Flat File Connection in Tableau

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Flat File Connection in Tableau allows users to connect and import data from simple, structured text files (e.g., CSV, TXT) into Tableau for analysis and visualization. It's a convenient method for handling data sets without complex database structures. Users can easily browse, preview, and select the desired file, specifying data types and delimiters for optimal data interpretation. Once connected, Tableau enables users to create powerful visualizations, perform data exploration, and derive valuable insights from the imported flat file data. This seamless integration enhances data analysis capabilities and streamlines the process of transforming raw data into actionable intelligence.


Tableau is a powerful data visualization and business intelligence tool that enables users to explore and analyze data to make informed decisions. One of the essential features that Tableau offers is the ability to connect to various data sources. One such method is the Flat File Connection, which allows users to import and work with data from simple, structured text files.

Flat files, such as CSV (Comma-Separated Values) and TXT (Text) files, are widely used to store and exchange data due to their straightforward format. Tableau's Flat File Connection empowers users to seamlessly access and utilize this data without the need for complex database setups. This is particularly advantageous for users who might have data stored in spreadsheets, basic databases, or other tabular formats.

Understanding Flat File Connections in Tableau

Flat File Connections in Tableau refer to the capability of the software to connect and import data from simple, structured text files. These files typically include formats like CSV (Comma-Separated Values), TXT (Text), and TSV (Tab-Separated Values). Utilizing Flat File Connections, Tableau users can seamlessly access and analyze data stored in these file types, making it an efficient method for handling datasets without complex database structures.

The process of setting up a Flat File Connection in Tableau is user-friendly. Users can easily navigate through their local or network drives, locate the desired file, and initiate the import process. During this process, Tableau allows users to customize the data import by specifying data types, defining delimiters (like commas or tabs), managing headers, and establishing data roles.

After successfully connecting to the flat file, Tableau empowers users to transform the raw data into meaningful insights. The software offers a wide array of visualization options and an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, making it easy to create interactive dashboards and reports. This enables users to conduct data exploration, identify trends, patterns, and outliers, and gain valuable insights that support data-driven decision-making.

Flat File Connections in Tableau are particularly valuable for users who work with data stored in spreadsheets or basic databases, as they simplify the process of importing and analyzing information without the need for complex data infrastructure. By harnessing this feature, Tableau continues to be a preferred choice for professionals across various domains, helping them unlock the full potential of their data and streamline their analytical processes.

Supported Flat File Formats

Tableau supports several flat file formats for data connection and import. These formats include:

  • CSV (Comma-Separated Values): A widely used text file format where data values are separated by commas, representing columns.
  • TXT (Text): A plain text file with data values separated by spaces, tabs, or other delimiters.
  • TSV (Tab-Separated Values): Similar to CSV, but data values are separated by tabs instead of commas.
  • Excel (XLSX, XLS): Tableau can connect to Microsoft Excel files with the .xlsx (Excel 2007 and later) and .xls (Excel 97-2003) extensions.
  • JSON (JavaScript Object Notation): A data-interchange format with a human-readable and easy-to-parse structure.
  • Access (MDB, ACCDB): Tableau can connect to Microsoft Access databases with the .mdb (Access 2003 and earlier) and .accdb (Access 2007 and later) extensions.
  • Google Sheets: Tableau allows direct connection to Google Sheets, enabling real-time data updates.
  • PDF: Tableau can extract data from PDF files, converting them into a structured format for analysis.
  • Spatial files (SHP, KML, GeoJSON): Tableau supports connecting to spatial files for geographic analysis and mapping.

Statistical files (SAS, SPSS, R, Stata): Tableau can connect to statistical files for advanced analytical purposes.

