String Functions in PostgreSQL

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PostgreSQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that provides a robust and feature-rich platform for storing, managing, and retrieving structured data. String functions in PostgreSQL provide powerful tools for manipulating and analysing text data. These functions are essential in various applications, from data cleaning to complex text processing.

These string functions in PostgreSQL form the backbone of text processing in PostgreSQL, enabling users to efficiently manipulate and analyse textual information within their databases.


String functions in PostgreSQL are a set of powerful tools designed to handle and manipulate text data efficiently. These functions play a crucial role in data management and analysis by offering a wide range of operations tailored for strings. From simple tasks like finding the length of a string with LENGTH() to more complex operations like pattern matching using LIKE and regular expressions, these functions empower users to extract, transform, and process text effectively.

PostgreSQL's string functions facilitate tasks like concatenating strings using CONCAT(), which is essential for combining text elements. Functions such as TRIM() and REPLACE() allow for data cleaning and transformation, ensuring data consistency and accuracy.

PostgreSQL's string functions serve as fundamental building blocks for handling textual information within the database environment, catering to a wide array of applications and ensuring data integrity and quality.

Types of String Functions

ascii()Returns the ASCII code of the first character of a string.ASCII('B')66
chr()Returns the character with the specified ASCII code.CHR(66)B
concat()Concatenates two or more strings.CONCAT(‘Hello’, ‘Learners’)Hello Learners
concat_ws()Concatenates multiple strings with a specified separator.CONCAT_WS(', ', 'John', 'Doe')John, Doe
format()Formats a string using a specified format.FORMAT('Hello, %s!', ‘Learners’)Hello, Learners!
initcap()Capitalises the first letter of each word in a string.INITCAP('hello Learners’)Hello Learners
left()Returns the specified number of characters from the beginning of a string.LEFT('Hello', 3)Hel
length()Returns the number of characters in a string.LENGTH('Hello, World!')13
lpad()Pads a string to a certain length with another string, starting from the left.LPAD('Hello', 8, '*')Hello
ltrim()Removes specified characters from the beginning of a string.LTRIM(' Hello ')Hello
md5()Calculates the MD5 hash of a string.MD5('Hello')5d41402abc4b2a76b9719d911017c592
position()Returns the position of a substring within a string.POSITION('lo' IN 'Hello')4
regexp_matches()Performs a regular expression match and returns captured groups.REGEXP_MATCHES('Hello World', '(\w+) (\w+)', 'g'){'Hello World','Hello','World'}
regexp_replace()Performs regular expression-based search and replace in a string.REGEXP_REPLACE('Hello World', '(\w+) (\w+)', '\2 \1')World Hello
repeat()Repeats a string a specified number of times.REPEAT('Na', 3)NaNaNa
replace()Replaces occurrences of a substring within a string.REPLACE('Hello', 'o', 'i')Helli
reverse()Reverses the characters in a string.REVERSE('Hello')olleH
right()Returns the specified number of characters from the end of a string.RIGHT('Hello', 3)llo
rpad()Pads a string to a certain length with another string, starting from the right.RPAD('Hello', 8, '*')Hello***
rtrim()Removes specified characters from the end of a string.RTRIM(' Hello ')‘ Hello’
split_part()Splits a string based on a delimiter and returns the specified part.SPLIT_PART('John,Doe', ',', 2)Doe
substring()Extracts a substring based on position and length.SUBSTRING('Hello, World!', 1, 5)Hello
trim()Removes specified characters from the beginning and end of a string.TRIM('l' FROM 'Hello')Heo
upper()Converts a string to uppercase.UPPER('hello')HELLO

Now let’s discuss some of the commonly used string functions in PostgreSQL.

Let’s create a table on which we can perform the string functions:



Using String Functions in SELECT Statements

Using String Functions in SELECT Statements is a powerful technique to manipulate and extract meaningful information from text data stored in a database. These functions augment the querying process, allowing for precise and insightful results.

Now, let’s execute it on the above-created table. We want to retrieve the full names of the employees in uppercase.

The result of our SELECT statement will be:



In this example, we use the || operator to concatenate the first_name, a space, and the last_name. The UPPER() function ensures that the resulting string is in uppercase.

Concatenation Function (CONCAT)

Concatenation in the context of databases, particularly PostgreSQL, refers to the operation of combining two or more strings into a single string. In PostgreSQL, the concatenation operator is denoted by two vertical bars (||). For example, if you want to merge the strings Hello and World, you would write Hello || World, which would result in the string HelloWorld.

This function is immensely useful in manipulating text data. It allows for the creation of dynamic strings by combining fixed text with variable elements from a database. This is frequently utilised in generating personalised messages, constructing file paths, or creating complex queries.

PostgreSQL offers various other string functions like concat(), concat_ws(), and format(), each with distinct features and use cases. Understanding and employing these functions effectively can greatly enhance the flexibility and functionality of database operations involving strings.

Now, let’s execute it on the above created table.


Doe, John
Smith, Jane
Johnson, Bob

Length Function (LENGTH)

The length function in PostgreSQL returns the number of characters in a given string. It helps determine the size of a string, aiding in tasks like validation and data manipulation. This function is valuable for managing text-based information within database systems and applications.

Now, let’s execute it on the above-created table.



