Sum of Digits of a Number in Python

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The article is about different ways to find the sum of digits of a number in Python. We can calculate the sum of digits of a number by adding a number's digits while ignoring the place values. So, if we have the number 567, we can calculate the digit sum as 5 + 6 + 7, which equals 18.

Introduction to Sum of Digits of a Number

The goal is to determine the sum of digits of a number given as an input in Python. Example:





We begin by dividing the number into digits and then adding all of the digits to the sum variable. To break down the string, we use the following operators:

The modulo operator % is used to extract the digits from a number. After removing the digit, we apply the divide operator to shorten the number.

Different Methods to Find Sum of Digits of a Number in Python

Using str() and int() methods

To convert a number to a string, use the str() function. To convert a string digit to an integer, use the int() function.

Convert the number to a string, iterate over each digit in the string, and add to the sum of the digits in each iteration.

Algorithm Flow:

  • Step 1: Gather user input.

  • Step 2: Create a variable to hold the result.

  • Step 3: Convert the number to a string.

  • Step 4: Write a loop for each digit in a number.

  • Step 5: Convert the digit to an integer and add it to the sum.

  • Step 6: Invoke the function and print the result.



Using iteration

We shall use loops to calculate the sum of digits of a number. Loops are used to execute a specific piece of code continually. Some looping statements are for loop, while, and do-while.

To find the rightmost digit of an integer, divide the integer by 10 until it equals 0. Finally, the remaining will be the rightmost digit. Use the remaining operator " percent " to receive the reminder. Divide the obtained quotient by 10 to get all the digits of a number. To find the number's quotient, we use “//”.

Algorithm Flow:

  • Step 1: Create a function for finding the sum using the parameter n.

  • Step 2: Declare a variable sum to store the digit sum.

  • Step 3: Create a loop that will run until n is greater than zero.

  • Step 4: To the remainder returned by, add the sum variable (n percent 10)

  • Step 5: Change n to n/10.

  • Step 6: Collect feedback from the user.

  • Step 7: Invoke the function defined earlier and pass the input as an argument.

  • Step 8: Print the sum of the values returned by the function.




  • A sum of digits of a number in python in a given number base is the sum of all its digits. For example, the digit sum of the decimal number 9045 would be 9+0+4+5=18.
  • sum of digits of a number in Python can be calculated in many ways, such as using inbuilt functions, iteration, and recursion, as discussed earlier.

See Also: