Ruby Module URI

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The Ruby URI Module provides a powerful set of tools and functionalities for handling Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs). URIs are used to identify and locate resources on the internet, such as web pages, files, or database records. The Ruby URI module simplifies the manipulation and parsing of URIs, making it easier for developers to work with web-based resources in their Ruby applications.

Introduction to URI Module

The Ruby URI module provides a standardized and uniform way of handling URIs. It follows the syntax defined in RFC1738 section 3.3 for HTTP URIs, making it compatible with various URI schemes such as HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, file, and more. The module offers comprehensive features and functionalities for parsing, manipulating, and constructing URIs.

Using the URI module, developers can easily extract specific components from a URI, such as the scheme, host, path, query parameters, and fragment identifier. It also provides methods to construct URIs by combining individual components, making it convenient for generating URIs dynamically.

The URI module is widely used in web development, network programming, and data processing applications where working with URIs is essential. It offers high flexibility and customization, allowing developers to introduce their own custom URI schemes or modify the default URI parsing behavior.

Understanding URI: Exploring its Features and Purpose

Definition: The Ruby URI module provides a set of classes and methods for working with Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs). A URI is a group of characters that helps in locating a resource on the internet, such as a file or web page. The URI module simplifies the handling of URIs by providing a uniform interface to parse, construct, and manipulate them.

Purpose of the URI module: The URI module aims to offer a standardized and consistent way to work with URIs in Ruby applications. It abstracts away the complexity of URI parsing and construction, allowing developers to focus on the logic of their applications rather than the complexities of URI manipulation. The features and functionalities provided by the URI module make it easy to extract specific components from a URI, construct new URIs, and perform various operations on them.

Core Features of the URI Module

The Ruby URI module offers a wide range of features and functionalities to handle URIs effectively. Some of the key features of the URI module include:

  1. Uniform handling of URIs: The URI module provides a consistent interface to parse, construct, and manipulate URIs. Regardless of the URI scheme, developers can use the same set of methods and conventions to work with URIs.
  2. Flexibility to introduce custom URI schemes: The URI module allows developers to define and use custom URI schemes. This means developers can consistently handle URIs with non-standard schemes within their Ruby applications.
  3. Flexibility to have an alternate URI::Parser: The URI module allows developers to customize the URI parsing behavior by providing an alternate URI::Parser or by modifying the default patterns and regular expressions used for parsing URIs. This flexibility enables developers to adapt the URI module to their specific requirements.

Use Cases Where the URI Module is Commonly Used

The URI module finds application in various scenarios where working with URIs is necessary. Some common use cases of the Ruby URI module applications include:

  1. Web development: The URI module is extensively used in web development for handling URLs and URIs. It provides convenient methods to extract components like the scheme, host, path, query parameters, and fragment identifier from a URL. Developers can leverage these features to build web crawlers, create RESTful APIs, or perform URL manipulation tasks.
  2. Network programming: When working with network protocols such as HTTP, FTP, or SMTP, the URI module is valuable for parsing and constructing URIs. It simplifies the process of extracting information from URIs, such as the host and port, and enables developers to establish network connections or send requests to remote servers.
  3. Data processing: In data processing applications, we can use the URI module to extract information from URIs stored in databases or data files. For example, if a database contains URIs representing es, the URI module can help extract the image URLs and perform further operations on them.


The URI module is a standard library in Ruby and does not require any separate installation. Simply require uri in your code to access its functionalities.



The URI module provides many methods and functionalities to work with URIs in Ruby. Let's explore some of the most commonly used methods and demonstrate their usage through code examples.



Explanation: In the above example, we first require the uri library to access the URI module's functionalities. Then, we create a URI object by passing a URI string to the URI constructor. The URI string can be in any valid URI format, such as "<10&limit=7#time=24052023".

Once the URI object is created, we can use various methods to extract specific components from the URI. For example, uri.scheme returns the scheme of the URI, which in this case is "http". Similarly, returns the host of the URI (""), uri.path returns the path portion of the URI ("/articles"), uri.query returns the query parameters ("rank%3C10&limit=7"), and uri.fragment returns the fragment identifier ("time=24052023").

The uri.to_s method returns the URI object as a string, allowing us to obtain the original URI string representation.

