Embracing Table Inheritance in PostgreSQL

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In the world of databases, Inheritance in PostgreSQL is a powerful concept. It allows child tables to inherit attributes and properties from a parent table, reducing redundancy and enhancing data organization. PostgreSQL, a robust open-source database management system, not only adheres to standard relational principles but also fully embraces object-relational features, including the concept of inheritance. This means that PostgreSQL supports the creation of table hierarchies, where child tables inherit structures from their parent tables, offering a more elegant and efficient way to manage complex data models. This innovative approach makes PostgreSQL an excellent choice for applications that require both relational and object-oriented database capabilities.

Basics of Table Inheritance in PostgreSQL

Definition and Core Principles

Table Inheritance in PostgreSQL is a database design feature that enables the creation of a hierarchical structure of tables, where child tables inherit attributes and properties from a parent table.

Table Inheritance in PostgreSQL establishes a hierarchy with parent and child tables, mirroring the concept of inheritance in object-oriented programming.

Inherited Attributes:
Child tables inherit columns, constraints, and indexes from the parent, reducing data redundancy and ensuring a common structure.

Additional Columns:
Child tables can also include additional columns for specific data, enhancing customization.

Data Integrity:
Constraints and indexes defined at the parent level apply uniformly to child tables, ensuring data integrity.

Complex Data Models:
Table Inheritance in PostgreSQL is ideal for managing complex data models where different entities share common attributes but have unique characteristics. It streamlines data organization and simplifies management.

The Distinction Between Parent Tables And Child Tables

AspectParent TablesChild Tables
Column InheritanceDefine the original set of columns, constraints, and indexes.Inherit columns and their data types from the parent table. Child tables can also add additional columns specific to their needs.
Constraints and IndexesDefine primary keys, unique constraints, and other constraints that apply to the entire hierarchy.Inherit constraints and indexes from the parent, but can define additional constraints if necessary.
Data StorageCan store data like any other table, and data inserted into the parent is shared with child tables.Store their data separately from the parent and other child tables. Data inserted into child tables is specific to that particular table.
Data IntegrityEnforce data integrity rules across the entire hierarchy, ensuring consistency in shared attributes.Inherit data integrity rules from the parent but can have their own specific rules, contributing to data integrity within their scope.
Use CaseTypically represents a more generalized or abstract entity, acting as a blueprint for the hierarchy.Represent specific instances or subclasses of the parent entity and store data related to these specific instances.

Creating and Using Inherited Tables

SQL Syntax For Creating Inherited Tables

In PostgreSQL, you can create inherited tables using the INHERITS clause when defining child tables.

Suppose you have a parent table named parent_table with columns and constraints, and you want to create a child table named child_table that inherits from the parent:

Using INHERITS (parent_table), we specify that the child_table inherits the structure (columns, constraints, and indexes) of the parent_table. This ensures that the child table shares the attributes defined in the parent table.

Examples Showcasing Inheritance Structure And Query Behavior

To showcase the inheritance structure and query behavior in PostgreSQL, let's create a simple example with a parent table and two child tables. In this example, we'll use tables to represent different types of employees: employee as the parent table, full_time_employee as one child table, and part_time_employee as another child table.

STEP 1: Create the parent table

STEP 2: Create Child Tables

Child table full_time_employee and part_time_employee will inherit from the parent employee table:

STEP 3: Insert Data

STEP 4: Query the tables

When you run these queries, you'll see that PostgreSQL's inheritance mechanism allows you to query both the parent and child tables. This approach simplifies data retrieval and management in scenarios where common attributes are shared among different types of entities.


For employee table


For full_time_employee


For part_time_employee


Advantages of Using Inheritance

  • Organizing similar tables under a common structure:
    Inheritance allows you to group related tables, such as different types of employees, under a common parent table. This enhances database organization, reduces redundancy, and maintains a consistent structure for shared attributes.
  • Efficient data retrieval from specific child tables:
    With inheritance, you can efficiently retrieve data from specific child tables based on their unique attributes. This improves query performance and simplifies data access when working with specific subsets of your data.
  • Simplifying database design in certain scenarios:
    Inheritance simplifies the design of complex databases by allowing you to represent diverse entities with shared attributes. It's particularly valuable when modeling real-world scenarios where different entities have common characteristics but also exhibit variations, streamlining database management and maintenance.

Constraints and Inheritance

  • How constraints are inherited from parent-to-child tables

Constraints in a database are rules and restrictions that ensure data integrity and consistency. They can be inherited from parent tables to child tables through relationships, such as foreign keys. Here's a short explanation with an example:


Let's say we have two tables, "Parent" and "Child," with a relationship where the "Child" table references the "Parent" table using a foreign key constraint.

In this example, the "Child" table inherits constraints from the "Parent" table through the foreign key relationship. The "ParentID" column in the "Child" table is constrained to only contain values that exist in the "Parent" table's "ParentID" column. This ensures that data in the "Child" table remains consistent and follows the rules established by the parent table.

  • Overriding and adding new constraints in child tables

In the context of database tables and constraints, overriding means that a child table can replace or modify constraints inherited from a parent table, and it can also add new constraints specific to itself.


Suppose we have a "Parent" table with a primary key constraint:

In this example, the "Child" table overrides the primary key constraint of the "Parent" table, making the "ParentID" column a regular foreign key instead of a primary key. It also adds a new constraint, a check constraint on the "Age" column to ensure that the value is non-negative.

