Scala Closure|Scala Closure

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In Scala, a closure is a powerful programming construct that allows functions to capture and manipulate variables from their enclosing lexical scope. Closures "close over" or encapsulate these variables, enabling them to retain their values even after the surrounding function has completed its execution. This feature provides a significant advantage for functional programming, as closures can be passed as parameters, offering a level of flexibility and expressiveness. Closures in Scala are self-contained units of behavior that don't rely on external state, making code more predictable and easier to understand. They play a crucial role in functional programming paradigms, particularly when working with higher-order functions like map, filter, and reduce, which take closures as arguments to process collections of data. By capturing variables from their enclosing scope, closures enable concise and elegant solutions for various programming tasks, enhancing the expressiveness and readability of Scala code.


Scala closures are a fundamental and powerful concept in the world of functional programming. They represent a unique and flexible way of defining and working with functions, allowing developers to encapsulate behavior and data within self-contained units of code. Closures enable you to create dynamic functions that retain access to variables from their containing scope, even after that scope has exited, making them incredibly versatile and expressive.

At their core, closures are functions, but they possess a distinctive ability to capture and "close over" their lexical environment. This means they can access and manipulate variables that were in scope at the time of their creation, ensuring that the data they depend on remains available, even if the surrounding context changes.

One of the primary benefits of closures in Scala is their capacity to promote cleaner and more modular code. By encapsulating data and behavior together, closures enable a higher level of abstraction, making your code more readable, maintainable, and concise. They also facilitate the use of higher-order functions, like map, filter, and reduce, which take closures as arguments, allowing for elegant and efficient operations on collections of data.

Scala closures play a crucial role in enabling functional programming paradigms, where functions are first-class citizens and can be passed as arguments, returned as values, and stored in variables. Whether you are dealing with data transformation, event handling, or concurrency control, closures are a key tool in the Scala developer's toolkit, offering a powerful means to create flexible and reusable code. Understanding how to harness the potential of closures is essential for anyone looking to write expressive and functional Scala programs.

What is a Closure in Scala?

In Scala, a closure refers to a function that captures and retains references to variables from its surrounding lexical scope even after that scope has exited. In other words, it "closes over" or encapsulates the variables, allowing them to persist within the function's scope. Closures are a fundamental concept in functional programming languages like Scala, and they enable powerful and flexible programming techniques.

Closures have two main characteristics:

  • Encapsulation of Variables: Closures can access and manipulate variables that are defined in their containing or enclosing function, even after that function has completed execution. This behavior is possible because the closure retains a reference to those variables.
  • Independence: Closures are self-contained units of behavior, meaning they don't rely on global or external state. Instead, they carry their own encapsulated state, making them predictable and easy to reason about.

Closures are particularly valuable in scenarios where you need to pass behavior as a parameter, such as in functional programming paradigms like map, reduce, or filter operations. They allow you to create functions on-the-fly that can use and modify variables from their enclosing scope, providing a level of flexibility and expressiveness that is essential for functional programming.

In Scala, closures are often used in conjunction with higher-order functions like map, filter, and reduce to process collections of data in a concise and elegant way. These functions take functions (closures) as arguments and apply them to each element of a collection, making it easy to perform operations like transformation, filtering, or aggregation.

A closure in Scala is a function that captures and retains references to variables from its surrounding lexical scope, allowing for powerful and flexible programming techniques. Closures are a fundamental concept in functional programming and are essential for writing expressive and concise code when working with collections and higher-order functions in Scala.


Implementing closures in Scala involves defining and using functions that capture variables from their surrounding lexical scope. Here's a detailed explanation with examples:

1. Defining a Closure: In Scala, you can define a closure by creating a function that references variables from its outer scope. These variables are captured and retained by the closure. Here's a simple example:

In this example, outerFunction takes an x as an argument and returns a function that multiplies its argument by x. The inner function (y: Int) => y * factor is a closure because it captures the factor variable from its surrounding scope. Run the above code in your editor for a better and clear explanation.

2. Using Closures: You can use closures like regular functions. In this case:

Here, doubler is a closure that captures factor from the outer scope, and when invoked with doubler(5), it multiplies 5 by 2 (the captured factor). Run the above code in your editor for a better and clear explanation.

3. Closures with Mutable Variables: Closures can also capture mutable variables. However, you need to be cautious with this, as it can lead to unexpected behavior due to shared state:

In this example, the closure captures the mutable count variable. Each time it's called, it increments count. Run the above code in your editor for a better and clear explanation.

4. Closures in Collections: Closures are often used in Scala collections for operations like map, filter, and reduce. For instance:

Here, the closure (x => x * 2) is passed to map, and it captures each element of the numbers list as it iterates. Run the above code in your editor for a better and clear explanation.


Here's a simple example of a closure in Scala:

In this example, we define a closure multiplier that captures the factor variable from the outer scope. When we invoke multiplier(10), it multiplies 10 by the captured factor (which is 5), resulting in 50. Similarly, invoking multiplier(8) multiplies 8 by 5, yielding 40. Run the above code in your editor for a better and clear explanation.

Types of Closure Function

Closures in Scala can be categorized into two main types: pure closures and impure closures. These distinctions are fundamental in functional programming, as they describe the behavior of functions concerning side effects and referential transparency.

Pure Closures:

Pure closures, also known as pure functions or referentially transparent functions, adhere to strict functional programming principles. They are characterized by the following key attributes:

  • Encapsulation of Behavior and State: A pure closure encapsulates both behavior (in the form of a function) and the variables or data it relies on. This encapsulation ensures that the function's behavior is context-independent and self-contained. The closure captures its lexical environment, meaning it retains references to variables in its surrounding scope. These captured variables are often referred to as "free variables."
  • Immutable Variables: The variables captured by a pure closure are immutable. Once a variable is assigned a value, it cannot be modified. This immutability guarantees that the closure's behavior remains consistent throughout its lifetime. Immutability also ensures that there are no unexpected side effects, making the code more predictable and easier to reason about.
  • No Side Effects: A pure closure does not produce side effects. Side effects include actions like modifying variables outside the closure's scope, printing to the console, or performing I/O operations. In pure closures, all effects are contained within the function.
  • Referential Transparency: Referential transparency is a crucial concept in functional programming. It means that a function, given the same inputs, will always produce the same output without affecting or being affected by external factors. Pure closures exhibit referential transparency because they rely solely on their captured variables and do not depend on any external state.
  • No Dependency on Global State: A pure closure should not rely on global or mutable state. It depends only on the variables captured at the time of its creation. This characteristic ensures that the closure's behavior remains consistent regardless of changes to global or external state.
  • First-Class Citizens: In functional programming languages, functions, including pure closures, are treated as first-class citizens. This means they can be assigned to variables, passed as arguments to other functions, returned as values, and stored in data structures. The ability to treat closures as first-class citizens allows for higher-order functions, which take closures as parameters and enable powerful abstraction and composition.
  • Lazy Evaluation: Some functional programming languages implement lazy evaluation, where functions are not evaluated until their results are actually needed. Pure closures can benefit from lazy evaluation, as they don't introduce side effects when evaluated.
  • Deterministic Output: Given the same inputs (captured variables), a pure closure will always produce the same output. This determinism is essential for reasoning about code behavior and for achieving predictability.
  • No Dependency on External Context: A pure closure should not rely on external context, such as system time or user input. Its behavior should be solely determined by its inputs (captured variables) and parameters.
  • Testability: Pure closures are highly testable because they have no hidden dependencies or side effects. Testing pure closures involves providing specific inputs and asserting that the outputs match the expected results, making it easier to write unit tests.


  • Deterministic Behavior: The closure (x: Int) => x * x always produces the same output (x * x) for the same input (x). Thus, it has deterministic behavior.
  • No Side Effects: The closure does not modify any external variables, perform I/O operations, or have any other side effects. It purely calculates the square of its input.
  • Immutable Data: It operates on immutable data (x is an immutable integer), and it does not modify the input.
  • Referential Transparency: The closure is referentially transparent because you can replace a call to square(x) with its result (x * x) without changing the program's behavior.


