Date and Time Functions in Power BI DAX

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In the world of data analysis and visualization, Power BI, a BI tool developed by Microsoft, stands as a formidable tool. One of its key strengths lies in its Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) language, which empowers users to manipulate date and time data effortlessly. This article delves into the realm of the Time and Date function in Power BI DAX, offering insights into their versatile applications and how they can be harnessed to extract meaningful insights from time series data.


Time and date-based features are critical dimensions in data analysis, and Power BI's Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) provides a robust set of tools to harness their potential. Whether you're tracking sales trends, monitoring project timelines, or analyzing user behavior, understanding how to manipulate and visualize date and time data is essential. In this article, we explore the time and Date function in Power BI DAX, unveiling their capabilities, and showcasing how they can be used in discovering valuable insights.

Important DAX Date Functions in Power BI

Let’s explore a few of the key DAX Date function in Power BI, as mentioned below -


  • The DAX CALENDAR function is used to generate a calendar table, which is a pre-defined table containing a contiguous range of dates. This function is invaluable for creating date-based calculations and analysis.
  • Syntax - CALENDAR(<start_date>, <end_date>)
  • Example - CalendarTable = CALENDAR(DATE(2023, 1, 1), DATE(2023, 12, 31)) - In this example, the CALENDAR function generates a table with all dates from January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023, creating a foundation for various date-related analyses within Power BI.


  • The DAX DATE function is used to create a date based on the specified year, month, and day values. It's a fundamental function for constructing date values in DAX.
  • Syntax - DATE(<year>, <month>, <day>)
  • Example - OrderDate = DATE(2023, 9, 24) - In this example, the DATE function constructs a date representing September 24, 2023, which can be used in various calculations and visualizations within Power BI.


  • The DAX DATEVALUE function is used to convert a text representation of a date into a date value in Power BI. It's helpful when you have date data in a text format and need to work with it as actual dates.
  • Syntax - DATEVALUE(<date_text>)
  • Example - DateColumn = DATEVALUE("2023-09-24") - In this example, the DATEVALUE function converts the text "2023-09-24" into a date value, allowing you to perform date-based calculations and analysis in Power BI.


  • The DAX DATEDIFF function calculates the difference between two dates, returning the result in a specified interval (such as days, months, or years). This function is valuable for measuring the time span between two date values.
  • Syntax - DATEDIFF(<start_date>, <end_date>, <interval>)
  • Example - DaysBetween = DATEDIFF(DATE(2023, 1, 1), DATE(2023, 9, 24), DAY) - In this example, the DATEDIFF function calculates the number of days between January 1, 2023, and September 24, 2023, using the "DAY" interval. The result would be the number of days elapsed between these two dates.


  • The DAX EDATE function is used to calculate a new date by adding or subtracting a specified number of months from a given date. It's a useful function for date-based calculations involving months.
  • Syntax - EDATE(<start_date>, <months>)
  • Example - FutureDate = EDATE(DATE(2023, 9, 24), 3) - In this example, the EDATE function adds 3 months to the date September 24, 2023, resulting in a new date representing December 24, 2023. This can be handy for forecasting or planning purposes in Power BI.


  • The DAX DAY function extracts the day component (an integer from 1 to 31) from a given date. It's useful when you want to isolate and work with the day portion of a date value.
  • Syntax - DAY(<date>)
  • Example - OrderDay = DAY(DATE(2023, 9, 24)) - In this example, the DAY function extracts the day component from the date September 24, 2023, resulting in the value 24. This allows for specific day-based calculations in Power BI, such as tracking sales by day.


  • The DAX EOMONTH function is used to calculate the last day of the month which is a specified number of months before or after a given date. It's particularly useful for financial and date-related calculations where you need to determine month-end dates.
  • Syntax - EOMONTH(<start_date>, <months>)
  • Example - LastDayOfMonth = EOMONTH(DATE(2023, 9, 24), 2) - In this example, the EOMONTH function calculates the last day of the month which is two months after September 24, 2023. The result would be November 30, 2023, making it a valuable tool for tasks like financial reporting in Power BI.


  • The DAX MONTH function is used to extract the month component (an integer from 1 to 12) from a given date. It allows you to isolate and work with the month portion of a date value.
  • Syntax - MONTH(<date>)
  • Example - OrderDay = MONTH(DATE(2023, 9, 24)) - In this example, the MONTH function extracts the month component from the date September 24, 2023, resulting in the value 9, which represents the ninth month (September). This function is valuable for grouping or aggregating data by month in Power BI reports and analyses.


  • The DAX NOW function is used to return the current date and time as a datetime value in Power BI. It provides a dynamic way to capture the current date and time when your calculations or measures are evaluated.
  • Syntax - NOW()
  • Example - CurrentDateTime = NOW() - In this example, the NOW function captures the current date and time when the measure or calculation is evaluated, allowing you to create real-time reports or time-sensitive analyses in Power BI.


  • The DAX QUARTER function is used to extract the quarter of the year as a number from a given date. It returns an integer value ranging from 1 to 4, where 1 represents the first quarter (January to March), and 4 represents the fourth quarter (October to December).
  • Syntax - QUARTER(<date>)
  • Example - SalesQuarter = QUARTER(DATE(2023, 9, 24)) - In this example, the QUARTER function extracts the quarter from the date September 24, 2023, resulting in the value 3, which represents the third quarter (July to September). This function is valuable for organizing and analyzing data by quarter in Power BI reports and dashboards.


