Drop and Truncate a Table in PostgreSQL

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In PostgreSQL, a powerful open-source relational database management system, there are times when you need to remove data from a table. This article will dive into two methods to achieve this: Dropping a Table and Truncating a Table. Both methods serve different purposes and have distinct implications. Let's explore the syntax, parameters, examples, and differences between these operations.

Drop Table in PostgreSQL


To permanently remove a table from a PostgreSQL database, the DROP TABLE in PostgreSQL command is used. The syntax for dropping a table is as follows:

  • The IF EXISTS option prevents an error from being raised if the table doesn't exist.
  • The CASCADE option ensures that objects dependent on the table are also dropped.
  • The RESTRICT option prevents the table from being dropped if there are dependencies.


  • table_name: The name of the table you wish to drop.


Let's consider an example where we have a table named "employees" that we want to drop:


If we want to make sure the table exists before dropping it, we can use the IF EXISTS option:


To drop multiple tables simultaneously:


Using the CASCADE option to drop a table and its dependent objects:


Truncate Table in PostgreSQL


TRUNCATE TABLE in PostgreSQL is used to quickly remove all rows from a table while keeping the structure intact. The syntax is as follows:


  • table_name: The name of the table to be truncated.


Suppose we have a table named "sales" that we want to truncate:


Truncating multiple tables simultaneously:



When using TRUNCATE TABLE in PostgreSQL, it's important to be aware of how it interacts with DELETE triggers that might be associated with the table. Unlike individual DELETE statements, TRUNCATE TABLE might not directly activate DELETE triggers on the table. This behaviour can have implications for cascading deletions and other trigger-related actions that you've set up in your database.


When you execute a TRUNCATE TABLE command, the operation efficiently removes all data from the table, and the data removal process differs from the individual row deletions caused by DELETE statements. Since TRUNCATE TABLE is designed for bulk data removal, it doesn't generate the same type of individual row-level operations that DELETE statements do.

As a result, DELETE triggers that you've defined on the table might not be directly activated when you use TRUNCATE TABLE. This means that if you've set up triggers to perform certain actions when rows are deleted from the table, these triggers might not be triggered by a TRUNCATE TABLE operation.


Suppose you have a DELETE trigger that logs deleted rows from a table named "logs". When using DELETE statements, this trigger correctly logs each deleted row. However, if you decide to use TRUNCATE TABLE logs, the DELETE trigger might not be activated for each individual row removal, impacting the logging functionality.


In this scenario, when using DELETE statements, the "log_deleted" trigger correctly logs each row deletion into the "deleted_logs" table. However, when you use TRUNCATE TABLE logs, the trigger might not function as expected, and no rows could be inserted into the "deleted_logs" table.

TRUNCATE TABLE And Transaction

In PostgreSQL, transactions play a pivotal role in ensuring data consistency and integrity. When it comes to the TRUNCATE TABLE operation, understanding its behaviour within a transaction is crucial for managing data effectively and maintaining the integrity of your database.

TRUNCATE TABLE within a Transaction

Unlike some operations that are immediately committed to the database, the effects of TRUNCATE TABLE can be rolled back within a transaction. This means that if you perform a TRUNCATE TABLE operation within a transaction and subsequently decide to roll back that transaction, the data removed by the TRUNCATE TABLE operation will not be permanently deleted.

However, it's important to note that while you can roll back the transaction, the data that was truncated cannot be fully restored through a simple ROLLBACK command. TRUNCATE TABLE is a fast and efficient operation that bypasses the usual individual row deletions, making it challenging to undo the action entirely, even within a transaction.


Let's consider an example to better understand how TRUNCATE TABLE works within a transaction. Suppose you have a table named "sales", and you perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. Begin a transaction.
  2. Execute TRUNCATE TABLE sales; within the transaction.
  3. Roll back the transaction.

The following is the set of queries representing the above-said operations.

Query to create a sample table named sales:


Query to insert some data into the sales table:


Query to begin a transaction and revert it:


In this scenario, while the TRUNCATE TABLE operation within the transaction is rolled back, the data that was truncated will not be fully restored. The table structure will remain intact, but the data removed by the truncate operation will not be reverted.

