Backend Languages: The First Step for Becoming a Backend Web Developer

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The majority of the tasks that we do today are now done on computers and other kinds of smart devices. The use of smart devices and computers has made our lives more convenient and fast, and not to mention the results, productivity, and efficiency, have also been great.

We all use one or the other kind of social media app. And every time you click on a link or scroll through your feed, it displays the relevant information on your screen. But, have you ever been curious about how all this happens?

All of this, and the excellent user experience, are possible due to the backend of apps. There are backend languages that make the user experience of any application seamless. These backend languages are responsible for the development of such sturdy backends.

So, if you are curious to know more about the backend languages and their applications, then you are certainly in the right place. Here we will discuss almost everything related to the backend and backend languages.

What is Backend Development?

Even if you are a beginner, you must be familiar that web development is classified into two types: front-end development and back-end development. “Front-end” refers to the user interface, while “back-end” means the server, application, and database that work behind the scenes.

And each has its respective sets of tools and languages, viz. frontend and backend languages.

But, today, we will be focusing on backend development languages. So, as the name implies, the backend means something at the back. And by computer software and its applications, the backend is the type of software utilized to design all the logic to incorporate all the functionalities of an application.

introduction to Backend Development

The backend comprises three main parts —

  • A Database - A database helps us store a large amount of information in an efficient and structured way compared to storing that information in a text file.
  • Server - A server is a computer that receives user requests through the front-end interface (also known as the client) and responds with a result computed by the application.
  • Application - An application is a computer program that listens for requests on the server, retrieves information from the database, and sends a response through the server.

The system's backend is responsible for handling things like: backend processes, data storage operations, dealing with users' inputs, handling sessions, and much more.

We can say that the web development activities occurring at any program's back end are referred to as backend development. Backend development languages cover the server side of an application, like writing APIs and working with the components of the system.

The backend developers use backend development languages to create code that allows the database and an application to integrate with each other.

Now that you understand backend development, you can learn backend development through the top backend web development and full-stack development course offered by Scaler Academy.

What Are Backend Languages?

In the above sections, we have mentioned backend languages several times. But what is it?

Backend languages are what the developers make use of to program the internal systems that operate in the background of any web application.

The backend of software is a part that the end-user can’t see. Backend programming languages have specific features that ease the process of communicating with the server, through which information and data are given and received by the clients or users who use the program.

In general, the popular backend languages are Python, Java, JavaScript, Ruby, C#, and PHP. These backend languages are responsible for retrieving data from the stored database when processed through an application.

If you are a backend developer or want to work as a backend developer, you might use these architectural programming languages and frameworks for different projects, like:

● Websites

● Interactive online tools

● Mobile apps

● Desktop apps

● Web servers

● Software prototypes

● Online games

● Security features

● Data collection

● Networking

Top-Backend Languages

In application development, the very first thing that one should do is select the backend programming language and determine how it affects the whole application development project.

So if you are developing software, here are some best backend languages list you can use.



Programming is done in various fields, and the most accepted development these days is web application and mobile application development. And when speaking of these types of applications, the most preferred language that comes to mind for coding the backend is Javascript.

Why so? Because not only does it come with many amazing features, but it can be used for both the frontend and backend of the application, thus making it one of the special backend languages. This way, the programmer will not have to handle different programming languages, and the learning curve will also be shortened.

What are the features that make JavaScript the top backend language?

Some of the stunning features that Javascript offers are: dynamic programming, lightweight scripting, object-oriented programming, client-side validation of the app, and many more.

And the cherry on top is that the Javascript developers' community is huge, thus making it an amazing backend web development language to start with.



One of the most popular languages of this era is Python.

It is known for making the development process easy and simple, with limited code lines and minimum rules to follow as compared to other languages.

It is one of the most favoured backend web development technology as it is suitable for connecting the latest technologies like IoT and machine learning in your web applications. So if your project needs any of these things, then Python is the best option to choose for.

In addition to this, with Python as a backend language, you can use a substantial list of libraries for the development process, reducing your development time and making the process much easier.



The popularity of web development is increasing daily with the increasing demand for amazing-performing websites for business needs. One language that can be used for backend development is PHP. PHP is abbreviated as Hypertext Preprocessor.

Why PHP is considered as a top backend language?

PHP doesn't need any compiler to run, so it can work on almost any operating system. Plus, it being open-source also fascinates a lot of developers. It is a backend development language, so it has several features for the good performance of the application.

What are the characteristics that has made PHP gain third position in the list?

Some of its most attractive features are its ease of usage, cross-platform language support, and a massive developer community working on it.



If you need enterprise-grade software, then one language you can consider blindfolded is Java.

Where Java is used? It is a backend language used for programming apps for Android, desktop systems, and some other applications.

One more good thing about using Java is that it performs by writing once and running everywhere. This feature makes Java compatible with various platforms while you compile it on one.



One of the best backend programming languages in our list is Ruby, as it supports various paradigms. Thus, whatever type of solution your problem needs, you can use it for developing a rich backend for your application development project.

Why Ruby is a good choice for backend programming?

Ruby facilitates object-oriented programming, functional programming, and procedural programming, thus making it suitable for different types of programming issues. In relation to this, it is also a programming language that is easy to learn, so it is a good choice for beginners.

Also, as a backend web development language, Ruby can be used to program a backend for almost every OS, making it widely significant for all types of applications.

Ruby is considered a very unique and fast programming language.


Many developers think that Golang is not that popular, but according to Stack Overflow's report, it is among the top 5 most loved programming languages all around the world.

What is Golang?

Golang, or Go, is a statistically typed programming language developed at Google and has syntax similar to that of the C language. This programming language allows programmers to create scalable and secure web applications more effectively.

One of the major advantages of using Golang as a backend language is that it has a feature of garbage collection that provides automatic memory management.


c sharp

C# is among those languages that are constantly rising to the top of the list of the top 5 programming languages. However, C# is a general-purpose programming language that was developed by Microsoft for the .Net framework.

Along with backend web development language, C# is also used in multiple areas like windows application and game development. The C# language offers various features, such as a faster compilation rate, being updatable, component-oriented, and much more.

It also comes with a massive library that can help developers with a faster and more detail-oriented development process. So, for a backend language, you can definitely give a try C#.



What is SQL?

SQL is abbreviated as Structured Query Language. It is a database query language that makes use of queries, or data requests, to get information from the database.

One can use SQL as a backend language to get authentic and valuable server-side data from the database and further use the information to perform tasks that make the client side of the application run properly.

It can be a useful language for updating internal databases and retrieving data for clients. The majority of backend developers use SQL to perform more structured and organized tasks that can help software run rather than create a basis for its features.



Perl is another backend language in our list that can be utilized to develop the backend or the server-side of the application. It is a traditional type of language that is extensively used for the development of the client-side of an application.

So, in the case of web development, developers can write the backend of the server side using the Perl language.


Choosing the right programming language is crucial as the features of the language, and the probabilities of adding functionalities are sometimes limited by the programming languages.

So you should be aware of the exact requirements of the application, as, by this, you will not face any difficulty in setting up a feature in the application.

We hope that this article on “Backend languages” gave you an insight into what a developer or a programmer prefers for backend development.

If this seems fascinating enough and you want to become a backend developer, learning the backend programming languages and obtaining course certification will be very helpful for your career.

You can master all these skills for backend developers and full-stack developers through the Certification Course offered by Scaler Academy - Program Link.

Enjoy programming!

Additional Resources

1. Top Backend Developer Skills