React Popup Box

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A website changes a lot when specific components are added. If you take the proper actions, you can quickly differentiate yourself from your rivals and capture the attention of your visitors. You may make use of popups to communicate with your visitors and boost sales conversions! Popups are excellent for informing a specific audience about a crucial subject. If you want to advertise a product or make an announcement, popups can help. Make popups, there are numerous options available. One way to do this is React Popups.

What is React Popup?

React Popup, also known as a React modal popup is a component or a module in the React.js library that is used to display additional content on top of the current page. This content is typically displayed in a dialogue box, a form, or a message to the user. React Popups are often used to prompt the user for input, confirm an action, or display additional information. They can be triggered by user interactions such as clicks, hover, or key presses, or by other events in the application.

React Popup is a way of displaying a new layer on top of the main content, giving the users more context or information related to their actions on the main page. Some different libraries and frameworks provide pre-built React Popup components, such as react-modal, react-popup, and react-bootstrap-modal.

React Popup can be created and managed using React's built-in methods or using third-party libraries. The main advantage of using libraries is that they provide pre-built components and styles that can save you time and effort. They also usually come with a set of useful features and options, such as animation, positioning, and accessibility.

React Popup can be used for various purposes such as:

  • Displaying a message or a notification to the user.
  • Prompting the user for input, like a form or a survey.
  • Confirming an action before it is executed, like a delete action.
  • Displaying additional information or context related to a specific element on the page.
  • Displaying a loading spinner while the user is waiting for data to be loaded.

React Modal Popup can be controlled by the state of the component, where the state is used to toggle the visibility of the popup in response to user interactions or other events. It is important to handle the state of the popup properly so that the popup is only displayed when it is needed and hidden when it is not.

React Popup should be designed to be accessible to all users, including users with disabilities. It should have appropriate ARIA roles, labels, and tabbing behavior, so that it can be used by screen readers and keyboard-only users. It should also be designed to be responsive so that it looks good on different screen sizes and devices.

For iOS and Android mobile apps we have a component React Native Popup Menu named can be implemented using the react-native-popup-menu, which provides a customizable and flexible solution for creating pop-up menus in React Native applications. One of the key benefits of using React Native Popup Menu is its ease of use. You can easily create and customize pop-up menus with just a few lines of code.


To install a React popup box, you can use the npm package "reactjs-popup".

  • First, you need to install the package by running the following command in your terminal:
  • Then, you can import the package into your React component and use it to create a popup box. Here is an example of how to create a basic popup box:

import Popup from 'reactjs-popup';

This will create a button that, when clicked, will trigger the popup box to appear with the content "Popup content here" inside it.

Please note that you need to have already installed react and react-dom to install reactjs-popup.

How to Create a Popup Box in React?


We're going to use the reactjs-popup package to build our Popup in React Js because it's strong, portable, and customizable. The popup will then be added to our homepage along with a button that users can click to launch it using the installed package.

Create ReactJs Application

Create a new ReactJs project using the command given below:

npx create-react-app popups-in-react

Project Structure

Your project structure should somehow look like this-

Create ReactJs Application

Adding Popups

In this illustration, we'll use the installed package to add the popup to our app's home page. Add the following text to the App.js file to do this.


The Popup component from the react-popup package is imported in the given example initially. Then, we're adding a popup with a button to activate it using our popup component.

Steps to Run the Application

To run the app, enter the following command into the terminal.

This is a very basic example of react popup box. You can use this library and customize it according to your requirement.

Common Issues While Building Popups with React

Creating the Popup Box was simple, but the main challenge comes when we deal with real-world problems such as:

  • When the Reactjs PopUp is open, the user can click outside of it. If you have activities behind your popup that you don't want the user to interact with, this activity could lead to several problems. The name given to this issue is the BackDrop problem.
  • In a real-world situation, the event bubbling up to its parents is another important problem you might encounter. This is something that ought never to happen because it could ruin the user experience. It may potentially provide the user with unexpected results. Scrolling is a prime illustration of this problem. Consider a scenario in which your pop-up has a child with an overflowing height, and you want the user to scroll inside the pop-up. The event will bubble up to its Parent as the user approaches the end of the scroll, and if the Parent has an overflowing height, that will begin to scroll as well.

