PHP String Split

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How to Split a String into an Array in PHP?

PHP offers functions like str_split() and explode() for string splitting. These methods allow developers to split a string into an array of substrings, making it easier to handle structured data or extract specific information. Both str_split() and explode() in PHP have unique characteristics and use cases, providing flexibility in various scenarios.

PHP str_split() Function

The str_split() function in PHP is designed to split a string into an array of substrings, each containing a fixed number of characters. This function can be particularly handy when we want to segment a string into smaller and manageable parts.

Syntax The syntax of the str_split() function is as follows:

Parameter The parameters of the str_split() function is as follows:

  • string: The input string is to be split.
  • split_length: (Optional) The length of each chunk. The default is 1.

Return Value An array of substrings, with each element containing a segment of the original string.


Let's take a look at some examples to understand how the str_split() function works:

Split the string "Hello" into an array


Explanation In this example, the variable $string holds the value "Hello". The str_split() function is called with the $string as its argument. This function splits the string into an array, where each element of the array corresponds to a single character from the original string. The resulting array is assigned to the variable $splitArray. The print_r() function is used to print the contents of the $splitArray array.

Using the length parameter


Explanation In this example, the variable $string holds the value "Loremipsumdolorsitamet". The str_split() function has two arguments: $string and 5. This means that the input string should be split into array elements, each containing five characters. The resulting array is assigned to the variable $splitArray. The print_r() function is used to print the contents of the $splitArray array.

PHP explode() Function

The explode() function is a powerful tool for breaking a string into an array of substrings by using a specified delimiter. This is especially useful when dealing with structured data or when we need to extract information from a comma-separated or space-separated string. To read about the explode() function in detail, please refer to this article.

Syntax The syntax of the explode() function is as follows:

Parameter The parameters of the explode() function is as follows:

  • delimiter: The character or substring that marks the boundaries for splitting.
  • string: The input string is to be split.
  • limit (Optional): The maximum number of elements to include in the resulting array.

Return Value An array of substrings is obtained by splitting the input string based on the specified delimiter.

Example Suppose we have the following string containing names separated by commas:


Explanation In this example, the initial string containing the names is stored in the variable $names. The explode() function is then applied, using the comma as the delimiter, to divide the string into substrings at each comma occurrence. These substrings, representing individual names, are collected into an array named $nameArray. Finally, the print_r() function is used to display the contents of the resulting collection, revealing each name as a separate element. The output demonstrates the successful separation of the names into distinct elements within the array.


  • String splitting is a vital operation for dissecting text or data into more manageable components, useful in dealing with structured data and extracting specific information.
  • PHP offers two main approaches for string splitting: str_split() and explode().
  • The str_split() function dissects a string into an array of individual characters, making it suitable for character-level analysis or manipulation.
  • In contrast, the explode() function's versatility shines by dividing a string into an array of substrings based on a specified delimiter, making it valuable for structured text like CSV.
  • The str_split() function breaks a string into fixed-length substrings, while the explode() function uses a delimiter to split the string.
  • Proficiency in these techniques enhances string handling, from user inputs to complex text operations.
  • These functions are invaluable for programmers, enabling effective and streamlined string handling.