Scrum Vs Kanban

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Both Scrum and Kanban are the agile framework used to build agile projects. The core principles of agile remain the same: frequent delivery of work, small team, business and technical team working together for faster delivery of solutions where development and testing are both parallel activities.


The Kanban board concept started in the manufacturing industry, where the entire workflow revolves around completing the task ahead, which was pinned on the board. Who has to do what was mentioned in the task? The board prioritizes the task based on issues. Hence, the Kanban methodology is quite unstructured. Scrum, on the other hand, creates an entire route with sprints as checkpoints. Scrum boards track down the backlogs and generate reports to make the process faster.

Scrum Boards

Scrum boards are based on the concept of sprints. There is an active sprint, and tasks and issues are attached to the sprint. For instance, there is a year-long project.

2 weeks of sprints are divided where tasks have been allocated that must be completed by the time that sprint is active. Scrum also have backlogs of pending task that have not been completed by the due date. Overall, Scrum is for organized projects. They work when the project in hand is already financed. Hence, the time ahead can be planned.

Scrum boards being agile models, follow the same agile principles where there have to be frequent releases. A small team, inclusive of tech and non-tech, works together to meet the sprint deadline.

Kanban Boards

Kanban boards are for unorganized projects which are funded via sales. The entire manufacturing sector works in the same way. On Kanban boards, some tasks are pinned based on priority. The task has all the details mentioned in the them-assignee, deadline, sub-tasks, etc.

In the Kanban board, issues are aligned as to-do, in progress, and done. Kanban also has the concept of backlogs and report generation. The only thing is that there are no sprints in Kanban. So, an innovative task that has never been done and is more research-oriented follows the Kanban methodology.

Kanban Board vs. Scrum Board: Criteria

  • Setting up speed: Kanban board methodology is faster to set up as compared to Scrum Board. The Kanban board is for unstructured projects. Kanban focuses on completing the priority tasks first, whereas Scrum is an organized model where the entire project structure is planned. You cannot speed up the processes in Scrum as the project goes one sprint at a time.

  • Detailed overview of the project: The Scrum board is definitely more detailed and structured. The sprints are planned out, including story points, priority, and severity. There are also detailed burndown charts and velocity charts. Kanban board is not a suitable methodology if one requires a detailed overview of the project.

  • Functionalities: Scrum board allows much more functionalities than the Kanban board because one can do a lot more planning when it comes to the Scrum framework. Hence, Scrum has more detailed reports and features like story points, backlogs, priority, severity, and structures. Kanban is the easiest and fastest to start with, as one just needs to pin the task on the board.

  • Ease of Use: Scrum is more complex due to the extent of planning required to set up the framework compared to the Kanban project. The Kanban project is set up immediately. Put up a task on the board, and add details to it. Kanban is good to go. In Scrum, one must add versions, story points, sprint, track backlogs, and releases. Kanban is more suited for the task-oriented project framework.

  • Project Size: Large-scale projects with larger people collaborating would require more structured projects making Scrum a better choice. Everyone worked together at the same time to meet the sprint deadline. Kanban is for the small-scale project, which runs on the sales for the funding of next month's task. Their team would also be smaller.

Difference Between JIRA Scrum Vs JIRA Kanban

Let's have a look at jira scrum vs kanban frameworks.

Jira ScrumJira Kanban
Jira Scrum uses Sprints to setup project structureJira Kanban uses boards where tasks are pinned on the kanban board
Jira Scrum can only be used for structured projectsJira Kanban works better for unstructured projects
Jira Scrum is more suited when a detailed project overview is required.Kanban is used when the project can be immediately worked upon.
Jira Scrum is used when the project size is biggerKanban is for projects in smaller team size
It takes more time to set up Jira Scrum projectKanban tool setups up the project immediately


  1. In this article we discuessed scrum vs kanban frameworks. Kanban board and Scrum board are agile-based models in project development.
  2. Scrum board is used for more structured projects. Scrum models have sprints, detailed graphs, and story points.
  3. Kanban board is based on a task-based project methodology. Tasks are pinned on the board with a few details attached.
  4. Kanban board is used for unstructured projects which require a faster implementation mechanism.