Selenium IDE Tutorial

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Selenium IDE is a powerful tool for web automation and testing. This tutorial provides an overview of Selenium IDE, a browser extension that allows users to record, edit, and playback tests in a simple and intuitive interface. With Selenium IDE, users can easily create automated tests without the need for extensive programming knowledge. This tutorial covers the installation process, basic features of Selenium IDE, such as recording and playing back tests, as well as advanced topics like using variables, assertions, and loops. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced tester, this tutorial serves as a comprehensive guide to getting started with Selenium IDE.

What is Selenium IDE?

Selenium IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is a record-and-playback tool for automating web browser interactions. It is a browser plugin that allows testers and developers to create automated test cases without writing code. Selenium IDE provides a user-friendly interface where users can record their interactions with a web application, such as clicking buttons, filling forms, and navigating through pages, and then replay those interactions as automated tests.

Selenium IDE is primarily designed as a prototyping and introductory tool for Selenium, a popular open-source framework for web browser automation. It allows users to quickly create test cases by recording their actions and then export those test cases in various programming languages supported by Selenium, such as Java, Python, C#, or PHP. This makes it easy to transition from Selenium IDE to a more powerful and flexible Selenium WebDriver implementation when more advanced automation capabilities are required.

One of the key features of Selenium IDE is its ability to generate robust and readable test scripts. It automatically generates code with locators that uniquely identify the elements on the web page. This helps in creating reliable test cases that can be easily maintained and updated. Additionally, Selenium IDE allows users to insert various commands, conditions, and assertions into their test cases to enhance test coverage and validate expected behaviour.

Selenium IDE also provides a range of options to enhance test case functionality. Users can add variables, loops, and conditional statements to create dynamic and data-driven test cases. It supports exporting test cases in various formats, including HTML, JUnit, TestNG, and more. Furthermore, Selenium IDE allows users to edit and debug test cases, set breakpoints, and inspect variables, providing a convenient way to troubleshoot and refine test scripts.

However, it's important to note that Selenium IDE has some limitations. It is primarily a tool for creating simple automated test cases and may not support more complex scenarios or advanced interactions with web elements.

Features of Selenium IDE

Selenium IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is a powerful tool for automating web browser interactions. It offers a range of features that aid in the creation, execution, and maintenance of automated test cases.

Here are some key features of Selenium IDE:

  • Record and Playback: Selenium IDE allows users to record their interactions with a web application, such as clicking buttons, filling out forms, and navigating through pages. These actions are recorded as test steps, which can be replayed as automated test cases. The record and playback feature provides a quick and easy way to create test cases without the need for coding.
  • Cross-browser Testing: Selenium IDE supports multiple browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, and Edge. This allows users to test web applications across different browsers and ensure compatibility and consistent behaviour.
  • Code Generation: Selenium IDE can automatically generate test scripts in various programming languages supported by Selenium, such as Java, Python, C#, or PHP. This feature enables users to export their recorded test cases as code, providing a seamless transition from Selenium IDE to more advanced automation frameworks.
  • Robust Locators: Selenium IDE generates robust locators that uniquely identify elements on the web page. These locators play a crucial role in interacting with elements during test execution. By automatically generating reliable locators, Selenium IDE helps create stable and maintainable test cases.
  • Command and Assertion Library: Selenium IDE provides a comprehensive library of commands and assertions that users can insert into their test cases. Commands include actions like clicking, typing, selecting, and navigating, while assertions allow users to validate the expected state or behaviour of web elements. This rich library of commands and assertions enhances the capabilities and coverage of test cases.
  • Variables and Expressions: Selenium IDE supports the use of variables and expressions, enabling users to create dynamic and data-driven test cases. Variables can store and retrieve values, while expressions allow users to perform calculations, concatenate strings, and manipulate data within test cases. This feature enhances the flexibility and reusability of test scripts.
  • Control Flow: Selenium IDE supports control flow structures such as loops (e.g., for, while) and conditional statements (e.g., if-else). These control flow structures enable users to create more complex and sophisticated test cases. By iterating through a set of test steps or branching based on certain conditions, users can handle dynamic scenarios and validate different application behaviours.
  • Test Case Management: Selenium IDE allows users to organize test cases into test suites, making it easier to manage and execute multiple test cases as a group. Test suites provide a logical grouping mechanism and allow users to control the execution order of test cases.
  • Debugging and Breakpoints: Selenium IDE offers debugging capabilities to help identify and resolve issues in test cases. Users can set breakpoints within their test scripts, pause execution at specific points, and inspect variables and values. This feature aids in troubleshooting and refining test scripts.
  • Export and Import: Selenium IDE supports exporting and importing test cases in various formats. Users can export test cases as HTML, JUnit, TestNG, or other compatible formats. This allows for integration with other testing frameworks or collaboration with team members.
  • Plugins and Extensions: Selenium IDE can be extended using plugins and extensions to enhance its capabilities. These plugins offer additional commands, integrations with other tools, and customizations. The Selenium IDE community actively develops and maintains a wide range of plugins to cater to different testing requirements.
  • Test Result Reporting: Selenium IDE provides options for generating test result reports. Users can view test execution summaries, including pass/fail statuses, detailed logs, and screenshots of test failures. These reports help track test progress, identify issues, and provide insights into the application's behaviour.

