Concurrency Control in PostgreSQL

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Concurrency control in PostgreSQL is crucial in relational databases to ensure that multiple users can access and modify data simultaneously without conflicts or inconsistencies. PostgreSQL (an open source RDBMS) employs various techniques to handle concurrent operations effectively. It utilizes a multi-version concurrency control (MVCC) approach, which allows transactions to operate on a snapshot of the database, ensuring isolation and consistency.

Why Concurrency Control in PostgreSQL?

Concurrency control is essential in database systems like PostgreSQL to manage multiple transactions that occur simultaneously. It ensures that these transactions do not interfere with each other, maintaining data integrity and system reliability.

  • It allows multiple transactions to execute concurrently, improving system performance and responsiveness.
  • It prevents conflicts and inconsistencies that can arise when multiple transactions access and modify the same data simultaneously.
  • It ensures that transactions follow the principles of the ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) properties.

Challenges Of Concurrent Transactions

Some challenges faced during concurrent transactions are as follows:-

  • Data Inconsistency:
    Concurrent transactions can lead to inconsistent data if not properly controlled. For example, one transaction may read data that is being modified by another transaction, resulting in incorrect results.
  • Lost Updates:
    When multiple transactions try to update the same data simultaneously, some updates may be lost, leading to data inconsistencies.
  • Dirty Reads:
    A transaction reading uncommitted data from another transaction can result in incorrect or inconsistent information.
  • Deadlocks:
    Concurrent transactions may get stuck in a deadlock situation. It happens when each transaction is waiting for a resource held by another transaction, causing a system deadlock.

Ensuring Data Integrity And System Reliability

Ensuring data integrity and system reliability is crucial for efficient concurrency control in postgresql.

  • Locking Mechanisms:
    PostgreSQL uses various locking mechanisms to control access to data. These locks prevent conflicts between transactions by allowing only one transaction to modify a piece of data at a time.
  • Isolation Levels:
    PostgreSQL supports four isolation levels. These levels define the degree of isolation between concurrent transactions, ensuring data consistency and preventing anomalies.
  • Transaction Management:
    PostgreSQL provides transaction management features like commit and rollback. This allows transactions to be executed atomically and ensures that changes are durable and consistent.

Basics of Concurrency Control in PostgreSQL

Concurrency control in PostgreSQL is primarily based on the Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC) model.

Understanding The MVCC Model

MVCC allows multiple transactions to access and modify the database concurrently without blocking each other. It achieves this by creating multiple versions of a database, each associated with a specific transaction or point in time. Each transaction sees a snapshot of the database as it existed at the start of the transaction, ensuring consistency and isolation.

How MVCC Differs From Traditional Locking Mechanisms

Traditional locking mechanisms, like shared locks and exclusive locks, are used to control access to data in a serialized manner. In MVCC, read operations do not block write operations, and write operations do not block read operations. This improves concurrency and performance. MVCC avoids the need for explicit locks on read operations by using a combination of snapshot isolation and versioning. When a transaction modifies a data item, it creates a new version of that item, while other transactions continue to see the old version. This ensures consistency and isolation without blocking.

Snapshot Isolation and MVCC

Snapshot isolation is a key concept in the Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC) model used by PostgreSQL. It ensures consistent views of data for transactions.

Concept Of Transaction Snapshots

A transaction snapshot represents a consistent view of the database at a specific point in time. When a transaction starts, it takes a snapshot of the database, capturing the state of all data items it accesses. This snapshot remains unchanged throughout the transaction, even if other transactions modify the data.

How PostgreSQL Ensures Consistent Views Of Data For Transactions?

PostgreSQL ensures that each transaction sees a consistent view of the database by using transaction snapshots and versioning.

  • When a transaction reads a data item, it retrieves the version of the item that was valid at the time the transaction started.
  • If another transaction modifies the same data item concurrently, the modifying transaction creates a new version of the item, while the reading transaction continues to see the old version. This ensures that each transaction sees a consistent snapshot of the database, even if other transactions are modifying the data concurrently.

PostgreSQL achieves consistent views of data for transactions through the following mechanisms:

  1. Read Consistency:
    Each transaction sees a snapshot of the database as it existed at the start of the transaction.
  2. Versioning:
    When a transaction modifies a data item, it creates a new version of that item, preserving the old version for other transactions.
  3. Visibility Checks:
    PostgreSQL checks the visibility based on transaction snapshots to ensure that transactions only see committed data. This prevents dirty reads and maintains consistency.

Types of Locks in PostgreSQL

In PostgreSQL, there are three types of locks that can be used to control access to data. These locks are used in conjunction with MVCC to ensure data consistency and isolation.

Row-level Locks

Row-level locks are used to control access to individual rows within a table.

    This lock allows a transaction to read a row and exclusively lock it, preventing other transactions from modifying or acquiring locks on the same row until the lock is released.
    This lock allows a transaction to read a row and acquire a shared lock on it. Other transactions can also acquire shared locks on the same row, but exclusive locks are prevented.

Table-level Locks

Table-level locks are used to control access to entire tables.

