Database Connection in Tableau

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Database Connection in Tableau facilitates direct access to various database management systems, enabling users to analyze and visualize data in real-time. With an extensive list of supported database platforms, including SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, and more, Tableau provides a user-friendly interface to establish connections effortlessly. Once connected, users can create dynamic visualizations, perform complex queries, and gain valuable insights from the data stored in databases. This seamless integration streamlines the data analysis process, empowering users to make data-driven decisions and unlock hidden patterns or trends. Tableau's database connection capability enhances its utility as a powerful business intelligence and data visualization tool for professionals across industries.


Database Connection is a crucial feature in Tableau that empowers users to seamlessly connect and interact with various database management systems. In today's data-driven world, businesses and organizations rely on vast amounts of structured data stored in databases to make informed decisions and gain valuable insights. Tableau's database connection capabilities provide a bridge between these databases and the powerful data visualization and analytics functionalities of the Tableau platform.

Tableau supports a wide range of databases, including popular systems like SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and more. This versatility enables users to access and analyze data from diverse data sources, regardless of the underlying database technology.

The process of connecting to a database in Tableau is user-friendly and intuitive. Users can simply select the appropriate database type, provide the necessary connection details (such as server address, username, and password), and establish a secure connection. Once connected, users can directly explore and analyze the data stored in the database, create interactive dashboards, and design visually appealing reports with a drag-and-drop interface. The real-time connection to databases ensures that users are always working with the most up-to-date data, allowing them to make data-driven decisions promptly. Furthermore, Tableau's optimization for handling large datasets and ability to perform complex queries on the fly makes it a powerful tool for business intelligence and data analysis across various industries.

Understanding Database Connections in Tableau

Database Connections in Tableau refer to the capability of the software to directly connect and interact with various database management systems. This feature is instrumental in enabling users to analyze and visualize data stored in databases, providing a powerful and seamless bridge between raw data and meaningful insights.

Tableau supports a wide array of database types, including popular ones like SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and more. This extensive compatibility allows users to access data from diverse sources, regardless of the underlying database technology.

Connecting to a database in Tableau is a straightforward process. Users can select the appropriate database type, enter the required connection details (such as server address, and credentials), and establish a secure connection. Once connected, users can directly explore and analyze the data within the database, leveraging Tableau's rich visualization capabilities.

The real-time nature of database connections ensures that users work with the most up-to-date data, providing the most accurate and relevant insights. Additionally, Tableau's optimization for handling large datasets and ability to perform complex queries on the fly makes it a powerful tool for data analysis and business intelligence across various industries and use cases.

Supported Database Types and Versions

Here is a list of some commonly supported database types:

  • Microsoft SQL Server (2005 and newer)
  • Oracle Database (10g and newer)
  • MySQL (5.5 and newer)
  • PostgreSQL (8.0 and newer)
  • Amazon Redshift
  • Google BigQuery
  • IBM Db2 (9.5 and newer)
  • Teradata (v14 and newer)
  • Snowflake
  • Microsoft Azure SQL Database
  • Salesforce
  • Cloudera Hadoop Hive (Hive 0.10 and newer)
  • Cloudera Impala
  • Apache Spark SQL
  • Microsoft Excel (via ODBC or native connection)

These are just a few examples, and Tableau supports many other database types and versions. Tableau's wide-ranging compatibility with various databases makes it a versatile and flexible tool for connecting, analyzing, and visualizing data from diverse sources.

Establishing a Connection to a Database

Connecting to Relational Databases

Establishing a connection to a relational database in Tableau is a straightforward process. Tableau provides a user-friendly interface that allows users to connect to various relational databases to access and analyze data. Here's how you can connect to relational databases in Tableau:

  • Open Tableau: Launch Tableau Desktop on your computer.
  • Connect to a New Data Source: In Tableau, click on the "Connect" button on the start page or go to the "Data" menu and select "New Data Source."
  • Choose Database: In the "Connect" pane, select the "To a Server" option to connect to a relational database.
  • Select Database Type: Choose the type of database you want to connect to from the drop-down menu. Common options include Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and more.
  • Provide Connection Details: Enter the necessary connection details, such as the server address, username, and password. The specific details required may vary based on the database type and version.
  • Test Connection: After entering the connection details, click on the "Sign In" or "Test Connection" button to verify the connection. If the connection is successful, Tableau will establish the connection.
  • Connect to Specific Tables or Write Custom Queries: Once connected, Tableau will display a list of tables available in the database. You can select specific tables to analyze or write custom SQL queries to retrieve data from the database.
  • Start Analyzing: After connecting to the database and selecting the data you want to work with, you can start building visualizations and conducting data analysis in Tableau.

