script Command in Linux
The script command in Linux is an incredibly useful tool that provides a way to record a shell session for later reference. It makes a typescript of everything printed on your terminal, proving handy for educational purposes or tracking your actions in a terminal session.
Syntax of script Command in Linux
The basic syntax of the script command in Linux is as follows:
- options: These are optional flags that can modify the behavior of the script command.
- file: This is the optional name of the file where the session will be recorded. If omitted, the output is saved to a file named 'typescript' in the current directory.
Options in script Command in Linux
-a, --append: Append the output to 'file' or 'typescript', retaining the prior contents.
For example -
This command appends the output of the script command to 'session.log'.
-q, --quiet: Quiet mode, don't display the start and stop notifications.
For example -
This command starts a new session with the script command, and does not display the usual start and stop notifications.
-c, --command: Run the 'command' rather than an interactive shell.
For example -
This command executes 'ls -la', and saves the output to 'file.log'.
Example Usages
Basic usage of script command:
Explanation: This command starts a new recording session. The output of this session is stored in the 'typescript' file.
Usage with filename:
Explanation: This command starts a new recording session, with the output stored in the 'mysession.log' file.
Be careful when recording scripts that contain sensitive information, such as passwords, as the script command will capture all input and output.
Consider using 'exit' command to properly end the script recording session.
Advanced Use Cases of script Command in Linux
Using script command with date command:
Explanation: This command records the terminal session and saves the output into a file with the current date as part of the name.
Use script command with -c option to record specific command:
Explanation: This command runs 'ls -la' and records its output into 'directory_listing.log' file.
Use script command with tee to view and save the output at the same time:
Explanation: This command runs 'ls -la', displays its output and simultaneously saves it into 'file.log'.
The script command in Linux is a powerful tool to record terminal sessions.
It provides various options like -a, -q, and -c to modify the command's behavior.
Script command is beneficial for educational purposes, documentation and tracking your actions.