Scala Comments

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Comments serve as textual annotations within our code that are meant to be read by humans rather than being executed by the computer. They are used to explain the code's logic, document its behavior, and provide insights into the programmer's thought process. We can add comments in Scala to our code to provide explanations, and documentation, or to temporarily disable certain portions of code. Scala supports both single-line and multi-line comments.


We all know that code is read more often than it's written. This explains the importance of writing clean, readable, and maintainable code. One of the most effective tools to achieve this goal is the judicious use of comments. Comments in Scala, like in many other programming languages, play a crucial role in enhancing code clarity, providing documentation, and enabling collaboration among developers. When used thoughtfully and consistently, they can significantly improve code quality and maintainability.

What are the Comments in Scala?

Comments in Scala are textual annotations within the code that are not executed by the computer but serve to provide explanations, documentation, or temporary code exclusion. They enhance code clarity, aid in understanding the logic behind the code, and facilitate collaboration among developers.

Here are some of the primary purposes of comments in Scala:

  • Code Explanation and Clarity: Comments help us explain the intention and logic behind a particular section of code or even a single line. Clear comments can turn cryptic code into a comprehensible piece of art, making it easier for others (and our future selves) to understand what's happening and why.
  • Documentation: Well-commented code acts as documentation for our software. When someone else reads our code, they can quickly grasp its purpose and functionalities, even without having to dive deep into the implementation details. Properly documented code is especially valuable in open-source projects, where developers from diverse backgrounds collaborate.
  • Temporarily Disable Code: We can use comments to temporarily disable portions of our code during development and debugging. This technique can help us isolate problematic code sections or quickly switch between different implementations.
  • Todo and Fixme Markers: Adding comments with "TODO" or "FIXME" in them can act as reminders for tasks that need to be completed or issues that need to be fixed in the future. Many integrated development environments (IDEs) highlight these markers, making them easy to find and address.

Here are some of the best practices for writing comments in Scala:

  • Be Clear and Concise: Write comments that are clear, concise, and to the point. Avoid overly complex language or jargon. A well-written comment should be easily understandable by any developer, regardless of their level of expertise.
  • Comment Intention, Not Implementation: Focus on explaining what the code does, not how it does it. The implementation details may change over time, but the intention behind the code remains constant.
  • Update Comments When Code Changes: Keep comments up to date with the code changes. Outdated comments can mislead other developers and lead to confusion.
  • Avoid Redundant Comments: Don't repeat information that is already evident from the code itself. Comments should add value and not just restate the obvious.
  • Be Mindful of Comment Length: Keep comments at a reasonable length. If a comment becomes too long, it might be a sign that the code needs refactoring or that the comment should be split into multiple shorter comments.
  • Properly Document Public Interfaces: When writing public APIs or library code, provide comprehensive documentation for the exposed functions, classes, and traits. This helps users of our code understand how to use it effectively.
  • Use "TODO" and "FIXME" Thoughtfully: While "TODO" and "FIXME" comments are helpful, avoid littering your code with them. Regularly review and address these markers to keep your codebase clean and maintainable.

What are the Different Types of Comments in Scala?

Scala supports three types of comments each differing in its use case, somewhat similar to most programming languages: single-line comments, multi-line comments, and documentation comments.

Let us understand each one of them in detail:

Single–line comments

Single line comments in Scala begin with two forward slashes // and extend until the end of the line. They are used to add brief annotations or explanations to a single line of code. After encountering // in a line of code, the Scala compiler disregards the remainder of the line, considering it as a comment, which does not affect the program's execution.


Single line comments are useful for providing quick context or clarifications for individual code lines without interrupting the flow of the code.

Multi–line Comments

Multi line comments in Scala start with /* and end with */. They can span multiple lines, making them ideal for more extensive explanations or temporarily disabling blocks of code. The compiler ignores everything within the /* ... */ block.


Here are some examples where multi-line comments in Scala can be beneficial:

Explaining Algorithms :

  • Multi-line comments are excellent for providing detailed explanations of complex algorithms, helping other developers understand the code's purpose and approach.

Temporarily Disabling Code During Debugging :

  • When troubleshooting issues or experimenting with different code paths, developers often comment out sections of code temporarily. Multi-line comments make it easy to enable or disable such blocks without deleting code.

Documentation Comments

Documentation comments in Scala are a special kind of comment used to generate documentation for our code using tools like ScalaDoc. They begin with /** and end with */. Documentation comments typically appear just before a class, method, or field declaration and provide information about the purpose, usage, and expected behavior of the item.

Documentation comments are essential for creating comprehensive and well structured API documentation. When we run a ScalaDoc tool over our codebase, it will generate HTML pages with detailed explanations of classes, methods, and fields, making it easier for other developers to understand and use our code.


  • Comments in Scala are textual annotations within the code that are not executed by the computer, serving as explanations, documentation, or temporary exclusions.
  • Single line comments in Scala start with // and provide brief annotations or explanations for a single line of code.
  • Multi line comments in Scala begin with /* and end with */, allowing annotations or explanations to span multiple lines.
  • Documentation comments in Scala start with /** and end with */, used to generate API documentation with tools like ScalaDoc, providing information about classes, methods, and fields.
  • Comments with TODO or FIXME act as reminders for unfinished tasks or known problems that require attention in the future.
  • Comments offer valuable context and reasoning, aiding future developers in understanding the thought process and decision-making that went into writing the code.