Shortest Job First (SJF) in Operating System

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An Operating System uses a variety of algorithms to efficiently arrange the operations for the processor, Shortest Job First (SJF) algorithm is one of them. In the Shortest Job First algorithm, the CPU will be assigned a job with the smallest burst time first, and the processes in the queue with the shorter burst time will be received and executed by the CPU more quickly. We'll discuss an in-depth explanation of the SJF scheduling algorithm with examples in the below article.

What is the Shortest Job First Scheduling in the Operating System?

Shortest Job First (SJF) algorithm is also known as Shortest Job Next (SJN) or Shortest Process Next (SPN). It is a CPU processes scheduling algorithm that sorts and executes the process with the smallest execution time first and then the subsequent processes with the increased execution time. Both preemptive and non-preemptive scheduling strategies are possible in the SJF scheduling algorithm. In SJF, there is a significant amount of reduction in the average waiting time for other processes that are waiting to be executed.

However, it can be quite challenging to estimate the burst time required for a process, making it difficult to apply this technique to the operating system scheduling process.

The burst time for a process can only be approximated or predicted. To get the most out of the SJF algorithm, our approximations must be correct. Numerous methods can be used to predict a process's CPU burst time.

1. Static Techniques:

  • Process Size: We approximate the burst time of the upcoming process by using the burst time of an older process having a similar size.
  • Process Type: Depending on the type of the process, we can estimate the burst time. There are several different sorts of processes, , for example,, Background Processes, User Processes, Operating System Processes, etc.

2. Dynamic Techniques:

  • Simple Averaging: In simple averaging, a list of nn processes is provided. P(1)P(1), P(2)P(2),.......,P(n)P(n). Let T(i)T(i) represent the ithith process's burst time. Let τ(n)τ(n) be the estimated burst time for the PthPth process. The estimated burst time of a process n+1n+1 can be determined by:

where, 0<=i<=n0<=i<=n and T(i)∑ T(i) is the summation of all the burst times and .

  • Exponential Averaging or Aging: Let TnTn represents the nthnth process's exact burst time. If the nthnth process's estimated burst time is τ(n)τ(n), the subsequent process's τ(n+1)τ(n+1) CPU burst time can be determined by:

where αα represents the smoothing. Its value ranges from 00 to 11.

Characteristics of SJF Scheduling

The following are the characteristics of Shortest Job First Scheduling:

  • Shortest Job First has the shortest average waiting time out of all scheduling methods.
  • SJF is categorized as a Greedy algorithm.
  • The Starvation problem can occur if shorter processes continue to be generated, to solve this we can use an ageing technique.
  • The operating system can't calculate the burst times, so it is almost impossible to sort them. Although execution time cannot be calculated, it can be estimated using a variety of techniques, such as a weighted average of earlier execution times.
  • This algorithm can be utilized in specialized environments where precise burst time (or running time of an application) estimations are available.

SJF Algorithm

The Algorithm for Shortest Job First CPU Scheduling is as follows:

  1. First sort all the CPU processes in order of their arrival time to identify the one that needs to be executed first. This makes sure that the process that came first and had the shortest burst duration is the one that is executed.
  2. Segment Trees are used to find the minimum burst time process from all the arriving processes rather than iterating over the entire struct array to identify the minimum burst time process among all the arrived processes.
  3. After choosing a process that needs to be executed, the arrival time and burst time of the process are used to compute the different times, for example, the turnaround time of a process, the waiting time of a process, and the completion time (all the times are discussed in the next section of this article).


shortest job first sjf scheduling in os algorithm

In the above example, we are taking the arrival time of each process to be 00. The processes are executed in ascending order according to their burst times because their arrival times are all zero. As a result, the processes are executed in the following order:

How to Compute Below Times in SJF Using a Program?


Completion Time (CT)

The time in the CPU scheduling at which a process has finished running.

Formula for computing the completion time of a process:.

CompletionTime=(StartTimeoftheProcess)+(BurstTimeoftheProcess)Completion Time = (Start Time of the Process) + (Burst Time of the Process)

Turn Around Time (TAT)

The difference in time between the Completion Time of the process and the Arrival Time of the process.

Formula for computing the turnaround time of a process:.

TurnAroundTime=(CompletionTimeoftheProcess)(ArrivalTimeoftheProcess)Turn Around Time = (Completion Time of the Process) - (Arrival Time of the Process)

Waiting Time (WT)

The difference in time between Turn Around Time of the process and the Burst Time of the process.

Formula for computing the waiting time of a process:.

WaitingTime=(TurnAroundTimeoftheProcess)(BurstTimeoftheProcess)Waiting Time = (Turn Around Time of the Process) - (Burst Time of the Process)


WaitingTime=(StartTimeoftheProcess)(ArrivalTimeoftheProcess)Waiting Time = (Start Time of the Process) - (Arrival Time of the Process)

Java Program for SJF Algorithm


output for SJF scheduling in os program

Non-Preemptive SJF

In Non-preemptive SJF scheduling, the process retains the CPU cycle once it has been assigned to the CPU until it completes its execution or is stopped.

