React Alternatives

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React JS is a JS (javascript) library created by Facebook in 2013. It is used for making user interface (UI) for web applications. React changed how JavaScript frameworks worked, react choose to separate view rendering from the model representation and introduced a completely new architecture to JavaScript. We will look at react and best react alternatives.

What is React?

React JS is a JS (javascript) library created by Facebook in 2013. React specializes in helping developers build User Interfaces (UI). React is not only used to handle the view of the Model View Control Architecture, it does much more. It abstracts DOM manipulation from developers and makes the user interface a function of the application state. With React developers can create reusable UI components. These components can be used any number of times anywhere in the application.

Internally React performs smart and clever operations and manipulates DOM with a minimum number of operations. Only the required components are rerendered and the rest of the other components remain the same. Hence using React can provide a faster interface and optimized application.

React can be used for building both mobile and web applications. The powerful features of React have made it one of the most popular javascript libraries and it is widely being used by top companies like Uber, Airbnb, Facebook, Netflix, etc.

Key Features of React


  • Reusable components:
    React offers us the feature to create separate components. Each component may have its logic, rendering principles, and utility. All this makes the development process easier and makes the application scalable and consistent.
  • Virtual DOM:
    By keeping DOM in memory, also known as virtual DOM, React provides incredibly fast rendering of components. Internally it checks for all the required changes to be done in the DOM and makes these changes in the most optimized manner.
  • Extensive Toolset:
    There are various development tools like React developer tools and Redux developer tools.
  • JSX:
    JSX is a syntax extension to javascript. It stands for Javascript XML. It allows us to write HTML easily in React.
  • Hooks:
    Hook is a feature introduced in version 16.8 of React. It allows the developers to add state and other functionalities to functional components. Hooks make the state management of the application quite easy.

Advantages and Disadvantages of React

Advantages of React

  • Performance:
    React solely cares about state management and rendering that information to the virtual DOM. Previously DOM updates have significantly hampered app performance. React makes applications interact and perform faster by creating virtual DOMs that exist entirely in memory.


  • Flexibility:
    As previously stated, a React app is composed of numerous components, each with its logic and thus liable for producing a unique reusable piece of code. Because such pieces can be preserved with others as building blocks for complex programs, the modular structure of reusable code makes it simpler to create and update apps.

  • Speed:
    ReactJS makes use of a specific syntax known as JSX which enables the rendering of individual subcomponents using HTML quotes and tag syntax. Although JSX is significantly simpler to use and allows developers to quickly and simply create web apps with HTML strings, developers can still only write in JavaScript. React additionally speeds up development through the use of reusable components.

Disadvantages of React

  • View Part:
    Technically speaking, React is a library that only handles the V portion of the MVC pattern and isn't a framework. Although React is among the finest at what it does, creating full-stack apps with it necessitates the usage of outside tools and libraries. We need to use Next.js to deploy React in server-rendered projects.
  • Documentation:
    React's ongoing development also makes the react documentation one of its worst flaws. React has several tools and libraries that improve performance, but they are changed regularly much like React. Developers are frequently left with incomplete documentation that might be challenging to deploy because development is sometimes moving too quickly for complete documentation to be written.
  • High pace of development:
    High development speeds have benefits, but they are also intrinsically stressful, especially for less experienced developers. The environment for developing apps is always evolving, often so quickly that it can be frustrating for developers to constantly learn new approaches.

The State of the Best Front-end Frameworks

The graph below, which compares the usage popularity of each framework listed on the list of the top front-end frameworks for 2022, illustrates the relative popularity of each front-end framework. We can observe that Vue, Angular, and React were in high demand from 2015–2016.


Vue has always been popular in terms of demand. The explanation for this is that Vue still performs admirably when you don't need to use massive frameworks like Angular and Ember but instead requires quicker development with basic features.

In the part that follows, let's examine how each framework defines itself in its current form and how we should choose each one for our future development needs.

Top React Alternatives

Angular JS

One of the finest React alternatives for creating extremely dynamic websites, computer, and mobile applications is AngularJS. It is an open-source framework for Js that aids in streamlining and organizing your code.

With the aid of this technology, you may easily and neatly construct Single Page Applications (SPAs). An app or site that interacts with users by dynamically modifying the current page rather than downloading entirely new pages from the server is known as a SPA. It enables you to develop SPAs that operate flawlessly and quickly.


  • Built-in capability to update model changes to views and the other way around.
  • fewer lines of code are needed because the majority of crucial functionalities, such as two-way data binding, are available by default.
  • defines their external elements, which distinguishes dependents from components.
  • Dependency injection makes it simple and reusable to manage components.