Substring Function (SUBSTRING)

The SUBSTRINGfunction in PostgreSQL extracts a portion of a string based on specified starting and ending positions. It allows users to isolate a substring from within a larger text, facilitating tasks like data parsing and extraction. This function is especially useful when dealing with structured data that requires specific information retrieval, such as dates or codes embedded within text. The SUBSTRING functions in PostgreSQL enhance the flexibility and precision of data manipulation operations in PostgreSQL, making it a crucial tool for tasks ranging from report generation to complex data transformations within database systems and applications.

Now, let’s execute it on the above created table.



Upper and Lower Case Functions (UPPER, LOWER)

The UPPER function in PostgreSQL converts all characters in a string to uppercase. Conversely, the LOWER function converts all characters to lowercase. These functions are crucial for standardising text data, and ensuring consistency in searches and comparisons. They are widely used in data cleaning and normalisation processes within database applications.

Now, let’s execute it on the above created table.



String Trimming Functions (TRIM, LTRIM, RTRIM)

String trimming functions, namely TRIM, LTRIM, and RTRIM, are vital tools in PostgreSQL used to remove specified characters from the beginning (LTRIM), end (RTRIM), or both ends (TRIM) of a string. These functions are invaluable for data cleaning and preparation tasks.

LTRIM (Left Trim) removes designated characters from the left side of a string, making it especially useful for eliminating leading spaces or other unwanted characters. Conversely, RTRIM (Right Trim) operates on the right side of the string, getting rid of trailing characters. TRIM, without any specified side, trims characters from both ends of the string.

For instance, if you have a string with extra spaces at the beginning and end, applying TRIM(' hello ') would result in 'hello'. This is crucial for standardising and normalising textual data, ensuring consistency and accuracy in database operations.

These functions are essential in scenarios where data integrity and uniformity are paramount, such as when dealing with user inputs, cleaning imported datasets, or preparing data for further analysis or reporting within PostgreSQL.

Now, let’s execute it on the above created table.



String Padding Functions (LPAD, RPAD)

The String Padding Functions, LPAD (Left Pad) and RPAD (Right Pad), are essential components of PostgreSQL's toolkit for text manipulation. These functions are employed to adjust the length of strings by adding specific characters to either the left (LPAD) or right (RPAD) side.

LPAD allows users to extend the left side of a string with a designated character or set of characters until it reaches a desired length. For example, if you have a numeric value 123 and you want it to be formatted as 00123 with leading zeros, LPAD('123', 5, '0') would yield the desired output.

On the other hand, RPAD achieves a similar outcome, but by adding characters to the right side of the string. This function is invaluable for scenarios where consistent string lengths are necessary, such as aligning data within columns or generating standardized codes.

Moreover, String Padding Functions are widely utilized in tasks like formatting numbers for financial applications or creating identifiers with a consistent length.



String Replacement Function (REPLACE)

The REPLACE function in PostgreSQL is a powerful tool designed to modify text data by substituting specific segments within a string with another set of characters or text. This function plays a pivotal role in data transformation and cleansing processes. For instance, if you have a string containing a certain word or phrase that needs to be updated or corrected, you can employ REPLACE to efficiently carry out this task.

For example, using the command REPLACE('Hello World', 'World', 'Universe') would yield the string Hello Universe, demonstrating how the function replaced World with Universe. This capability is immensely valuable for rectifying typos, updating outdated information, or adapting data to adhere to specific formatting requirements.

Moreover, the REPLACE function is instrumental in preparing data for various analytical operations. It enables the standardization of textual information, ensuring consistency in datasets. This is particularly important in scenarios where data integrity and uniformity are crucial, such as when dealing with user-generated content, cleaning imported datasets, or preparing data for reporting and visualization.

The REPLACE function is a versatile tool in PostgreSQL, indispensable for tasks involving text manipulation, data cleaning, and ensuring data quality and accuracy in database operations.



String Position Function (POSITION)

The POSITION function in PostgreSQL returns the starting position of a specified substring within a string. It provides a valuable means to locate specific information within text fields, aiding in tasks like data extraction and validation.



String Aggregation Function (STRING_AGG)

The String Aggregation Function, often referred to as SUBSTRING in PostgreSQL, is a powerful tool used to extract specific portions of text from a larger string. Unlike concatenation, which combines strings, SUBSTRING isolates substrings based on defined patterns or positions within a given text. It allows users to extract relevant information from a dataset, such as retrieving dates from a text containing various details.

This function is invaluable in data cleaning and analysis. For instance, it can be used to parse structured information like phone numbers or addresses from unformatted text fields. Additionally, it enables the manipulation of textual data for reporting and visualization purposes. By utilizing SUBSTRING, users can efficiently process and extract pertinent details, enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of data handling tasks within PostgreSQL databases. Familiarity with this function empowers database professionals to refine and extract meaningful insights from complex textual information.

PostgreSQL's STRING_AGG is typically used with GROUP BY operations, so we'll create different tables which will be departments and users tables.


ITJane Smith, John Doe
HRBob Johnson


  • PostgreSQL offers a versatile set of string functions that allow for efficient manipulation and analysis of text data within the database.
  • Essential functions like LENGTH, UPPER, LOWER, and SUBSTRING provide fundamental operations for determining string length, converting cases, and extracting substrings, respectively.
  • Functions like CONCAT, LPAD, and RPAD facilitate string concatenation and padding, enabling users to combine and format text as needed.
  • Functions such as TRIM, REPLACE, and REVERSE are valuable for data cleansing and transformation tasks, ensuring consistency and accuracy in textual information.
  • The POSITION function allows users to find the position of a substring within a larger text, aiding in precise data retrieval and pattern matching.