How to Find Second Highest Salary in SQL

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In SQL, determining the second-highest salary involves more than a simple SELECT statement. One approach is leveraging the LIMIT and OFFSET clauses, while another utilizes the DENSE_RANK() window function. For instance, the query might look like SELECT DISTINCT Salary FROM Employees ORDER BY Salary DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET 1. Alternatively, the DENSE_RANK() method involves assigning ranks to salaries and filtering for the second rank. These techniques offer flexibility depending on your SQL environment and preferences, guaranteeing that you easily obtain the elusive second-highest wage.

SQL Query to Find the Second Highest Salary

SQL is the go-to map for traversing the vast geography of data in relational databases. We commonly meet the problem of finding the second-highest wage from an employee table as seasoned explorers in this sector. This seemingly easy task may be completed in several ways, each with its own set of benefits. In this journey, we'll go into SQL syntax and learn how to locate that elusive second-highest revenue.

Consider our database to be a metropolis of tables, each of which contains vital information on workers and their salaries. Our major point is the 'employee' table, and the pay column offers the key to our search. Before seeking the second-best income, let's take a step back. Let us now look at the fundamentals.

Method 1: Using the LIMIT and OFFSET Clauses

In SQL, the LIMIT and OFFSET clauses are powerful tools that facilitate the retrieval of the specific subsets of data from a result set. These are commonly used in conjunction with the SELECT statement, particularly when it's required to deal with large datasets or when seeking specific portions of the data.

The LIMIT clause is employed to restrict the number of rows returned by a specific query. It takes an integer value as an argument, to specify the maximum number of rows to be included in the result set. For instance, LIMIT 5 would limit the output to only five rows, regardless of how many records fit the query's requirements.

On the other hand, if we want to skip some rows from the start of the result, then we can go with the OFFSET clause. The OFFSET clause also takes an integer value as an argument, indicating the number of rows required to be skipped. For instance, OFFSET 3 would disregard the first three rows in the result set.

When combined, LIMIT and OFFSET give a versatile technique of paginating through huge databases or isolating certain pieces of data. They are especially handy when the purpose is to get a subset of rows starting at a specific place within the result set.

In the provided SQL example:

The query aims to find the value of the second-highest salary in the "employee" table. The ORDER BY salary DESC arranges the salaries in descending order, ensuring that the highest salary appears first. The LIMIT 1 restricts the result set to only one row, and the OFFSET 1 skips the first row. As a result, the query retrieves the value of the second-highest salary from the table.

This approach is efficient and concise to practise as it offers a straightforward way to extract specific information from a specific dataset. However, it's required to note that the effectiveness of LIMIT and OFFSET can be impacted by factors such as database size and indexing. In some cases, using alternative methods like the DENSE_RANK or ROW_NUMBER window functions may be preferred for achieving similar results but with improved performance.

Method 2: Subqueries for Precision

Subqueries are powerful SQL methods that allow for more detailed and flexible database searching. They are essentially searches that are embedded into other searches, allowing information to be accessed by executing one query within the context of another. Subqueries can be used in many portions of a SQL statement, such as the SELECT, FROM, WHERE, and HAVING clauses, depending on the intended result.

To put it another way, the inner query finds the maximum possible income, but the outside query finds the highest possible pay below that barrier.

In the SQL example presented, a subquery is used to determine the value of the second-highest wage in the "employee" table. The outer query is the main query, and it contains an inner query. The inner query, enclosed in brackets, uses the MAX() method to calculate the maximum wage in the "employee" database. This determines the dataset's greatest possible income.

The outer query's WHERE clause then limits the results to include only those rows whose salary is less than the maximum salary returned by the subquery. In simple terms, the outer query seeks the highest income that is less than the absolute maximum, thereby discovering the dataset's second-highest salary.

This method is efficient because it uses subqueries to divide the task into two discrete parts. The inner query determines the upper limit, and the outer query refines the results depending on it. It isolates the needed information with surgical precision, demonstrating SQL's versatility and expressiveness through subqueries.

This approach is quite scalable and adaptive. Only the inner query has to be changed if the requirement changes to discover the third-highest income or any other rank. Subqueries provide dynamic and varied SQL statements, making them important in circumstances requiring complicated data retrieval.