By following these steps, users can easily establish a connection to a relational database in Tableau and unlock the power of data analysis and visualization with the data stored in the database. Tableau's database connectivity capabilities make it a versatile tool for working with diverse data sources, supporting professionals in making data-driven decisions and gaining valuable insights from their data.

Connecting to Multidimensional Databases

In addition to connecting to traditional relational databases, Tableau also supports connecting to multidimensional databases for OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) analysis. To connect to a multidimensional database in Tableau:

  • Click on "Connect" in Tableau Desktop and select "More Servers" at the bottom of the list.
  • From the "To a Server" section, choose "Analysis Services."
  • Enter the server name or IP address of the multidimensional database.
  • Choose the desired authentication method (Windows or SQL Server), and enter the necessary credentials.
  • If required, configure additional options, such as specifying a specific cube or perspective.
  • Test the connection to ensure it is successful.
  • Once connected, Tableau will show a list of available dimensions and measures from the multidimensional database.
  • Start building your OLAP-based visualizations and perform a multidimensional analysis of the data.
  • Connecting to multidimensional databases in Tableau enables users to leverage OLAP capabilities and explore complex hierarchical relationships in the data for more in-depth analytical insights.

Connecting to Cloud-based Databases

Connecting to cloud-based databases in Tableau is a seamless process, allowing users to access data hosted on various cloud platforms. Tableau supports connecting to cloud-based databases through native connectors and web data connectors. Here's how to connect to cloud-based databases in Tableau:

Native Connectors:

  • Tableau offers native connectors for popular cloud-based databases, such as Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery, Microsoft Azure SQL Database, and others.
  • To connect, click on "Connect" in Tableau Desktop, select the appropriate cloud-based database connector, and enter the necessary connection details, such as server address, database name, and authentication credentials.
  • Tableau will establish a secure connection to the cloud-based database and provide access to the data for analysis and visualization.

Web Data Connectors (WDC):

  • Tableau also supports web data connectors, which enable users to connect to cloud-based databases through web URLs or APIs.
  • If a cloud-based database does not have a native connector, users can create or use a custom web data connector to establish a connection.
  • To use a web data connector, click on "Web Data Connector" in Tableau Desktop, enter the URL or API endpoint of the cloud-based database, and follow the instructions to authenticate and import the data.

Tableau Server and Tableau Online:

  • When publishing workbooks to Tableau Server or Tableau Online, users can connect to cloud-based databases and schedule data source refreshes to ensure the data is always up-to-date for users accessing the workbook.
  • By leveraging these methods, Tableau users can seamlessly connect to and analyze data from cloud-based databases, enabling real-time access to critical information and facilitating data-driven decision-making from anywhere with an internet connection. This flexibility and accessibility make Tableau an ideal choice for organizations that rely on cloud-based data storage and analysis.

Configuring Connection Settings

Providing Database Credentials

When connecting to a database in Tableau, users need to provide the necessary connection settings and database credentials to establish a secure and authenticated connection. Here's how to do it:

  1. Click on "Connect" in Tableau Desktop and select the appropriate database type from the list of connectors.
  2. In the connection dialog box, enter the following connection settings:
  • Server: The server address or IP where the database is hosted.
  • Database: The name of the specific database you want to connect to (if applicable).
  • Authentication: Choose the appropriate authentication method, such as Windows or SQL Server, and provide the username and password accordingly.
  1. Additional Settings:
  • Depending on the database type and version, there might be additional settings to configure, such as port number, SSL settings, or database-specific options.
  1. Testing the Connection:
  • After entering the connection settings and credentials, click on the "Test Connection" button to ensure the connection is successful. Tableau will verify the connection and display a confirmation message if it is established successfully.
  1. Saving the Connection:
  • Once the connection is tested and confirmed, users can save the connection details for future use. This allows users to quickly reconnect to the database without re-entering the connection settings.
  1. Web Data Connector (WDC):
  • If connecting to a cloud-based or web-based database through a Web Data Connector, users will need to enter the URL or API endpoint of the database and follow the instructions to authenticate and import the data.

