Optimisation in React Native

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React Native has `revolutionized mobile app development by allowing developers to create cross-platform applications using a single codebase. However, to ensure a smooth and responsive user experience, it is crucial to optimize React Native applications. This article dives deep into various optimization techniques and best practices that can be applied to improve the performance of React Native apps. From rendering large lists efficiently to reducing unnecessary overhead, we will explore a wide range of optimization strategies to enhance app performance and user satisfaction.


React Native offers a powerful framework for building mobile applications that deliver native-like performance. However, as apps grow in complexity and scale, optimizing their performance becomes paramount. By implementing effective optimization techniques, developers can ensure faster loading times, smoother animations, and improved memory management. This ultimately leads to a seamless user experience and higher user engagement.

How does React Native Work?

React Native is a popular open-source framework for building cross-platform mobile applications using JavaScript and React. It allows developers to write code once and deploy it on multiple platforms, such as iOS and Android, with a native-like user interface and performance.

At its core, React Native utilizes a bridge that acts as a communication channel between JavaScript code and native APIs. This bridge enables seamless interaction between the JavaScript code and the underlying native components, allowing developers to leverage the capabilities of the platform-specific APIs.

When a React Native app is launched, the JavaScript code is executed within a JavaScript runtime environment. This runtime environment can vary based on the platform. For iOS, the JavaScript code runs on the JavaScriptCore engine, while for Android, it uses the V8 engine.

The React Native app's user interface is constructed using a collection of pre-built UI components, which are defined in JavaScript using React's declarative syntax. These components are rendered into native components during runtime through the bridge. For example, a <View> component in React Native is transformed into a corresponding native UIView on iOS and View on Android.

The bridge handles the communication between the JavaScript code and the native components. Whenever a React Native component needs to interact with a native API or perform platform-specific operations, it sends a message over the bridge. The native side receives the message, processes it, and sends back the response or performs the requested action. This two-way communication allows React Native apps to access native functionalities seamlessly.

Use FlatList or SectionList to Render Large Lists in React Native

When it comes to optimizing the rendering of large lists in React Native, utilizing components like FlatList or SectionList is highly recommended. These components are specifically designed to efficiently render long lists and provide performance improvements over traditional approaches. Let's explore how using FlatList or SectionList can enhance the performance of your React Native app.

FlatList :

FlatList is a powerful component in React Native that efficiently renders long lists of data. It only renders the items that are currently visible on the screen, conserving memory and reducing rendering time. Here's how you can use FlatList :

  • data: This prop expects an array of data that you want to render.
  • renderItem: This prop specifies the function that renders each item in the list. It receives the item's data and returns the corresponding component.
  • keyExtractor: This prop defines a unique key for each item in the list. It helps with efficient list re-rendering.

FlatList intelligently renders only the visible items, ensuring optimal performance even with large datasets. It also provides features like item recycling, lazy loading, and dynamic list updates.

SectionList :

SectionList is similar to FlatList but provides the ability to group data into sections. It is ideal for rendering categorized or segmented lists. SectionList also optimizes rendering by only displaying visible items and recycling off-screen items. Here's an example :

  • sections: This prop expects an array of sections, where each section contains an array of data and a header title.
  • renderItem: This prop specifies the function that renders each item within a section. renderSectionHeader: This prop defines the function that renders the header component for each section.
  • keyExtractor: This prop defines a unique key for each item in the list.

SectionList offers the same performance optimizations as FlatList, making it an excellent choice for rendering categorized lists efficiently.

By using FlatList or SectionList instead of traditional approaches like mapping over arrays, you benefit from their built-in optimizations, including virtualization and efficient memory management. These components ensure smooth scrolling, faster rendering, and improved overall performance, even with large lists in your React Native app.

Remove all Console Statements

Removing console statements is a common optimization technique in React Native to improve app performance. Console statements, such as console.log(), are helpful during development for debugging purposes. However, they can introduce unnecessary overhead and impact the performance of your app, especially in production builds where they are not needed. Here's why and how to remove console statements to optimize performance in React Native:

Why Remove Console Statements?

  • Performance Overhead: Console statements can add unnecessary processing time and memory consumption to your app. The process of logging into the console involves executing JavaScript code and updating the console output, which can impact performance, especially in loops or frequently executed code paths.
  • Unnecessary Data Transfer: When running your app on a physical device or emulator, console statements generate log messages that are sent from the device to the development machine. This data transfer can cause additional latency and affect the app's performance.
  • Security Concerns: In production builds, leaving console statements intact may expose sensitive information or debug logs to potential attackers. It's crucial to remove them to protect your app and users' data.

