PostgreSQL Math Functions

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Do you know what are the PostgreSQL math functions? What operations can be performed by these PostgreSQL math functions?

PostgreSQL offers a comprehensive set of maths functions to perform various arithmetic and mathematical operations. These functions cover a wide range of operations including basic arithmetic (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division), rounding, exponentiation, logarithms, trigonometric functions, and more.

Some of the commonly used PostgreSQL math functions include: Basic Arithmetic Functions, Exponentiation and Roots, Trigonometric Functions, Logarithmic Functions, Rounding and Absolute Value, Statistical Functions.


PostgreSQL, a powerful relational database management system, comes with several mathematical functions that empower users to perform a wide array of numerical operations. These functions span from elementary arithmetic functions like addition and subtraction to more advanced operations such as exponentiation, logarithmic calculations, and intricate trigonometric functions. It's akin to having a skilled mathematician at your disposal, seamlessly integrated into your database environment.

With PostgreSQL math functions, tasks like computing square roots, handling logarithms, and conducting statistical analyses become straightforward. This feature proves invaluable for individuals working extensively with numeric data, providing the capacity to effortlessly tackle complex mathematical operations while upholding data integrity.

These special PostgreSQL math functions give it extra superpowers for working with numbers. It's like having a really smart calculator built right into your database. This makes it super easy and accurate to do all kinds of math operations. So, PostgreSQL becomes a really handy tool for handling numbers in the database.

Types of Mathematical Functions

ABSAbsolute valueABS(-5.5)5.5
CBRTCube rootCBRT(8)2
CEIL/CEILINGRound up to nearest integerCEIL(4.3)5
DEGREESConvert radians to degreesDEGREES(PI())180
DIVInteger division15 DIV 27
EXPExponential functionEXP(1)2.718281828459
FLOORRound down to nearest integerFLOOR(4.7)4
LNNatural logarithmLN(10)2.302585092994
LOGLogarithmLOG(100, 10)2
MODModulus (remainder of division)15 MOD 21
PIMathematical constant (π)PI()3.141592653589
POWERExponential powerPOWER(2, 3)8
RADIANConvert degrees to radiansRADIAN(180)3.141592653589
ROUNDRound to specified decimal placesROUND(3.14, 1)3.1
SCALEAdjust the scale of a numeric valueSCALE(3.14, 2)3.1400
SIGNSign of a numberSIGN(-10)-1
SQRTSquare rootSQRT(16)4
TRUNCTruncate to specified decimal placesTRUNC(3.789, 2)3.78
WIDTH_BUCKETBucketize data for histogramsWIDTH_BUCKET(5, 0, 10, 4)2

Some functions like CEIL and CEILING have the same purpose and are interchangeable. Similarly, for LN and LOG, they serve the same purpose with different parameter variations.

ABS() Function

The ABS() function in PostgreSQL math functions is a versatile tool that operates on numeric inputs. Its primary function is to transform negative values into their positive counterparts, essentially returning the distance of a number from zero along the numerical axis.

This mathematical operation ensures that regardless of the sign of the input, the result is a non-negative, absolute value. This function finds extensive use in scenarios where the magnitude of a quantity is more significant than its direction. By providing a clear, positive representation of a value, ABS() aids in simplifying calculations and analyses, making it an indispensable tool in mathematical operations within the PostgreSQL environment.

Let’s understand it with the example:



ROUND() Function

The ROUND() function within PostgreSQL math functions is a versatile mathematical tool that allows for precise control over the precision of numerical values. It facilitates the rounding of numeric inputs to a specified number of decimal places, offering flexibility for both positive and negative rounding.

This function is particularly useful in scenarios where exactness in numerical representation is critical. By adjusting the level of precision, ROUND() empowers users to tailor results to specific requirements, ensuring accuracy in calculations. Whether it's for financial computations or scientific analyses, the ROUND() function plays a crucial role in fine-tuning numerical data to meet specific needs within the PostgreSQL environment.