By using these methods provided by the URI module, you can easily extract specific components from a URI and perform operations on them as needed in your Ruby applications.

Difference Between URL and URI

The terms URL (Uniform Resource Locator) and URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) are often used interchangeably, leading to confusion about their precise meanings. However, there is a distinction between the two concepts.

Clearing up the confusion between URL and URI: A URI is a broader concept encompassing URLs and URNs (Uniform Resource Names). A URI is a string of characters identifying a resource, such as a web page, an image, or an API endpoint. It provides a unique identifier for the resource, allowing it to be located and accessed.

On the other hand, a URL is a specific type of URI that provides the means to locate a resource on the web. It includes the protocol (e.g., HTTP, HTTPS, FTP), the domain or IP address, and the path to the resource. URLs are commonly used to access web pages, download files, or interact with web services.

Visualizing the difference: The relationship between URLs and URIs can be visualized as a Venn diagram. The URI circle encompasses the entire set of resource identifiers, while the URL circle represents a subset of URIs specifically used for web location.

Venn diagram depicting the relationship between URI and URL

URLs share many characteristics with URIs. They both follow a similar syntax and serve the purpose of identifying resources. However, the term "URL" is more commonly used in the context of web-related applications, while "URI" is a more general term applicable to a wider range of resource identifiers.

It's worth noting that the URI specification (RFC 3986) defines the syntax and components that are common to both URLs and URNs. This specification provides guidelines for constructing valid URIs and handling them in various contexts.

Examples to Illustrate the Difference Between URL and URI

To illustrate the difference between URLs and URIs, let's consider a few examples:

  1. URL: This is a URL because it specifies the protocol (https), the domain (, and the path to the resource (/resources/file.txt). It provides a complete web address for accessing a file on the web.
  2. URL: This is another example of a URL. It specifies the FTP protocol (ftp), the domain (, and the path to the resource (/files/ It indicates the location of a file that can be downloaded using the FTP protocol.
  3. URN: urn:isbn:0-486-27557-4 This is a URN because it follows the URI syntax and provides a unique name for a resource. In this case, it is an ISBN (International Standard Book Number) that identifies a specific book regardless of its location.
  4. URI: This is another example of a URI. It starts with the scheme mailto, which indicates that it is an email address. This URI allows sending an email to the address

Common Issues With the URI Module

While the Ruby URI module is a powerful tool for handling and manipulating URIs, developers may encounter certain common issues and limitations. It's essential to be aware of these challenges to ensure the proper usage of the module.

Common challenges faced while using the URI module:

  1. Parsing Errors: The URI module follows strict rules for URI syntax. If a given URI doesn't adhere to the defined syntax, it can result in parsing errors. For example, if a URI contains invalid characters or has an incorrect structure, attempting to parse it using the URI module may raise an exception.
  2. Encoding Issues: URIs can contain special characters, reserved characters, and non-ASCII characters. Handling encoding correctly is crucial to ensure the integrity and correctness of the URI. Failure to handle encoding properly can lead to issues such as incorrect URI construction or invalid URI components.
  3. Manipulating URIs: The URI module provides various methods for manipulating URIs, such as appending query parameters, modifying the path, or replacing certain components. However, developers may face challenges when performing complex URI manipulations or handling edge cases requiring specific transformations.
  4. Relative URIs: The URI module supports both absolute and relative URIs. Relative URIs are expressed relative to a base URI. When resolving relative paths against a base URI, developers need to handle cases where the base URI has a trailing slash or when relative paths contain special segments like "." or "..". Mishandling these scenarios can result in incorrect path resolution and incorrect URIs.
  5. Scheme-specific Parsing: Different URI schemes may have additional rules and components specific to their context. While the URI module provides a generic parser, certain schemes may require additional handling or customization. Developers may need to implement custom logic to handle scheme-specific parsing or validation.

