service

node js projects music streaming app

Suggested Technologies:

  • Back-end: Node.js, ExpressJS, RapidAPI
  • Front-end: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Database: MySQL or MongoDB

We can develop music streaming node js projects that will fetch the music data from an API and the users would be able to play the music right from their browsers. Here are the key features:

  • Play and pause the music
  • Switch between different songs. Next and Previous song selection.
  • Add your favorite songs to a playlist.
  • Share your playlist on social media.
  • Track previously played songs.

Other Suggested Features:

  • Feature to play songs at different speeds.
  • Feature to clip a portion of the song and save it.
  • Feature to upload your songs.

Portfolio Website

node js projects portfolio app

Suggested Technologies:

  • Back-end: Node.js, ExpressJS, RapidAPI
  • Front-end: React
  • Database: MySQL or MongoDB

We can develop portfolio websites as node js projects that can be used by developers to showcase all of their applications and node.js projects. It will list all of the projects along with the technologies used to make them. There would be links to repositories of all the projects and the website of the applications as well. Here are the key features:

  • Component-based application using React
  • Updating the database will also update the website
  • The template used for displaying the projects is re-usable. We only need to code the template once and it can be used again and again for different projects.
  • Aesthetically pleasing website using CSS.

Other Suggested Features:

  • Include career timeline and animations
  • Blog Section to write project description.
  • Feature to share and download resumes.

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Advanced Node JS Project Ideas

Real-time Video Streaming Application

node js projects video streaming app

Suggested Technologies:

  • Back-end: Node.js, ExpressJS, RapidAPI, Websockets,
  • Front-end: React or Angular
  • Database: MySQL or MongoDB

Real-time video streaming node js projects where users can stream to several users. Users are able to interact with the streamer and each other using a chat box. Users are also able to upload their videos to the database and other users can comment and share their content. Here are the key features:

  • User Authentication and Authorization
  • Live video streaming
  • Real-time chat
  • Like, view, and subscriber counter
  • Search and sort through the videos
  • Track watch history
  • Make a playlist of your favorite videos
  • Responsive Design

Other Suggested Features:

  • Extend APIs so that the videos uploaded on this application can be embedded elsewhere.
  • Add a feature where users can donate to their favorite streamers using a payment gateway
  • Add security features so that content cannot be copied.

Social Media Application

node js projects social media app

Suggested Technologies:

  • Back-end: Node.js, ExpressJS, Websockets,
  • Front-end: React or Angular
  • Database: MySQL or MongoDB

Social media node js projects where users can post text, images, and videos. They can like, comment, and share other posts. Users can add other users as friends and have multiple friends as a network. Here are the key features:

  • User Authentication and Authorization
  • Real-time chat
  • Like, share, and comment on posts
  • Upload a profile picture and have a biography section with personal details
  • Track all the post's history
  • Get real-time notifications
  • Responsive Design

Other Suggested Features:

  • Feature to make posts private
  • Feature to block unwanted users
  • Feature to post disappearing stories or statuses.

E-commerce Application

node js projects ecommerce app

Suggested Technologies:

  • Back-end: Node.js, ExpressJS, Stripe
  • Front-end: React or Angular
  • Database: MySQL or MongoDB

Full-fledged eCommerce node js projects with categories, products, users, and payments. Products are divided into categories. There is a cart feature where the user adds their products. Payments are done using a payment gateway. Here are the key features:

  • User Authentication and Authorization
  • Real-time order tracking
  • Order History Tracking
  • Review the products and give them ratings
  • Search and sort through the products
  • Real-time notifications for offers
  • Responsive Design

Other Suggested Features:

  • Coupon code discount
  • Allow vendor accounts and buyer accounts
  • Allow bulk ordering and discount

Spreadsheet Application

node js projects spreadsheet app

Suggested Technologies:

  • Back-end: Node.js, ExpressJS
  • Front-end: React or Angular
  • Database: MySQL or MongoDB

Spreadsheet node js projects that can be used as a database. We can track our data in rows and columns format and easily perform mathematical operations on large chunks. These files are shareable over email. Here are the key features:

  • User Authentication and Authorization
  • Automatic formatting of data
  • Major mathematical operations like sum, average, count, etc.
  • Print the sheet or save it as a pdf.
  • Parse data in all formats including text, number, date, etc.
  • Save all sheets to the database
  • Share the data over email or social media.
  • Responsive Design

Other Suggested Features:

  • Allow multiple users to work on the spreadsheet at the same time
  • Add charts and graphs
  • Add various colors to highlight data easily and make the data more readable.

Stock and Crypto Exchange Application

node js projects to show stock and or crypto app

Suggested Technologies:

  • Back-end: Node.js, ExpressJS, RapidAPI, Websockets,
  • Front-end: React or Angular
  • Database: MySQL or MongoDB

Real-time node js projects to track the stock market and the crypto exchange. Allows users to buy and sell stocks and crypto-currency using a payment gateway.
Here are the key features:

  • User Authentication and Authorization
  • Real-time data tracking using interactive graphs
  • Secure payments gateway
  • Every user has their stock wallet and crypto wallet
  • Track past transactions
  • Make a list of your favorite stocks and cryptocurrencies.
  • Search and sort through the listings of stocks and crypto.
  • Responsive Design

Other Suggested Features:

  • Feature to directly buy stocks into a Demat account.
  • A blog section where users can discuss market trends.
  • A ranking system that shows the most profitable assets.

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  • Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment that can be used to create server-side applications.
  • Node.js is one of the most popular application development platforms.
  • One can learn web development by building node js projects.
  • Node js projects for beginners include a to-do list, blog, photo gallery, step-counter etc.
  • Intermediate node js projects include user authentication apps, payment gateway apps, library management apps, etc.
  • Advanced node js projects include an eCommerce website, a social media website, and live video streaming service.