PHP Inheritance

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Inheritance in PHP is a fundamental concept of object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts that allow a class to inherit properties and methods from another class. Inheritance enables code reuse and promotes a hierarchical structure among classes. In PHP, inheritance is achieved using the "extends" keyword, where a subclass inherits from a single superclass. The subclass can access and modify the inherited members, as well as define its unique members. Inheritance facilitates the creation of more specialized classes that inherit common functionality from a base class, making code organization and maintenance more efficient.


Inheritance is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming (OOP) that allows classes in PHP to inherit properties and methods from other classes. It facilitates code reusability and promotes the creation of modular and organized code structures.

In PHP, inheritance is implemented using the keyword extends, where a child class extends a parent class. The child class inherits all the non-private properties and methods from the parent class, allowing it to reuse and build upon the functionality provided by the parent. This relationship between classes forms an "is-a" relationship, where the child class is a specialized version of the parent class.

The child class can also override inherited methods by providing its implementation. This enables customization and flexibility, as the child class can modify or enhance the behavior of inherited methods to suit its specific requirements.

Inheritance supports the concept of hierarchical classification, enabling the creation of class hierarchies. Multiple levels of inheritance can be established, where classes can have both parent and child classes. This hierarchical structure promotes code organization and facilitates code maintenance by grouping related classes.

The benefits of inheritance in PHP include code reuse, as common functionality can be encapsulated in a base class and inherited by multiple derived classes. This saves development time, reduces code duplication, and promotes modular design. Inheritance also promotes code extensibility, allowing new functionality to be added by creating new classes that extend existing ones, without modifying the original code.

However, it is essential to use inheritance judiciously, as improper use can lead to complex class hierarchies and tight coupling between classes. It is crucial to maintain a clear and logical inheritance structure and ensure that inheritance is applied in cases where an "is-a" relationship genuinely exists between classes.

What is Inheritance in PHP?

Inheritance in PHP is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming (OOP) that allows classes to inherit properties and methods from other classes. It facilitates code reuse and promotes a hierarchical structure among classes.

Inheritance is implemented using the extends keyword in PHP, where a child class extends a parent class. The child class inherits all the non-private properties and methods defined in the parent class, enabling it to utilize and build upon the functionality provided by the parent class. This establishes an "is-a" relationship, where the child class is a specialized version of the parent class.

By inheriting from a parent class, the child class gains access to the public and protected properties and methods defined in the parent class. It can use them as if they were defined within the child class itself. This promotes code reusability, as common functionality can be encapsulated in a base class and inherited by multiple derived classes.

In addition to inheriting properties and methods, the child class has the flexibility to override or extend inherited methods by providing its implementation. This allows the child class to customize the behavior inherited from the parent class and adapt it to its specific needs.

Inheritance supports the creation of class hierarchies, where classes can have both parent and child classes. Multiple levels of inheritance can be established, forming a hierarchical structure that reflects the relationships between different classes.

Inheritance in PHP allows classes to inherit properties and methods from parent classes, enabling code reuse, promoting modularity, and establishing a hierarchical structure. It is a core concept of object-oriented programming that facilitates the development of flexible and maintainable PHP applications.

Syntax for Inheriting a Class in PHP

In PHP, the syntax for inheriting a class is as follows:

In the above syntax:

  • ChildClass is the name of the child class that is going to inherit from the ParentClass.
  • ParentClass is the name of the parent class that contains the properties and methods to be inherited.
  • By using the extends keyword, the child class inherits all the public and protected properties and methods from the parent class. The child class can then access and utilize these inherited members.

It is important to note that a child class can only inherit from a single-parent class in PHP. However, multiple levels of inheritance can be achieved by creating a chain of classes, where each child class becomes the parent class for subsequent child classes. Run the above code in your editor for a better and clear explanation.

Access Modifiers in PHP

In PHP, access modifiers play an important role in inheritance, as they define the visibility and accessibility of properties and methods in the class hierarchy. There are three access modifiers available in PHP:

  1. Public:
    The public access modifier allows properties and methods to be accessed from anywhere, including outside the class, subclasses, and instances of the class. Public members are inherited by child classes and can be overridden or extended.
  2. Protected:
    The protected access modifier limits the visibility of properties and methods to the class itself and its subclasses. Protected members can be accessed within the class and its subclasses, but not from outside the class hierarchy. Protected members are inherited by child classes and can be overridden or extended.
  3. Private:
    The private access modifier restricts the visibility of properties and methods to the class where they are defined. Private members cannot be accessed or inherited by child classes or instances of the class. They are only accessible within the class itself. Therefore, private members cannot be overridden or extended in child classes.