Indexes and Inheritance

  • In a database, when a child table inherits from a parent table, it typically inherits the indexes defined on the parent table. This means that the child table benefits from the same index structures created on the parent, improving query performance for common operations. It avoids the need to recreate the same indexes on the child table. This inheritance ensures that data retrieval remains efficient in the child table without duplicating indexing efforts.


Imagine a scenario where you have a database for managing employees, and you want to create a separate table for managers who share the same attributes as regular employees. You want to index the "employee_id" column for quick lookups in both tables:

In this case, the "Manager" table inherits the "employee_id" index from the "Employee" table, allowing for efficient lookups in both tables.

  • In some cases, the child table may have specific query requirements that differ from the parent table. To optimize performance for these specific queries, additional indexes may need to be defined on the child table. These custom indexes cater to the unique access patterns or filtering criteria associated with the child table's data. Defining these extra indexes ensures that the child table's queries run efficiently, even if it means adding indexes beyond what the parent provides.


Suppose you have a database for managing products, and you have a parent table for all products, but you want to create a separate table for electronics, which has an additional attribute that needs indexing:

In this example, the "ElectronicProduct" table has an additional "model_number" index, allowing for efficient searches based on the model number for electronic products while still inheriting the "product_id" index from the parent table for general product lookups.

Partitions and Inheritance

Table inheritance is a database design concept where a new table (child) inherits attributes and structure from an existing table (parent). In the context of data partitioning, inheritance allows for the creation of a hierarchy of tables, with each child table inheriting from a common parent. This hierarchy helps in the efficient organization of data and can be used as a foundation for partitioning.

Partitioning strategies using inheritance

Partitioning is the process of dividing a large table into smaller, more manageable segments.

Range Partitioning:
Data is divided into partitions based on a specified range of values, such as dates or numerical ranges. Each child table represents a specific range. List Partitioning:
Data is partitioned based on predefined lists or values. Each child table represents a list of values. Other Strategies:
In addition to range and list, other strategies like hash partitioning and subpartitioning can be implemented using inheritance to optimize data storage and retrieval.

Querying And Performance Considerations In Partitioned Structures

Querying and performance considerations in partitioned data structures refer to the strategies and optimizations involved in managing and retrieving data from databases or storage systems that are organized into partitions. Partitions are used to improve data management and query performance in large-scale systems.

When querying partitioned data:

  • Choose the right partition key for common queries.
  • Keep partitions balanced in size.
  • Consider partition size carefully.
  • Plan for maintenance tasks to ensure long-term performance benefits.

Limitations and Caveats

  • Inheritance is not true subclassing:
    In database table inheritance, like a "Person" table and a "Customer" table inheriting from it, "Customer" may share some columns with "Person," but it doesn't inherit methods or data like a programming subclass. This can be confusing if you expect "Customer" to inherit behaviors from "Person."
  • Lack of automatic ALTER TABLE propagation:
    Suppose you have an "Employee" table and add a "Department" column. This change won't automatically apply to child tables (e.g., "Manager" or "Technician"). You must manually update each child table, which can be error-prone and time-consuming.
  • Performance issues in large hierarchies:
    In a hierarchy with an "Animal" parent and child tables like "Mammal," "Reptile," and "Bird," querying data involving these child tables may become slower and more complex as the hierarchy grows. Maintenance tasks, like reindexing, can also be resource-intensive, impacting database performance. Careful design and monitoring are crucial.

Common Use Cases for Inheritance

  • Database design scenarios suited for inheritance:

Inheritance in databases is suitable when you have a clear hierarchical relationship between entities. For instance, in an e-commerce database, you might have a base "Product" table with child tables like "ElectronicProduct" and "ClothingProduct." This hierarchy simplifies data modeling and allows you to store specific attributes for each product type.

Real-world Applications

  • Event Logging:
    In event logging, a base "Event" table with child tables (e.g., "LoginEvent," "PurchaseEvent," "ErrorEvent") stores event-specific data for easier analysis.
  • Multi-Tenant Databases:
    In multi-tenant applications where multiple clients share the same database, inheritance can help isolate data. You can have a base "Tenant" table with child tables for each client. This design ensures data separation while simplifying management.

Moving Beyond Inheritance: Native Partitioning in PostgreSQL

  • Introduction to built-in table partitioning features introduced in recent PostgreSQL versions:

In recent PostgreSQL updates, they've introduced a feature for table partitioning. This means you can split large tables into smaller sections or partitions, based on specific criteria like ranges of values, lists of values, or hash keys. Even though these partitions are all part of a single logical table, they are stored in separate physical files. This makes it much easier to handle and query large datasets.

Native Partitioning and Traditional Inheritance-based Partitioning

AspectNative PartitioningTraditional Inheritance-Based Partitioning
Query OptimizationMore efficient query planning.May not optimize queries as efficiently.
Constraint EnforcementBuilt-in, ensures data integrity.Requires manual setup, potential integrity issues.
MaintenanceEasier partition management.More complex and manual maintenance.
CompatibilityFully integrated with PostgreSQL.Relies on inheritance, may have limitations.
Data ConsistencyStronger due to built-in features.More effort is required for consistency.
ScalingEfficient scaling with minimal overhead.Scaling can be challenging with manual tasks.


  • Inheritance simplifies data organization and is suitable for hierarchies with shared attributes.
  • Constraints and indexes are inherited from parent tables, but child tables can override or add new constraints.
  • In large hierarchies, performance and maintenance tasks can become challenging.
  • Native partitioning in PostgreSQL provides more efficient query optimization, built-in constraint enforcement, and easier maintenance.
  • Consider using native partitioning for large datasets and complex partitioning strategies, while traditional inheritance-based partitioning is better for simpler hierarchies.