Let’s understand it with the example:



CEIL() and FLOOR() Functions

The CEIL() and FLOOR() functions are integral components of PostgreSQL's math function which are pivotal for ensuring precision in numerical operations. CEIL(), an abbreviation for ceiling, excels at the task of rounding a numeric value upwards to its nearest integer.

In contrast, FLOOR() executes the opposite operation by rounding a numeric value downwards to the closest integer. These functions prove invaluable in scenarios demanding exactness in numerical representation. Their versatility lies in their ability to cater to a wide spectrum of mathematical requirements, offering options for both upward and downward rounding. Industries such as finance, engineering, and statistics rely heavily on CEIL() and FLOOR() for conducting meticulous calculations, which are pivotal in making accurate decisions within the PostgreSQL environment.

These functions, therefore, stand as linchpins for achieving numerical accuracy and facilitating precise analyses. Their extensive applications underscore their significance in diverse fields where precise computations are paramount. Let’s understand it with the example:

Example 1:



Example 2:



SQRT() Function

The SQRT() function in PostgreSQL math functions is a fundamental mathematical tool that serves to compute the square root of a given numeric value. It plays a pivotal role in various mathematical and scientific computations, providing a means to determine the root value of a number.

This function is particularly valuable in scenarios where understanding the square root of a quantity is crucial for further analysis or decision-making. By extracting the square root, PostgreSQL users can gain insights into the underlying numerical relationships and make informed conclusions. Whether applied in engineering, physics, or financial modelling, SQRT() stands as a key function for precise numerical operations within the PostgreSQL environment.



POWER() Function

The POWER() function in PostgreSQL math functions is an essential mathematical tool that empowers users to perform exponentiation operations. Specifically, it facilitates the raising of a given number to a specified exponent. This function plays a crucial role in various scientific and engineering applications, where exponential growth or decay patterns are prevalent. By utilizing POWER(), users can efficiently model and analyze phenomena exhibiting exponential behaviour.

Whether it's compound interest calculations, population growth projections, or the decay of radioactive materials, the ability to exponentiate numbers is invaluable. In the PostgreSQL environment, POWER() stands as a dependable function for accurately handling exponential operations, contributing significantly to the precision of numerical computations.



MOD() Function

The MOD() function within PostgreSQL's mathematical arsenal is a highly prized tool, indispensable for calculating the remainder that results from a division operation. This function proves its mettle in scenarios where discerning the fractional portion left after a division is of paramount importance. It allows for meticulous handling of situations where achieving an exact division outcome may be unattainable, offering valuable insights into the intricate relationships between numbers.

The widespread application of MOD() spans across diverse fields, including computer programming, finance, and engineering, where managing remainders is intrinsic to various tasks. Through the extraction of remainders, PostgreSQL users can adeptly navigate scenarios involving division, significantly elevating the precision and reliability of numerical operations within the PostgreSQL environment.



RANDOM() Function

The RANDOM() function in PostgreSQL is a versatile tool that generates pseudo-random values within the range of 0 to 1. This function is invaluable in scenarios where the introduction of uncertainty or variability is crucial. It finds extensive application in simulations, games, and statistical modelling. By providing a source of randomness, RANDOM() allows for the creation of dynamic and unpredictable outcomes, enhancing the realism and complexity of computational models.

This function plays a pivotal role in decision-making algorithms, scenario analysis, and various applications requiring stochastic elements. Within the PostgreSQL environment, RANDOM() stands as an indispensable function for introducing controlled randomness into computations, contributing significantly to the versatility of numerical operations.



TRUNC() Function

The TRUNC() function in PostgreSQL is a valuable mathematical tool that allows precise control over the number of decimal places in a numeric value. It plays a pivotal role in scenarios where exactness in numerical representation is critical. By adjusting the level of precision, TRUNC() empowers users to tailor results to specific requirements, ensuring accuracy in calculations.

