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The row_number in MySQL is used to return a unique sequential number ordering for the rows in a table. This function was released in MySQL version 8.0 and is one of the window functions in MySQL used to produce a result for each query row. The numbering for the row_number() function starts from 1 and goes till the end of the number of query rows. In this article, we will see the working of row_number in MySQL along with various examples of it.

Syntax of MySQL row_number() Function

The syntax of row_number in MySQL is:

Here, <partition_definition> has the following syntax to partition the total rows into smaller subsets.

You can partition based on multiple expressions by mentioning them in a comma-separated format in the above syntax.

Similarly, the <order_definition> has the following syntax:

The <order_definition> will help in providing the ordering of rows in a given partition.

Parameters of MySQL row_number() Function

  • partition_definition:

This is an optional parameter that partitions the rows into smaller subsets to which the row_number() function should assign row number.

  • order_definition:

This is also an optional parameter that uses ORDER BY clause to define the order of the row data.

Return Value of MySQL row_number() Function

The return value of row_number in MySQL is the sequential order of the rows in a particular MySQL table, and the function return type is BIGINT.

How does the MySQL row_number() Function work?

The MySQL row_number() function works by assigning consecutive numbers to all partition rows. Assuming there are 5 rows, the row_number() function will assign these values - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. The main function of row_number in MySQL is to assign a sequential ranking to each row. This is similar to MySQL's RANK() function, except that two rows with the same value do not have the same row number as in the case of the rank function in MySQL. The first row is always assigned a value of 1 and the number will be incremented in the subsequent rows.


Let's see few examples of using row_number in MySQL:

Let's first suppose we have a student_details table, having NAME, and DOB_YEAR as the fields, and some data has been stored in these fields.

To see the records in the table, we can make use of the SELECT statement:

Rita Goyal2000
Reeta Rupal2004
Kanika Mittal2001
Jyoti Sharma2000
Reshma Kumari2003
Apeksha Goyal2001
  1. Add a sequential row number to each row of a table based on partitions:

    Let's see how to use row_number in MySQL to assign a sequential number to each row in a partition.



    The output of the above query would be:

    Rita Goyal20001
    Jyoti Sharma20002
    Kanika Mittal20011
    Apeksha Goyal20012
    Reshma Kumari20031
    Reeta Rupal20041


    Using the above query, we create a partition based on DOB_YEAR and each record in the partition is numbered from 1 to the total number of rows in that particular partition. Note that in this case this numbering within a partition is random, as there is no specific order for assigning row_number in MySQL within a particular partition.

  2. Add a sequential row number to each row based on order:

    Now, let's use the ORDER BY clause with row_number in MySQL to sort the output data by the DOB_YEAR column.



    The output of the above query would be:

    Rita Goyal20001
    Jyoti Sharma20002
    Kanika Mittal20013
    Apeksha Goyal20014
    Reshma Kumari20035
    Reeta Rupal20046


    Here, we used the ORDER BY clause to sort the output data by the DOB_YEAR column. You will get a unique row_number in MySQL because we are not using a PARTITION BY clause here.

  3. Add a sequential row number to each row based on partitions and order:

    Now, let’s use the PARTITION By clause to partition the rows based on DOB_YEAR and ORDER BY clause to sort the output data by the NAME column.



    The output of the above query would be:

    Jyoti Sharma20001
    Rita Goyal20002
    Apeksha Goyal20011
    Kanika Mittal20012
    Reshma Kumari20031
    Reeta Rupal20041


    Here, firstly the data was partitioned into row based on DOB_YEAR and then individual partitions were sorted by ORDER BY based on the NAME column.

  4. Assigning row number using Session Variable:

    We can assign row numbers to a partition using the session variable. It is an alternative way of using row_number in MySQL.



    The output of the above query would be:

    Rita Goyal20001
    Jyoti Sharma20002
    Kanika Mittal20013
    Apeksha Goyal20014
    Reshma Kumari20035
    Reeta Rupal20046


    Here, we have initialized the session variable to 0 and incremented it for every row in the table.


  • The row_number() function in MySQL is a window function used to return a sequential number ordering for the rows in a table.
  • The row_number in MySQL was released in version 8.0, before that the session variable was used for row numbering.
  • The numbering for the row_number() function starts from 1 and goes till the end of the number of query rows.
  • The partition definition is an optional parameter that partitions the rows into smaller subsets on which you want the row_number() function to assign the sequential ordering of row numbers.
  • The order definition parameter makes use of the ORDER BY clause and helps in defining the ordering of the row's data.
  • The session variable method is an alternative to using row_number in MySQL. It works by initializing the variable to 0 in the starting and then increments it each time by 1 when a new row is fetched from the table.