Specifying Server and Port Information

In Tableau, configuring connection settings and specifying server and port information is a crucial step to establishing a successful connection to a data source. Whether you are connecting to a database, cloud-based data store, or other data source, follow these steps to configure the connection settings in Tableau:

  • Open Tableau Desktop and click on "Connection on the start page.
  • Choose the appropriate data source type from the list of connectors (e.g., Microsoft SQL Server, Google BigQuery, Excel, etc.).
  • In the connection dialog box, enter the Server or Host Name: This is the address of the machine or server where the data source is located. For databases, it is typically the IP address or hostname of the database server.
  • Specify the Port Number: The port number is essential for establishing the connection. Different data sources use specific port numbers by default. For example, the default port for SQL Server is 1433, and for MySQL, it is 3306.
  • Choose the Authentication Method: Depending on the data source and your access privileges, you can choose options like Windows Authentication, Username/Password, or OAuth for cloud-based data sources.
  • Enter the necessary credentials: Provide the required username and password to authenticate and access the data source.
  • Test the Connection: Click on the "Test Connection" or "Connect" button to ensure the connection is successful.
  • If the connection is successful, Tableau will display the available tables, views, or data objects from the data source. You can now start building your analysis and visualizations.

By accurately specifying the server and port information along with the correct authentication method, Tableau can establish a secure and efficient connection to the data source, enabling users to perform data analysis and visualization with ease. Remember to check the documentation of the specific data source you are connecting to for any additional connection requirements or specific port numbers.

Managing Connection Options and Parameters

Tableau provides users with various tools and options to customize their data connections based on specific needs. Here's how to configure connection settings and manage connection options in Tableau:

Configuring Connection Settings:

  • To configure connection settings, click on "Data" in Tableau Desktop, then select "New Data Source."
  • Choose the appropriate data source type (e.g., database, file, web data connector, etc.).
  • Enter the connection details, such as server name, database name, username, and password.
  • Depending on the data source, you may have additional settings, like SSL, port number, or custom SQL queries.
  • Test the connection to ensure it is successful before proceeding.

Managing Connection Options:

  • After connecting to the data source, Tableau offers various connection options. In the "Data" pane, right-click on the data source and select "Edit Connection."
  • In the "Edit Connection" dialog box, users can modify connection details, like server settings, credentials, and data source filters.
  • For database connections, users can choose whether to use a live connection or an extract (a local copy of the data).
  • Users can also customize connection timeouts and cache settings to optimize performance.


  • Tableau allows users to create parameters, which are dynamic values that can be used in calculations, filters, and data source connections.
  • To create a parameter, go to the "Data" pane, right-click on "Parameters," and select "Create Parameter."
  • Users can define the allowable values, data type, and current value for the parameter.

Data Source Filters:

  • Data source filters allow users to restrict data at the data source level. These filters are applied during the data connection process, reducing the amount of data transferred to Tableau for analysis.
  • To add data source filters, go to the "Data" pane, right-click on the data source, and select "Edit Data Source Filters."


  • Tableau's database connection feature enables users to effortlessly connect to various database management systems, providing direct access to valuable data for analysis and visualization.
  • Tableau supports a wide range of database types and versions, allowing users to connect to popular databases like SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, and many others.
  • Establishing a connection to a database in Tableau is intuitive, with a straightforward setup that requires entering connection details such as server name, credentials, and database name.
  • Tableau's real-time connection to databases ensures that users work with the latest and most up-to-date data, empowering them to make data-driven decisions promptly.
  • Once connected, users can explore and analyze data directly within the database using Tableau's robust visualization and analytics capabilities.
  • Tableau also supports connections to multidimensional databases, enabling users to perform complex OLAP analysis and delve into hierarchical relationships.