The 12 Agile Principles

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The agile process focuses on the development and testing process to be done parallel throughout the development cycle. The agile methodology is based on some core value systems described in these twelve points. During agile implementation, these guidelines come in handy.


Agile methodology is a software development life cycle process where development and testing go on simultaneously. The agile methodology has many frameworks like scrum, kanban, and extreme programming.

All the frameworks follow the same values, like faster delivery to the client, working in the constant change requests environment, and collaboration of the business and technical team. We will discuss these principles in depth here.

Agile Core Values

Agile methodology is very different from traditional systems like the waterfall model where there is a phase only after the completion of the previous phase.

The four values agile follows are as follows:

1. Individuals and Interactions Over Processes and Tools:

Agile methodology is centric on transparency in work. Who is responsible, what has been done, and what is left is known to all. Hence, a more communication-centric process.

2. Working software over comprehensive documentation:

Agile process is a prototype-based model where there are continuous releases and updates. The process is more development centric than theoretical.

3. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation:

Continuous testing signifies that user feedback is crucial to the development cycle. Customers'/users' input is added to the product at every cycle stage.

4. Responding to change by following a plan:

Agile method is a flexible model, unlike the waterfall, where the entire cycle needs to be followed for every feature. Change requests are prioritized and responded to in the fastest possible manner.

The 12 Agile Principles in Software Testing

1. Satisfy the Customer Through Early and Continuous Delivery of Valuable Software

Agile process is about fast-paced development.

All the steps are still followed, and changes are validated, verified, and delivered, but there is not too much unnecessary documentation. CI/CD tools and automation is used wherever the developer can.

2. Welcome Changing Requirements, Even Late in Development

Waterfall approach used to take one step at a time, unlike Agile. The agile process involves incoming changes and adding them to the next release. The bugs are also prioritized and, fixed, added to the next version itself.

3. Deliver Working Software Frequently

Agile framework believes in continuous product delivery in phases. This reduces the burden on both client and the team. New features and bugs are fixed in the next release.

4. Business People and Developers Must Work Together

Agile team includes business analysts, product managers, testers and developers. Product management software like JIRA is so transparent that everyone knows the ongoing task list, pending ones, and backlogs. All work together for the timely delivery of the product.

5. Build Projects Around Motivated Individuals

The agile process is more oriented towards people than tools and processes. Hence, the project is all about people and teamwork. The best part of this model is that everyone knows who is doing what, and all are working together to deliver the project.

6. Promote Face-to-Face Conversations

Since every task is so transparent. Boards and graphs make the process even smoother. Agile promotes more communication and conversation to reach the target together as there is no blame game here.

7. Working Software Is the Primary Measure of Progress

The agile methodology is never about documentation but only about improving product quality. The ultimate product surrounds success, improvement, and everything. The process is also enhanced so that the product becomes much more efficient.

8. Agile Processes Promote Sustainable Development

Agile process is the practical model. There are no crafted deadlines. It's all a team working together at the same time. The optimum utilization of resources is the primary aspect of the process.

9. Continuous Attention to Technical Excellence and Good Design Enhances Agility:

The primary aspect of agile is to deliver a quality product timely. The product has to be efficient, secure, and reliable. It is a long journey with smaller goals and milestones to achieve.

10. Simplicity—the Art of Maximizing the Amount of Work Not Being Done—is Essential

Agile team consists of business analysts, managers, testers, developers, and the DevOps team. Agile is all about collaboration and commitment to achieving the common objective of delivering a quality product in the market.

11. The Best Architectures, Requirements, and Designs Emerge from Self-organizing Teams

Agile methodology believes in more collaboration and exchange of information. When many highly motivated individuals work together, the best ideas are bound to happen. The collaboration is to find smarter ways to approach the product and designs. The refinement keeps on happening throughout the cycle.

12. Have Regular Intervals

Agile processes like Scrum have sprints. Sprint and continuous releases allow more changes, collaboration, and faster processes, but the intervals should remain constant that is if the sprints from starting are two weeks, they should remain like that.


  1. Agile principles are about more collaboration and interaction between the team. The entire unit of people working is termed an agile team.
  2. Agile focuses on the timely and continuous delivery of features. The product is delivered in phases and cycles.
  3. Agile process must incorporate faster request changes in the development cycle.
  4. Agile focuses more on building the product than just documentation. The better process is reflected in the product directly.