Let's consider the below example to understand non-preemptive SJF scheduling in OS:

Process QueueBurst timeArrival time

Step 0: At time=0time = 0, Process P3P3 arrives and begins execution.

process P3 arrives and begins execution, time = 0

Step 1: At time=1time = 1, process P4P4 arrives. However, P3P3 still needs two more units to finish. P3P3 will continue to run on the CPU.

process p4 arrives and p3 executing, time = 1

Step 2: At time=2time = 2, process P1P1 arrives and joins the queue of processes waiting for execution. P3P3 will continue to run on the CPU.

process P3 arrives and begins execution, time = 2

Step 3: At time=3time = 3, process P3P3 execution gets completed. We compare the burst times of P4P4 and P1P1. Process P1P1 goes into the CPU for execution because it has a shorter burst time than Process P4P4 does.

process p3 finishes and P4 and P1 compared, P1 goes into CPU, time = 3

Step 4: At time=4time = 4, process P2P2 arrives and joins the queue of processes waiting for execution. process P1P1 continues its execution on the CPU, and P4P4 remains in the queue.

process P2 arrives, p1 continues its execution, time = 4

Step 5: At time=5time = 5, process P1P1 execution gets completed. We compare the burst times of P4P4 and P2P2. Process P4P4 goes into the CPU for execution because it has a shorter burst time than Process P2P2 does.

process P1 finish and P4 starts execution, time = 5

Step 6: At time=6time = 6, process P4P4 continues execution.

process P4 continues execution, time = 6

Step 7: At time=9time = 9, process P4P4 completes its execution and process P2P2 goes into the CPU for execution.

process P4 finish and process P2 begins execution

Step 8: At time=14time = 14, process P2P2 will complete its execution.

process P2 execution complete, time = 14

Step 9: Let's find out the average waiting time for a process.

Preemptive SJF

In the Preemptive SJF scheduling, jobs are inserted into the queue as they are received. The process with the least burst time starts execution, and if a job with a shorter burst time enters the queue, the current process is terminated or preempted from continuing and the shorter job is given the CPU cycle for execution.

Let's consider the below example to understand preemptive SJF scheduling in OS:

Process QueueBurst timeArrival time

Step 0: At time=0time = 0, process P1P1 arrives and begins execution (arrivaltime=0arrivaltime = 0, burstTime=3burstTime = 3 for P1P1, see above table).

process p1 arrives and begins execution, time = 0

Step 1: At time=1time = 1, process P3P3 arrives (arrivalTime=1arrivalTime = 1, burstTime=5burstTime = 5 for P3P3). However, P1P1 has a shorter burst time, so P1P1 will continue to run on the CPU, meanwhile, P3P3 will go in the process queue.

process p3 arrives and p1 continues execution, time = 1

Step 2: At time=2time = 2, process P4P4 arrives (arrivalTime=2arrivalTime = 2, burstTime=4burstTime = 4 for P4P4) and it joins the queue of processes waiting for execution as P1P1 has a shorter burst time than P4P4. P1P1 will continue to run on the CPU.

process P4 arrives and P1 continues to run on the CPU, time = 2

Step 3: At time=3time = 3, process P1P1 completes its execution. We compare the burst times of P3P3 and P4P4. Process P4P4 goes into the CPU for execution because it has a shorter burst time than Process P3P3 does.

process p1 completes and p4 begins execution, time = 3

Step 4: At time=4time = 4, process P2P2 arrives with a shorter burst time (arrivalTime=4arrivalTime = 4, burstTime=1burstTime = 1 for P2P2) as compared to process P4P4 which is currently executing. Process P4P4 is terminated/preempted and P2P2 starts executing.

Here, the table will look something like this:

Process QueueBurst timeArrival time
P10 remaining0
P43/4 remaining2

process p2 arrives and p4 is preempted, time = 4

Step 5: At time=5time = 5, process P2P2 completes its execution and P4P4 again starts execution as it has a shorter burst time as compared to P3P3.

process p2 completes execution, P4 starts execution

Step 6: At time=8time = 8, process P4P4 completes its execution, and P3P3 starts its execution in the CPU.

process p4 completes and p3 begins execution, time = 8

Step 7: At time=13time = 13, process P3P3 completes its execution.

process p3 completes execution, time = 13

Step 8: Let's find out the average waiting time for a process.

Advantages of SJF

These are some of the Advantages of the SJF algorithm:

  • Shortest Job First (SJF) has a shorter average waiting time as compared to the First come first serve (FCFS) algorithm.
  • SJF can be applied to long-term scheduling.
  • SJF is ideal for jobs that run in batches and whose run times are known.
  • SJF is probably the best concerning the average turnaround time of a process.

Disadvantages of SJF

These are some of the Disadvantages of the SJF algorithm:

  • The Shortest Job First algorithm may result in a starvation problem with extremely long turnaround times.
  • In SJF, job burst time must be predetermined, although it might be difficult to predict it.
  • As we are unable to estimate the duration of the upcoming CPU process burst time, we cannot utilize SJF for short-term CPU scheduling.
  • The processes cannot be given any priority in SJF scheduling.


  • In the Shortest Job First algorithm, the CPU will be assigned a job with the smallest burst time first, and the processes in the queue with the shorter burst time will be received and executed by the CPU more quickly.
  • There is a significant amount of decrease in the average waiting time for other processes that are left waiting to be executed.
  • Usually, SJF scheduling in OS is not used with scheduling processes as it can be quite challenging to estimate the burst time required for a process.
  • It is possible to use Shorted Job First Scheduling in both preemptive and non-preemptive modes. SJF scheduling in the preemptive mode is also known as the Shortest Remaining Time First (SRTF) algorithm.
  • Segment Trees are used to find the minimum burst time process from all the arriving processes.