Connecting to Flat Files

Importing Data from CSV Files

To import data from CSV files in Tableau, follow these steps:

  • Launch Tableau: Open Tableau Desktop on your computer.
  • Connect to Data: After launching Tableau, you will be presented with the "Connect" pane. If not, click on the "Connect" button at the top-left corner of the interface.
  • Select "Text File": In the "Connect" pane, find and select "Text File" from the list of available data source options.
  • Locate the CSV file: Browse your local or network drive to find the CSV file you want to import. Select the file and click "Open."
  • CSV Import Options: A new window will appear with the "Text File Connection" options. Make sure that the "File Format" is set to "CSV."
  • Review Data Preview: Tableau will display a preview of your data in a table format. Review the data to ensure it's displayed correctly and that any headers are appropriately identified.
  • Data Type Detection: Tableau will automatically detect data types for each column. Review and adjust them if needed by clicking on the data type icon next to each field.
  • Advanced Options (if needed): If your CSV file uses a different delimiter (e.g., tab), or you want to skip initial rows, you can adjust these settings in the "Advanced" section.
  • Click "Sheet" or "Connect": Depending on your Tableau version, click "Sheet" to start analyzing the data or "Connect" to bring the data into Tableau's data preparation interface before visualization.
  • Start Data Analysis: After connecting to the data, Tableau will present you with a blank worksheet where you can start building visualizations and analyzing your CSV data.

Remember to save your Tableau workbook (.twb or .twbx) to keep the connection to your CSV file for future use.

By following these steps, you can effortlessly import data from CSV files into Tableau for exploration, analysis, and visualization.

Connecting to Excel Spreadsheets

To connect Tableau to an Excel spreadsheet (XLSX or XLS format), follow these steps:

  • Launch Tableau: Open Tableau Desktop on your computer.
  • Connect to Data: On Tableau's start page, click on the "Connect" pane, and then select "Excel" from the list of data source options.
  • Locate the Excel File: Browse and select the Excel file you want to connect to. Click "Open."
  • Data Preview: Tableau will display a data preview of the Excel file's contents. Review the data to ensure it's accurate and complete.
  • Configure Data: If necessary, Tableau allows you to configure the data before proceeding. This includes handling header rows, selecting specific sheets within the workbook, and specifying data types for each field.
  • Data Interpreter (Optional): Tableau's Data Interpreter feature can automatically detect and handle irregularities in the data format, such as merged cells or extra spaces. You can enable or disable this feature based on your needs.
  • Import Data: Click on the "Sheet" tab to view the worksheet and select the desired sheet if your Excel file contains multiple sheets. Then, click "Update Now" to import the data into Tableau.
  • Data Analysis: Once imported, Tableau will display the data in a new worksheet. You can start creating visualizations, analyzing data, and building dashboards using the data from your Excel spreadsheet.
  • Data Refresh: If the data in the Excel file changes, you can refresh the data in Tableau to reflect the latest updates. Click on "Data" in the top menu and select "Refresh Data."

By connecting to an Excel spreadsheet in Tableau, you can harness the power of Tableau's robust data analysis and visualization capabilities to gain valuable insights from your data.

Accessing Text Files

Connecting to Flat Files (Text Files) in Tableau is a straightforward process that allows users to access and analyze data stored in simple, structured text formats such as CSV (Comma-Separated Values), TXT (Text), or TSV (Tab-Separated Values). Here's how you can do it:

  • Launch Tableau: Open Tableau Desktop on your computer.
  • Connect to Data: On the start page, click on "Connect" and select "Text File" from the list of data sources.
  • Locate the File: Navigate to the directory where your text file is located and select the file you want to import.
  • Review the Data: Tableau will display a preview of the data in the file. Review the data to ensure it looks accurate and properly formatted.
  • Set Data Interpretation: Tableau provides options to adjust the data interpretation. You can specify data types for each field and define delimiters used in the file (e.g., comma, tab).
  • Handle Headers: If your file contains headers, make sure to check the "First Row Contains Data" option. This tells Tableau to treat the first row as headers.
  • Load the Data: Click on the "Sheet" button to start working with your data. Tableau will load the data from the text file, and you can now start creating visualizations and conducting data analysis.
  • Data Refresh: If your text file is updated regularly, you can set up data refresh schedules to keep your Tableau data up to date.

