Promises in Node.js

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Node.js is a powerful JavaScript runtime that excels at handling asynchronous operations. Promises are a fundamental concept in Node.js that simplifies asynchronous code, making it more readable and maintainable. In this blog, we will introduce you to promises in Node.js, explain how they work, and demonstrate how to transition from callbacks to promises. We will also provide an example to illustrate their usage.

What are Promises in Node.js?

Promises are objects that represent the eventual completion or failure of an asynchronous operation. They provide a more structured way of handling asynchronous code compared to traditional callback functions.

Promises have three possible states :

  • Pending : The initial state when the promise is created, and the asynchronous operation is ongoing.
  • Fulfilled : The state when the asynchronous operation completes, and a result is available.
  • Rejected: The state when the asynchronous operation encounters an error or fails.

Example: Using Promises in Node.js to simulate an asynchronous operation, like reading a file:

Promises allow you to attach callback functions to handle the fulfillment or rejection of the asynchronous task, making it easier to write clean and organized asynchronous code.

How do Promises Work?

Promises work based on a simple concept. When you initiate an asynchronous operation that returns a promise, you can attach one or more callback functions to that promise to handle the results when it is fulfilled or rejected.

In simple words, Promises are like contracts for future values. Imagine ordering food at a restaurant. You don't receive your meal immediately; instead, you're given a receipt—a promise that your food will be delivered. You can continue chatting with your friends without worrying about the cooking process. When your food is ready (fulfilled), it arrives at your table. However, if there's a problem in the kitchen (rejected), you'll be informed, and alternative arrangements can be made.

In code, promises follow a similar pattern :

  • Initiation: When you initiate an asynchronous operation, you receive a promise, like a restaurant receipt.
  • Attachment : You attach a .then() method to the promise to specify what to do when it's fulfilled. This method takes a callback function that handles the result when it's available.
  • Error Handling: You can also attach a .catch() method to handle errors that may occur during the operation.
  • Completion: The promise will eventually transition to the fulfilled or rejected state based on the outcome of the asynchronous task.
  • Execution: The attached callback functions (.then() or .catch()) execute accordingly, just like receiving your food or addressing issues in the kitchen.

Handling exceptions within Promise chains is crucial for writing robust and error-tolerant asynchronous code in JavaScript. Promises provide a way to propagate and catch exceptions, ensuring that errors are properly managed. Here's how exceptions are handled within Promise chains :

  • Handling Exceptions within .then() Blocks : When an exception occurs within a .then() block of a Promise chain, it behaves like a regular JavaScript exception. However, instead of causing the entire program to crash, it will be caught and converted into a rejection of the Promise returned by that .then() block.

In this example, the error thrown within someAsyncFunction will be caught by the .catch() block and the Promise chain is effectively "rejected" with that error.

  • Uncaught Exceptions Leading to Rejection:

If an exception is thrown within a .then() block but isn't caught by a subsequent .catch() block, the Promise returned by that .then() block will be rejected, and the error will propagate up the chain until it's handled.

In this case, the error thrown in the first .then() block is not caught within that block or the subsequent .then() block. As a result, the Promise chain is rejected, and the error is eventually caught by the .catch() block.

Callbacks to Promises

In the realm of asynchronous programming, callbacks have long been the go-to solution for handling operations that don't complete immediately. While callbacks are functional, they often lead to callback hell, a situation where nested callbacks become hard to manage and understand. This is where promises step in as a cleaner and more structured alternative.

Callbacks: The Traditional Approach

Callbacks work, but as your codebase grows, you might find yourself dealing with deeply nested callbacks, commonly referred to as callback hell or pyramid of doom. This can lead to code that is difficult to read, maintain, and debug.

Promises: A Structured Alternative Promises provide a more organized and readable way to work with asynchronous operations.

With promises, the code becomes more linear and easier to follow. The fetchDataFromAPIWithPromise function returns a promise that can be chained with .then() and .catch() methods, making it clear how to handle success and error conditions.

Example: Transitioning from Callbacks to Promises

To illustrate the transition from callbacks to promises, let's use a real-world scenario of loading and displaying a list of user profiles from a server API.

Callback-based Approach :

Promise-based Approach :

In this example, we've transitioned from a callback-based getUserProfiles function to a promise-based getUserProfilesWithPromise function. The code is more straightforward and easier to manage, especially as your application's complexity grows.

