React Native Share
Users sharing material from one application or social network to another boost the company's visibility and clientele from a business standpoint. Consider it a subset of word-of-mouth spreading among users and their networks. A user who shares invites other people to utilize the application. Several techniques will offer this functionality from the standpoint of the developer. For mobile applications powered by React Native, a package that enables sharing functionalities is available.
Introduction to React Native Share
This package, created and continually improved by open-source developers, enables the broad sharing of PDF files, audio files, and photos. Built-in features include sharing content immediately to Facebook feeds and Instagram stories. The entire package's documentation is available, and you can download a working sample to your mobile device by following the instructions below the headings of the article.
Inbuilt Share Package in React Native
The following are the requirements for using react-native-share:
- Expo CLI or react native CLI.
- Node.js v12.0.0 or higher
- Run expo init <your_app_name> to setup an expo project
How to Implement React-native-share?
To implement React Native Share, you first need to install it. Simply perform the following command if you are using React Native >= 0.60:
Then, to use the project on iOS, we must install the necessary dependencies (you can skip this part if you are using this on Android).
Run either npx pod-install or cd ios && pod install at this point. Following that, you should be able to utilize the library on both the iOS and Android platforms.
Different Uses of React Native Share
Sharing a Link
Run npm start and then npm run os_name, for example, Android, to start the program after the package has been installed.
Let us now see a simple application that is sharing a link.
Let's understand what is going on. The React Native Share package is first imported, and then three sets of settings are defined:
A title, or the name of the shared activity that the app's operating system sends, an option to share the information with a message. The link we want to share is a URL.
Next, the options props are supplied to a share function that handles invoking the open method on the share. Afterwards, we give a button for this sharing feature to use.
Other share options are available if you test this on the emulator. We will use SMS as a sharing method. The SMS message and URL will be displayed when you choose this.
Run npm start and then npm run os_name, for example, android, to start the program after the package has been installed.
Let us now see a simple application that is sharing a link.
Media File Sharing
Let's try to share a photograph and a PDF document now. You must distribute media files in their base64-encoded format to share them. We have provided a base64.js file with an image and a PDF that has been base64-encoded as part of this tutorial.
Sharing to Specific Applications
We've barely begun to scratch the surface of what the React Native Sharing package is capable of. Depending on your use case, you can share straight to a particular application, such as WhatsApp. See how it works.
Underneath the initial share function generated, add this method.
Add the following code after the button at the end:
So let's analyze it. Accessible through the share package, the specificShare method accepts options comparable to those of the open method and additional characteristics. Following the whatsAppNumber, we pass the social media app we wish to use, and then the file we want to share.
Detecting Installed Apps for Sharing
We presumed that WhatsApp was installed on the user's device in the preceding code. Despite the possibility that this is accurate, given the volume of app downloads, we cannot assume this is the case.
What if we wanted to figure out if someone has an app installed? Fortunately, there is a useful function for that in the React Native Sharing package.
Using our WhatsApp example, let's examine how it works, but let's start by making sure the user has WhatsApp installed.
Modify the specificShare function:
Using the isPackageInstalled function and the program ID, we first determine whether WhatsApp is installed or not. This application ID needs to be legitimate for iOS or Android. The specificShare function is then called if it has been installed; else, we notify the user that WhatsApp has not been installed.
The isPackageInstalled function only works for Android. But, you may use Linking.canOpenURL(<app_schema>) to determine whether the app is installed on the user's iOS device.
Adding Share Button in React Native App
Step - 1:
Expo will be used to build the React native app. Use the terminal command listed below to install expo-cli.
Step - 2:
Use expo to create a react native project.
Step - 3:
Now go to the created project using the below command.
Including a Share Button: Using the Share API, you can quickly include a share button in your React native app. Add the following code to the App.js file to accomplish this.
Here, we're adding a share button to the app by using the share feature of the share module.
Run the application: Now, use the terminal command listed below to launch the application.
You can also use npm run android or npm run ios according to your emulator.
Q: Is Testing Supported by React-native-share?
A: A JavaScript testing framework called Jest is intended to check the accuracy of any JavaScript codebase.
You can include the following code in your mock directory of Jest to run mock-sharing tests:
Q: What are the Supported Applications with React-native-share?
- react-native-share created and continually improved by open-source developers, enables the broad sharing of PDF files, audio files, and photos.
- Command to install react-native-share:
- React Native Share is used for sharing videos, links, and other data to a specific application.