Selenium IDE offers a rich set of features that simplify the creation, execution, and maintenance of automated test cases. It supports recording and playback, code generation, cross-browser testing, robust locators, control flow structures, debugging, and more. With its user-friendly interface and integration with Selenium WebDriver, Selenium IDE serves as a valuable tool for web application automation.

Features of Selenium IDE

Selenium Commands

What is Selenese?

Selenese refers to the set of commands or instructions that Selenium IDE (Integrated Development Environment) uses to perform actions and assertions during test automation. These commands are written in a specific syntax and are executed sequentially to interact with web elements and validate expected outcomes.

Here are some commonly used Selenese commands in Selenium IDE:

  • Open: This command opens a specific URL in the browser.
  • Click: It simulates a mouse click on a web element, such as a button, link, or checkbox.
  • Type: This command enters text into input fields or text areas.
  • Select: It selects an option from a drop-down list or combo box.
  • Verify: This command checks if an expected value is present on the page.
  • Assert: It verifies if an expected condition is true and fails the test if not.
  • Wait: This command pauses the test execution for a specified period.
  • Store: It stores a value in a variable for later use.
  • If...else: This command enables conditional execution of test steps based on a condition.
  • While...endWhile: It allows executing a set of commands repeatedly while a condition is true.

Classification of Selenium Commands

Selenium commands can be classified into different categories based on their functionality and purpose.

Here are the commonly used categories of Selenium commands:

  1. Navigation Commands:
    • open: Opens a specific URL in the browser.
    • click: Simulates a mouse click on a web element, such as a button or link.
    • goBack: Navigate the browser back to the previous page.
    • goForward: Navigates the browser forward to the next page.
  2. Interaction Commands:
    • type: Enters text into input fields or text areas.
    • select: Selects an option from a drop-down list or combo box.
    • check: Checks a checkbox or radio button.
    • uncheck: Unchecks a checkbox or radio button.
  3. Assertion and Verification Commands:
    • verifyText: Verifies if the text of a particular element matches the expected value.
    • assertElementPresent: Asserts if a specific web element is present on the page.
    • verifyTitle: Verifies if the page title matches the expected value.
    • assertVisible: Asserts if a web element is visible on the page.
    • verifyAttribute: Verifies the value of a specified attribute of a web element.
  4. Control Flow Commands:
    • if...else: Executes a set of commands based on a condition.
    • while...endWhile: Repeatedly executes a set of commands while a condition is true.
    • pause: Pauses the test execution for a specified period.
    • store: Stores a value in a variable for later use.
  5. Miscellaneous Commands:
    • echo: Prints a message in the output console for debugging purposes.
    • setSpeed: Sets the execution speed of the test steps.
    • storeEval: Executes JavaScript code and stores the result in a variable.

Benefits and Limitations of Selenium IDE

Benefits of Selenium IDE:

  • User-Friendly Interface: Selenium IDE has a simple and intuitive interface, making it easy for beginners to get started with test automation. Its record-and-playback functionality allows users to create test scripts without extensive programming knowledge.
  • Rapid Test Creation: Selenium IDE enables quick test script creation by recording user interactions with web applications. This saves time and effort in manually writing test scripts from scratch.
  • Cross-Browser Compatibility: Selenium IDE supports multiple browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer. This allows testers to execute tests across different browser environments, ensuring compatibility and consistency.
  • Easy Test Maintenance: Selenium IDE provides an interactive editor that allows users to modify and enhance test scripts. This makes test maintenance and updates more efficient, especially when the application changes or updates occur.
  • Integration with Selenium WebDriver: Selenium IDE allows test scripts to be exported to Selenium WebDriver, a more powerful and flexible automation framework. This enables users to leverage additional features and programming languages for advanced test scenarios.
  • Lightweight and Open Source: Selenium IDE is a lightweight tool that is freely available as an open-source project. This makes it accessible to a wide range of users and encourages community contributions and enhancements.