The choice of access modifier depends on the desired level of encapsulation and data hiding. Public members provide the broadest visibility, protected members provide limited visibility within the class hierarchy, and private members are the most restricted.


In the above example, the child class ChildClass inherits the properties and methods from the parent class ParentClass. The access modifiers (public, protected, and private) define the visibility and accessibility of the inherited members within the child class. Run the above code in your editor for a better and clear explanation.

Types of Inheritance in PHP

Inheritance is a core concept in object-oriented programming (OOP) that allows classes to inherit properties and methods from other classes. In PHP, there are several types of inheritance that developers can use to create class hierarchies and achieve code reusability. Let's explore the different types of inheritance in PHP:

1. Single Inheritance:

Single inheritance refers to a scenario where a class inherits from a single parent class. In PHP, single inheritance is the most commonly used type of inheritance. It allows a class to inherit the properties and methods of one parent class, also known as the superclass or base class.



Run the above code in your editor for a better and clear explanation.

2. Multiple Inheritance (Not Supported):

Multiple inheritance refers to a scenario where a class inherits from multiple parent classes. However, PHP does not support multiple inheritance directly. Unlike some other programming languages, PHP restricts a class from inheriting from more than one class simultaneously. This limitation is imposed to avoid ambiguities and complexities that can arise with conflicting method and property names from multiple parent classes.

However, PHP offers an alternative mechanism called "Traits" that provides a form of code reuse similar to multiple inheritance. Traits allow developers to reuse sets of methods in multiple classes without actual inheritance. Traits can be added to classes using the use keyword.

3. Multilevel Inheritance:

Multilevel inheritance involves a class inheriting from a parent class, and that parent class itself inheriting from another parent class. This forms a hierarchy or chain of classes. In PHP, multilevel inheritance allows classes to inherit properties and methods from multiple levels up the class hierarchy.



In the above example, the Dog class inherits from the Mammal class, which, in turn, inherits from the Animal class. Thus, the Dog class inherits properties and methods from both the Mammal and Animal classes. Run the above code in your editor for a better and clear explanation.

4. Hierarchical Inheritance:

Hierarchical inheritance in php only occurs when multiple classes inherit from a single parent class. In this type of inheritance, one parent class serves as the base class, and multiple child classes derive from it.



In the above example, both the Circle and Rectangle classes inherit from the Shape class. They share the common functionality defined in the Shape class, such as the area() method, but may have additional specific behavior. Run the above code in your editor for a better and clear explanation.

These are the main types of inheritance in PHP. Each type offers different ways to structure classes and achieve code reuse. It's important to choose the appropriate type of inheritance based on the requirements and design of your application. Inheritance is a powerful feature in PHP that enables developers to create flexible and modular code structures.

Inheritance Example: Child Class Inherits Public and Protected Members of Parent Class

Inheritance is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming (OOP) that allows classes to inherit properties and methods from other classes. When a child class inherits from a parent class, it gains access to the public and protected members of the parent class, which includes both properties and methods. In this example, we will explore how a child class in PHP can inherit and utilize the public and protected members of its parent class.

Let's consider a scenario where we have a parent class called Animal that defines common properties and methods related to animals. The Animal class has a public property called $name and a protected property called $age. It also has a public method called eat() and a protected method called sleep(). The child class Dog will inherit these members from the Animal class.

In the above example, the Dog class extends the Animal class using the extends keyword. By extending the Animal class, the Dog class inherits the properties and methods of the Animal class. Run the above code in your editor for a better and clear explanation.

Now, let's create an instance of the Dog class and explore how it can access and utilize the inherited members.

In the above code, we create an object $dog of the Dog class. Since the name property is public, we can directly access and modify it using the object instance. Similarly, the eat() method is public, so we can call it using the object instance. Run the above code in your editor for a better and clear explanation.