In summary, SQL subqueries enable developers and analysts to create complex and tailored queries. The example shows how subqueries may be used to effectively determine the value of second-highest income, highlighting their position as unsung heroes in SQL programming.

Method 3: Leveraging the DENSE_RANK() Window Function

Window functions are a valuable SQL feature that allows you to compute the values across a given range of rows related to the current row in a query result set. Window functions, unlike standard aggregate functions, do not collapse the result set into a single number, allowing for more complex analysis and reporting.

One commonly used window function is DENSE_RANK(), which is particularly useful for assigning ranks to the rows based on their specified criteria. It is important to note that DENSE_RANK() is distinct from the RANK() and ROW_NUMBER(). While all three functions assign rankings to rows, they handle them differently. DENSE_RANK() and RANK() assign the same rank to tied rows, leaving gaps in the ranking sequence when ties occur, while ROW_NUMBER() assigns a unique rank to each row, without considering ties.

Now, let's learn more about the SQL query to understand how DENSE_RANK() is employed within the context of window functions.

The above query aims to identify the value of the second-highest salary from the 'employee' table.

The inner query serves as the foundation, utilizing the DENSE_RANK() window function along with the OVER clause to create a ranking for each row based on the 'salary' column in descending order. The result is a temporary table, 'ranked_salaries,' with two columns: 'salary' and 'salary_rank.' The latter represents the dense rank that is assigned to each salary.

In the outer query, the focus shifts to selecting the 'salary' column from 'ranked_salaries' in the table where the 'salary_rank' is equal to 2. This essentially narrows the results to only those with the second-highest wage. The reason for defining a rank of 2 is that it allows for the possibility of numerous employees sharing the highest income in the setting of dense ranking.

The combined use of window functions and DENSE_RANK()This SQL query identifies the second-highest income in a concise and fast manner, taking into account any ties and offering significant insights into the wage distribution inside the 'employee' table.

Method 4: Utilizing the TOP and TIES Option

The TOP clause in the SQL Server includes a TIES option, which provides a handy answer to our problem.

The provided SQL query addresses the common problem of finding the second-highest salary in a table named "employee". The SQL Server's TOP clause, along with the TIES option, is employed to efficiently retrieve our required result.

The TOP clause is commonly used in SQL to restrict the amount of rows returned in a query result set. It is frequently followed by an ORDER BY clause that specifies the order in which the rows should be processed. The ORDER BY phrase is applied to the "salary" column in descending order (ORDER BY salary DESC) in the supplied query, ensuring that the highest salary is displayed first.

The SQL Server TIES option lets you handle ties in a sorted result set. Ties arise when several rows have the same ORDER BY column value. The TIES option is especially essential in the context of the second-highest salary problem since it assures that if there are numerous workers with the highest salary, the query will still correctly identify the value of the second-highest salary.

Now, let's break down the SQL query:

  • SELECT TOP 1 salary:
    This part of the query instructs the SQL to select only the top (highest) salary from the result set.
  • FROM employee:
    Specifies the table from which it's required to retrieve the data, in this case, the "employee" table.
  • ORDER BY salary DESC:
    Orders the result set based on the "salary" column in descending order, so the highest salary comes first.
    Skips the first row in the ordered result set. In essence, it skips the highest salary.
    Retrieves the next row after the offset, which is the second-highest salary owing to the ORDER BY clause's decreasing order.

This query solves the problem without the need for complex subqueries or window functions. When dealing with pagination or getting specified ranges of rows from a result set, the OFFSET-FETCH clause comes in handy.

Various ways might be examined while researching methods for finding the second-greatest revenue in SQL. The LIMIT and OFFSET strategy is simple, but it may not be supported by all database systems. Subqueries can be precise, but they can also become difficult in some situations. Window functions provide an efficient solution, although they may be difficult for beginners. The TOP and TIES option, as demonstrated provides a concise and easy manner to accomplish the required result, demonstrating SQL's flexibility as a toolset for maintaining and accessing databases.

Analysis of Each Method

The search for the second-highest income in a SQL database yields several methods, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Considering the four discussed methods – LIMIT and OFFSET Clauses, Subqueries, DENSE_RANK() Window Function, and TOP and TIES Options – helps in determining the most suitable approach for different scenarios.

