PHP Foreach Loop

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In PHP, a foreach loop is a convenient and efficient way to iterate through the elements of an array or an object. This loop is used when we want to perform a particular operation on each element of the array without explicitly specifying the number of elements to be processed. The syntax for foreach loop is quite simple, where we declare a variable to hold the value of the current element, followed by the array or object we want to loop through


In PHP, a foreach loop is a convenient way to iterate over the elements of an array or an object. It is a specialized loop construct that is specifically designed for traversing the elements of a collection, and it makes it easy to perform operations on each element without having to manually manage an index or increment a counter.

The foreach loop works by taking an iterable variable and assigning each element of the collection to a temporary variable, one at a time, until all the elements have been processed. This temporary variable can be used within the loop to perform any desired operations on each element.

PHP Foreach Loop Flowchart

The PHP foreach loop allows you to iterate over arrays and objects, executing a block of code for each element or property in the array or object

Here is an example of the flowchart for a foreach loop that iterates over an array of integers:

The flowchart for this loop would be as follows:

  • Begin the loop by specifying the keyword foreach, followed by the array $numbers being iterated over, enclosed in parentheses.
  • After the parentheses, specify the keyword as, followed by the variable $num, which will hold the value of the current element during each iteration of the loop.
  • Within the code block, specify the actions that should be performed for each number in the array, using the variable $num to access the value of the current element.
  • After the code block, the loop will automatically move to the next element in the array and execute the code block again, repeating this process until all elements in the array have been processed.
  • Once all elements have been processed, the loop will exit and the program will continue with the next line of code.


The foreach loop in PHP allows you to iterate over arrays and objects, executing a block of code for each element or property in the array or object. The basic syntax of the foreach loop is as follows:

In this syntax, $array is the array or object being iterated over, and $value is a variable that will hold the value of the current element or property during each iteration of the loop.

Now let us implement the syntax: For example, consider the following array:

To loop through this array and print each fruit to the screen, we can use the following foreach loop:



The foreach loop in PHP allows you to iterate over arrays and objects, executing a block of code for each element or property in the array or object.

The basic syntax of the foreach loop in PHP is as follows:

There are three parameters you can use to customize how the foreach loop operates:

  • $array- This parameter specifies the array or object being iterated over. This can be any valid PHP array or object.
  • $value - This parameter specifies the variable that will hold the value of the current element or property during each iteration of the loop. This can be any valid PHP variable name.
  • $key- This parameter is optional and specifies the variable that will hold the key of the current element or property during each iteration of the loop. This can be any valid PHP variable name.

Now let us see a few examples of the foreach loop in php:


Print the values of the given array

In this example, we define an array called fruitswithfourelements:"apple","banana","orange",and"kiwi".Wethenuseaforeachlooptoiterateovereachelementinthearray,assigningthevalueofeachelementtothevariablefruits with four elements: "apple", "banana", "orange", and "kiwi". We then use a foreach loop to iterate over each element in the array, assigning the value of each element to the variable fruit.

When we run this code, it will output the following:


Multi-dimensional array

In this example, we have a multi-dimensional array called $employees. Each element of the $employees array is itself an array that contains three pieces of data: the employee's first name, last name, and age. To loop through this multi-dimensional array and print out the data for each employee, we use two nested foreach loops. The outer loop iterates over the elements of the $employees array, while the inner loop iterates over the elements of each employee array.

The output of this code would be:


Print both the keys and the values of the given array

In this example, we have an array $ of fruits that contain the names of some fruits as keys and their corresponding colors as values. We want to print both the keys and the values of the array to the screen.

When we run this code, we get the following output:


Print the associative array elements using the foreach loop:

In this example, we have an associative array called personthatcontainsthreekey−valuepairs.Wethenusetheforeachlooptoiterateovertheelementsofthearray.Insidetheforeachloop,weusetheperson that contains three key-value pairs. We then use the foreach loop to iterate over the elements of the array. Inside the foreach loop, we use the key variable to hold the key of the current element (e.g. "name", "age", "email"), and the $value variable to hold the value of the current element (e.g. "Swagata", 21, "").



  • each loop is used to iterate over the elements of an array or the properties of an object.
  • The syntax for the for each loop includes the for each keyword, the array or object being iterated over, and the variable names used to hold the key and value of each element.
  • When using the for each loop, it's important to follow best practices such as avoiding modifying the array or object being iterated over, using meaningful variable names, and checking if the array or object is empty before iterating.


  1. Which of the following is the correct syntax for each loop in PHP?

    i) for (i=0;i = 0; i < count(array);array); i++)

    ii) foreach (arrayasarray as key, $value)

    iii) foreach (arrayasarray as value)

    iv) while (i<count(i < count(array))

Answer: c)

  1. What is the purpose of the key parameter in for each loop in PHP?

    i) To hold the value of the current element being iterated over

    ii) To hold the key of the current element being iterated over

    iii) To terminate the foreach loop early

    iv) To skip over the current iteration of the for-each loop

    Answer: b)

  2. Which of the following is a best practice for using foreach loops in PHP?

    i) Modifying the array or object being iterated over within the loop

    ii) Using short, meaningless variable names for the key and value parameters

    iii) Using break and continue statements frequently within the loop

    iv) Checking if the array or object is empty before iterating

    Answer: d)