Parsing, encoding, and manipulating URIs involve complex operations that can introduce various issues. Here are some potential problems that developers may encounter:

  1. Missing or Incorrect Components: When constructing or manipulating URIs, it's essential to ensure that all the required components, such as the scheme, host, and path, are included and in the correct format. Omitting or incorrectly specifying components can lead to invalid URIs or unexpected behavior.
  2. URI Component Length Limitations: Some URI components, such as the path or query parameters, may have length limitations imposed by the server or the URI scheme specification. If these limitations are exceeded, it can lead to issues such as truncation of data, rejection by servers, or unexpected behavior when working with the URI.
  3. URI Normalization: URIs may have different representations that are functionally equivalent but differ in their syntax. For example, two URIs that differ only in the presence or absence of a trailing slash may refer to the same resource. Normalizing URIs to a standard representation can help avoid inconsistencies and improve the interoperability of URIs.

Real-World Scenarios Where These Issues Can Arise

To better understand the challenges associated with the URI module, let's consider some real-world scenarios where these issues can arise:

  1. Parsing User-Inputted URIs: When accepting user input for URIs, developers need to validate and parse the input to ensure it conforms to the expected syntax. Handling unexpected or malformed input can help prevent potential security vulnerabilities or application crashes due to parsing errors.
  2. Constructing Dynamic URIs: Applications often need to construct URIs dynamically based on various parameters or user selections. It's crucial to properly escape and encode the dynamic components to avoid issues such as incorrect URI construction or injection attacks.
  3. Handling Internationalized URIs: In multilingual applications, URIs may need to support non-ASCII characters or be localized. Properly handling encoding and normalization of internationalized URIs is necessary to ensure correct behavior across different platforms and systems.
  4. Working with RESTful APIs: RESTful APIs often use URIs to represent resources and perform operations. Developers need to correctly handle URI encoding, query parameters, and relative URIs when interacting with RESTful APIs to ensure accurate data retrieval and manipulation.
  5. URL Shortening Services: URL shortening services often manipulate and shorten long URLs to create compact versions. Handling the encoding, decoding, and redirection of shortened URLs requires careful consideration to ensure the correct resolution and redirection to the original resource.

How to Fix Issues of the URI Module?

While the Ruby URI module provides powerful functionality for working with URIs, developers can employ certain techniques and best practices to address common issues and ensure smooth operation. Here are some approaches to fix issues with the URI module:

  1. Validate and Sanitize User Input: Before processing user-supplied URIs, validating and sanitizing the input is crucial to prevent potential security vulnerabilities or parsing errors. Regular expressions or URI pattern matching can be used to enforce the expected format and prevent malicious input.
  2. Use URI Encoding and Decoding Correctly: Properly encoding and decoding URI components are essential to ensure correctness and prevent issues related to unescaped characters or inconsistent encoding. The URI module provides methods such as URI.encode and URI.decode to accurately handle encoding and decoding operations.
  3. Normalize URIs: To avoid inconsistencies and improve interoperability, it's beneficial to normalize URIs to a standard representation. This can involve removing unnecessary components, resolving relative paths, and ensuring consistent formatting. The URI.normalize method can be used for URI normalization.
  4. Handle Scheme-Specific Parsing: If your application needs to work with URIs using custom schemes or non-standard formats, you may need to implement custom logic for parsing and handling those URIs. This could involve extending the URI module or creating a custom URI parser to accommodate the specific requirements of the scheme.
  5. Consider URI Builder Libraries: In cases where complex URI construction or manipulation is required, consider using specialized URI builder libraries or frameworks. These libraries often provide a higher-level abstraction for working with URIs, making it easier to handle edge cases and complex transformations.
  6. Follow URI Scheme Specifications: When working with specific URI schemes, it's important to consult and follow the relevant scheme specifications. This ensures adherence to any scheme-specific rules or limitations and improves compatibility with other systems and applications.
  7. Consider Performance Impact: While the URI module provides powerful functionality, it's important to be mindful of performance implications when working with large numbers of URIs or performing intensive URI operations. In performance-critical scenarios, consider optimizing URI-related operations or caching results where appropriate.

Creating a Wrapper for the URI Module: Adding Sanity Checks

In certain scenarios, creating a wrapper around the URI module may be beneficial to add custom validations or perform additional checks on URIs. This wrapper can provide an extra layer of control and error handling, ensuring that the URIs used in the application adhere to specific requirements.

What is a Wrapper? A wrapper is a design pattern that encapsulates the functionality of an underlying module or library and provides additional features or modifications. In the case of the URI module, a wrapper can intercept URI operations, validate inputs, enforce constraints, and provide a more user-friendly interface for working with URIs.