Limitations of Selenium IDE:

While Selenium IDE is a useful tool for quick test case creation and prototyping, it also has some limitations. These limitations should be considered when deciding whether to use Selenium IDE for test automation:

  • Limited Browser Support: Selenium IDE primarily supports the Firefox browser, and while there are efforts to extend its support to other browsers, the compatibility with Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, and Edge is limited. This can restrict the ability to test web applications across various browsers.
  • Lack of Robustness: Selenium IDE's record-and-playback approach may result in brittle and fragile test cases. The generated locators may not be reliable in dynamic web environments where elements change frequently. This can lead to test case failures and require constant maintenance.
  • Limited Programming Capabilities: Selenium IDE is designed for users without extensive programming knowledge. While it provides basic programming concepts like variables, expressions, and control flow, it lacks the advanced programming capabilities available in languages like Java or Python. This limits the complexity and flexibility of test case logic.
  • Limited Support for Complex Scenarios: Selenium IDE is not well-suited for handling complex scenarios, such as handling multiple windows or frames, interacting with pop-ups or alerts, or testing scenarios that require interactions with databases or APIs. These types of scenarios often require the more robust capabilities of Selenium WebDriver or other automation frameworks.
  • Limited Extensibility: While Selenium IDE can be extended through plugins and extensions, the available options may not cover all testing needs. Developing custom extensions or integrating with other tools may be challenging, as the plugin ecosystem is not as extensive or actively maintained compared to other Selenium-based frameworks.
  • Lack of built-in Test Management: Selenium IDE does not provide built-in features for test management, such as test case organization, version control, test result reporting, or collaboration. These functionalities are essential for larger projects with multiple testers or test automation teams.
  • Limited Debugging Capabilities: While Selenium IDE offers basic debugging features like breakpoints and variable inspection, it may not provide the same level of debugging functionality as traditional integrated development environments (IDEs). This can make troubleshooting and diagnosing issues more challenging.
  • Dependency on the Browser Extension: Selenium IDE requires a browser extension to be installed, which may not always be feasible in certain environments or controlled testing environments. This dependency can limit the portability and accessibility of test cases.
  • Lack of Support for Advanced Automation Frameworks: While Selenium IDE can export test cases as code for languages supported by Selenium WebDriver, it does not provide direct integration or support for advanced automation frameworks like TestNG or JUnit. This can hinder the scalability and extensibility of test automation efforts.

How to Install Selenium IDE?

To install Selenium IDE, follow these step-by-step instructions:

  • Launch your Web Browser: Open your preferred web browser (e.g., Chrome, Firefox).
  • Visit the Selenium IDE Website: Go to the official Selenium IDE website at
  • Choose the Appropriate Browser Extension: On the Selenium IDE website, you will find options to download the extension for different browsers. Click on the download link for your desired browser.
  • Install the Extension: Once the extension is downloaded, follow the installation prompts provided by your browser. This typically involves clicking on the downloaded file and confirming the installation.
  • Verify the Installation: After the installation is complete, you should see the Selenium IDE icon or button in your browser's toolbar or extensions section. The icon may vary slightly depending on the browser you are using.
  • Launch Selenium IDE: Click on the Selenium IDE icon in the toolbar to launch the Selenium IDE interface. It will open as a sidebar or a separate window, depending on the browser.
  • Configure any Required Settings: Depending on your preferences, you may need to configure some settings in Selenium IDE, such as the default test language or recording options. These settings can usually be accessed through the options or settings menu within the Selenium IDE interface.
  • Start Recording Tests: With Selenium IDE open, you can begin recording your interactions with web applications by clicking on the record button. Selenium IDE will capture your actions and generate corresponding test scripts.

