Overview of Employee Management System

Topics Covered


Employees are the backbone of any organization, therefore, management plays a crucial role in the organization's success. Organizations need to keep a record of their staff to manage the workforce, onboarding, offboarding, calculate pay, and measure the performance of employees.

Problem Statement

Manual handling of employee information poses several challenges. Organizations that lack employee self-service are forcing employees are not able to access and manage their personal information directly without having to go through their HR departments.

The above problems can be tackled by solving and implementing a web-based employee management system (EMS). This system will maintain employee information in a database with full privacy and authorized access. It aimed at setting up an employee information system about the status of the employee, the educational background and the work experience, and other details of the employee through a password-protected system.


The objectives of this system include:

  • Design of a web-based employee management system to fulfill requirements such as employee management, leave management, and report generation to assist in performance appraisal, Employee self-service, and employee training.


Our system has only two types of actors.


  • A person employed for wages or salary
  • Age 21 and above.
  • Can view and modify personal information.


  • An employee with special privileges
  • Can create, read, modify and delete other employees except for self.

User Stories

  • As an employee, I want to log in to the system so that I can view my personal information.
  • As an employee, I want to view my personal information so that I can verify its correctness.
  • As an employee I wan to modify my personal information so that wrong information can be corrected.
  • As an admin I want to login into the system so that I can perform the required task.
  • As an admin I want to search for employees so that I can find specific employees.
  • As an admin I want to add an employee so that I can onboard the employee.
  • As an admin I want to delete an employee so that I can offboard the employee.



We will use java as the backend programming language with spring boot for quick development.

Database Management System

We will use MySQL as an open-source database that is platform-independent and can easily interface with several programming languages.


In this article we covered:

  • What is an employee management system.
  • Features we are going to build MVP of our employee management system.
  • Technology we are going to use.