Creating a wrapper for the URI module offers several advantages:

  1. Enhanced Validation: The wrapper can enforce stricter validation rules or perform custom validations on URIs. This helps prevent the usage of invalid or potentially harmful URIs within the application.
  2. Error Handling: The wrapper can handle exceptions and errors raised during URI operations in a more controlled manner. It can provide meaningful error messages or take specific actions based on the encountered errors.
  3. Customization: The wrapper can introduce additional methods or behaviors specific to the application's requirements. This allows developers to extend the functionality of the URI module and tailor it to their specific needs.
  4. Abstraction: By creating a wrapper, developers can abstract the complexities of the URI module and provide a simplified interface for working with URIs. This improves code readability and maintainability.

Step-By-Step Guide on Creating a Wrapper with Added Sanity Checks

Let's walk through a step-by-step guide on how to create a wrapper for the URI module with added sanity checks:

  1. Define a new class that will serve as the wrapper for the URI module. For example, you can create a class called SanitizedURI. Code:
  2. Initialize the wrapper class by accepting a URI string as a parameter and creating an instance of the URI module using that string. Code:
  3. Implement custom validations or sanity checks within the wrapper class. This can include checking for specific URI schemes, enforcing length restrictions, or validating query parameters. Code:
  4. Implement methods within the wrapper class that provide access to the URI components or perform operations on the URI. These methods can delegate to the corresponding methods of the underlying URI module. Code:
  5. Test the wrapper class by creating instances of SanitizedURI and performing operations on them. Ensure that the custom validations and error handling work as expected. Code:

This example demonstrates a basic implementation of a wrapper class for the URI module. You can extend and customize the wrapper according to your specific needs and the requirements of your application.

Creating a wrapper with added sanity checks ensures that the URIs used in your Ruby application meet certain criteria, minimizing the risk of errors and security vulnerabilities. This approach offers more control and flexibility when working with URIs, making your code more robust and reliable.

Basic Example: Working With the URI Module

To get started with the Ruby URI module, let's explore a basic example that demonstrates its usage. In this example, we will create a URI object from a string representation of a URI and retrieve various components of the URI.


In this example, we first require the uri library to gain access to the Ruby URI module. Then, we create a URI object by passing a string representation of the URI to the URI() method. The URI object represents the URI

We can then access various components of the URI using the provided methods:

  • uri.scheme returns the scheme of the URI, which is http in this case.
  • returns the host of the URI, which is
  • uri.path returns the path of the URI, which is /path.
  • uri.query returns the query string of the URI, which is query=example.
  • uri.to_s returns the string representation of the URI, which is

This basic example demonstrates how to create a URI object from a string and extract different components of the URI using the Ruby URI module. By leveraging these methods, you can easily retrieve and manipulate specific parts of a URI within your Ruby application.

Highlighting the Key Features of the URI Module Through this Example

The basic example above showcases some key features and capabilities of the Ruby URI module:

  1. URI Parsing: The URI module provides a straightforward way to parse and break down a URI string into its individual components, such as the scheme, host, path, and query.
  2. Uniform Access: The URI module offers uniform access to different parts of the URI through its methods. This ensures consistency and simplifies URI manipulation tasks.
  3. URI Construction: In addition to parsing URIs, the URI module enables you to construct URIs by combining individual components or modifying existing URIs.
  4. String Representation: The URI module allows you to obtain the string representation of a URI object using the to_s method. This is useful when you need to convert the URI object back into a string for further processing or displaying the URI.

You can easily work with URIs in Ruby by leveraging these features, enabling tasks such as URI validation, normalization, building APIs, handling redirects, and more.

Adding Custom URIs

The Ruby URI module provides a powerful mechanism for working with standard URI schemes like HTTP, FTP, and file. However, there may be cases where you need to work with custom URI schemes that are specific to your application or domain. In such situations, extending the URI module with custom URI schemes becomes invaluable.

To add a custom URI scheme to the URI module, you need to define a new URI class that inherits from URI::Generic. This new class represents your custom URI scheme and allows you to define specific behavior and validation rules for your URIs.