Memoize Expensive Computations

Memoizing expensive computations is an effective optimization technique in React Native to improve performance by reducing redundant calculations. Expensive computations, such as complex data manipulations or heavy calculations, can impact the responsiveness and smoothness of your app. Memoization allows you to cache the results of these computations and reuse them when needed, avoiding unnecessary recalculations. Here's how you can leverage memoization in React Native:

Memoization is a process of caching the results of a function based on its input arguments. When a memoized function is called with the same set of arguments, it returns the cached result instead of re-executing the function. This can greatly optimize performance when expensive computations are involved.

Implementing Memoization in React Native:

Manual Memoization:

  • Identify the expensive computation that needs to be memoized.
  • Create a cache object to store the computed results.
  • Wrap the expensive computation in a function and check if the result is already cached before performing the computation.
  • If the result is found in the cache, return it. Otherwise, perform the computation, store the result in the cache, and then return it.


Using Memoization Libraries :

  • Utilize memoization libraries like memoize-one or reselect.
  • These libraries provide optimized memoization functions that automatically handle caching and result retrieval based on argument values.
  • Install the library of your choice using a package manager like npm or Yarn.
  • Wrap your expensive computation function with the memoization function provided by the library.

Example using memoize-one :

Now, whenever you call memoizedComputation with the same arguments, it will return the cached result without re-executing the expensive computation.

Adjust (resize and scale down) Image Sizes

Adjusting and optimizing image sizes is a crucial optimization technique in React Native to improve app performance and reduce the memory footprint. Large and high-resolution images can consume significant resources, impacting the app's loading time, rendering performance, and overall user experience. By resizing and scaling down images appropriately, you can optimize their usage and ensure smooth performance. Here's how you can adjust image sizes in React Native:

Resize Images:

  • Determine the appropriate size for each image based on its usage and the device's screen resolution. Consider the target device's screen density (pixels per inch or PPI) to ensure the image appears crisp and properly sized.
  • Use an image editing tool or a library like Photoshop or GIMP to resize the images to the desired dimensions.
  • Save the resized images and replace the original ones in your React Native project.

Scale Down Images:

  • In addition to resizing, you can also scale down images to further reduce their file size and memory usage`.
  • Use an image optimization tool or library like react-native-image-resizer or react-native-scalable-image to dynamically scale down images in your React Native app based on the device's screen size and available memory.
  • These libraries offer methods to resize images on the fly or during the build process, optimizing them for the target device.

Compress Images:

  • If resizing and scaling down are not sufficient, consider compressing the images to reduce their file size without compromising too much on visual quality.
  • Use image compression tools or libraries like react-native-image-compress-picker or react-native-image-store to compress images programmatically in your React Native app.
  • Experiment with different compression settings to find the right balance between file size reduction and visual quality.

Caching Images Locally

Caching images locally is an effective optimization technique in React Native to improve app performance and reduce network dependencies. By storing images locally on the device, you can avoid unnecessary network requests, reduce loading times, and provide a more seamless user experience. Here's how you can implement image caching in React Native:

Choose a Caching Library:

  • Select a caching library that suits your needs. Some popular options include react-native-image-cache-wrapper, react-native-fast-image, or react-native-cached-image.
  • Install the chosen library using a package manager like npm or Yarn.

Cache Images on Demand :

  • Determine which images you want to cache locally. These could be images that are frequently accessed, such as app icons, logos, or static content.
  • Load the images using the caching library and specify the caching mechanism to store the images locally. The library will handle caching the images and retrieving them from the cache when needed.

Use Fast Loading Image Formats in React Native

Using fast-loading image formats is an important optimization technique in React Native to improve app performance and reduce image loading times. Different image formats have varying levels of compression and decoding efficiency, and choosing the right format can significantly impact the speed at which images are rendered. Here's how you can utilize fast-loading image formats in React Native :

Choose Efficient Image Formats:

  • JPEG: JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) is a widely used image format that offers good compression for photographic images. It supports lossy compression, which reduces file size but may slightly impact image quality.
  • PNG: PNG (Portable Network Graphics) is a popular image format that supports lossless compression, preserving image quality at the expense of larger file sizes.
  • WebP: WebP is a modern image format developed by Google that provides both lossy and lossless compression. It typically offers better compression and smaller file sizes compared to JPEG and PNG, resulting in faster image loading times.
  • GIF: GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) is primarily used for animated images and supports a limited color palette. While it may not be suitable for all types of images, it can be an efficient format for simple animations.

Convert Images to Optimal Formats:

  • Convert your images to the most appropriate format based on their content and usage.
  • Use image editing tools or online converters to convert images to JPEG, PNG, WebP, or GIF formats.
  • Ensure that the converted images are optimized for the web and mobile, balancing file size and image quality.