  • Dynamic apps may malfunction because of their large size and intricate nature.
  • Routing with scopes is becoming a little more challenging to debug.
  • It takes a while for interactive Angular apps to load.
  • It is challenging to integrate third parties with the AngularJS framework.
  • It could be difficult for the programmers of your applications to update their Angular versions.

Vue JS

One of the most well-liked front-end frameworks reacts alternatives is Vue, which is a straightforward and easy-to-use technology. It may be used to create single-page apps and is open-source. It effectively addresses the challenges Angular developers experience. Visual DOM and component DOM are two of its key benefits.

It is also smaller in size. It has a two-way binding as well. Vue is adaptable and can assist you with many different jobs. It handles both straightforward and dynamic operations with ease, from creating web and mobile applications to progressive web applications.


  • Because it uses HTML templates, Vue.js is simple to utilize for both new and current projects.
  • No matter if it's a complicated web interface, Vue enables a seamless integration process without disrupting your entire system.
  • Like the majority of React.js substitutes, Vue JS is likewise more compact and performs better as a result.
  • VueJS has an extremely low barrier to entry and extensive documentation


  • When creating large-scale apps, Vue JS may experience issues.
  • Due to its youth, Vue JS has a small community. You can find it challenging to receive the assistance and support you require.
  • instabilities in the components.
  • Plugin and component language barrier.


The newest front-end react alternatives framework is called Svelte. The framework makes a distinction by transferring the effort to the build stage rather than the browser, contrasting with frameworks like React and Vue. By the application's current state, it produces code to change the document object model. Hence in contrast to its competitors, svelte refreshes the DOM quickly to provide improved reactivity, scalability, and speed.


  • More quickly than any other framework, including Angular or React.
  • Scalable design.
  • Utilises already-existing JavaScript libraries, and is lightweight.


  • a modest community
  • Lack of assistance
  • the absence of tools


Preact was made available by Jason Miller under an open-source MIT license. Preact can be thought of as a simplified React alternative library for creating mobile or web applications or PWAs (progressive web apps).

If performance isn't your priority while constructing websites, the 3KB compressed Preact can be an excellent option. One of the smallest React JS substitutes is this. Most current browsers and IE9+ are supported. This is the wrong option, though, if you're hoping for a library that supports Facebook's synthetic event system.


  • Because of its small size, accuracy, and lightweight (3KB), your program will operate more quickly.
  • Preact leverages the ES6 API, which makes switching from React to Preact relatively simple. For your project, you may even modify it as a library to produce amazing user interfaces.
  • To get started creating your application, consult the examples and instructions on the Preact website.
  • Along with all of React's inspiring features, the Preact library also has some unique features, such as LinkedState.


  • Your stateful application functions lack a createClass function. Only stateless components and ES6 classes are supported by Preact.
  • React property types are irrelevant to Preact.
  • Community size hasn't yet matched React in popularity.
  • Preact lacks originality and mostly imitates React.

Backbone JS

It has a RESTful JSON interface and is focused on the MVP paradigm. When developing single-page web applications, Backbone.js can be used as one of the raect alternatives to allow for the synchronization of several pages.

The platform also enables you to create projects that need various user kinds and can differentiate between models using arrays. Use tools like Thorax, Marionette, and others while creating Backbone.js applications to get the most out of the framework.


  • Creates a configurable user interface for your application using a templating engine.
  • It greatly simplifies difficult user interactions.
  • All underscore.js methods can be called using Backbone.js objects.
  • With numerous available plugins, Backbone.js is extensible.


  • Your developers can have trouble understanding the code while utilizing Backbone.js.
  • not compatible with data binding.
  • It will take time and effort for developers to understand the new Backbone.js coding syntax.
  • It is not independent and is built on underscore.js.


ES2016 is used in the writing of Aurelia. It melds with web components without any further dependencies outside of polyfills.

In contrast to a framework that is all-encompassing, Aurelia is composed of smaller, more specialized media. You can use all or a subset of the modules to construct apps. It is a suitable react alternative.


  • Can produce apps using all chosen components.
  • Any object can have two-way data binding.
  • consists of an HTML compiler for constructing control templates, custom HTML elements, and giving existing HTML elements new behaviors.
  • One of the most minimalistic frameworks for current JavaScript is Aurelia.


  • Aurelia has not been utilized in significant projects and lacks true success stories.

Ember JS

Ember JS is one of the practical substitutes/ React alternatives that allow you to increase functionality while writing very little code. You can finish this process using the built-in rudder templates.

