Scala Lazy Evaluation

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Lazy evaluation in Scala is a powerful concept in programming that defers the evaluation of an expression until its value is needed. Lazy evaluation in Scala is achieved through the use of the lazy keyword, which allows you to define lazy values or lazy expressions. Lazy evaluation can be particularly useful when dealing with potentially expensive computations or when we want to control when certain operations are performed.

Why Lazy Evaluation?

Lazy evaluation should be used to optimize performance and conserve resources in scenarios where expensive computations or memory-intensive operations are involved. By deferring the evaluation of expressions until they are needed, unnecessary work can be avoided, leading to faster program execution and reduced memory consumption.

Additionally, lazy evaluation is beneficial when working with infinite data structures, enabling seamless handling without running into memory overflow or infinite loops.


Lazy evaluation in Scala is used for several reasons, providing significant advantages in specific scenarios. Some of the key advantages are as follows:

Improved performance:

Lazy evaluation optimizes performance by postponing the evaluation of expressions until they are required. This means that expensive computations and resource-intensive operations are deferred until they are truly needed, reducing unnecessary work and conserving computational resources.

More flexible code:

Lazy evaluation in Scala allows for greater flexibility in code design. We can create complex data structures, sequences, or computations without the need to compute all values upfront. This flexibility enables the creation of infinite data structures and enables better handling of situations where certain values may not be needed in specific program paths.

Improved error handling:

Lazy evaluation can improve error handling by postponing the evaluation of expressions that might cause exceptions until they are explicitly accessed. This allows us to handle potential errors more gracefully, allowing us to catch and handle exceptions appropriately.


While lazy evaluation in Scala offers various advantages, it also comes with some potential drawbacks or cons that we should consider when using this programming technique:

  • Increased Complexity:
    It requires us to be mindful of when and where to use lazy values or expressions, which can make the code harder to understand and maintain, especially for programmers not familiar with the lazy evaluation concept.
  • Potential for Non-Termination:
    If a lazy value or expression depends on itself in an unintended way, it may result in an infinite evaluation loop, causing the program to hang or crash.
  • Thread Safety Concerns:
    If multiple threads attempt to access and compute a lazy value simultaneously, it can lead to unexpected behavior or race conditions.
  • Memory Usage:
    It may lead to increased memory usage if the stored lazy values or expressions are never accessed, but remain in memory. This situation is known as space leaks, where unused values still consume memory.

Lazy Evaluation in a Higher-Order Function

Lazy evaluation in a higher-order function involves delaying the evaluation of a passed function until its result is explicitly required within the higher-order function's body.

Let's explore an example of a higher-order function that utilizes lazy evaluation:



  • In this example, we have a higher-order function named executeConditionally, which takes a boolean condition and a function f by name. The function f is not evaluated immediately when passed to executeConditionally, thanks to the by-name parameter. Instead, it is lazily evaluated only when it's needed based on the condition passed to the higher-order function.

  • In the main method, we first call checkCondition() to simulate some condition check, which may involve an expensive computation. Then, we pass the result of the condition checks to executeConditionally. If the condition is true, the printMessage() function is called and the message "This message is printed lazily." is printed. If the condition is false, printMessage() is never called, and the message is not printed.

Lazy evaluation in higher-order functions can be used to address thread safety issues also. One approach to ensure thread safety in the context of lazy evaluation with higher-order functions is to use the synchronized block in Scala. The synchronized block ensures that only one thread can access the shared data at a time, preventing concurrent access and potential race conditions.

Example Without Lazy in Scala

Let's consider an example without using lazy evaluation in Scala, where we have a function to generate a random number between 1 and 100 and print it immediately:




  • In this example, the function generateRandomNumber() generates a random number between 1 and 100 using scala.util.Random.nextInt(). The generated random number is then printed immediately after its computation.
  • When we run this code, we can see that each time generateRandomNumber() is called, it immediately generates a new random number and prints it. The function does not delay the computation or store the generated number for future use.

Example With Lazy in Scala

Let's modify the previous example to use lazy evaluation in Scala:




  • In this example, we have modified the function generateRandomNumberLazy() to use lazy evaluation. We do this by introducing the lazy val keyword before defining randomNumber. The computation of the random number is enclosed within the lazy val block.
  • With lazy evaluation, the actual computation of the random number is deferred until it is explicitly needed, which means that it won't be computed immediately when generateRandomNumberLazy() is called. Instead, the lazy value randomNumber will be evaluated only when it is first accessed or referenced.
  • We can notice that the random numbers are generated and printed only when they are first accessed, not when the function is initially called. In this case, the two calls to generateRandomNumberLazy() are separate, and the random number computation is deferred for each call.


  • Lazy evaluation in Scala delays the evaluation of expressions or values until their results are needed, allowing for more efficient resource utilization and optimized performance. The lazy keyword is used to enable lazy evaluation.
  • Lazy evaluation in Scala offers pros such as improved performance, improved error handling, code flexibility by avoiding unnecessary computations until results are required, and efficient memory utilization, as values are generated on-demand, not precomputed.
  • Cons of lazy evaluation in Scala include potential increased code complexity, thread safety concerns, and hidden performance overheads due to deferred computations, which may not always be beneficial in all scenarios.
  • Lazy evaluation in higher-order functions in Scala involves deferring the evaluation of functions passed as arguments until their results are explicitly needed, potentially optimizing performance and resource utilization.
  • By combining lazy evaluation in higher-order functions with proper synchronization, we can leverage the benefits of deferred computations while maintaining thread safety in multi-threaded environments.