Examples of concurrency in Scala

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Concurrency is essential in modern software development, enabling apps to do many things at once. This simultaneous work not only makes the program faster but also more responsive. One programming language that excels in this domain is Scala. Known for its versatility and elegance, Scala offers an array of potent features and libraries specially designed to manage and streamline concurrent operations. In this article, we'll explore various Scala concurrency concepts and provide practical examples to demonstrate their usage.


Concurrency is a pivotal aspect of modern software development, and Scala, with its elegant and expressive features, excels in facilitating concurrent programming. This article is a comprehensive guide to Scala's concurrency capabilities, where we explore a range of fundamental concepts and practical examples. From Futures, which enable non-blocking asynchronous operations, to the complexities of threads and ensuring thread safety, our journey through these topics will equip you with a deep understanding of how to effectively leverage Scala's concurrency tools.

At the core of Scala's concurrent programming paradigm are "Futures." These nifty abstractions allow developers to perform asynchronous tasks without blocking the primary program execution. By enabling non-blocking operations, Scala Futures ensures that your applications remain responsive even when handling time-consuming operations, providing a seamless and efficient user experience.

multitasking applications app examples

In the upcoming sections, we'll dive into the intricacies of using Futures, demonstrating how they can be leveraged to harness the power of asynchronous computation, and ultimately, how they fit into the larger picture of concurrent programming in Scala.

Example with Futures

To kick off our exploration of Scala concurrency, let's dive into a practical example using Futures.

Futures are a cornerstone of asynchronous programming in Scala, allowing you to execute operations that might take a while without blocking the main thread. Here's a simple example:

In this snippet, we create a Future named future that simulates a time-consuming operation using Thread.sleep. This operation calculates the answer to life, the universe, and everything - 42. The onComplete method defines a callback that handles the result or any potential error once the Future completes. This non-blocking behavior allows the main program to continue running without waiting for the operation to finish.

Using Map with Futures

One of the strengths of Futures is their ability to transform their results using the map function. Let's consider an example:

In this case, we create a Future future with a value of 10. We then apply the map function to it, transforming the result into a string with a descriptive message. This powerful feature allows you to manipulate Future results seamlessly.

Using Callbacks with Future

Futures provide various callback methods like onSuccess, onFailure, and onComplete to handle results and errors. Here's an example using onSuccess:

In this scenario, the onSuccess callback is triggered when the Future completes successfully. It provides access to the result, enabling you to define custom actions based on the outcome.

Running Multiple Futures

Concurrency often involves running multiple tasks concurrently. Scala offers elegant ways to achieve this. Consider the following example:

In this case, we create a list of Futures and then aggregate them using Future.sequence. The aggregatedFuture represents the combined result of all the individual Futures. This technique is useful when you need to execute multiple asynchronous operations concurrently and gather their results efficiently.

These examples illustrate the practical application of Futures and how they can be employed in Scala for handling asynchronous tasks, transforming results, and running multiple tasks concurrently.

Runnable Vs Callable

In the realm of concurrent programming in Scala, two core interfaces, Runnable and Callable, play pivotal roles in defining tasks that can be executed concurrently by threads. These interfaces, originate from Java's java.lang package, offer distinct advantages and are vital for writing effective concurrent code. In this section, we'll explore the differences between Runnable and Callable and their use cases, helping you make informed decisions when crafting concurrent applications.

Runnable: Lightweight Execution

The Runnable interface is tailor-made for tasks that don't return results but need to be executed concurrently. It represents a lightweight, result-less task, ideal for simple operations running in parallel. In Scala, defining a Runnable is straightforward:

In this snippet, we create a runnableTask object, implementing the Runnable interface with a run method where your concurrent task logic resides. Runnable tasks are well-suited for cases where you want to execute an operation without waiting for its result.

Callable: Return Results

In contrast to Runnable, the Callable interface represents tasks that return results upon execution. It is the go-to choice when you need to perform a computation and obtain a value or result from it. Callable tasks are invaluable when you require the outcome of a task that runs in a separate thread. Here's how you define a Callable in Scala:

In this example, we import java.util.concurrent.Callable and define a callableTask. It specifies the type of result it will return and implements the call method, encapsulating the logic of your concurrent computation.