Nested promises

Nested promises, also known as chained promises, are a powerful technique in JavaScript for managing sequential asynchronous operations. They allow you to execute asynchronous tasks one after the other in a structured and organized manner, ensuring that each operation depends on the successful completion of the previous one. In this explanation, we'll delve into nested promises and provide examples to illustrate their usage.

Understanding Nested Promises

Nested promises are a way of chaining multiple asynchronous operations together. They are particularly useful when you have a sequence of asynchronous tasks that depend on each other, where the result of one task is needed as input for the next.

The key to understanding nested promises is the use of .then() and .catch() methods to handle the results or errors of each asynchronous task in the sequence. When a promise is resolved (fulfilled), the next .then() in the chain is executed. If any promise in the chain is rejected (encounters an error), the closest .catch() is triggered, allowing you to handle the error gracefully.

Example: Sequential File Reading

Let's use an example to demonstrate nested promises. We'll read three files sequentially, and each file's content will be dependent on the previous one. If any file reading operation fails, we'll catch the error and stop the process.

In this example :

  • We read the content of file1.txt.
  • Using the data from file1, we construct the filename for file2.
  • We read the content of file2.
  • Using the data from file2, we construct the filename for file3.
  • We read the content of file 3.

Creating custom promises

Creating custom promises in JavaScript is a fundamental skill for handling asynchronous operations in a structured and controlled manner. Custom promises allow you to wrap asynchronous code and provide a standardized interface for handling the results or errors of those operations.

Anatomy of a Custom Promise : A custom promise is typically constructed using the Promise constructor. This constructor takes a single argument: a function with two parameters, resolve and reject. These parameters are themselves functions that you call to either fulfill (resolve) or reject the promise, depending on the outcome of your asynchronous operation.

Here's the basic structure of creating a custom promise :

  • resolve(result) : Use this function when the asynchronous operation succeeds, passing in the result as an argument. This transitions the promise to the fulfilled (resolved) state.
  • reject(error) : Use this function when an error occurs during the asynchronous operation, passing in the error as an argument. This transitions the promise to the rejected state.

Example: Creating a Custom Promise for Fetching Data

Let's create a custom promise for simulating a data-fetching operation. This is a more practical example that demonstrates how custom promises can wrap real-world asynchronous tasks.

In this example, fetchData is a custom promise that simulates an asynchronous API request using setTimeout. It resolves with a data object after one second. You can use .then() to handle the successful result or .catch() to manage any errors.

Consuming a promise

Consuming a promise involves handling the results or errors of an existing promise using the .then() and .catch() methods. This is typically done when you want to use the outcome of an asynchronous operation encapsulated within a promise.

Basic Structure for Consuming a Promise :

  • .then((result)): This method is used when the promise is resolved (fulfilled), and it receives the result as an argument. You can perform actions based on the successful outcome in this block.
  • .catch((error)): This method is used when the promise is rejected, and it receives the error as an argument. You can handle errors and perform error-specific actions in this block.

Example: Consuming a Promise for Fetching Data

In this example, fetchData is a custom promise that simulates fetching data from an API. We use .then() to handle the successful result (data retrieval) and .catch() to handle any errors (e.g., network issues or server errors).

Chaining Promises

Chaining promises in JavaScript is a technique for managing and orchestrating a sequence of asynchronous operations where each operation depends on the result of the previous one. This chaining allows you to create a structured and orderly flow of asynchronous tasks, ensuring they are executed sequentially and in a controlled manner. Chained promises are an essential part of handling complex asynchronous workflows.

Here's the basic structure:

In this structure :

Each .then() block defines what should happen when the previous promise resolves. You can return a new promise (e.g., secondPromise, thirdPromise, etc.) or a value from each .then() block, which determines the next step in the chain. If an error occurs at any point in the chain, it will be caught by the nearest .catch() block, allowing you to handle it gracefully.

Example: Chaining Promises for Sequential File Reading

Let's illustrate chaining promises with an example where we read three files sequentially, and each file's content depends on the result of the previous one.

In this example :

  • We start by reading the content of file1.txt.
  • Inside the first .then() block, we use the result from file1.txt to construct the filename for file2.
  • In the second .then() block, we read the content of file2_${data1.trim()}.txt.
  • Similarly, in the third .then() block, we use the result from file2 to construct the filename for file3 and read its content.
  • Finally, we log the content of file 3 and a success message.

