Difference Between Alpha and Beta Testing

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After a product goes through the entire software development life cycle (SDLC), we have a well-tested product by the development and testing team. But the client would only accept the software when he and his team do the final testing. The testing done at the client end comes under alpha and beta testing. The most important point is that this testing is done after a finished product is delivered so it is crucial to know the difference between alpha and beta testing.

Alpha and Beta testing are two types of software testing that are used to identify and fix bugs and improve the overall quality of a product before it is released to the public.


Alpha and beta testing are both types of Acceptance testing done by the Client after receiving the final product. This testing is done before the product is massively released to the general public. Once the product reaches users, any change or update becomes costly. This is the final round of testing, and after success, the product comes to the production stage. Let us talk in detail about the two.

introduction to Alpha and Beta Testing

What is Alpha Testing?

Alpha testing is acceptance testing done by the Client, the members of the organization, and the testers at the Client.

This testing focuses more on user interaction with the product, which is how users would perceive the software. For example, Scaler Academy has a website built by the development team and tested by experienced testers at the organization.

After the site was ready, it was given to the development, testing team, and DevOps team members to test as site users. Here the focus is on user experience.

Key Features of Alpha Testing

  • Alpha testing is done at the development server. A development server is used when the product is still developing and testing.
  • The members of the organization do alpha testing.
  • Alpha testing is done after the product has finished both the development and testing phases.
  • Alpha testing allows the people in the organization to experience the product before it reaches the market.

What is Beta Testing?

Beta testing is an acceptance test performed by limited users to test the product's functionalities before the application reaches worldwide. It is launched to a few people first to ensure they like the product and have a good user experience.

In case people don't enjoy certain use cases, the feature can be rolled back or updated, and fixing it at this stage would still be cheaper than when the product reaches a million users.

For example, WhatsApp has a beta program where a few thousand people can enrol. But the actual user WhatsApp has billions. So when WhatsApp introduced the delete feature many years ago, it was first released to beta people. Once they liked it was introduced to the billions of users of WhatsApp.

Key Features of Beta Testing

  • A limited number of real users perform beta testing to validate product experience.
  • Beta testing helps capture market reactions before the product reaches the market.
  • Beta testing is to validate the product. A well-tested product to validate customer reaction.
  • Beta testing ensures users have the best experience of the product even when the product reaches a global scale.

Key Difference Between Alpha and Beta Testing

The main difference between Alpha and Beta Testing is that Alpha testing is performed internally to identify and fix critical bugs before the product is released to a wider audience. It is typically performed by internal testers using white-box testing techniques. Alpha testing may require a long execution cycle while Beta testing is performed by real users in their own environment to get feedback on the overall user experience and identify any additional bugs. It typically uses black-box testing techniques and has a shorter execution cycle.

Difference Between Alpha and Beta Testing

CriteriaAlpha TestingBeta Testing
DefinitionAlpha testing is an early-stage testing conducted by the internal team or a selected group of users to identify defects and evaluate the software's functionality before its release to the public.Beta testing is a later stage of testing where the software is released to a broader audience, typically external users, to gather feedback, identify bugs, and ensure compatibility in different environments.
Entry CriteriaThe software may still be in the development phase, and basic functionalities are expected to be implemented. Limited features and potential bugs are acceptable.The software is considered feature-complete and stable, with all major functionalities implemented. It should have undergone thorough testing, and major bugs should be resolved.
Exit CriteriaIdentified bugs and issues are addressed and fixed, and the software reaches a reasonably stable state for the next testing phase.The feedback and issues reported during beta testing are analyzed, prioritized, and addressed. The software undergoes further improvements and bug fixes based on user feedback before the final release.
UsersLimited number of internal team members or selected users who closely collaborate with the development team.A wider range of external users who represent the target audience and have diverse hardware, software, and network configurations.
LocationDeveloper’s siteUser’s environment
DurationLonger execution cyclesShorter execution cycles
PurposeTo evaluate the software's functionality, identify defects, and gather initial feedback for improvement.To gather real-world user feedback, identify bugs, ensure compatibility, and validate the software's usability before its public release.
FeedbackNot mandatoryMandatory

Entry and Exit Criteria of Alpha Testing

Entry Criteria

  • The product has been developed and tested.
  • Product has been deployed to the development server.
  • All bugs in the product are fixed. The product has been verified.
  • Product is ready for the production launch.

Exit Criteria

  • The Client and its team accept the user experience of the software.
  • All functionalities listed by the Client are met.
  • There is no bug left unfixed stated by the Client.
  • Client signs off UAT(User Acceptance Testing) document.

Entry and Exit Criteria of Beta Testing

Entry Criteria

  • Product has gone through alpha testing and is accepted by the Client.
  • There are registered Beta testers available for the product.
  • Product is deployed in a production environment whose access has been restricted.
  • Beta version of the product is ready.

Exit Criteria

  • Feedback from the beta user is collected.
  • All the necessary fixing obtained from the Feedback is done on the product.
  • Product is ready for mass release.

Learn More


  • Alpha and Beta testing are acceptance tests done after we have a well-tested, bug-free, finished product.
  • Alpha testing is done by the Client and the Client's team of testers and members of the organization.
  • Beta testing is done by a limited set of users enrolled in the beta program of the product.
  • Beta testing is done after alpha testing. After both are done, the product moves onto the production environment. We have discussed all aspects of the difference between alpha and beta testing.