    This command enables a transaction to explicitly lock one or more tables. It can be used to acquire shared or exclusive locks on the entire table, restricting other transactions from accessing or modifying it.
  • SHARE:
    This lock mode allows concurrent transactions to acquire shared locks on a table. Multiple transactions can hold shared locks simultaneously, allowing them to read the table but not modify it.
    This lock mode allows a transaction to acquire an exclusive lock on a table, preventing other transactions from accessing or modifying it.

Advisory Locks

Advisory locks are a flexible locking mechanism. They are custom locks that can be used at the application level to coordinate access to resources. They are not automatically enforced by the database but can be used by applications to coordinate access to shared resources. Advisory locks can be used for application-specific synchronization and coordination purposes.

Deadlocks and Their Resolution

Deadlocks occur when two or more transactions are waiting indefinitely for each other to release resources. As a result none of the transactions can proceed. PostgreSQL has mechanisms in place to detect and handle deadlocks.

What Is A Deadlock And Why Does It Occur?

A deadlock is a situation where two or more transactions are stuck in a circular dependency, each waiting for a resource held by another transaction. Deadlocks occur due to a combination of shared resources, concurrent execution, and transaction dependencies. Common causes of deadlocks include improper resource locking, inconsistent lock acquisition order, and lack of proper transaction coordination.

How PostgreSQL Detects And Handles Deadlocks?

PostgreSQL employs a deadlock detection mechanism to identify and resolve deadlocks. When a potential deadlock is detected, PostgreSQL selects one of the involved transactions as the victim and aborts it to break the deadlock. The aborted transaction is rolled back, releasing its held resources and allowing the other transactions to proceed.

Strategies To Prevent And Resolve Deadlocks

PostgreSQL's deadlock detection mechanism can automatically resolve deadlocks. But it's still crucial to design applications and transactions in a way that minimizes the occurrence of deadlocks. This involves the following:

  • Proper Locking:
    Acquire locks in a consistent order to prevent deadlocks.
  • Shorter Transaction Duration:
    Break down complex transactions into smaller units to minimize deadlock chances.
  • Deadlock Timeout:
    Set a maximum wait time for transactions to prevent indefinite waiting and enable timely deadlock resolution.
  • Retrying Transactions:
    Retry a transaction after a deadlock by rolling back and restarting to acquire resources in a different order, resolving the deadlock.

Isolation Level - Practical Implications And Use Cases For Each Isolation Level

The isolation level determines how transactions interact and their visibility to changes made by other concurrent transactions. Transaction in PostgreSQL supports different isolation levels to control concurrency and data visibility among concurrent transactions:


  • Transactions can see uncommitted changes made by others. Thus sacrificing consistency for more concurrent access. It has the lowest isolation level.
  • This isolation level is also known as dirty read.
  • Practical implications:
    Rarely used due to the risk of reading inconsistent or incorrect data. Suitable for specialized scenarios where real-time data access is critical and the risk of reading uncommitted data is acceptable.


  • Transactions can only see committed changes by other transactions at the time the query starts.
  • This isolation level provides a good balance between concurrency and data consistency. But it may encounter inconsistent reads or unexpected data additions.
  • Practical implications:
    Suitable for most applications where data consistency is important. Allows concurrent transactions to read and modify data without blocking each other.


  • Transactions maintain a consistent snapshot of the database. This prevents inconsistent reads but may encounter unexpected data modifications.
  • Concurrent transactions can still insert, update, or delete data, but their changes are not visible to the current transaction.
  • Practical implications:
    Suitable for applications that require consistent reads throughout a transaction. Ensures the same query executed multiple times within a transaction returns the same result.


  • Transactions execute as if they were processed one after another. This ensures maximum consistency but impacts performance due to increased concurrency control. It has the highest isolation level.
  • It helps in preventing anomalies like dirty reads, non-repeatable reads, and phantom reads.
  • Practical implications:
    Suitable for applications that require strict data consistency. Provides the strongest guarantees but may lead to increased contention and reduced concurrency.

Serializable Snapshot Isolation (SSI)

Serializable Snapshot Isolation (SSI) is an extension of the Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC) model in PostgreSQL. It provides a higher level of isolation by ensuring serializable transaction execution.

SSI is an advanced feature for concurrency control in PostgreSQL. It ensures transactions are executed in a serializable manner, even in a concurrent environment.

Understanding SSI as an Extension of MVCC

  • SSI builds upon the Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC) model used in PostgreSQL.
  • It extends MVCC to provide a higher level of isolation called serializability.
  • SSI allows concurrent transactions to execute as if they were serialized, ensuring data consistency.

How SSI Ensures Serializable Transaction Execution?

  • SSI guarantees serializable transaction execution by preventing anomalies like dirty reads, non-repeatable reads, and phantom reads.
  • It achieves this by using snapshot isolation, versioning, and additional techniques.
  • Transactions see a consistent snapshot of the database at the start and maintain this consistency throughout their execution.

Detecting Serialization Anomalies

  • SSI uses predicate locking to detect potential conflicts between transactions.
  • Predicate locking involves acquiring locks on data based on the conditions (predicates) used in queries.
  • If a potential conflict is detected, SSI takes appropriate actions, such as aborting one of the transactions, to maintain serializability.

