Self Join in SQL

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DBMS Course - Master the Fundamentals and Advanced Concepts
by Srikanth Varma
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SQL self join is a powerful technique where a table is joined to itself to compare rows within that same table. Imagine you have a list of employees and you want to find pairs who work in the same department. By using a SQL self join, you can match each employee with other employees from the same table, based on a common attribute like the department they work in. This approach allows us to uncover relationships and patterns within the data of a single table, making it easier to analyze and understand the interconnected details of the information stored within it.

What is Self Join in SQL

SQL self join where a table joins with itself, allowing for comparisons within the same table. It's particularly useful for querying hierarchical data or comparing rows within the same table. When performing a self join, SQL treats the single table as if it were two separate tables to perform the join.


To implement a self join, you typically use an INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, or another type of join, but you reference the same table twice with different aliases to distinguish between the two instances of the table.

  • table_name: The name of the table you are performing the self join on.
  • A and B: Aliases for the table to distinguish the two instances.
  • common_field: The column based on which the join is performed.
  • condition: Additional conditions to filter the results.

Example Let's create a table Employees with the following columns: EmployeeID, Name, and ManagerID, where ManagerID is a reference to EmployeeID of the manager for each employee.

Inserting Data into the Table


To find each employee and their manager's name, you would use the following SQL query:


Assuming the Employees table is structured as mentioned, the output of the above query would be a table showing each employee with their respective manager's name:


In this example, the self join allows us to link each employee to their manager within the same Employees table by using the ManagerID column to relate employees to each other.

Self Join with ORDER BY Clause

In SQL, combining a self join with an ORDER BY clause enhances your ability to analyze and understand data by not only comparing rows within the same table but also organizing the output based on specific criteria. This approach is invaluable when you want to display the results in a particular order, such as alphabetically by name, numerically by salary, or by any other sortable column in your dataset.


When incorporating an ORDER BY clause into a self join, the syntax follows the general structure of a self join but adds the ORDER BY statement at the end to specify the sorting order of the result set.

  • table_name: The name of the table you are performing the self join on.
  • A and B: Aliases for the table to distinguish between the two instances.
  • common_field: The column based on which the join is performed.
  • condition: Additional conditions to filter the results.
  • ORDER BY: Specifies the columns to sort by and the sorting order (ASC for ascending, DESC for descending).


Continuing with the Employees table example from earlier, Suppose you want to list all employees along with their managers, but this time you want the list sorted alphabetically by employee name.


Given the Employees table structure and values as mentioned, the output, sorted alphabetically by EmployeeName, would look like this:


This table illustrates how a self join combined with an ORDER BY clause can effectively organize the relationships within a single table, making it easier to interpret the hierarchical or relational data stored within.


  1. SQL self join unlocks relational insights within a single table, allowing for comparisons and connections between rows based on common attributes or hierarchical structures.
  2. The syntax for SQL self join involves referencing the same table twice with different aliases, facilitating the comparison of data within the same dataset:
  3. The SQL self join which is used to join a table to itself as if the table were two tables using table aliases with some specific conditions.
  4. Examples provided, such as the Employees table, illustrate practical applications, showing how self joins can identify relationships like employee-manager pairs.
  5. Incorporating the ORDER BY clause with self joins enhances data presentation, allowing results to be sorted based on specified criteria, thus improving readability and analysis.
  6. Understanding and utilizing SQL self join effectively can greatly enhance data querying capabilities, offering nuanced insights into data patterns and relationships that might not be readily apparent.