Similar to Angular, Ember.js is component-based and provides two-way data binding. It is intended to adapt easily to the changing needs of contemporary technologies. With Emberjs, you can create intricate mobile and web applications and count on its effective architecture to provide solutions.


  • Ember provides maintenance and support for your created project.
  • It provides server-side rendering with functionality for data binding and URL support.
  • Using Ember's sophisticated management system, you can change to more recent updates.
  • You can upgrade your installation of Ember JS by using well-written documentation that explains which tools to use and which APIs to avoid.


  • Ember's rendering makes the apps you create feel a bit slower. They gradually pick up speed nevertheless.
  • Your developers might not have enough support because the Ember JS community is smaller than the React.js community.
  • If you find a solution to the issue you are stuck in, bottlenecks may not develop in your project.
  • Ember JS doesn't have any standardized user interface components.

Riot JS

A JavaScript framework called Riot.js is built around the concept of reusable, customizable HTML elements. You may create your HTML tags with Riot. js and reuse them across pages and web applications.

With the help of a straightforward and exciting syntax, Riot.JS enables us to build unique tagged user interfaces. Additionally, it has a virtual DOM that is comparable to React's but quicker.


  • Riot is a simple framework to learn because there isn't much to understand and it is only 9 KB in size. Additionally, it largely uses standard JavaScript and HTML.
  • Riot includes a quick runtime compiler that may be used throughout the JS build process as well. Riot also employs a lightweight virtual DOM that rapidly updates and modifies HTML.
  • We adore component-based development, and we adore modules. Riot is constructed using UI elements known as tags, which offer versatility out of the box.


  • State management is challenging since neither a state can be managed within a component nor between components.
  • Perhaps not strictly enough, but a Riot-built app is simply a sizable object that exists in the global scope and can be moved and manipulated with ease.


Because it can quickly learn components, routing, and XHR (XMLHttpRequest) to get started constructing apps, Mithril is known for being a pragmatic react alternative. Currently, open-source systems like Liches and businesses like Nike and Fitbit employ Mithril.


  • Simple to learn.
  • Mithril loads incredibly quickly. This is because it uses the virtual DOM and compiles its templates before passing them to the browser.
  • The developer can select the ideal JavaScript library for a given task using Mithril.
  • In comparison to other frameworks, its API is rather modest.


  • Since Mithril is not very well-known, it frequently faces competition from other JavaScript frameworks.

Inferno JS

Inferno was created by the React developers as an experiment to see if the library could enhance the performance, battery life, and user experience of mobile apps. With incredible speed, performance, and isomorphic rendering, Inferno is capable of creating client and server interfaces.


  • It employs internal objects for optimization, which makes it extremely quick.
  • Instead of mimicking React, Inferno presents several original lifestyle strategies.
  • Inferno makes use of conventional CSS attributes.
  • You receive extras like server-side rendering and routing.


  • The size of the Inferno community is still insufficient. You don't get support and assistance when you need it because of the smaller community.
  • Inferno doesn't allow hooks, annotations, suspense, or laziness like React does to keep the library small.
  • You must first create and use a React component before you can use any of the React components.


Cycle JS is one of the React alternatives and reactive JS frameworks that can handle both functional and reactive streams. Using Cycle JS, the application is expressed as a single function that accepts an event stream as both input and output with the fewest errors. It may be used to construct a clean asynchronous logic with an API at its heart.


Building mobile apps with Visual Studio and Xamarin is possible without any prior tool or IDE experience. Xamarin utilizes a shared codebase and is developed in C#. It has native platform integration for iOS and Android as well as several diagnostic tools, an application loader, an Android SDK manager, a Google emulator manager, and other features.


  • React JS is a JS (javascript) library created by Facebook in 2013. React specializes in helping developers build User Interfaces (UI).
  • Key features of react are reusable components, Virtual DOM, extensive toolset, Hooks, and JSX.
  • The finest React JS substitute for creating extremely dynamic websites, computer, and mobile applications is AngularJS.
  • One of the most well-liked front-end frameworks is VueJS, which is a straightforward and easy-to-use technology.
  • Svelte framework makes a distinction by transferring the effort to the build stage rather than the browser.
  • Preact can be thought of as a simplified substitute for the React library for creating mobile or web applications or PWAs.
  • BackboneJs has a RESTful JSON interface and is focused on the MVP paradigm.
  • Aurelia melds with web components without any further dependencies outside of polyfills.
  • Ember JS is one of the practical substitutes for React JS that allows you to increase functionality while writing very little code.
  • A JavaScript framework called Riot.js is built around the concept of reusable, customizable HTML elements.
  • Inferno was created by the React developers as an experiment to see if the library could enhance the performance, battery life, and user experience of mobile apps.