How to Create, Access and Delete Cookies in PHP?

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Setting and retrieving cookies in PHP is a crucial aspect of web development that enables the storage and retrieval of small amounts of data on the client's browser. In PHP, cookies are used to maintain user sessions, store user preferences, and track user activity. To set a cookie, developers can use the setcookie() function, specifying the cookie name, value, expiration time, and optional parameters like domain and path. Retrieving cookies is achieved through the $_COOKIE superglobal array, which allows access to the stored cookie values.


Setting and retrieving cookies in PHP is a fundamental aspect of web development that allows developers to store and retrieve small pieces of data on the client side. Cookies play a crucial role in maintaining stateful interactions, personalizing user experiences, and enabling various functionalities within web applications.

When setting a cookie in PHP, developers can specify a name and value for the cookie, along with optional parameters such as expiration time, domain, path, and security flags. The name serves as an identifier for the cookie, while the value represents the data that needs to be stored. These parameters determine the lifespan, `accessibility, and security characteristics of the cookie.

Retrieving cookies in PHP involves accessing the values stored within cookies previously set by the server. By using the name of the cookie, PHP applications can retrieve the stored data and utilize it in various ways, such as customizing content, maintaining user sessions, or implementing personalized features.

Cookies are sent as headers in HTTP requests and responses, allowing the server and client to exchange data seamlessly. PHP provides convenient functions and superglobals, such as $_COOKIE, to access and manipulate cookies effortlessly. Setting and retrieving cookies in PHP enables developers to create dynamic and interactive web experiences. By leveraging cookies, applications can remember user preferences, implement persistent logins, track user activities, and deliver personalized content.

In PHP, setting a cookie is a straightforward process that involves using the setcookie() function. This function allows developers to define the properties of the cookie, such as its name, value, expiration time, and optional parameters.

The basic syntax for setting a cookie using setcookie() is as follows:

  • name: This parameter specifies the name of the cookie and is required.
  • value: The value parameter represents the data that you want to store in the cookie. It can be a string or any serializable data type.
  • expire: The expiration parameter sets the expiration time for the cookie. It is an optional parameter and represents the time in seconds since the Unix epoch (January 1, 1970). If not specified, the cookie will expire when the browser session ends.
  • path: The path parameter determines the path on the server where the cookie will be available. By default, the cookie is available for the entire domain. You can specify a specific directory or path to limit the cookie's scope.
  • domain: The domain parameter allows you to specify the domain where the cookie is valid. By default, the cookie is available for the current domain and its subdomains.
  • secure: The secure parameter, when set to true, ensures that the cookie is only transmitted over a secure HTTPS connection. It is recommended to use secure cookies for sensitive data.
  • httponly: The httponly parameter, when set to true, restricts the cookie's accessibility to HTTP requests only. This helps prevent JavaScript access to the cookie, enhancing security against cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.

Here's an example that demonstrates how to set a cookie in PHP:


In this example, a cookie named "username" is set with the value "JohnDoe". It will expire in one hour (time()+3600), be available for the entire domain ("/"), and can only be transmitted over a secure connection with HTTP-only accessibility. Run the above code in your editor for a better and clear explanation.

In PHP, retrieving a cookie is a simple process that involves accessing the COOKIEsuperglobalarray.Thisarraycontainsallthecookiesthathavebeensetbytheserverandsentbytheclientsbrowser.Byaccessingtheappropriatekeyinthe_COOKIE superglobal array. This array contains all the cookies that have been set by the server and sent by the client's browser. By accessing the appropriate key in the _COOKIE array, you can retrieve the value of a specific cookie.

Here's an example of how to retrieve a cookie in PHP:


In this example, we first check if the 'username' cookie exists using the isset() function. If the cookie is found, we assign its value to the $username variable and display a personalized welcome message. Otherwise, if the cookie is not found, we display a message indicating that the cookie was not found.

By using the $_COOKIE superglobal array and accessing the specific key corresponding to the desired cookie, developers can retrieve the stored values of cookies in PHP. This allows for the retrieval of user-specific data, such as login information or preferences, and enables personalization and customization within the web application. Run the above code in your editor for a better and clear explanation.

To update a cookie in PHP, you can use the setcookie() function again with the desired changes. By setting a new value, expiration time, or any other parameters, you can effectively update the existing cookie.

Here's an example of how to update a cookie in PHP:


In this example, we first retrieve the existing value of the cookie named "my_cookie" using $_COOKIE['my_cookie']. Then, we modify the value by appending " Updated" to it and set a new expiration time by adding 1 hour to the current time. Finally, we update the cookie using setcookie() with the updated value and expiration time.

By updating the cookie in this way, the client's browser will receive the new cookie values in the subsequent requests. Run the above code in your editor for a better and clear explanation.

To remove or delete a cookie in PHP, you can use the setcookie() function with an expiration time in the past. By setting the expiration time to a time earlier than the current time, the browser will treat the cookie as expired and remove it from the client's browser.