However, the age property and the sleep() method are protected, which means they are not directly accessible from outside the class hierarchy. We cannot directly access or modify the $age property or call the sleep() method using the object instance.

Protected members can only be accessed within the class and its subclasses. Therefore, if we add additional methods to the Dog class, we can access the protected members.

In the updated Dog class, we define two new methods: showAge() and sleepDog(). The showAge() method directly accesses the protected $age property using the $this keyword within the class context. Similarly, the sleepDog() method calls the protected sleep() method using the $this keyword. Run the above code in your editor for a better and clear explanation.

By utilizing these additional methods, we can indirectly access and utilize the protected members of the parent class within the child class.

Inheritance in PHP allows child classes to inherit public and protected members from their parent class. This inheritance enables code reuse and promotes a hierarchical structure among classes. Child classes can access and utilize inherited public members directly, but protected members can only be accessed within the class hierarchy, including the child class itself.

By extending a parent class, child classes can build upon the existing functionality and add new features specific to their requirements. Inheritance is a powerful mechanism that enhances code organization, modularity, and reusability in PHP applications.

Method Overriding Example

Method overriding is a concept in object-oriented programming where a child class provides its implementation of a method that is already defined in its parent class. This allows the child class to modify or extend the behavior of the inherited method according to its specific requirements. In this example, we will explore method overriding in PHP with a detailed explanation.

Let's consider a scenario where we have a parent class called Animal that defines a method called makeSound(). The makeSound() method outputs a generic sound made by the animal.

Now, let's create a child class called Dog that extends the Animal class. We will override the makeSound() method in the Dog class to provide a specific implementation for a dog's sound.

In the above example, the Dog class extends the Animal class using the extends keyword. By extending the Animal class, the Dog class inherits the makeSound() method. However, we override the method in the Dog class by redefining it with the same name and modifying its implementation. Run the above code in your editor for a better and clear explanation.

Now, let's create an object of the Dog class and call the makeSound() method to see the overridden behavior.

In the above code, we create an object $dog of the Dog class. When we call the makeSound() method on the $dog object, it outputs "The dog barks." instead of the generic sound defined in the parent class. Run the above code in your editor for a better and clear explanation.

This example demonstrates how method overriding allows us to customize the behavior of inherited methods in child classes. By providing a specific implementation for the method in the child class, we can tailor it to the unique characteristics of that class.

Let's consider another example to illustrate method overriding in a more practical context. Suppose we have a parent class called Shape with a method calculateArea() that calculates the area of a shape. We want to create a child class called Rectangle that calculates the area of a rectangle using its formula.

In the above example, the Rectangle class extends the Shape class and overrides the calculateArea() method. The Rectangle class has its own properties $length and $width that define the dimensions of the rectangle. In the overridden method, we calculate the area of the rectangle using the provided length and width. Run the above code in your editor for a better and clear explanation.

Now, let's create an object of the Rectangle class and call the calculateArea() method to see the overridden behavior.

In the above code, we create an object $rectangle of the Rectangle class, passing the length and width as arguments to the constructor. When we call the calculateArea() method on the $rectangle object, it calculates and outputs the area of the rectangle using the overridden implementation in the Rectangle class. Run the above code in your editor for a better and clear explanation.

This example demonstrates how method overriding allows us to provide specialized behavior for specific subclasses. By customizing the implementation of the inherited method, we can ensure that it aligns with the requirements and characteristics of the child class.

Hierarchical Inheritance

Hierarchical inheritance is a type of inheritance in object-oriented programming where multiple child classes inherit from a single parent class. In this inheritance structure, each child class forms its separate branch, or hierarchy, from the parent class. This allows for the creation of distinct subclasses with specialized behaviors while still maintaining a common set of properties and methods inherited from the parent class. In this explanation, we will explore hierarchical inheritance in PHP.

To understand hierarchical inheritance, let's consider a scenario where we have a parent class called Animal that represents generic animal behavior. The Animal class defines common properties and methods related to animals.

Now, let's create two child classes, Dog and Cat, that inherit from the Animal class. These classes will represent specific types of animals and can have their unique properties and methods.

In the above example, the Dog and Cat classes extend the Animal class using the extends keyword. This establishes a hierarchical relationship between the parent class Animal and its child classes Dog and Cat. Run the above code in your editor for a better and clear explanation.

Now, let's create objects of the Dog and Cat classes and demonstrate how they inherit the properties and methods from the Animal class.

In the above code, we create objects of the Dog and Cat classes, $dog and $cat, respectively. Since the child classes inherit from the Animal class, they can access and utilize the properties and methods defined in the parent class. Run the above code in your editor for a better and clear explanation.

Both the Dog and Cat objects can access the name property and the methods setName() and getName() defined in the Animal class. Additionally, they can also call the eat() and sleep() methods from the Animal class.

Furthermore, the Dog class introduces a new method bark(), while the Cat class introduces a new method meow(). These methods are unique to their respective child classes and not present in the parent class.

Hierarchical inheritance allows for the creation of distinct branches within the class hierarchy, with each child class having its specialized behavior while sharing common properties and methods from the parent class.

Inheritance and UML

Inheritance is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming that allows a class to inherit properties and methods from another class, referred to as the parent class or base class. It promotes code reuse and facilitates the creation of hierarchical relationships among classes. UML (Unified Modeling Language) is a standardized graphical notation used to visualize and document object-oriented systems. In this explanation, we will discuss the representation of inheritance in UML diagrams for PHP.

In UML, inheritance is represented using a solid line with an arrowhead pointing from the child class to the parent class. The arrowhead indicates the direction of inheritance, with the child class inheriting from the parent class. Let's consider an example to illustrate this representation.

Suppose we have a parent class called Shape, which defines common properties and methods for geometric shapes. We want to create two child classes, Circle and Rectangle, that inherits from the Shape class. Here's the UML representation of this inheritance relationship:

In the above UML diagram, the Shape class is depicted at the top, with the Circle and Rectangle classes below it. The solid line with an arrowhead pointing from Circle to Shape and from Rectangle to Shape represents the inheritance relationship. It indicates that both the Circle and Rectangle classes inherit properties and methods from the Shape class.

Furthermore, UML allows us to denote the type of inheritance relationship using specific notations. There are three types of inheritance relationships commonly used in UML:

  • Generalization:
    Generalization represents the inheritance relationship where the child class inherits from the parent class. It is denoted by an unfilled arrowhead on the solid line. Generalization indicates an "is-a" relationship, meaning the child class is a specialized type of the parent class. In our example, Circle and Rectangle have a generalization relationship with Shape.
  • Realization:
    Realization represents the inheritance relationship where the child class implements an interface provided by the parent class. It is denoted by a dashed line with an arrowhead. Realization indicates that the child class fulfills the contract specified by the parent class. However, in PHP, which does not support interfaces, realization is not commonly used.
  • Dependency:
    Dependency represents a relationship where one class depends on another class, but it is not an inheritance relationship. It is denoted by a dashed line with an arrowhead. Dependency indicates that changes in the parent class may affect the child class. It represents a "uses-a" relationship.

By using these notations, UML diagrams provide a visual representation of the inheritance relationships among classes in a PHP application. They help in understanding the class hierarchy, identifying parent-child relationships, and visualizing code organization.


  • Inheritance enables the reuse of code by allowing child classes to inherit and utilize the properties and methods defined in parent classes. This reduces code duplication and promotes efficient development.
  • Inheritance facilitates the creation of class hierarchies, where child classes can be organized based on their relationships with parent classes. This hierarchical structure enhances code organization and makes the system more manageable.
  • Inheritance enables polymorphism, which allows objects of different classes to be treated as objects of a common parent class. Polymorphism enhances flexibility and simplifies code implementation by allowing interchangeable usage of related classes.
  • Child classes can specialize or extend the behavior of parent classes by adding their unique properties and methods. This enables customization and adaptation of functionality to suit specific requirements.
  • Inheritance allows child classes to override methods inherited from parent classes, providing the ability to modify or extend the behavior of those methods. This customization ensures that classes can have their implementation of inherited methods.
  • UML can be used to represent class inheritance hierarchies visually. In UML diagrams, inheritance is denoted by an arrow pointing from the child class to the parent class.
  • PHP provides access modifiers (public, protected, and private) to control the visibility and accessibility of properties and methods in inheritance.
  • PHP does not support method overloading in the traditional sense of having multiple methods with the same name but different parameters