By following these steps, you can quickly connect to flat files in Tableau and explore your data visually, perform data analysis, and gain valuable insights to support your decision-making processes.

Utilizing Other Flat File Formats

Tableau offers a straightforward process for connecting to various flat file formats beyond the commonly used CSV and TXT files. By leveraging the "Connect" functionality, users can effortlessly import and analyze data from a wide range of flat file formats. Here's how you can connect to other flat file formats in Tableau:

  • Excel Files (XLSX, XLS): To connect to Microsoft Excel files, go to the "Connect" pane, select "Excel," and then browse to locate the desired file with the .xlsx (Excel 2007 and later) or .xls (Excel 97-2003) extension.
  • JSON Files: To connect to JSON files, choose the "JSON File" option from the "Connect" pane and then navigate to the JSON file location.
  • Google Sheets: Connect directly to Google Sheets by selecting the "Web Data Connector" option in Tableau and providing the link to the Google Sheets document.
  • PDF Files: To extract data from PDF files, choose the "PDF File" option from the "Connect" pane and locate the PDF document. Tableau will then convert the PDF data into a structured format.
  • Spatial Files (SHP, KML, GeoJSON): For geographic analysis and mapping, choose the appropriate spatial file format, such as SHP (Shapefile), KML (Keyhole Markup Language), or GeoJSON, from the "Connect" pane.
  • Statistical Files (SAS, SPSS, R, Stata): Connect to statistical files like SAS, SPSS, R, or Stata by selecting the relevant file format and providing the necessary credentials and file location.

By supporting various flat file formats, Tableau empowers users to access and analyze data from diverse sources, enabling a comprehensive and unified analysis. This flexibility enhances Tableau's utility as a robust data visualization and analytics tool, accommodating a broad range of data formats and facilitating data-driven insights from different types of flat files.

Handling Flat File Connection Options

Specifying Delimiters and Text Qualifiers

When connecting to flat files in Tableau, you have the flexibility to specify delimiters and text qualifiers to ensure that the data is imported correctly. Delimiters are characters that separate individual data values within the file, while text qualifiers are characters used to enclose text fields that might contain the delimiter character itself. Here's how you can handle these options in Tableau:

Specifying Delimiters:

  • Open Tableau and click on "Connect" on the start page or go to "Data" > "New Data Source."
  • Choose the appropriate flat-file format you want to connect to (e.g., CSV, TXT, TSV, Excel).
  • Browse and select the file you wish to import.
  • In the "Text File Connection" dialog box, you will see an option called "Delimiter." Tableau will automatically try to detect the delimiter used in your file.
  • If the detected delimiter is incorrect or not automatically recognized, you can manually select the correct delimiter from the drop-down list or enter a custom one.
  • Preview the data to ensure that Tableau has interpreted the file correctly, and the columns are separated as expected.

Specifying Text Qualifiers:

  • In the "Text File Connection" dialog box (when connecting to a flat file), you will also find an option called "Text Qualifier."
  • Text qualifiers are used when a field contains the delimiter character itself or when fields have leading/trailing spaces or line breaks. They ensure that Tableau treats the text within the qualifier as a single data value.
  • By default, Tableau will detect the text qualifier used in your file, but if it fails to do so, you can select the appropriate one from the drop-down list or enter a custom text qualifier if necessary.
  • Preview the data to verify that the text qualifiers are being handled correctly and that the data is imported accurately.
  • After specifying the delimiters and text qualifiers, click on the "Sheet" tab to start working with your data in Tableau. By setting these options correctly, you ensure that Tableau interprets the flat file's structure accurately, preventing any potential data misinterpretations and enabling a smooth data analysis and visualization process.

Managing Data Types and Field Properties

When connecting to flat files in Tableau, users have the flexibility to handle various connection options, including managing data types and field properties. These options allow users to ensure that the data is interpreted and displayed correctly in Tableau's visualizations. