Git and SVN Link with JIRA

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Git and SVN are two popular version control systems used by software development teams to manage source code and track changes. JIRA, on the other hand, is a widely used project management tool that helps Teams plan, track and manage their software development projects. Integrating Git or SVN with JIRA can improve collaboration, simplify workflows, and improve overall project management efficiency.


In the world of software, effective version control and smooth project management are critical to successful collaboration and timely delivery of high-quality software. Git and SVN are two widely used version control systems that allow teams to track changes, manage source code, and collaborate. JIRA, on the other hand, is a popular project management tool that helps Teams plan, track, and manage their software development projects. Integrating Git or SVN with JIRA can bring significant benefits to development teams by combining the power of version control with robust project management capability.

Jira and Git Integration

JIRA and Git are two powerful tools commonly used in software projects. JIRA serves as robust project management and issue tracking, while Git is a distributed version control system. JIRA's integration with Git brings many benefits to development teams, enabling seamless collaboration, better traceability, and a smoother workflow. Let's explore the key aspects of JIRA and Git integration.

  • By integrating JIRA with Git, teams can link Git branches directly to JIRA issues. This association creates a clear relationship between code changes and their associated tasks or functions. Developers can easily create branches from JIRA issues, making it easy to track progress and organize work.
  • JIRA and Git integration allows developers to reference JIRA issue keys in their commit messages. This enables automatic linking between code changes and corresponding JIRA issues. As a result, teams can easily track specific code changes made for a specific task or bug fix. In addition, code reviews can be performed in JIRA, and reviewers provide direct feedback on code changes related to a specific issue.
  • By integrating JIRA with Git, teams can set up automated workflows that are triggered by specific Git events. For example, pushing code to a specific branch can automatically move the associated JIRA topic from one state to another. This automation ensures that project status in JIRA remains up-to-date, eliminating the need for manual updates and improving overall project management efficiency.
  • JIRA and Git integration make release management processes easier. By linking Git commits to JIRA issues, teams can easily track which issues were resolved by each commit. This information can be used to create release notes and ensure that all planned changes are included in the final release. The integration provides a comprehensive overview of the changes made in each version and helps Teams deliver software with greater accuracy and completeness.
  • JIRA's integration with Git improves visibility and collaboration between team members. Developers can access JIRA issues directly from their Git repositories, providing a centralized platform to manage tasks, track progress, and discuss issues. This integration promotes communication between teams, improves transparency, and enables effective collaboration throughout the development lifecycle.

Linking Git Commits to Jira Issues

When working on software development projects, it is important to have a clear relationship between code changes and related tasks or problems. By linking Git commits to Jira issues, teams can easily track the progress of development tasks, improve traceability, and enhance collaboration. To link Git commits to Jira issues:

  1. Jira Numeric Keys: Jira uses unique issue keys to identify and track tasks, stories, defects, or other work items. These keys usually consist of the project key followed by a numerical identifier such as "PROJ-123". Each Jira number is associated with a unique key.
  2. Link Messages: When you make code changes and commit them to a Git repository, include the appropriate Jira release key(s) in your commit messages. , For example,, you can mention the problem key in the broadcast message, such as "[PROJ-123] New feature enabled" or "Bug fix: [PROJ-456]".
  3. Data Warehouse and Branch Configuration sure your Git repository is properly configured to connect to Jira. This usually requires setting up a webhook or integrating between a Git repository hosting platform (eg. GitHub, Bitbucket) and Jira. To set up the integration properly, read the documentation for your chosen Git platform.
  4. Integrating Jira and Git: Once the integration is established, Jira automatically recognizes the Jira issue keys in the delivery messages and creates a link between the delivery and the corresponding issue. This link enables two-way tracking, allowing you to see the commits associated with a Jira issue in the Git repository and the Jira issues associated with a specific commit.
  5. To View Linked Commits in Jira: In Jira, you can navigate to the specific issue you want to review and review the related commit. You'll usually find a "Development" or "Source" tab that shows the linked commits. This way you can see the code changes related to the issue directly from the Jira topic page.

How Git & Jira Integration Affect Workflows

  • The integration enables seamless synchronization between Jira issues and Git branches or commits. Developers can create branches directly from Jira issues, allowing a clear relationship between tasks and code changes. This streamlines the task management process by providing a direct link between issues and the corresponding code development.
  • Git and Jira integration allows workflows to be automated based on specific Git events. , For example,, when a developer commits code to a branch, it can automatically trigger a Jira transition, such as moving an issue from Code Review to Code Review or assigning it to another team member. This automation eliminates the need for manual updates, reduces administrative costs, and ensures accurate tracking of task progress.
  • Integration promotes better cooperation between team members. Developers can easily access Jira issues directly from their Git repositories, enabling centralized task management, progress, and discussions. This allows for seamless communication, encourages collaboration between teams, and ensures that everyone is aligned with the status and requirements of each task.
  • Git and Jira integration makes it easy to review code in the Jira environment. Developers can create and manage code review requests directly in Jira, allowing reviewers to provide feedback and comments on specific lines of code. This integration ensures that code review discussions are directly related to the respective Jira issues, providing a comprehensive overview of changes made and feedback received.
  • Integration plays a key role in print management. By connecting Git commits to Jira issues, teams can track which issues have been resolved for each commit or release. This information can be used to create release notes and ensure that all planned changes are included in the final release. This streamlines the release process and improves the visibility of the changes included in each release.
  • The integration improves traceability by providing a clear link between code changes and corresponding Jira issues. It is easier to understand why certain changes were made, what tasks they related to, and who made them. This traceability helps to audit, troubleshoot and ensure adherence to development processes and standards.

JIRA And SVN Integration

Here are the general steps to integrate JIRA and SVN:

  1. Install the JIRA Subversion Plugin: Make sure your JIRA instance has the JIRA Subversion Plugin installed. This plugin provides integration between JIRA and SVN, allowing SVN commits to be linked to JIRA issues. You may need JIRA admin rights to install plugins.
  2. To configure the JIRA Subversion plugin: Once the plugin is installed, configure it with the necessary settings. This usually requires specifying the SVN repository URL and credentials to establish a connection between JIRA and SVN. See the plugin for detailed setup instructions.
  3. Set JIRA issue keys in SVN Commit Messages: If you want to associate SVN commits with JIRA issues, add the appropriate JIRA issue keys to your commit messages. For example, you can mention the issue key in the confirmation message, such as "[JIRA-123] Deployed Feature X" or "Bug Fix in [JIRA-456]". The JIRA Subversion Plugin uses these topic keys to create a relationship between commits and issues.
  4. Test the Integration: Run a test in SVN that displays the JIRA issue key. Ensure that the broadcast message contains the correct syntax and format for the problem key. After making a commit, check JIRA to make sure the commit is related to the issue in question. Verify that the integration works as expected.
  5. Configure Integrated Settings (Optional): Depending on your requirements, you may need to adjust the integrated settings. This can include configuring the mapping between JIRA fields and SVN authentication functions, configuring workflows, or configuring automatic actions triggered by SVN verification events. Check out the plugin documentation and configuration options to customize the integration for your specific needs.
  6. Communicate and Train the Team: Once the integration is configured and tested, communicate the integration to your team members. Provide instructions for referencing the JIRA keys in confirmation messages and explain the benefits of the integration. Provide training or documentation so everyone understands how to use the integrated workflow effectively.

Benefits of Jira and SVN Integration

  • Integration between JIRA and SVN provides a seamless workflow for developers. They can create branches, manage code changes, and associate commits with JIRA issues directly from their development environment.
  • Integration fosters collaboration among team members. Developers can access JIRA issues directly from their SVN repositories, allowing for centralized task management, progress tracking, and discussions.
  • Integrating JIRA and SVN ensures clear traceability between code changes and corresponding JIRA issues. Developers can easily identify which issues are resolved by examining the associated commits in SVN.
  • Integration simplifies release management processes. Teams can track which issues are resolved in each SVN commit, enabling accurate release notes generation.
  • JIRA and SVN integration allows for automated workflows triggered by SVN commit events. For example, committing code can automatically transition an associated JIRA issue from "In Progress" to "Code Review" or assign it to a specific team member.
  • Integration provides better visibility into project progress and development activities. Project managers and stakeholders can easily track the status of individual issues, view associated code changes, and generate reports to analyze project metrics.
  • Integration enhances auditing and compliance efforts. By linking SVN commits to JIRA issues, teams have a clear audit trail of code changes made to address specific tasks or bug reports.


  • The integration allows developers to connect their version control system, whether Git or SVN, to JIRA, creating a seamless flow between code changes and project management.
  • Git and SVN integration with JIRA encourages better collaboration between team members.
  • Linking Git and SVN to JIRA issues provides end-to-end traceability, allowing teams to easily understand the history of code changes and how they relate to specific tasks or bug reports.
  • The integration facilitates the automation of workflows based on commitment events, reducing manual work and ensuring consistent project management practices.
  • By linking commits to issues in JIRA, teams can track which issues are resolved in each commit, simplifying release management and ensuring that all planned changes are included in the final release.
  • Git and SVN integration with JIRA improves project visibility, allowing project managers and stakeholders to track progress, review code changes, and generate reports to analyze project metrics.
  • Integration aids audit and compliance efforts by providing a clear audit trail of code changes made in response to specific tasks or bug reports.