The process involves the following steps:

  1. Define a new class that inherits from URI::Generic. For example, if you want to create a custom myapp URI scheme, you can define a class called URI::MyApp.
  2. Implement the necessary methods and validations in your custom URI class. This includes methods like parse, to_s, and any other methods required to work with your custom URI scheme. You can also define additional validations or custom behavior specific to your application's needs.
  3. Register your custom URI scheme using the URI::Schemes.register method. This step ensures that Ruby recognizes and handles your custom scheme correctly.

Example demonstrating the implementation of custom URIs: Let's consider an example to illustrate the implementation and usage of custom URIs. Suppose you're developing a web application that deals with custom book references, and you want to create a custom book URI scheme.

First, you define a new class URI::Book that inherits from URI::Generic:


In this example, the URI::Book class defines the components of a book URI, such as scheme, userinfo, host, port, path, query, and fragment. You can customize these components according to your application's requirements.

Next, you register the custom book URI scheme using URI::Schemes.register:


Now, you can create instances of your custom book URI and work with them like any other URI:

By implementing and registering your custom URI scheme, you can seamlessly integrate custom URIs into your Ruby application and leverage the power of the URI module for handling them.

Adding custom URIs enables you to define and work with URIs that align with your application's domain-specific needs. It enhances the flexibility and extensibility of your code, allowing you to handle custom schemes seamlessly alongside standard URI schemes.

Public Class Methods

The Ruby URI module provides several useful public class methods that offer flexibility and convenience when working with URIs. These class methods allow you to perform various operations, such as building URIs, parsing strings into URI objects, and manipulating URIs.


The build method is a class method that constructs a URI from its components. It accepts a hash as an argument, where the keys represent the components of a URI (e.g., :scheme, :host, :path, :query, :fragment) and the values are the corresponding values for each component. This method returns a new URI object.

Here's an example demonstrating the usage of the build method:



This method allows you to easily construct URIs by specifying their individual components.

new(opts = {})

The new method is another class method provided by the URI module. It creates a new instance of the URI::Parser class, which is responsible for parsing URIs. The new method accepts an optional hash (opts) as an argument, where the keys represent pattern names of URI components and the values are pattern strings.

Here's an example usage of the new method:



In this example, a custom URI parser is created with a specific pattern for the ESCAPED component. The parse method of the parser is then used to parse a URI string. The resulting URI object can be further manipulated or utilized in your application.

These are just two examples of the public class methods provided by the URI module. There are additional methods available, such as parse, join, encode, and decode, each serving a specific purpose when working with URIs.

Practical Scenarios and Benefits

Let's explore some practical scenarios where these class methods can be beneficial:

  1. Building Dynamic URIs: The build method allows you to dynamically construct URIs by providing the individual components as arguments. This is particularly useful when generating URIs based on user input or when constructing URLs for API endpoints.
  2. Parsing and Validating User-Provided URIs: The new method, along with the parse method of the URI::Parser class, enables you to parse and validate URIs provided by users or external sources. You can define custom parsing patterns and validate the components of the URI against those patterns to ensure the input conforms to your expected format. This helps maintain data integrity and prevents security vulnerabilities caused by malicious or malformed URIs.
  3. URI Manipulation and Transformation: The URI module provides various methods like join, encode, and decode that allow you to manipulate and transform URIs easily. For example, you can use the join method to concatenate relative URIs with a base URI, the encode method to URL-encode specific components, or the decode method to decode URL-encoded components. These methods simplify URI transformations and help ensure the correct format and encoding of URIs in your application.

By leveraging these class methods, you can streamline URI handling in your Ruby codebase and achieve the following benefits:

  1. Code Reusability: The URI module provides a set of well-defined and reliable methods for URI handling. By utilizing these methods, you can avoid reinventing the wheel and leverage existing functionality, promoting code reusability and maintainability.
  2. Consistency and Standards Compliance: The URI module adheres to the relevant URI specifications, ensuring that the URIs you construct or manipulate comply with the standard formats and encoding rules. This helps maintain consistency and interoperability with other systems and APIs.
  3. Error Handling and Validation: The URI module includes built-in validation mechanisms and error handling for handling invalid or malformed URIs. This helps you identify and handle errors gracefully, preventing potential issues or security vulnerabilities caused by improper URI manipulation.