Advancements with the New IDE

The advancements with the new Selenium IDE include:

  • Cross-browser Support: The new Selenium IDE offers improved cross-browser support, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, and Edge. This allows testers to create and execute test cases across different browsers, enhancing compatibility and coverage.
  • Enhanced Stability and Reliability: The new Selenium IDE focuses on providing more stable and reliable test automation capabilities. It addresses the limitations of the previous version, such as brittle locators, by introducing smarter element identification strategies and handling dynamic web elements more effectively.
  • Support for Modern Web Technologies: The new Selenium IDE is designed to support modern web technologies and frameworks, including React, Angular, Vue.js, and more. This enables testers to automate interactions with complex and dynamic web applications built using these frameworks.
  • Expanded Programming Capabilities: The new Selenium IDE enhances the programming capabilities, allowing testers to write more advanced and complex test scripts. It provides support for loops, conditional statements, variables, and functions, empowering testers to create more sophisticated and reusable test cases.
  • Improved Debugging and Troubleshooting: The new Selenium IDE includes enhanced debugging features, making it easier to identify and resolve issues in test cases. Testers can set breakpoints, step through the test script, inspect variables, and view real-time execution logs, providing better visibility into the test execution flow.
  • Integration with Test Management Tools: The new Selenium IDE offers integration with popular test management tools and frameworks, enabling seamless collaboration and test result reporting. This allows testers to integrate their automated test cases into existing testing workflows and leverage advanced test management functionalities.
  • Extensibility Through Plugins and Extensions: The new Selenium IDE provides an extensible architecture, allowing testers to enhance their capabilities through plugins and extensions. These plugins can add custom commands, integrations with other tools, or additional features to suit specific testing requirements.
  • Test Case Management and Version Control: The new Selenium IDE incorporates features for test case management and version control, allowing testers to organize and manage their test cases efficiently. Testers can group test cases into suites, track changes, and collaborate with team members using version control systems.
  • Robust Test Result Reporting: The new Selenium IDE offers improved test result reporting capabilities. Testers can generate comprehensive test execution reports with detailed information on test outcomes, including pass/fail statuses, logs, screenshots, and error messages. These reports aid in identifying and analyzing test failures.
  • Seamless Integration with Selenium WebDriver: The new Selenium IDE integrates seamlessly with Selenium WebDriver, allowing testers to transition smoothly from IDE-based automation to more advanced automation frameworks. Test cases created in Selenium IDE can be easily exported as code for further customization and scalability.

Overall, the new Selenium IDE brings advancements in cross-browser support, stability, programming capabilities, debugging, integration, extensibility, test case management, and reporting. These enhancements empower testers to create robust and efficient test automation solutions, delivering higher quality and reliability in their software testing efforts.

Debugging in IDE

  • Setting Breakpoints: Breakpoints are markers that pause the execution of the test script at a specific line of code. In Selenium IDE, you can set breakpoints by clicking on the line number in the script editor or by right-clicking on the line and selecting "Toggle Breakpoint." This allows you to stop the execution at specific points to examine variables, step through the code, and analyze the flow.
  • Stepping Through Execution: Once a breakpoint is set and the test script is executed, Selenium IDE will pause at that breakpoint. You can then use the debugging controls provided in the IDE, such as "Step Over" (to execute the next command), "Step Into" (to dive into a function or method), and "Step Out" (to exit the current function or method). These controls allow you to navigate through the script line by line, observing the changes and behaviour of elements and variables.
  • Inspecting Variables and Elements: While debugging, you can inspect the values of variables and the state of web elements. Selenium IDE provides a debugging console or an interactive panel where you can view and evaluate variables, execute JavaScript expressions, and inspect the properties and attributes of elements on the web page. This helps in understanding and diagnosing any issues encountered during test execution.


  • Selenium IDE is an Integrated Development Environment designed for the automated testing of web applications.
  • It provides a user-friendly interface with record-and-playback functionality, making it accessible to users with minimal programming knowledge.
  • Selenium IDE supports multiple browsers, allowing for cross-browser testing and ensuring consistent functionality across different platforms.
  • The IDE offers a wide range of commands and features for test creation, editing, and validation, such as assertions, verifications, and conditional statements.
  • It allows for easy customization and enhancement of test scripts through its built-in editor and integration with Selenium WebDriver.
  • Selenium IDE enables the creation of test scripts in various programming languages by exporting scripts to Selenium WebDriver.