Handling Hotspots and Contention

Frequently updated tables or rows can lead to hotspots and contention issues in a database system. Here are some challenges associated with this and strategies to mitigate them:

Challenges With Frequently Updated Tables Or Rows

  • Increased contention:
    Multiple transactions trying to access or modify the same hotspots can lead to contention, causing delays and decreased performance.
  • Locking overhead:
    Traditional locking mechanisms can introduce overhead when multiple transactions contend for locks on frequently updated data.
  • Reduced concurrency:
    Hotspots can limit the degree of concurrency in the system, as transactions may need to wait for access to the hotspots.

Strategies like partitioning, using HOT (Heap-Only Tuples) Updates, And Avoiding Long-running Transactions

The strategies given below help to distribute the workload, reduce locking overhead, and improve concurrency in the system.

  • Partitioning:
    Partitioning involves dividing a table into smaller, more manageable partitions based on a specific criterion (e.g., range, list, or hash). This distributes the data across multiple partitions, reducing contention on a single table or row.
  • Heap-Only Tuples (HOT) updates:
    HOT updates in PostgreSQL allow for in-place updates of a row without moving it physically. This reduces the need for acquiring locks on the entire table, minimizing contention and improving performance.
  • Avoiding long-running transactions:
    Long-running transactions can hold locks for an extended period, increasing contention. Breaking down transactions into smaller units or using shorter transaction durations can help reduce contention and improve concurrency.
  • Optimistic concurrency control:
    Optimistic concurrency control in PostgreSQL techniques, such as using timestamps or version numbers, allow multiple transactions to proceed concurrently without acquiring locks. Conflicts are detected and resolved during the commit phase, reducing contention.

Tools and Monitoring

Monitoring running queries and locks is crucial for understanding the performance and concurrency of a PostgreSQL database. Here are some tools and techniques for monitoring and gaining deeper insights into query performance, concurrency issues, and overall database health:

Using pg_stat_activity to Monitor Running Queries

  • pg_stat_activity is a system view in PostgreSQL that provides information about the currently running queries and their associated sessions.
  • It includes details such as the query text, session ID, application name, start time, and more.
  • Monitoring pg_stat_activity can help identify long-running queries, analyze query performance, and detect potential bottlenecks.

Lock Monitoring with pg_locks

  • pg_locks is another system view that provides information about the current locks held by active transactions.
  • It includes details such as the lock type, lock mode, lock holder, and locked object.
  • Monitoring pg_locks can help identify lock contention, detect deadlocks, and analyze concurrency issues.

Extensions And Third-party Tools

PostgreSQL offers various extensions that provide additional monitoring capabilities. For example:

  • pg_stat_statements tracks statistics about executed SQL statements, helping identify the most resource-intensive queries.
  • pg_stat_progress_vacuum provides insights into the progress of ongoing vacuum operations. Third-party tools like pgAdmin, Datadog, and Prometheus with exporters (e.g., pg_exporter) can provide comprehensive monitoring, metrics, and visualization capabilities for PostgreSQL.

Best Practices for Concurrency Control

Concurrency control in PostgreSQL is crucial for maintaining data integrity and ensuring efficient concurrent operations in a database system. Some best practices to consider:

Proper Index Usage To Speed Up Concurrent Operations

  • Use appropriate indexes to speed up concurrent operations. Well-designed indexes can reduce the need for full table scans and improve query performance.
  • Analyze query patterns and access patterns to identify the most effective indexes for your workload.
  • Be cautious with excessive indexing, as it can introduce overhead during write operations.

Regular Database Maintenance: Vacuuming And Analyzing

  • Perform regular database maintenance tasks like vacuuming and analyzing. Vacuuming reclaims space and removes dead tuples, while analyzing updates statistics for query optimization.
  • Regular maintenance helps prevent performance degradation due to bloated tables and outdated statistics.

Application-side Strategies: Batching, Retry Mechanisms, And Connection Pooling

  • Implement batching techniques to reduce the number of round trips to the database. Grouping multiple operations into a single transaction or query can improve efficiency and reduce contention.
  • Use retry mechanisms to handle concurrency-related errors gracefully. Retry failed transactions or queries with appropriate backoff and retry logic to mitigate contention issues.
  • Utilize connection pooling to efficiently manage database connections. Connection pooling reduces the overhead of establishing new connections for each transaction, improving performance and scalability.


  • Concurrency control in PostgreSQL is essential to manage multiple transactions and ensure data integrity and system reliability.
  • PostgreSQL employs the Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC) approach, allowing transactions to operate on a snapshot of the database, ensuring isolation and consistency.
  • PostgreSQL uses locking mechanisms. There are three types of locks - Row-level locks, Table-level locks and Advisory locks.
  • There are four isolation levels in transactions. Read uncommitted has the lowest isolation level while Serializable has the highest isolation level.
  • PostgreSQL achieves consistent views of data through read consistency, versioning, and visibility checks.
  • Deadlocks occur when transactions are stuck in a circular dependency, but PostgreSQL employs a deadlock detection mechanism to resolve them.