  • The DAX TODAY function is used to return the current date as a date value in Power BI. It provides a dynamic way to capture the current date when your calculations or measures are evaluated.
  • Syntax - TODAY()
  • Example - CurrentDate = TODAY() - In this example, the TODAY function captures the current date when the measure or calculation is evaluated, allowing you to create real-time reports or time-sensitive analyses in Power BI.


  • The DAX UTCNOW function is used to return the current Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) date and time as a datetime value in Power BI. It provides a dynamic way to capture the current UTC date and time when your calculations or measures are evaluated.
  • Syntax - UTCNOW()
  • Example - CurrentUTCDateTime = UTCNOW() - In this example, the UTCNOW function captures the current UTC date and time when the measure or calculation is evaluated, ensuring consistency across different time zones and allowing you to work with standardized time values in Power BI.


  • The DAX UTCTODAY function is used to return the current Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) date as a date value in Power BI. It provides a dynamic way to capture the current UTC date when your calculations or measures are evaluated.
  • Syntax - UTCTODAY()
  • Example - CurrentUTCDate = UTCTODAY() - In this example, the UTCTODAY function captures the current UTC date when the measure or calculation is evaluated, ensuring consistency across different time zones and allowing you to work with standardized date values in Power BI.


  • The DAX WEEKDAY function is used to extract the day of the week as a number from a given date. It returns an integer value that represents the day of the week, with Sunday being 1, Monday being 2, and so on, up to Saturday as 7, if not specified.
  • Syntax - WEEKDAY(<date>, [<return_type>])
  • Example - DayOfWeek = WEEKDAY(DATE(2023, 9, 24), 2) - In this example, the WEEKDAY function extracts the day of the week from the date September 24, 2023, using the return_type of 2 (Monday as the start of the week). The result would be 7, indicating that it's a Sunday. This function is valuable for various date-related calculations and categorizations in Power BI reports and analyses.


  • The DAX WEEKNUM function is used to calculate the week number for a given date. It returns an integer representing the week number within a year. You can specify the type of week numbering system to use, such as ISO week numbering or standard week numbering.
  • Syntax - WEEKNUM(<date>, [<week_start>])
  • Example - WeekNumber = WEEKNUM(DATE(2023, 9, 24)) - In this example, the WEEKNUM function calculates the week number for the date September 24, 2023.


  • The DAX YEAR function is used to extract the year component from a given date. It returns an integer representing the year associated with the provided date.
  • Syntax - YEAR()
  • Example - OrderYear = YEAR(DATE(2023, 9, 24)) - In this example, the YEAR function extracts the year component from the date September 24, 2023, resulting in the value 2023. This function is valuable for grouping and analyzing data by year in Power BI reports and visualizations.


  • The DAX YEARFRAC function is used to calculate the fraction of a year between two dates. It returns a decimal number that represents the portion of a year between the start_date and end_date.
  • Syntax - YEARFRAC(<start_date>, <end_date>, [<basis>])
  • Example - FractionOfYear = YEARFRAC(DATE(2023, 1, 1), DATE(2023, 9, 24), 1) - In this example, the YEARFRAC function calculates the fraction of a year between January 1, 2023, and September 24, 2023, using a basis of 1 (actual/actual day count). The result would be a decimal number representing the fraction of the year that has elapsed between these two dates. This function is useful for financial and date-related calculations in Power BI.

Examples of Date Functions in Power BI

1. Sales Trend Analysis

The date function in Power BI can be immensely helpful for analyzing sales trends. Consider a scenario where you want to track monthly sales performance. You can use DAX functions like EOMONTH to create a dynamic end-of-month date table and SUMX to calculate monthly sales totals. This allows you to visualize sales trends over time, identify peak months, and make data-driven decisions, such as adjusting marketing strategies or inventory management.

2. Financial Reporting

When preparing financial reports in Power BI, date functions play a pivotal role. Functions like YEARFRAC can be used to calculate the fractional part of a year for interest rate calculations, while functions like QUARTER can help break down financial data into quarters for comparative analysis. Additionally, the NOW function ensures that reports always display the most current financial data, making it easier to track financial performance in real-time.

3. Website Traffic Analysis

In digital marketing and web analytics, tracking website traffic over time is essential. Date functions can be applied to analyze daily, weekly, or monthly website visits. Using functions like WEEKDAY, you can identify which days of the week receive the most traffic, allowing you to optimize content publication schedules and marketing efforts. Furthermore, the WEEKNUM function can help you monitor week-to-week changes in website traffic, aiding in performance assessment and goal setting.


  • DAX date function in Power BI empowers you to transform raw date and time data into actionable insights, facilitating trend analysis, period-over-period comparisons, and dynamic reporting.
  • From financial calculations to sales analytics, the date function in Power BI offers versatility and applicability across a wide range of industries and use cases.
  • Mastering these functions opens up a world of possibilities for extracting meaningful insights from your temporal data and elevates your proficiency in harnessing the full potential of Power BI.