Here's an example of how to remove a cookie in PHP:


In this example, we use setcookie() to set the cookie named "my_cookie" with an empty value and an expiration time in the past (time() - 3600). This indicates to the browser that the cookie has expired and should be removed. Run the above code in your editor for a better and clear explanation.

After setting the cookie with an expired time, the client's browser will remove the cookie. Subsequent requests from the client will no longer include this cookie.

Best Practices for Setting and retrieving cookies in PHP

Setting and retrieving cookies in PHP involves handling user-specific data and maintaining user sessions. Here are some best practices to follow when working with cookies in PHP:

  • Set appropriate cookie parameters: When setting a cookie, use the setcookie() function and provide necessary parameters like the cookie name, value, expiration time, path, domain, and secure flag. Set the expiration time appropriately based on your application's requirements.
  • Encrypt sensitive cookie data: If you need to store sensitive information in a cookie, consider encrypting the data before setting the cookie. This adds an extra layer of security and ensures that even if the cookie is intercepted, the data remains encrypted and unreadable.
  • Limit cookie data size: Cookies have a limited size (typically 4KB), so avoid storing excessive data in cookies. Keep the data stored in cookies to a minimum and consider alternative methods like session storage or database storage for larger data sets.
  • Sanitize cookie data: Before using cookie data in your application, sanitize and validate it to prevent any potential security vulnerabilities. Use appropriate sanitization functions or validation techniques depending on the specific data being stored in the cookie.
  • Use secure and HTTP-only cookies: When dealing with sensitive information, consider setting secure and HTTP-only flags for your cookies. The secure flag ensures that the cookie is only transmitted over HTTPS, while the HTTP-only flag prevents client-side JavaScript access to the cookie, mitigating cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.
  • Set cookie expiration wisely: Set the expiration time of the cookie based on your application's requirements. Avoid excessively long expiration times, as it may lead to persistent cookies that remain on the user's device for an extended period. Consider using session cookies that expire when the user closes the browser for sensitive data.
  • Validate and authenticate cookies: Before using cookie data for authentication or authorization purposes, validate and authenticate the cookie. Verify that the cookie is genuine, has not been tampered with, and is associated with an active user session. Implement appropriate mechanisms like session identifiers or digital signatures for cookie authentication.
  • Handle expired or invalid cookies: Check for expired or invalid cookies and handle them gracefully. When a cookie is expired or invalid, take appropriate actions such as redirecting the user to a login page or displaying a message indicating the need to authenticate again.
  • Use secure session management: When using cookies for session management, implement secure session handling practices. Generate secure session IDs, store them securely, and ensure that session data is not exposed or vulnerable to session hijacking or session fixation attacks.
  • Regularly review and update cookie usage: Periodically review the cookies used in your application and assess their necessity. Remove any unnecessary cookies to minimize the amount of data stored on the user's device and reduce potential security risks.

By following these best practices, you can effectively set and retrieve cookies in PHP while ensuring security and maintaining user privacy.

When setting and retrieving cookies in PHP, it's essential to consider cookie security to protect sensitive information and prevent potential security vulnerabilities. Cookies are small pieces of data stored on the client side and sent back to the server with each subsequent request. Here's an overview of cookie security considerations in PHP:

  1. Secure Flag:
  • Setting the secure flag ensures that cookies are only transmitted over secure HTTPS connections, preventing interception of sensitive data over insecure channels.
  • Set the secure flag when creating a cookie to restrict it to secure connections only:
  1. HTTP-Only Flag:
  • The HTTP-only flag restricts cookies from being accessed through client-side scripts, such as JavaScript. It helps mitigate cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks by preventing unauthorized access to cookies.
  • Set the HTTP-only flag when creating a cookie to prevent client-side script access:
  1. Cookie Expiration:
  • Set an appropriate expiration time for cookies to control their lifespan. This prevents cookies from persisting indefinitely and reduces the risk of unauthorized access to sensitive information.
  • Set the expiration time when creating a cookie:
  1. Cookie Value Encryption/Hashing:
  • If you need to store sensitive information in cookies, it's advisable to encrypt or hash the cookie value before setting it. This adds an extra layer of security and prevents tampering or unauthorized access.
  • Encrypt or hash the cookie value before setting it and decrypt or verify the hash when retrieving it.
  1. Validate and Sanitize Cookie Data:
  • When retrieving and using cookie data, validate and sanitize it to ensure it meets the expected format and does not contain malicious content. Perform appropriate checks and validations before using cookie values within your application.

Run the above steps in your editor for a better and clear explanation.


  • Cookies are small pieces of data stored on the client's browser that allow for session management, user preferences storage, and tracking of user activity on websites.
  • The setcookie() function in PHP is used to set a cookie, specifying its name, value, expiration time, and optional parameters like path, domain, secure, and httponly.
  • Retrieving cookies in PHP is accomplished by accessing the $_COOKIE superglobal array, which contains all the cookies sent by the client's browser during the current request.
  • By leveraging cookies, developers can create personalized web experiences by remembering user information, customizing content, and maintaining session state.