React Native Picker
A picker is a dropdown or multiple-choice option provider that is used on mobile devices in place of a select element or component. It used to be possible to use a Picker component that was built into the React Native core, but this feature has been deprecated and is no longer advised. Although react-native-picker is one of these community packages, using any of them is advised.
What is Picker in React Native?
The React Native Picker component chooses an item from various options. This is equivalent to a dropdown menu item. When we must choose among several possibilities, we utilise a picker. A part that gives users access to the system user interface to select from various alternatives.
A picker component for React Native called react-native-picker imitates the native select interface on Android and iOS. It emulates the native chosen interface, but it also gives developers the option to modify it in any way they see fit. The developer is free to transmit styles to alter the interface's appearance and feel. react-native-picker is feature-rich and comes with many props, making it highly adaptable and effective.
Supported Version
@react-native-picker/picker | react-native | react-native-windows |
>= 2.0.0 | 0.61+ | 0.64+ |
>= 1.16.0 | 0.61+ | 0.61+ |
>= 1.2.0 | 0.60+ or 0.59+ with Jetifier | N/A |
>= 1.0.0 | 0.57 | N/A |
For React Native v0.60 and above (Autolinking)
There is no requirement to launch the linking process because auto-linking is supported by react-native@0.60 and higher. React-native-windows@0.64 and above support auto-linking.
For connecting pods, CocoaPods for iOS requires the following extra step :
No more action is necessary.
Usage in Windows without auto-linking requires the following extra steps :
Add the ReactNativePicker project to your solution.
Right-click the Solution icon in Solution Explorer and choose Add > Existing project to open the solution in Visual Studio. D:\dev\RNTest\node_modules\@react-native-picker\picker\windows\ReactNativePicker\ReactNativePicker.vcxproj
Your main application project should now include a reference to ReactNativePicker. In Visual Studio: Choose Add > Reference from the context menu of the main application project. Try ReactNativePicker from Solution projects.
To the headers included at the beginning of the file, add #include "winrt/ReactNativePicker.h". Before InitializeComponent(); include PackageProviders().Append(winrt::ReactNativePicker::ReactPackageProvider());
For connecting of pods, CocoaPods for iOS requires the following extra step :
Only if you are using a version of React Native lower than 0.60, the next steps are required.
Mostly automatic installation
$ react-native link @react-native-picker/picker
Manual installation
iOS :
- Right-click Libraries in the project navigator of XCode. Add Files to [the name of your project]
- Add RNCPicker.xcodeproj to node_modules/ @react-native-picker/picker.
- Choose your project in XCode's project navigator. Include libRNCPicker.a in the build phases of your project.
- (Cmd+R) Run your project.
Android :
- Open (android/app/src/main/java/[...]/
Add import com.reactnativecommunity.picker.RNCPickerPackage; to the imports at the top of the file.
Add new RNCPickerPackage() to the list returned by the getPackages() method.
Add the following lines in the end of android/settings.gradle:
- Insert the following lines inside the dependencies block in android/app/build.gradle :
MacOS :
- In XCode, in the project navigator, right-click Libraries ➜ Add Files to [your project's name]
- Go to node_modules ➜ @react-native-picker/picker and add RNCPicker.xcodeproj
- In XCode, in the project navigator, select your project. Add libRNCPicker.a to your project's Build Phases ➜ Link Binary With Libraries
- Run your project (Cmd+R)<
React Native Picker Usage
Picker from @react-native-picker/picker is imported :
Use the useState hook to create a state that the Picker will use :
Now make use of the Picker component in the following way :
Provide ref to Picker to open/close the picker programmatically on Android (enabled starting with version 1.16.0+) :
React Native Picker Props
Prop | Description |
onValueChange( itemValue, itemPosition) | When an item is selected, this callback prop is invoked. It requires two inputs: itemValue, the value of the selected item, and itemPosition, the index of the selected item. |
selectedValue | The selected value is returned. |
style | It defines the style of the Picker. |
testID | In end-to-end tests, it is used to identify this view. |
enabled | It is a Boolean prop that, when set to false, causes the picker to be disabled. The user is unable to select a choice if it is set to false. |
mode | When users click on the picker on Android, it determines how to display the selected items. It possesses the dropdown and dialogue features. The dialogue appears as a modal dialogue and is the default mode. The picker is shown in the dropdown as the anchor view. |
prompt | It is the title of the dialogue when the Android's dialogue mode is used. |
itemStyle | It defines the style of each item in the Picker. |
numberOfLines | After calculating the text layout, including line wrapping, it is used to truncate the text with an ellipsis so that the total lines do not cross this number on Android & iOS. The default value is 1. |
onBlur | It is the callback that is executed when the element loses focus. |
onFocus | It is the callback that is executed when the element gains focus. |
Steps to Create React Native Picker
Step 1 : Create File
The App.js folder will be utilised in this case as a presentational element.
Step 2 : Logic
The user state variable is used for controlling the picker. The updateUser function will be triggered when a user is picked.
When you click on the name, you are given the following three choices :
You can choose one of them, and the result will be as follows :
How to Use the Picker Component with Expo Version 37?
The 37th version of Expo SDK's managed workflow does not support this component. The Picker from react-native should be imported.
Does the Picker have RTL Support?
You need to amend AndroidManifest.xml to include android:supportsRtl="true"
How to Modify the Color of the Dropdown Triangle?
In Android, dropdownIconColor and dropdownIconRippleColor both provide the colour of the dropdown triangle and its ripple, respectively. The input value must be one that the react-native processColor function accepts.
- A picker is a dropdown or multiple-choice option provider that is used on mobile devices in place of a select element or component.
- The React Native Picker component chooses an item from various options.
- Installation command is : $ npm install @react-native-picker/picker --save
- A picker component for React Native called react-native-picker imitates the native select interface on Android and iOS.