Here's an example of a pure closure in Scala:

The add function is pure because it takes two integers as inputs and returns their sum, without any side effects or reliance on external state. You can safely replace add(2, 3) with 5 anywhere in your code without changing the program's behavior. Run the above code in your editor for a better and clear explanation.

Impure Closures:

Impure closures, in contrast, do not strictly adhere to the principles of functional programming. They exhibit the following characteristics:

  • Access to External State: Impure closures can access variables or data from their enclosing scope, but they often depend on variables outside of their lexical environment. This means they can introduce unexpected behavior if the external state changes.
  • Modifying External State: Unlike pure closures, which are typically side-effect-free, impure closures may modify external state. They can change the values of variables or data outside of their own scope, leading to unintended consequences in a program.
  • Non-Deterministic Behavior: Impure closures can exhibit non-deterministic behavior because their results depend on external factors. The same impure closure may produce different outcomes when executed at different points in time due to changes in external state.
  • Limited Reusability: Impure closures are often less reusable than pure closures. They may have hidden dependencies on external state that make them specific to certain contexts, making it challenging to use them in different scenarios.
  • Debugging Complexity: Debugging impure closures can be more complex. When an impure closure exhibits unexpected behavior, identifying the cause may involve tracing changes in external state, which can be challenging in large codebases.
  • Concurrency Challenges: Impure closures can lead to race conditions and other concurrency-related issues when multiple threads or processes access and modify the same external state concurrently. Managing shared state in concurrent environments can be error-prone.
  • Difficulty in Testing: Testing impure closures can be more challenging. To ensure their behavior is correct, you need to set up and manage the external state accurately, which can be complex and error-prone in itself.
  • Reduced Predictability: The use of impure closures can reduce the predictability and understandability of code. It becomes more challenging to determine how changes in one part of the program affect the behavior of impure closures elsewhere.

Implementation of impure closure function in scala

  • Declare Mutable State: Start by declaring a mutable variable or state that the impure closure will modify. This mutable state will be accessible from within the closure.
  • Create the Impure Closure: Define a function or closure that exhibits impure characteristics. This function should perform some side effects or rely on the mutable state you declared earlier.
  • Usage of the Impure Closure: Utilize the impure closure in your code as needed. Keep in mind that invoking the closure will result in side effects and potentially modify the external mutable state.
  • Exercise Caution and Documentation: When working with impure closures, exercise caution and be aware of their side effects and mutable state changes. It's essential to document the behavior of impure closures to ensure that their usage is well-understood and controlled.

Impure closures are useful in specific scenarios where side effects or mutable state management is required, such as I/O operations or performance optimizations.


Here's an example of implementing an impure closure function:

In this example, we have created an impure closure function named addToTotal. Run the above code in your editor for a better and clear explanation. Here's how it exhibits impure characteristics:

  • Side Effects: The addToTotal closure has side effects because it modifies the external mutable variable total as a side effect. When you call addToTotal(5), it adds 5 to the total, and when you call addToTotal(3), it further modifies the total to 8.
  • Mutable State: The variable total is mutable, and the closure modifies it, changing its value over time. This mutable state introduces non-deterministic behavior because the result of calling addToTotal depends on the current state of total.
  • Lack of Referential Transparency: This impure closure lacks referential transparency. You cannot safely replace a call to addToTotal(5) with its result because doing so would skip the side effect of updating total.


  • Pure and Impure: Closures can be categorized as pure or impure. Pure closures adhere to functional principles, ensuring deterministic and side-effect-free behavior, while impure closures introduce side effects and may rely on mutable state.
  • Side Effects and Mutability: Impure closures are essential for tasks involving side effects, I/O operations, or mutable state management. However, they come with increased complexity and require careful handling.
  • Optimizations: Pure closures facilitate code optimization and parallelization, as their behavior is solely determined by their inputs, allowing for more efficient execution.
  • Modularity and Reusability: Closures enhance code modularity and promote the creation of reusable components by encapsulating behavior and data.
  • Documentation and Care: Regardless of closure type, it's crucial to document their behavior, especially when working with impure closures. Careful consideration of when and where to use closures ensures code clarity and maintainability.