Utilize React Native Image Components:

  • In React Native, use the appropriate image component for the chosen image format:
  • Image component: Suitable for `JPEG, PNG, and GIF formats.
  • FastImage component: A third-party library that supports JPEG, PNG, WebP, and GIF formats. It provides better performance and additional features, such as caching and progressive loading.

Specify Image Format and Quality:

  • When loading images, specify the desired format and quality parameters to optimize the image loading process.
  • For example, in the source prop of the Image component, provide the format and quality properties to define the desired format and compression quality.

Schedule animations with InteractionManager and LayoutAnimation

Scheduling animations with InteractionManager and LayoutAnimation is an effective optimization technique in React Native to enhance the performance and smoothness of animations. By leveraging these built-in APIs, you can schedule animations at optimal times, allowing them to run during periods of low activity and ensuring a more responsive and efficient user interface. Here's how you can optimize animations using InteractionManager and LayoutAnimation in React Native:


  • The InteractionManager API provides a way to schedule tasks that require high performance, such as animations, to run during idle periods.
  • Wrap your animation code inside the InteractionManager.runAfterInteractions() method. This ensures that the animation is scheduled to run after all current interactions, such as touch events or other heavy tasks, have been completed.


  • The LayoutAnimation API allows you to create automatic animations for layout changes, such as component repositioning or resizing, without explicitly specifying each animation step.
  • By enabling LayoutAnimation, React Native will automatically handle the animation interpolation and transition for you.
  • Enable LayoutAnimation using the LayoutAnimation.configureNext() method before triggering the layout changes.

Use Native Driver with the Animated API

Using the native driver with the Animated API is a powerful optimization technique in React Native to enhance animation performance. By leveraging the native driver, animations are offloaded to the native thread, resulting in smoother and more efficient animations. Here's how you can optimize animations using the native driver with the Animated API in React Native:

Understand the Animated API:

  • The Animated API in React Native allows you to create and control animations using a declarative syntax.
  • It provides a set of animated components and functions to define and manipulate animations.

Enable the Native Driver:

  • To benefit from the native driver, make sure to enable it for your animated components or animations.
  • By default, the Animated API uses the JavaScript thread to drive animations, which can introduce performance bottlenecks.
  • To enable the native driver, use the useNativeDriver: true property when defining your animations or configuring animated components.

Supported Properties:

  • When using the native driver, certain animation properties are supported, while others are not. Ensure that your animations use supported properties to take full advantage of the native driver's performance benefits.
  • Supported properties include translateX, translateY, scale, rotate, and opacity. Refer to the React Native documentation for a comprehensive list of supported properties.

Remove unnecessary libraries

Removing unnecessary libraries is a crucial optimization` technique in React Native to improve app performance and reduce the app's bundle size. Including only the essential libraries and dependencies in your project ensures a leaner codebase and faster loading times. Here's how you can optimize your React Native app by removing unnecessary libraries :

  • Assess Library Usage:
    • Review the libraries and dependencies used in your React Native project.
    • Evaluate each library's purpose and determine if it is essential for your app's functionality or if there are alternative solutions available.
  • Identify Unused Libraries:
    • Identify libraries that are no longer necessary or not actively used in your project.
    • Check for unused imports, commented-out codes, or components that are no longer being utilized.
  • Remove Unused Libraries:
    • Safely remove the unused libraries from your project by following these steps
    • Remove the library's package from the project's dependencies in the package.json file.
    • Uninstall the library using a package manager like npm or Yarn.
    • Remove any remaining import statements and related code associated with the unused library.
  • Evaluate Alternatives :
    • If you removed a library that provided specific functionality, consider alternative solutions that might require fewer dependencies or have a smaller footprint.
    • Explore built-in React Native APIs or lightweight third-party alternatives that can fulfill the required functionality without introducing unnecessary overhead.

Use Hermes

Hermes is a JavaScript engine developed by Facebook specifically for mobile apps. It aims to improve app startup time, reduce memory usage, and optimize JavaScript execution in React Native applications. To utilize Hermes in your React Native project, follow the official documentation to enable it during the build process.

Hermes can provide significant performance improvements, especially on low-end devices, by utilizing ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation and efficient memory management.

Use Reselect with Redux

Reselect is a popular library that can optimize state management with Redux by memoizing selectors. Selectors in Redux are functions that compute derived data from the app state. Reselect helps in avoiding unnecessary re-computations of derived data by caching the results based on the input selectors. By using Reselect, you can optimize the performance of your app by preventing redundant calculations and rendering when the state updates. To implement Reselect, define your selectors using the createSelector function provided by the library.