Key Distinctions

  • Result:
    The primary distinction between Runnable and Callable lies in whether they return results. Runnable does not provide a result, whereas Callable does. This makes Callable the choice when you need to obtain an outcome from a concurrent task.
  • Thread Pool Usage:
    When working with a thread pool, Runnable tasks are generally employed. They are well-suited for situations where you need to execute tasks without expecting results. Callable tasks, on the other hand, are typically used when you want to gather results from tasks submitted to a thread pool.
  • Exception Handling:
    In the case of Runnable, exceptions that occur during execution must be managed within the task itself. In Callable, exceptions are typically wrapped in a Future or a FutureTask, simplifying error handling.


Threads are the workhorses that enable applications to execute multiple tasks simultaneously, vastly improving performance and responsiveness. In Scala, as in many other programming languages, threads are fundamental components for achieving concurrency.

A thread, in essence, represents an independent flow of control within a program. It has its own program counter, stack, and registers, allowing it to execute code independently of other threads. Scala, being a versatile language, provides a mechanism to create and manage threads through the java.lang.Thread class. Here's an example of how you can create and start a thread in Scala:

In this code, we create a new thread named myThread, associate it with a Runnable task that contains the code to be executed concurrently, and then start the thread's execution.

Thread Safety Problem

Concurrent programming introduces a unique set of challenges, one of which is the thread safety problem. When multiple threads access shared data or resources simultaneously, it can lead to race conditions, data corruption, and unpredictable behavior. Thread safety, therefore, becomes a critical concern in concurrent applications.

Consider a scenario where two or more threads are attempting to modify the same data structure, such as a list, map, or variable, simultaneously. Without proper synchronization mechanisms in place, the threads can interfere with each other, resulting in inconsistent or incorrect data. This can lead to a wide range of issues, from subtle bugs that are hard to detect to catastrophic failures that can crash your application.

To address the thread safety problem, Scala provides synchronization mechanisms, including synchronized blocks and classes, to ensure that only one thread can access a shared resource at a time. These mechanisms help prevent race conditions and data corruption by imposing order and discipline on concurrent access.

Synchronized map in Scala.

A synchronized map in Scala is a thread-safe data structure that ensures safe concurrent access by synchronizing access to the map's methods. It is an instance of the scala.collection.mutable.SynchronizedMap trait, which can be mixed into a regular mutable map to make it thread-safe.

Here's a practical example of how to create and use a synchronized map in Scala:

In this example, we create a synchronized map named threadSafeMap. The withDefault method sets a default value for keys that do not exist in the map, helping prevent potential null pointer exceptions in concurrent scenarios.

Ensuring Thread Safety

The synchronized map ensures thread safety by allowing only one thread to access and modify the map at a time. This prevents race conditions and data corruption that can occur when multiple threads attempt to read or modify shared data concurrently.

In this example, when thread 1 accesses the value associated with "key1," thread 2 will be blocked from modifying the map until thread 1 completes its operation. This synchronization mechanism guarantees the integrity of the map in a multi-threaded environment.

Use Cases

Synchronized maps are particularly valuable in scenarios where multiple threads need to share and manipulate data in a map, such as caching, resource management, or data aggregation. By using synchronized maps, you can simplify the complexities of thread safety and ensure that your concurrent operations are executed reliably and without data corruption.


  • Scala Futures provide a mechanism for executing tasks asynchronously, allowing for non-blocking operations.
  • The ability to map over Futures enables the transformation of results, facilitating more flexible data processing.
  • Callbacks, such as onSuccess and onComplete, offer a means of gracefully handling Future outcomes and potential errors.
  • When it comes to concurrent programming, the efficient execution of multiple Futures concurrently is made accessible through combinators like Future.sequence.
  • Runnable tasks are a choice for situations where you need to execute lightweight operations that don't return results.
  • Callable tasks, on the other hand, are a preferred option when you require a return value from the task's execution.
  • Threads form the foundational units of concurrent programs, allowing for parallel task execution.
  • The thread safety problem arises when multiple threads access shared data, potentially leading to race conditions and data corruption.
  • Synchronized maps, a feature in Scala, provide a solution to the thread safety challenge, ensuring that shared data structures remain intact and free from data corruption.