PageLoadTimeout in Selenium

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PageLoadTimeout in Selenium is a feature that allows testers to set the maximum time to wait for a page to load completely before throwing an error. By default, the web driver has no timeout for page loading, so setting a Page Load Timeout can help to prevent the test script from waiting indefinitely for a page to load, which can waste valuable testing time. The Page Load Timeout can be set using the pageLoadTimeout() method of the WebDriver.Timeouts() class in Selenium.


PageLoadTimeout in Selenium is a feature that sets the maximum amount of time for a web page to load before throwing a timeout exception. This is particularly useful when working with web pages with long loading times, such as those requiring authentication or loading large amounts of data.

For example, you're testing a web application that requires user authentication. If the authentication process takes less time, your test script may fail or get stuck waiting indefinitely. By setting a pageLoadTimeout, you can ensure that your script doesn't get stuck waiting for too long and, instead, throws an exception if the page doesn't load within the specified time.

Another scenario where pageLoadTimeout is useful is when working with AJAX-based web applications that dynamically load content. In such cases, a page may appear to have finished loading, but some content may still be loading in the background. By setting a pageLoadTimeout, you can ensure that your test script waits for all the content to load before proceeding, preventing false positives or inaccurate test results.

What are Selenium Timeouts?

Selenium Timeouts allow testers to set a maximum time limit for certain actions in their test scripts. There are different types of timeouts, including implicit wait, script timeout, page load timeout, and thread sleep, which can help to manage timing issues and prevent errors in test scripts.


driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(waitTime, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

This method sets an implicit wait time for the driver instance. The waitTime parameter specifies the time to wait for an element to be present before throwing a NoSuchElementException error.


driver.manage().timeouts().setScriptTimeout(waitTime, TimeUnit.SECONDS); This method sets the maximum time to wait for a script to execute. The waitTime parameter specifies the maximum time for a script to execute before throwing a TimeoutException error.


driver.manage().timeouts().pageLoadTimeout(waitTime, TimeUnit.SECONDS); This method sets the maximum time to wait for a page to load. The waitTime parameter specifies the maximum time to wait for a page to load before throwing a TimeoutException error.



This method causes the current thread to sleep for a specified time. The waitTime parameter specifies the time to wait in milliseconds.

PageLoadTimeout In Selenium

Let's look at the syntax of PageloadTimeout in Selenium:


The syntax to set the pageloadtimeout in Selenium is as follows:

Syntax in Python: driver.set_page_load_timeout(time_in_seconds)

Syntax in Java: driver.manage().timeouts().pageLoadTimeout(time_in_seconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

Let's understand each keyword included within the syntax and what they are used for:

  • driver: It is an instance of WebDriver used to interact with the web browser.
  • manage(): It is a method of the WebDriver interface that returns an instance of the Options interface, which allows you to manage timeouts, cookies, and other browser settings.
  • timeouts(): It is a method of the Options interface that returns an instance of the Timeouts interface, which allows you to set timeouts for page loads, script execution, and element searches.
  • pageLoadTimeout(): It is a method of the Timeouts interface that sets the amount of time to wait for a page to load before throwing a TimeoutException. This method takes two arguments: the time to wait and the time unit (seconds, milliseconds, etc.).
  • 30: The time to wait for the page to load, in this case, 30 seconds.
  • TimeUnit.SECONDS: The time unit in which the timeout is specified, in this case, seconds. Other time units that can be used include MILLISECONDS, MICROSECONDS, MINUTES, HOURS, and DAYS.


Here's an example of how to use the set_page_load_timeout method in Python:

In this example, we create a new Chrome driver instance and set the page load timeout to 10 seconds using the set_page_load_timeout method. We then attempt to navigate to a URL that takes longer than 10 seconds to load and catch the TimeoutException that is thrown when the page load times out. Finally, we close the browser window using the quit method.

How to handle a Timeout Exception in Selenium?

Timeout exceptions are commonly encountered in Selenium when a page or element takes too long to load. Here's how you can handle a Timeout Exception in Selenium:

  1. Use a try-catch block: Wrap your Selenium code in a try-catch block to catch the Timeout Exception. For example:

2.Use explicit waits: Explicit waits allow you to wait for a specific condition before proceeding with the code execution. For example:

Here, we're waiting for the element with ID "myElement" to become visible and setting a timeout of 10 seconds. If the element doesn't become visible within 10 seconds, a TimeoutException will be raised.

  1. Increase the timeout value: If the timeout value is too low, you might encounter Timeout Exceptions frequently. You can increase the timeout value to avoid such exceptions. For example:

Here, we've increased the timeout value to 20 seconds.

Timeout Exception in Selenium Java

In Java Selenium, a TimeoutException is an exception when an operation takes longer than the specified timeout value. It can occur when waiting for an element to be present, a page to load, or executing a script.