Monitoring memory usage is a critical aspect of optimizing React Native apps. By keeping a close eye on memory consumption, you can identify and address potential memory leaks, optimize resource allocation, and improve overall app performance. Here are some techniques for monitoring memory usage in React Native:

React Native Debugger:

  • React Native Debugger is a powerful tool that provides a dedicated DevTools interface for inspecting and debugging React Native apps.
  • It includes a Memory tab that allows you to monitor memory usage, track memory allocations, and analyze memory snapshots.
  • By profiling your app's memory usage in the React Native Debugger, you can identify memory leaks, inefficient memory allocations, and areas where memory optimization is needed.

Heap Snapshots:

  • Heap snapshots capture a snapshot of the app's memory at a specific point in time.
  • You can take heap snapshots using tools like the Chrome DevTools or the React Native Debugger.
  • Analyze the heap snapshots to identify memory usage patterns, large memory allocations, and potential memory leaks.
  • Look for objects or components that persist in memory when they should be released, as these can be indicative of memory leaks.

Navigation plays a crucial role in optimizing React Native apps by providing efficient and smooth transitions between screens. Here are some techniques to optimize navigation in React Native :

Use a Navigation Library :

  • Utilize a navigation library like React Navigation, React Native Navigation, or React Native Router Flux.
  • These libraries provide pre-built navigators and navigation components that offer optimized navigation experiences.
  • Choose a navigation library that suits your project's requirements in terms of performance, ease of use, and community support.

Stack Navigator for Simple Navigation:

  • For simple hierarchical navigation, use a Stack Navigator.
  • Stack Navigators maintain a stack of screens, allowing users to move forward and backward through the navigation stack.
  • Stack Navigator provides smooth transitions, memory-efficient navigation, and easy customization options.

Tab Navigator for Multiple Screens:

  • When dealing with multiple screens or tab-based navigation, consider using a Tab Navigator.
  • Tab Navigators allow users to switch between screens using a tab bar, providing a quick and intuitive navigation experience.
  • Ensure that the tab bar remains responsive and performs well even with a large number of screens.

Drawer Navigator for Hidden Navigation:

  • If your app requires hidden navigation, such as a side menu, consider using a Drawer Navigator.
  • Drawer Navigators offer a hidden navigation panel that can be accessed by swiping or tapping a menu button.
  • Optimize the rendering and performance of the drawer by loading content lazily and minimizing unnecessary re-renders.

Optimize Screen Transitions:

  • Opt for optimized screen transitions to enhance navigation performance.
  • Use native animations or libraries like React Native Reanimated to achieve smooth and performant screen transitions.
  • Minimize unnecessary animations or complex transitions that can impact performance.

Few Other Techniques

  • Code Splitting: Code splitting involves splitting the app's codebase into smaller, more manageable chunks. This allows for lazy loading and loading only the necessary code when it's required, reducing the initial load time and improving app performance.
  • Network Optimization: Implement techniques like HTTP/2, compression, and caching headers on the server side to optimize network requests. Use tools like HTTP/2 server push and CDNs (Content Delivery Networks) to improve network performance.
  • Performance Monitoring: Utilize performance monitoring tools like React Native Performance Monitor or third-party tools to identify performance bottlenecks and areas for improvement. This helps in optimizing specific parts of the app that may be causing performance issues.
  • Lazy loading: By lazily loading components, you can reduce the initial bundle size of your app. This means that users can start using the app more quickly as they don't have to wait for unnecessary components to load. It improves the perceived performance of your app.
  • react-native-cacheable-image: This library provides a caching mechanism specifically for images. It allows you to cache images locally on the device to improve performance and reduce network requests. It supports features like disk caching, expiration policies, and fallback image rendering.


  • Use FlatList or SectionList to efficiently render large lists in React Native.
  • Remove all console statements from the production code to improve performance.
  • Memoize expensive computations with techniques like memoization or caching to avoid redundant calculations.
  • Adjust (resize and scale down) image sizes to optimize rendering and reduce memory usage.
  • Cache images locally to minimize network requests and improve loading times.
  • Use fast-loading image formats, such as WebP or JPEG XR, to reduce image file sizes and enhance loading speed.
  • Schedule animations with InteractionManager and LayoutAnimation to ensure smooth and responsive user interfaces.
  • Utilize the native driver with the Animated API for optimized animations by offloading the animation work to the native layer.
  • Remove unnecessary libraries to reduce the app's bundle size and improve performance.
  • Consider using Hermes, a JavaScript engine specifically designed for mobile apps, to enhance app startup time and reduce memory consumption.