Requests Module in Python

Python has a module called requests that helps us deal with creating HTTP requests and accepting HTTP responses. The requests module takes care of creating the request-response objects, establishing connection to the server, error handling, session handling, ssl verification, passing headers, and so on
Introduction to requests module in python
In client-server architecture, we use HTTP very frequently to communicate between the client and the server. Typically, a client makes a request and the server returns some response. The request could be a request to get/ insert/ update some data. Similarly, the response can either return some data or some error. In some cases, the client undergoes authentication to ensure the request is valid. In this article, we shall see how to implement these HTTP requests and responses in Python using the requests module.
. We need to import the following module to get started:
Why learn Python Requests Module?
Learning the requests module will enable you to start making HTTP requests within a matter of writing a few lines of code. You do not need to worry about how to create the HTTP client, how to create the request object, how to deserialize the response object. A lot of the low level details are abstracted out to you using sub modules, classes and simple methods. As a web developer who builds apps using client-server architecture requests module is a handy tool to have in your toolbox
Making a Request
Let us see how an HTTP request is made in Python. We will use an open weather API that gives the current weather details at a particular latitude and longitude
All Methods in the Requests Module
Requests module supports the following methods:
Method | Description |
get | Send an HTTP GET request |
put | Send an HTTP PUT request |
post | Send an HTTP POST request |
delete | Send an HTTP DELETE request |
GET Request
HTTP GET method is used to retrieve data from server. GET methods can be invoked using the get() method of requests module.
url*: url of the API endpoint you want to send the request to
params*: A dictionary used to send query params to the API endpoint
args*: args can be used to specify some client level configs, such as Headers, authorization details, timeouts, etc
Let us say, you are building a cab booking app Rider. The very first requirement that you need to implement is fetching the users lat-long. Let us assume the following API endpoint exists to do the same:
We can convert the above cURL request to a Python requests module request. Assuming that the response is json, we can use the json() method on the response object provided by the Python requests module itself. This will help us parse the json
POST Request
HTTP POST method is used to submit data to a server. A POST request can be executed by first creating a request object and using post() method of requests module
url*: url of the API endpoint you want to send the request to
data*: This is an optional parameter that you can use in case you need to send a file object or a dictionary to the server
json*: This is the json request payload to the server
Let us take our cab booking app Rider example again. Now that we have the lat long of a user, let us say we have the following POST API to request for a cab ride given the lat long details
Response object
Requests module has a response object that is used for the following:
- While fetching response from server
- Knowing the HTTP status code of the response
- If the response status is unsuccessful, getting the deserialized error message received from the server
All Response Methods
When you invoke a method of the request module, such as get() or post() the module returns a response object. The following summarizes the important methods of the response object
Method | Description |
headers | To get the dictionary of the headers |
encoding | To know the encoding used to decode the content in the response |
close() | To close the connection to the server |
content | Get the content in the response body |
cookies | Get the cookies sent by the server to identify requests coming from the same browser |
json() | Get the response payload as a json string. If the response was written in json an error is raised |
url | Get the response of the url |
text | Get the response body as a unicode text |
status_code | Get the HTTP status code of the response |
request | Get the request object that requested for the response |
reason | Returns a text with the status code. This is useful for parsing error message in case of success code |
ok | Response.ok returns True if 200 OK type of response is returned |
raise_for_status() | Get an error object if a non successful response is returned. It is used for debugging the erroneous request |
Authentication means validating a client if they can access an API. This serves several purposes:
- Limiting requests to an API
- Filtering malicious requests
To implement authentication, we need to import the following module present in requests module:
The HTTPBasicAuth module is present in requests.auth and has classes and methods to detail with HTTP Authentication
An Authentication object needs to be created and passed to the get() body method using the 'Auth' key. We are trying to authenticate a user who is trying to login using a username and password. If the username and password entered by the client do not match the credentials present in the server's database, the server will throw a 403 forbidden error, else a 200 OK response
Let us say we are not working on our cab booking app Rider's login page. Login API naturally, needs to be authenticated, the user's credentials will be passed to the server and the server will match them with the stored credentials in its database. We can check for authentication status using the status_code method
SSL Certificate Verification
Many websites are not on HTTPS which means the client needs to verify an SSL certificate for the client to access the resource. A website needs an SSL certificate to maintain user data security, verify ownership of the website, prevent attackers from creating a fake version of the site, and gain user trust
For this purpose the 'verify' key of the get method can be used
If our Rider APIs were hosted on an HTTPS secure server, clients would need to verify their identity using a certificate
The Session Object
HTTP is a stateless protocol. This means that there is no persistence of a request executed by a client, hence every request is independent of the other. However, there are few states a server-side application might need to store in a client-server architecture. For example:
- Login state of a client: Once a user has logged in the login state shall be preserved for some time
- Cookies generated by the server: Cookies are used by servers to identify requests coming from the same web browser, for faster rendering of pages
- Request Id for a request, for caching purposes where the server does not want to call a database but instead server the data from caches whenever a client hits a request to a server, the server-generated
- Advertising ID of a user to understand the browsing preferences of the user
For these use cases, we can use a Session object
For example, in our Rider app, once a user logs in, we would like to store the login state, so that when any user switches to some another app and comes back to Rider, they are not logged out
All variables in the requests module
Variable | Description |
params | A dictionary of path params that need to be sent with the request url |
data | A dictionary for request payload |
timeout | To configure lient side timeouts for request |
cookies | To specify cookies as part of request |
headers | To specify headers as part of request in the form of a dictionary |
verify | It set to True, SSL certification is expected |
stream | To convert the response from server to a raw stream of data |
- In client-server architecture, we need to deal with HTTP requests and responses
- Python offers the requests module to handle HTTP calls
- We can trigger GET, PUT, POST, DELETE requests using requests module
- We can extract the response obtained in an object and if required parse it as a json
- If the server returns an error we can get the HTTP status code as well as the error message using response object methods
- For authenticating requests we can use an HTTPBasicAuth object
- For enabling SSL certification we can make use of verify variable as part of the request method
- For storing state across requests we can use Sesssion object