This function finds extensive application in fields such as finance, engineering, and statistics, where precise computations are imperative for accurate decision-making. Whether it's for financial modelling or scientific analyses, the TRUNC() function stands as a key tool for fine-tuning numerical data to meet specific needs within the PostgreSQL environment.



EXP() Function

The EXP() function in PostgreSQL is a powerful mathematical tool that calculates the exponential value of a given numeric input. This function is essential in various scientific and engineering applications, especially when dealing with phenomena that exhibit exponential growth or decay patterns. By leveraging EXP(), users can efficiently model and analyze these exponential behaviours.

Whether applied in financial calculations, population projections, or the decay of radioactive materials, the ability to calculate exponential values is invaluable. In the PostgreSQL environment, EXP() serves as a dependable function for accurately handling exponential operations, contributing significantly to the precision of numerical computations and facilitating insightful analyses.



LOG() and LOG10() Functions

The LOG() and LOG10() functions in PostgreSQL are not just useful; they are indispensable tools for precise mathematical computations. LOG() meticulously calculates the natural logarithm, which is the logarithm base e. Here, e represents the mathematical constant, approximately equal to 2.71828. This logarithm is foundational in numerous scientific and financial calculations, offering a fundamental framework for understanding exponential growth or decay.

In contrast, LOG10() operates by computing the base-10 logarithm. This particular function is of paramount importance in various scientific and financial computations, offering critical insights into numerical relationships.

The widespread applicability of LOG() and LOG10() encompasses a broad spectrum of scenarios. From conducting compound interest calculations in finance to modelling population trends in demographics, these functions play a pivotal role in extracting meaningful insights from numerical data.

Within the PostgreSQL environment, LOG() and LOG10() assume a central position, serving as key tools for conducting accurate and insightful mathematical operations. Their versatility and precision make them indispensable, ensuring that PostgreSQL users can confidently navigate complex numerical computations with utmost accuracy and reliability. In essence, these functions are not merely tools; they are linchpins that enable PostgreSQL to excel in the domain of precise numerical operations.



PI() Function

The PI() function in PostgreSQL is a cornerstone of mathematical computation, yielding the celebrated constant π, conventionally approximated as 3.14159. This mathematical constant holds profound significance, particularly in the realm of geometry, where it defines the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter.

Beyond its geometric roots, π permeates various scientific disciplines, permeating into engineering, physics, and statistics. It becomes especially relevant in scenarios involving circular or cyclical phenomena, providing a fundamental framework for analysis. By furnishing access to this universal constant, PostgreSQL empowers users to execute meticulous computations entailing circular or periodic patterns.

This augmentation of precision contributes substantially to the depth and accuracy of numerical operations within the PostgreSQL environment, solidifying its standing as a robust tool for mathematical pursuits.



These functions offer a wide range of mathematical operations and are invaluable in various applications, from basic arithmetic to complex calculations in scientific and financial fields.


  • PostgreSQL offers a wide array of maths functions covering basic arithmetic, rounding, exponentiation, logarithms, trigonometric operations, and more. This extensive toolkit equips users to perform a broad spectrum of mathematical operations.
  • These functions enhance the computational capabilities of PostgreSQL, ensuring precise and accurate numerical results. This is particularly crucial for scientific, financial, and engineering applications.
  • The math functions in PostgreSQL have versatile applications across various industries. They are indispensable tools for tasks ranging from statistical analysis to complex engineering calculations.
  • PostgreSQL's math functions are user-friendly and can be seamlessly integrated into SQL queries. This makes it convenient for developers and analysts to perform complex calculations within the database environment.
  • The availability of functions like exponential calculations, logarithms, and trigonometric operations makes PostgreSQL a favoured choice for scientific research and data analysis.
  • By offering a robust set of math functions, PostgreSQL empowers users to conduct in-depth data analysis and make informed decisions based on precise numerical computations.