<strike> Tag in HTML

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What is strike tag in Html

The <strike> HTML tag creates the impression of a strikethrough (cut line) by drawing a horizontal line over the text. To create the same effect, we can use the CSS text-decoration property, the HTML <del> tag, or the HTML <s> tag. The following tutorial provides information about this element, including, attributes, examples of its usage, related properties , and browser compatibility .



  • The <body> tag contains the HTML <strike> element.
  • HTML5 no longer supports the <strike> tag or we can say that it is deprecated now.

Attributes of <strike> Tag in HTML

Global Attributes

Global attributes are properties that can be applied to all HTML elements and are shared by all. As both standard and non-standard HTML elements support them, they're referred to as global. However, they may not affect some.

Global properties can be applied to any HTML element, including ones not mentioned in the standard. This means that even if utilizing non-standard elements causes the content to be non-HTML5 compliant, some characteristics must be allowed. Despite the fact that  is not a valid HTML element, HTML5-compliant browsers conceal content marked as .

List of Global Attributes

accesskeyshortcut keyIt guides how to create a keyboard shortcut for the currently selected element. The browser should use the first one on the computer keyboard layout.
autocapitalizeoff / none, on / sentences, words, charactersControls whether or not text input is automatically capitalized when entered/edited by the user and how it is capitalized.
autofocusfalseIndicates that an element will be highlighted when the page loads or when the <dialogue> in which it is included is displayed.
classclassnameIt is a list of classes for the element, separated by spaces. CSS and JavaScript use classes to identify and access specific components using class selectors or functions.
contenteditabletrue/falseAn enumerated attribute that indicates whether or not the element should be user-modifiable. If this is the scenario, the browser modifies its widget to allow customization.
contextmenumenu-idThe context menu of an element is defined. A context menu appears when the user clicks the right mouse button on an element.
data-*dataCustom data attributes allow private information to be communicated between HTML and its DOM representation, which scripts can use. All such custom data can be accessed using the HTML Element interface of the element on which the attribute is set.
dirltr / rtl / autoSpecifies the element's text's base direction of directionality.
draggabletrue/false / autoAn enumerated attribute is used to specify whether or not the element may be dragged using the Drag and Drop API.
dropzonecopy/move / linkThis parameter determines whether dragged data is copied, relocated, or linked when it is dropped.
enterkeyhintOn virtual keyboards, this value indicates the action label (or icon) for displaying the enter key.
exportpartsIt can be used to transitively export shadow components from a nested shadow tree to a contained light tree.
hiddenhiddenThe value of a Boolean attribute indicates whether or not the element is still relevant. For example, It can be used to hide a website's inaccessible sections until the login procedure is completed. The browser will not render such things.
IdnameDefines a distinct/unique identifier (ID) that must be consistent and unique throughout the document. It identifies the element when linking (through a fragment identifier), scripting, or styling (with CSS).
langlanguage-codeIt is used to specify the primary language for the element's text content.
Spellchecktrue/falseIt is used to specify whether or not the element should be checked for spelling mistakes.
tabindexnumberIt is used to specify the tabbing order of an element.
titletextIt includes text that presents advisory information about the element to which it belongs. Generally, but not always, such information is given to the user as a tooltip.
slotThe slot established by the element whose name attribute matches the value of the slot property is assigned to an element with a slot attribute.
StylestyleInline CSS is applied to the currently chosen element using style. It is recommended that styles should be defined in separate files. This attribute and the <style> element are designed for quick stylings, such as for testing purposes.
translateyes/noIt is used to specify whether or not the content of the element should be converted when the page is localized.
xmllanguage-codeIt is used to specify the predominant language for the element's text content in XHTML documents.

Note: There are no element-specific attributes for the <strike> tag. Only global attributes apply to this tag.

How to Use <strike> Tag in HTML ?

Browsers will ordinarily display the erased text as strikethrough text, but you can change this with the CSS text-decoration property. The <strike> tag requires a beginning and an ending tag. You just have to enter the text you want to strikethrough between the opening and closing tags.

How to use strike tag in html

NOTE: The <strike> tag is Obsolete in HTML5 and should not be used. Every browser supports using the <strike> tag, but it is outdated now and shouldn't be used. Instead, use the <s> tag, the <del> tag, or CSS text-decoration property with the <style> tag. You can just set the CSS text-decoration property to line-through, and the same effect will be created.


Example 1: In this example, we will explain the <strike> element in HTML.


output of strike tag in html

Example 2: In this example, we will use the <del> tag to define deleted text.


output of delete tag in html

Example 3: In this example, we will use the <s> tag to mark up no longer correct text.


del tag and html

Accessibility Concerns

  • Moving from users who hear a document's contents to those who see it, those with disabilities such as low vision or dyslexia already have difficulty reading text. By inserting a line through the text, we make it much more difficult for them to read our content. So, it is recommended to avoid overuse of this technique and apply only when necessary.

  • While reading a document, screen reading software does not detect the strikethrough element differently, and therefore the user is not notified about the struck text.

Browser Support

The <strike> tag in HTML is supported by the following browsers :

BrowserGoogle ChromeInternet ExplorerMicrosoft Edge 12+FirefoxOperaSafari

Learn More


  • The <strike> tag in HTML is used to specify a strikethrough text.
  • The HTML5 standard does not support the deprecated <strike> element.
  • You can use the <s> tag or the <del> tag. To create the same effect, you can also use the CSS text-decoration : line through the property with the <style> tag.
  • The <s> and <del> tags are both strikethroughs, although they express distinct information about the content. The <s> tag is used to express something that is no longer accurate or relevant. While  <del> indicates something that has been removed/deleted from the document.
  • There are no element-specific attributes for the <strike> tag. Only global attributes apply to this tag.
  • <s>
  • <del>
  • <ins>