The user experience may be significantly impacted by these problems. Let's go over to see how we can prevent these issues.

Fixing Backdrop Problem

The backdrop problem in a React popup box refers to the background area that is dimmed or greyed out when the popup is open. This area is used to indicate that the popup is open and that the background content is inactive.

One common issue with the backdrop is that it may not close when the popup is closed. To fix this issue, you need to make sure that the backdrop is properly bound to the popup's state.

Here's an example of how to fix the backdrop problem in a React popup box:

Fixing Backdrop Problem


In this example, the open and closed state of the popup is managed using the open state and the openModal() and closeModal() functions. The closeOnDocumentClick prop is used to make sure that the backdrop is closed when the user clicks outside the popup.

Fixing the Event Bubbling Problem

This issue arises when the event bubbles to the next Parent to the top, as you read above. Although it is not technically a problem, this bubbling is a typical behaviour of how events delegate inside the DOM tree, which occasionally causes issues when designing any PopUp. Therefore, the goal is to limit the events that bubble up from the PopUp so that they only occur inside of it.

To fix this, we can use one of the following methods:

  • Use the onClick event on the parent container and call the stopPropagation() method on the event object in the child component's event handler. This will prevent the event from propagating to parent elements.
  • Use the e.preventDefault() method in the child component's event handler. This method will prevent the default behaviour of the event, which in this case is the propagation to parent elements.
  • Using the event.stopPropagation() method to prevent the event from propagating to the parent elements. This method can be called on the event object within an event handler for the popup element.
  • You can also use the event.nativeEvent.stopImmediatePropagation() method. This method stops the event from propagating to any other event listeners on the same element.

You can choose the approach that best suits your needs and use it in your project.

ReactJs Popup with Bootstrap

Bootstrap React PopUps are a popular library-based PopUp Component that is easy to utilize. This library offers a variety of features that increase its robustness. Among them are:

  • Full-Screen Mode.
  • Controlling the position and the focus.
  • Access to a variety of events on different actions, such as closing and opening a PopUp.
  • Non-Scrollable or Scrollable.
  • Size, etc.

Some Tips While Using React Popup Box

Here are some tips for using Popup Box effectively in a React application:

  • Use a library: There are many libraries available that make it easy to create and manage popups in React, such as react-modal, react-popup, and react-bootstrap-modal. These libraries provide a pre-built set of components and styles that can save you time and effort.
  • Keep accessibility in mind: When creating a popup, make sure it is accessible to users with disabilities. This includes providing appropriate ARIA roles, labels, and tabbing behavior.
  • Use state to control the popup: Use the state of your component to control when the popup is displayed and when it is hidden. This will make it easy to toggle the visibility of the popup in response to user interactions or other events.
  • Close the popup on outside clicks: Add a click event listener to the document that closes the popup when the user clicks outside of it.
  • Be mindful of performance: Popups can hurt performance if they are created and destroyed frequently. Try to reuse the same popup component whenever possible.
  • Use appropriate triggers: Use appropriate triggers to open the popup like buttons, links, hover etc. Avoid using triggers that are not easily discoverable by the user.
  • Test your popup on different screen sizes and devices: Make sure your popup is responsive and looks good on different screen sizes and devices.
  • Keep it simple: Avoid adding too many elements or animations to your popup. Keep it simple and easy to understand.


  • React popup boxes, also known as React modals, are an essential component for displaying additional content on top of the current page.
  • Popups can be triggered by user interactions, such as clicking a button or hovering over an element.
  • There are many libraries available that make it easy to create and manage popups in React, such as react-modal, react-popup, and react-bootstrap-modal.
  • Accessibility is an important aspect to consider when creating a popup. Proper use of ARIA roles, labels, and tabbing behavior ensures that the popup is accessible to users with disabilities.
  • State management is crucial for controlling the visibility of the popup and toggling it in response to user interactions or other events.
  • Properly positioning and styling the popup can also improve the user experience.
  • To add interactivity to your React Native application, using React Native Popup Menu can be a great solution. It allows you to create pop-up menus with various options for the user to choose from.
  • Using the right libraries, techniques, and best practices can ensure that the popup is accessible, performant, easy to use, and enhances the user experience.