Query to view the data in the sales table post the transaction is rolled back:


1Product A100
2Product B200
3Product C150


When using TRUNCATE TABLE within transactions, keep the following considerations in mind:

  1. Data Integrity: While you can roll back the effects of TRUNCATE TABLE, the actual data removed cannot be fully recovered. It's important to carefully plan and execute the truncate operation within the context of your larger database management strategy.
  2. Backup: As with any data manipulation operation, maintaining regular backups is essential. Even though you can roll back a TRUNCATE TABLE operation within a transaction, having a backup ensures you have a safe point to revert to if needed.
  3. Efficiency: TRUNCATE TABLE is a highly efficient operation, especially for large tables, due to its minimal logging. If you're looking to quickly remove data, it can be a preferred option over individual DELETE statements, despite the limitations within transactions.

Difference Between DROP TABLE and TRUNCATE TABLE in PostgreSQL

OperationRemoves the entire table along with all associated objects, such as indexes, constraints, triggers, and data.Removes only the data within the table while keeping the table structure intact.
SyntaxDROP TABLE table_name;TRUNCATE TABLE table_name;
ExampleDROP TABLE employees;TRUNCATE TABLE sales;
Data DeletionDeletes both the table structure and all the data it contains.Deletes only the data in the table, leaving the table structure unchanged.
Foreign Key ConstraintsRequires manual removal or modification of foreign key constraints before dropping the table.Can be used even if the table has foreign key constraints, as long as CASCADE is used.
RollbackChanges cannot be rolled back in a transaction. Dropping a table is irreversible.Can be rolled back within a transaction, but the data removed by TRUNCATE cannot be fully restored through a rollback.
TriggersDoes not directly activate DELETE triggers on the table.May not activate DELETE triggers associated with the table.
EfficiencyLess efficient for large tables compared to TRUNCATE due to detailed logging.More efficient for large tables due to minimal logging.
Cascade EffectsCan trigger cascading deletions of objects dependent on the dropped table.TRUNCATE does not trigger cascading deletions of dependent objects.
Disk SpaceReclaims disk space entirely after dropping the table.Marks the space as available for future use but does not immediately release it.
DependenciesMay lead to errors if dependent objects are not removed or modified first.Can truncate a table even if there are dependent objects, using CASCADE if needed.

Understanding these nuanced differences between the DROP TABLE and TRUNCATE TABLE operations in PostgreSQL is crucial for effective database management and decision-making.


Q. Does TRUNCATE TABLE release disk space immediately?

A. No, TRUNCATE TABLE marks the space as available for future use, but the space isn't immediately released to the operating system.

Q. Can I use TRUNCATE TABLE on a table with foreign key constraints?

A. Yes, but you need to either remove the constraints or specify the CASCADE option to TRUNCATE, which will truncate the dependent tables as well.

Q. What happens if I use DROP TABLE on a table with dependent objects?

A. If the table you're attempting to drop has dependent objects, such as views, indexes, or foreign keys, PostgreSQL will raise an error. To successfully drop the table, you might need to either remove or modify the dependent objects accordingly.


  • In summary, this article has comprehensively explored two crucial operations, Dropping a Table and Truncating a Table, in PostgreSQL. These operations are essential for managing and maintaining the structure and data within your database.
  • DROP TABLE is a powerful command that serves the purpose of permanently removing a table from the database along with all its associated objects, such as indexes, constraints, triggers, and data.
  • By adding the IF EXISTS clause, you can prevent errors from occurring when attempting to drop a table that doesn't exist.
  • Additionally, the CASCADE option allows you to remove dependent objects that are linked to the table being dropped, while the RESTRICT option prevents dropping the table if there are dependencies.
  • TRUNCATE TABLE, on the other hand, is a command designed for efficiently removing all data within a table while preserving its structure. This command is especially useful for large tables, as it is faster than using the DELETE command due to its minimal logging requirements.