Public Instance Methods

The Ruby URI module provides a range of public instance methods that allow you to work with URIs in a flexible and efficient manner. Let's explore some of the key instance methods:

  1. request_uri: The request_uri method returns the request URI from an HTTP request. This method is particularly useful when working with HTTP-related operations and extracting the URI component from an HTTP request.
  2. convert_to_uri(uri): This method is used to convert a string or object into a URI. It takes a string or object as an argument and returns the corresponding URI representation. This method helps convert various data forms into a standardized URI format.
  3. escape: The escape method creates a safe string by removing unsafe characters from the input string. It replaces the unsafe characters with their corresponding codes. Optionally, you can specify a custom unsafe regular expression pattern to control which characters to escape.
  4. extract: The extract method attempts to parse and merge a set of URIs. It takes a string as an argument and applies the specified patterns to extract URIs from the string. If a block is given, it calls the block for each extracted URI. This method is useful when extracting multiple URIs from a given string.
  5. initialize_pattern(opts = {}): The initialize_pattern method constructs the default hash of patterns used for URI parsing. It sets up the patterns for various URI components like scheme, userinfo, host, port, etc. You can customize these patterns by passing an options hash to the method.
  6. initialize_regexp(pattern): This method constructs the default hash of regular expressions used for URI parsing. It sets up the regular expressions for various URI components based on the specified pattern. The pattern argument can be a symbol representing a predefined pattern or a custom regular expression pattern.
  7. inspect: The inspect method returns a string representation of the URI object, useful for debugging and inspecting the internal state of the URI.
  8. join(*uris): The join method attempts to parse and merge a set of URIs. It merges an array of strings representing URIs into a single URI. This method is handy when combining multiple URIs into a single URI string.
  9. make_regexp(schemes = nil): The make_regexp method returns a regular expression used for URI parsing. By default, it returns the regular expression for absolute URIs. You can optionally specify an array of schemes to create a regular expression that matches specific URI schemes.
  10. parse(uri): The parse method is used to parse a string and construct a URI object based on the URI scheme. It automatically detects the appropriate URI scheme object (e.g., HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, etc.) or falls back to the generic URI class if no specific scheme is recognized.
  11. split(uri): The split method splits a URI into its components using the regular expression for absolute URIs. It returns an array containing the individual components of the URI, such as scheme, userinfo, host, port, path, query, and fragment.
  12. unescape: The unescape method removes escapes from a string. It reverses the process of escaping performed by the escape method. By default, it uses the regular expression for escaped characters to identify and remove the escape sequences. You can also provide a custom escaped regular expression pattern.

Class tree

The Ruby URI module follows a class hierarchy that provides a structured organization of its various classes and their relationships. Here is a high-level overview of the class tree for the URI module:

At the top of the hierarchy, we have the URI::Generic class, which serves as the base class for all URI schemes. It defines the common behavior and attributes that are shared by all URI objects. Below URI::Generic, we have various specialized classes for specific URI schemes like URI::HTTP, URI::HTTPS, URI::FTP, URI::LDAP, URI::LDAPS, URI::MailTo, and URI::File. Each of these classes extends the URI::Generic class and provides additional functionality specific to their respective schemes.

This class tree allows for a modular and extensible design, where each URI scheme can have its features and behavior while benefiting from the shared functionality defined in the URI::Generic class.


  • The Ruby URI module provides powerful functionality for working with Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) and Uniform Resource Locators (URLs).
  • It allows developers to parse, construct, encode, decode, and manipulate URIs with ease.
  • The URI module supports various URI schemes such as HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, File, and more, making it versatile for different types of applications.
  • It provides a set of convenient class methods for handling URIs, including URI.parse for parsing URIs and URI.join for merging multiple URIs.
  • The module also offers instance methods for working with individual URIs, such as escaping and unescaping characters, extracting components, and converting to URI objects.
  • Developers should be mindful of URI encoding and decoding, ensuring proper handling of special characters and avoiding common pitfalls.
  • The URI module is part of the Ruby Standard Library, meaning it is readily available in all Ruby installations without the need for additional installation or dependencies.
  • By utilizing the URI module effectively, developers can build robust applications that interact with web resources, APIs, and various network protocols, while adhering to URI standards and best practices.