R Packages

Topics Covered


R is a statistical programming language renowned for data analysis and visualization. Its strength lies in packages, which are bundles of specialized tools and functions. Packages like ggplot2 (data visualization) and dplyr (data manipulation) extend R's capabilities, enabling users to efficiently solve complex tasks.

By installing and loading packages, users can harness an extensive range of functions tailored for specific analytical needs, enhancing R's versatility and appeal to statisticians, researchers, and data professionals.

List of some Important Packages in R

R serves as the cornerstone of data science, offering an extensive library of packages tailored to various data-related needs across diverse domains. The CRAN repository alone boasts an impressive collection of 10,000 packages, representing a vast sea of exceptional statistical contributions. While R houses numerous packages, our focus will be on exploring the most significant ones.

There are some of the most used and popular packages which are as follows:

  1. ggplot2: A widely-used package for creating elegant and customizable data visualizations, offering a flexible grammar for constructing a variety of plots.

  2. dplyr: A powerful package for efficient data manipulation and transformation, featuring intuitive functions that streamline tasks like filtering, grouping, and summarizing data.

  3. tidyr: Designed for easy data tidying and reshaping, tidyr simplifies the process of converting messy data into a structured, analysis-ready format.

  4. caret: Facilitates comprehensive machine learning workflows by providing consistent tools for model training, hyperparameter tuning, and performance evaluation.

  5. lubridate: Specializing in handling date and time data, lubridate offers functions for parsing, calculating, and formatting temporal information.

  6. forecast: A package focused on time series analysis and forecasting, equipping users with methods to model and predict future values based on historical data.

  7. stringr: Simplifies complex string manipulation tasks through user-friendly functions, aiding in tasks like pattern matching, extraction, and manipulation.

  8. magrittr: Improves code readability by introducing the pipe operator %>%, enabling sequential data transformations for clearer and more concise code.

  9. reshape2: Enables seamless data reshaping and restructuring, essential for converting between different data layouts and preparing data for analysis.

  10. tidyverse: An interconnected collection of packages, including dplyr and ggplot2, designed to enhance data analysis workflows by promoting consistency, clarity, and efficiency in data manipulation and visualization tasks.

Checking Available R Packages

To check the available packages in R, you can use the available.packages() function. This function provides a list of all packages available on the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN), along with their details. Here's how you can use it:

This will display the names, versions, and other information about the packages available on CRAN. You can further manipulate or filter the available_packages data frame to find specific packages or details you are interested in.

Getting the List of All Installed R Packages

To retrieve the list of all installed R packages, you can use the installed.packages() function. This function returns a matrix with information about the packages that are currently installed in your R environment. Here's how you can use it:

The installed.packages() function will give you information about the installed packages, including their names, versions, and other details. You can manipulate or filter the installed_packages matrix to focus on specific aspects of the installed packages if needed.

What are Repositories?

In R, repositories are platforms or sources from which you can obtain and install packages. Here are three different types of repositories commonly used in R:

  1. CRAN (Comprehensive R Archive Network): CRAN is the primary and most widely used repository for R packages. It hosts thousands of packages covering a broad range of topics, from statistical analysis and data manipulation to data visualization and machine learning. You can easily install packages from CRAN using the install.packages() function.

  2. Bioconductor: Bioconductor is a specialized repository focused on packages for bioinformatics and computational biology. It provides tools and resources for analyzing and interpreting high-throughput genomic data, such as microarrays and next-generation sequencing. Packages in Bioconductor are designed to cater to the specific needs of researchers working in the life sciences.

  3. GitHub: While GitHub is not a dedicated repository for R packages, it is a widely used platform for version control and collaborative development, including R packages. Many R developers and researchers host their R packages on GitHub repositories. You can install packages directly from GitHub using the remotes package or the devtools package, which allows you to install packages from URLs.

These different repositories cater to various domains and specialties within R programming, allowing users to access a diverse set of packages to suit their specific needs.