You can use a try-catch block to handle a TimeoutException in Java Selenium. For example, let's say we have the following code that waits for an element to be present:

Here, We use the WebDriverWait class to wait for an element with the ID "myElement" to be present for up to 10 seconds. TimeoutException will be thrown if the element is not found within 10 seconds.

For handling the exception, we use a try-catch block. We print out a message in the catch block that the element was not found within the specified timeout.

Note that the code above uses the ExpectedConditions class to specify the condition we are waiting for. You can use different ExpectedConditions methods depending on your use case. For example, you can use the elementToBeClickable() method to wait for an element to be clickable or the visibilityOf() method to wait for an element to become visible.

Timeout Exception in Selenium Python

When executing automated tests with Selenium, it is common to encounter Timeout Exceptions. These exceptions are raised when an operation takes longer than a specified period. You can handle a Timeout Exception in Python Selenium using a try-except block.

Here's an example of how to handle a Timeout Exception in Python Selenium:

In this example, we first import the necessary modules and set up the driver to navigate to a web page. We also define a timeout of 10 seconds for waiting for elements to appear on the page.

Next, we use a try-except block to handle a Timeout Exception. Inside the try block, we use the WebDriverWait method to wait for an element to be present on the page. The method takes the driver object and the timeout value as arguments, and we pass in the expected conditions for the element to be located (in this case, the element with the ID "myElement").

If the element is found within the specified timeout period, we can perform some action with it (in this case, we click on it). If a Timeout Exception is raised, we catch it in the except block and print a message to indicate that the element was not found within the specified time.


Q. What is the default timeout in Selenium WebDriver?

A. The default timeout in Selenium WebDriver depends on the type of wait command used.

  • For implicit waits, the default timeout is 0 seconds. This means the Selenium command will report immediately if it cannot find an element.
  • For page loads, the default timeout is 300 seconds.
  • For script timeouts, the default timeout is 30 seconds.

Q. How does Selenium handle connection timeout?

A. In Selenium, you can handle a connection timeout by setting a timeout value for the WebDriver using the set_page_load_timeout() method. This method sets the maximum time (in seconds) that the driver should wait for a page to load before throwing a TimeoutException.

For example, to set a timeout of 10 seconds for page loads, you can use the following code in Java:

In Python, you can use the following code to set a timeout of 10 seconds for page loads:

Setting a connection timeout can prevent your test scripts from waiting indefinitely for a page to load, which can occur if there is a slow or unresponsive server.

How long is Selenium timeout?

The length of a Selenium timeout can vary depending on the type of timeout and the method used to set it. For example, the default timeout for page loads is 300 seconds, while the default timeout for scripts is 30 seconds. The timeout for implicitly waiting for an element can be set using the implicitly_wait() method, with the default value being 0 seconds. The pause command in Selenium IDE takes the timeout value in milliseconds. Overall, the timeout length in Selenium can be set in seconds or milliseconds, depending on the method used.

How to change the default timeout in Selenium?

To change the default timeout in Selenium, you can use the set_page_load_timeout() method of the WebDriver object to set the maximum time (in seconds) the driver should wait for a page to load before throwing a TimeoutException. Similarly, you can use the implicitly_wait() method to set the maximum amount of time (in seconds) the driver should wait to locate an element if it is not immediately present. Here's an example in Python:

In this example, we have set the page load timeout to 10 seconds and the implicit wait timeout to 5 seconds. This means that the driver will wait for a maximum of 10 seconds for a page to load before throwing a TimeoutException, and will wait for a maximum of 5 seconds when trying to locate an element if it is not immediately present.

You can adjust these timeouts to suit your needs, depending on the specific requirements of your test cases.

What is the maximum session timeout in Selenium?

The maximum session timeout in Selenium WebDriver depends on the server configuration and the client’s capabilities. By default, there is no specific limit on the maximum session timeout in Selenium. The session can continue for as long as the client and server can communicate with each other until the client or server closes the session.

What does the timeout exception in Selenium mean?

In Selenium, a TimeoutException is an exception raised when a command cannot complete its execution within the specified time limit. This can happen for various reasons, such as slow network connectivity, slow server response time, or the element being searched for is not present on the page.


  • Selenium timeouts allow testers to set a maximum time limit for certain actions in their test scripts.
  • There are different types of timeouts, including implicit wait, script timeout, page load timeout, and thread sleep, which can help manage timing issues and prevent errors in test scripts.
  • The page load timeout in selenium is a method of the Timeouts interface that sets the amount of time to wait for a page to load before throwing a TimeoutException.
  • The syntax to set the page load timeout in Selenium involves using the driver instance, the manage() method, the timeouts() method, and the pageLoadTimeout() method with the specified wait time and time unit.