  1. LIMIT and OFFSET Clauses:
    This approach is quick and straightforward, and it provides a simple solution for retrieving specified subsets of data from a result set. It is especially beneficial in situations when simplicity and convenience of implementation are important. The query format is straightforward, making it understandable to individuals unfamiliar with SQL.
    The efficacy of LIMIT and OFFSET, on the other hand, can be influenced by factors such as database size and indexing. When dealing with sophisticated queries or in cases where accurate rankings are critical, performance may decline in bigger datasets, and the approach may not be as efficient as other solutions.

  2. Subqueries:
    Subqueries provide accuracy and versatility, making them ideal for situations requiring a more detailed approach. The ability to embed inquiries within other queries enables a step-by-step dissection of the problem, which improves readability and maintainability. Subqueries are a great tool for dynamic data retrieval due to their scalability and versatility.
    This approach is quite beneficial when working with complex data structures or when the ranking logic needs to be modified, such as when determining the third-highest income. Subqueries, on the other hand, may add complexity to the SQL query, and their performance may suffer in big datasets.

  3. DENSE_RANK() Window Function:
    The DENSE_RANK() window functions are useful in situations requiring a thorough examination of ranking data. It provides a straightforward and succinct method for assigning rankings to rows while gracefully addressing ties. When dealing with datasets including ties, this approach ensures correct ranks with no gaps in the sequence.
    The technique is proven efficient, providing insights into the salary distribution within the dataset. Window functions, on the other hand, may be regarded as more complex, and the syntax might be difficult for newcomers. Its relevance is also dependent upon the particular demands of the analysis, and it might not always be the simplest solution available.

  4. TOP and TIES Option:
    The TOP and TIES window function shines in situations requiring a thorough examination of ranking data. It provides a straightforward and succinct method for assigning rankings to rows while gracefully addressing ties. When dealing with datasets including ties, this approach ensures correct ranks with no gaps in the sequence.
    The technique is proven efficient, providing insights into the salary distribution within the dataset. Window functions, on the other hand, may be regarded as more complex, and the syntax might be difficult for newcomers. Its relevance is also dependent upon the particular demands of the analysis, and it might not always be the simplest answer.

Choosing the Right Method:

The choice of method depends on the specific requirements and constraints of the scenario. For beginners or when simplicity is a priority, the LIMIT and OFFSET method offers a straightforward solution to our requirement. Subqueries provide precision and adaptability, which makes them suitable for complex scenarios.

When comprehensive ranking analysis is required, the DENSE_RANK() window function helps. On the other hand, for optimized performance and ease of use, especially in SQL Server environments, the TOP and TIES options is a compelling choice.

Considerations like query complexity, database size, and the requirement for flexibility should all be taken into account. When it comes to huge datasets, LIMIT and OFFSET or subqueries may not perform as well as TOP, TIES, or window functions. The trade-offs between readability, performance, and simplicity must be carefully considered in light of the particular needs of the work at hand. SQL professionals who are conversant with these various methodologies will be able to select the appropriate tool for the task at hand, guaranteeing successful and productive database queries.


  • To fetch the second-highest salary we have various strategies. Whether utilizing LIMIT/OFFSET or the DENSE_RANK() window function, the goal remains consistent: extracting the second-highest salary from the dataset.
  • A direct method involves using the LIMIT and OFFSET clauses in tandem. The query's simplicity lies in ordering salaries in descending order and isolating the second entry through LIMIT 1 OFFSET 1, providing a clear and concise solution.
  • Using the power of window functions, an elegant solution is introduced. The DENSE_RANK() function assigns ranks to salaries, enabling the extraction of the second-highest salary without resorting to offset values, fostering code readability and adaptability.
  • The choice between LIMIT/OFFSET and DENSE_RANK() depends on your SQL environment and choices. While LIMIT/OFFSET suits some situations, the DENSE_RANK() technique provides flexibility, especially in situations when offset values are less clear.
  • The DENSE_RANK() method results in a clearer and more understandable code structure. The query becomes more responsive to changes in the dataset by eliminating explicit offset values and improving readability and maintainability.
  • Understanding the efficiency of each approach is critical when working with large datasets. The DENSE_RANK() For huge datasets, this technique may be more efficient, providing an optimized solution without relying on precise offset numbers.
  • SQL implementations differ between databases. The approaches mentioned, on the other hand, are versatile and can be adjusted to meet the syntax and functions of various database management systems, guaranteeing that retrieving the second-highest income remains a universally applicable task.