Node.js promisfy() method

In Node.js, the util.promisify() method is a utility function provided by the util module that allows you to easily convert functions that follow the common callback pattern into functions that return promises.

Here's how you can use the util.promisify() method :

In this example:

We have a callback-based function called readFileCallback that reads a file using the fs.readFile function. We use util.promisify() to convert readFileCallback into a promise-based function called readFilePromise. The readFilePromise function can be used with .then() and .catch() for promise-based handling. The util.promisify() method simplifies the process of transitioning from callback-based code to promise-based code in Node.js, making your code more readable and easier to work with in modern JavaScript environments.

This is beneficial for several reasons :

  • Better Readability : Promises provide a more structured and readable way to handle asynchronous operations compared to traditional callback patterns. Code that uses Promises tends to be less nested and easier to understand.
  • Error Handling : Promises make it easier to handle errors in a centralized manner using .catch(). This simplifies error handling compared to checking for errors in each callback.
  • Chaining : Promises allow you to chain multiple asynchronous operations together using .then(), which can lead to more concise and linear code, especially when you have multiple asynchronous tasks to perform in sequence.
  • Compatibility : Promises are a part of the ES6 (ECMAScript 2015) standard, making them a modern and widely adopted way to work with asynchronous code. They are also compatible with modern JavaScript features like async/await.

Here's an example of how util.promisify() simplifies working with a real-world callback-based function, fs.readFile(), which reads a file asynchronously and uses a callback:

In this example :

  • We start with the traditional callback-based fs.readFile() function, which takes a file path, encoding, and a callback. This can become hard to manage in more complex code.
  • We use util.promisify() to convert fs.readFile() into a Promise-based function called readFilePromise. This makes the code more readable and easier to work with.
  • We can now use readFilePromise() to read the file. It returns a Promise, so we can chain .then() to handle the successful result and .catch() to handle errors.
  • By using util.promisify(), you can simplify your code, make it more readable, and take advantage of modern asynchronous programming patterns while working with existing callback-based APIs in Node.js.

Promise vs Ajax Request vs Callback

Promise :

  • Purpose: Promises are a modern JavaScript feature designed to simplify asynchronous code, making it more readable and maintainable. They are not limited to network requests and can be used for various asynchronous operations.
  • Usage: Promises are used to handle asynchronous tasks where you want to represent the eventual completion or failure of an operation. They provide a structured way to manage asynchronous code with methods like .then() and .catch().

Ajax Request :

  • Purpose: Ajax requests specifically refer to making HTTP requests to a server, typically for fetching or sending data. This is a subset of asynchronous operations and is primarily used for client-server communication in web development.
  • Usage: Ajax requests are used to interact with web servers, retrieve data, and update a web page without requiring a full page refresh. Common methods include XMLHttpRequest and the modern fetch() API.

Callback :

  • Purpose: Callbacks are a traditional way of handling asynchronous code in JavaScript. They are functions passed as arguments to other functions and are executed after the completion of an operation.
  • Usage: Callbacks are used in various scenarios, including file I/O, event handling, and asynchronous operations. However, they can lead to callback hell (nested callbacks) in complex scenarios, making code hard to read and maintain.

Converting an Existing Callback API to a Promise

To convert an existing callback-based API to use promises, you can use util.promisify() in Node.js or create a custom promise wrapper around the callback-based function. Here's an example using util.promisify():

In this example, we use util.promisify() to convert the callback-based readFileCallback function into a promise-based readFilePromise function, allowing us to work with promises instead of callbacks when reading a file.


  • Promises are a powerful tool in Node.js for simplifying asynchronous code, making it more readable and maintainable.
  • Promises have three states: pending, fulfilled (resolved), and rejected. This state-based model allows for clear handling of success and error scenarios.
  • Chaining promises allows you to sequence asynchronous tasks sequentially, creating an organized and readable flow of operations.
  • Promises provide a standardized way to handle errors using .catch(), ensuring that errors are properly caught and managed.
  • Node.js offers the util.promisify() method to easily convert callback-based functions into promise-based functions, simplifying the transition to promise-based code.
  • Promises improve code quality by reducing callback hell (nested callbacks) and allowing for cleaner and more maintainable asynchronous code.