Installing R Packages

To install R packages from CRAN, Bioconductor (using BiocManager), and GitHub, follow these steps:

  1. Installing Packages from CRAN:

You can easily install packages from CRAN using the install.packages() function. Replace "package_name" with the name of the package you want to install.

For example, to install the "ggplot2" package:

  1. Installing Packages from Bioconductor using BiocManager:

To install packages from Bioconductor, first install the BiocManager package (if not already installed), then use the BiocManager::install() function. "package_name" will be the name of the package you want to install.

For example, to install the "limma" package from Bioconductor:

  1. Installing Packages from GitHub using remotes or devtools:

You can install packages directly from GitHub using either the remotes package or the devtools package.

Using remotes:

Using devtools:

Substitute "username" with your GitHub handle and replace "repository" with the specific name of the repository housing the package you wish to install.

For example, to install the "tidyverse" package from GitHub using remotes:

Remember to adjust the package names and repository URLs accordingly based on the packages you want to install from each source.

  1. Installing Packages Manually

Manually installing R packages involves downloading the package source from a repository and then installing it from your local system. Here's a step-by-step guide using an example of the "lubridate" package from CRAN:

  1. Download Package Source:

Go to the CRAN package page for "lubridate": https://cran.r-project.org/package=lubridate

Click on "Package source" under "Downloads" to download the source package (a .tar.gz file) to your local system.

  1. Install Package from Local Source:

Open R or RStudio. Set the working directory to the location where you downloaded the source package. You can use the setwd() function for this:

Replace "path_to_directory" with the actual path to the directory containing the downloaded source package.

  1. Install the Package:

Use the install.packages() function to install the package from the local source. Specify the repos parameter as NULL to prevent R from trying to download the package from CRAN again.

Replace "lubridate_1.7.10.tar.gz" with the actual name of the downloaded package file.

  1. Load the Package:

Once the package is successfully installed, you can load it into your R session using the library() function:

Now you have manually installed the "lubridate" package and loaded it into your R session. Remember to adjust the package name and version in the commands above based on the package you want to install manually.

Update, Remove, and Check Installed Packages in R

  1. Update Installed Packages:

To update all installed packages to their latest versions, you can use the update. packages() function:

Setting ask = FALSE will update all packages without prompting for confirmation.

  1. Remove Installed Packages:

To remove an installed package, you can use the remove. packages() function:

Exchange "package_name" with the actual name of the package you intend to uninstall.

  1. Check Installed Packages:

To check which packages are currently installed in your R environment, you can use the installed. packages() function:

This will display information about the installed packages, such as their names, versions, and other details. You can manipulate the installed_packages matrix to obtain specific information about the installed packages.

Keep in mind that updating or removing packages may affect other packages that depend on them. It's a good practice to be cautious when making changes to your package installation, especially in a production or critical analysis environment.

Load R Packages to Library

In R, you can load packages into your current R session using the library() function. This makes the functions and features of the package available for your use. Here's how you can load R packages into your library:

Replace "package_name", package1, package2, etc. with the names of the packages you want to load.

For example, to load the "dplyr" and "ggplot2" packages:

Make sure you have already installed the packages using the install. packages() function before loading them with library(). Also, loading packages is generally recommended at the beginning of your script or R session, so you have access to the functions and capabilities throughout your analysis.


  • In conclusion, this article provides a comprehensive overview of R as a statistical programming language, highlighting its significance in data analysis and visualization. It emphasizes the pivotal role of packages in enhancing R's capabilities and offers insights into some of the most crucial packages like ggplot2 and dplyr.

  • Additionally, the article delves into the concept of repositories, showcasing CRAN, Bioconductor, and GitHub as prominent sources for obtaining R packages. It outlines the installation process for packages from these repositories, covering CRAN, Bioconductor through BiocManager, and GitHub using remotes and devtools.

  • Furthermore, the article underscores essential tasks related to managing installed packages, including updating, removing, and checking packages. It advocates for cautious consideration when modifying package installations due to potential impacts on dependencies.

  • Lastly, the article concludes by demonstrating the practical aspect of loading R packages into the library using the library() function, enhancing the accessibility of package functionalities and tools for data analysis and manipulation.