How to Encrypt and Decrypt a String in PHP?

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Data security is of utmost importance these days. Encryption plays a vital role in safeguarding sensitive information from unauthorized access. PHP, being a versatile programming language, provides robust encryption capabilities through the OpenSSL extension. In this article, we will explore how to perform PHP encrypt and decrypt data, utilizing the power of OpenSSL.

Introduction to Encrypt and Decrypt Data in PHP

PHP encrypt and decrypt of data is an important step. Data is transformed from plaintext into ciphertext through the process of encryption, rendering it incomprehensible to unauthorized users. Sensitive data may be protected from threats and unauthorized access by using encryption. Using well-known methods like AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), the OpenSSL plugin for PHP provides reliable encryption and decryption capabilities.

The OpenSSL extension for PHP incorporates the OpenSSL library, a popular open-source toolkit that supports the SSL and TLS protocols. It uses OpenSSL's robust features to deliver efficient encryption and decryption capabilities. This enables PHP scripts to secure password storage, safeguard financial transactions, and safeguard user information.

How to Encrypt or Decrypt a String in PHP?

To perform PHP encrypt and decrypt data, we can use the openssl_encrypt() and openssl_decrypt() functions, respectively. These functions rely on OpenSSL, a robust and widely-used cryptographic library. Let's delve into the syntax, return values, parameters, and examples for each of these methods.

openssl_encrypt(data) Method

The openssl_encrypt() function is used to encrypt a provided string using a designated encryption algorithm and key.


The following is the syntax for the function:


  • $data: The input string that needs to be encrypted.
  • $method: The chosen encryption algorithm. For instance, 'AES-256-CBC' denotes AES with a 256-bit key in CBC mode (Cipher Block Chaining).
  • $key: The encryption key employed for encrypting the data. It must correspond to the key used during decryption.
  • $options: Extra options to customize the encryption process.
  • $iv: The initialization vector, serves as an additional input to the encryption algorithm. It should be unique for each encryption operation.
  • $tag (optional): The authentication tag utilized in AEAD (Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data) modes.
  • $aad (optional): Additional authentication data employed in AEAD modes.
  • $tag_length (optional): The length of the authentication tag, measured in bytes.

Return Value:

The openssl_encrypt() function returns the encrypted data as a string if successful, or false if there was an error.




In this example, the provided PHP code demonstrates the encryption of a string using the AES-256-CBC encryption algorithm. The input data is "Scaler Topics," and the encryption key is set to "encryptionKey123". An initialization vector (IV) of '1234567891011121' is also specified, along with encryption options set to 0.

The code utilizes the openssl_encrypt function to perform the encryption, passing the data, encryption method, key, options, and IV as parameters. The resulting encrypted data is stored in the variable $encryptedData.

Upon execution, the code displays the original data as "Scaler Topics" and the encrypted data as "g0U5Y7oCJGiznDr2k+W9EQ==". This output provides a demonstration of the transformation of the input data into an encrypted format using the specified encryption algorithm and key.

openssl_decrypt(data) Method

The openssl_decrypt() function uses the specified encryption algorithm and key to decrypt an encrypted string.


The following is the syntax for the function:


  • $data: The encrypted string that needs to be decrypted.
  • $method: The encryption algorithm used during the encryption process.
  • $key: The decryption key, which must correspond to the key used for encryption.
  • $options: Extra parameters to customize the decryption procedure.
  • $iv: The initialization vector utilized during encryption.
  • $tag (optional): The authentication tag applied during encryption for AEAD modes.
  • $aad (optional): Supplementary authentication data used during encryption for AEAD modes.

Return Value:

The openssl_decrypt() method returns the decrypted data as a string, or false on failure.




In this example, we demonstrate the decryption of an encrypted string using the OpenSSL library in PHP. The encrypted data is stored in the variable $encryptedData, while the $method specifies the encryption algorithm employed (AES-256-CBC). The decryption key is held in the $key, and additional decryption options can be specified using $options. The initialization vector utilized for ensuring encryption uniqueness is represented by $iv.

To perform the decryption process, the openssl_decrypt() function is used. It takes the encrypted data, encryption method, decryption key, options, and initialization vector as parameters. The decrypted data is then stored in $decryptedData. Finally, the original encrypted data and the decrypted data are displayed using the echo function.

Types of Encryption

  • Symmetric Encryption: Both encryption and decryption utilize the same key. It is appropriate for local or closed-system applications and delivers quick encryption.
  • Asymmetric Encryption: Also known as public-key encryption, it employs a pair of keys: a public key for encryption and a private key for decryption. It permits safe communication without requiring a secret key to be disclosed beforehand.
  • Hybrid Encryption: Asymmetric and symmetric encryption are used in hybrid encryption. A symmetric key is used to encrypt the data, and the symmetric key is subsequently encrypted using the recipient's public key. This method is appropriate for safe data transfer and storage since it guarantees both effectiveness and security.

Security Implications of Encryption

To guarantee effective protection of sensitive data, it is essential to take security considerations into account while applying encryption. Security is further increased by using powerful encryption techniques like AES and using lengthy, random encryption keys. Furthermore, it is crucial to safely store and manage encryption keys. To reduce the effects of prospective key breaches and improve overall security, practices such as encryption key rotation are used. We can improve the efficiency of encryption in protecting data from unauthorized access and ensuring data confidentiality by taking these security considerations into account.


  • Encryption plays a vital role in protecting sensitive information from unauthorized access by creating robust encryption keys.
  • The OpenSSL extension in PHP offers strong encryption capabilities, making use of widely recognized algorithms like AES.
  • The openssl_encrypt() function is used to encrypt a string by applying a chosen algorithm and key, and it returns the encrypted data as a string.
  • Similarly, the openssl_decrypt() function decrypts an encrypted string using the identical algorithm and key, producing the decrypted data as a string.
  • Effective key management practices, such as securely storing and rotating encryption keys, are critical for data security.
  • Initialization vectors (IV) and authentication tags (for AEAD modes) should be used to enhance the security of encrypted data.
  • Following recommended encryption standards and staying updated with security best practices is crucial to ensure the effectiveness of data encryption in PHP applications.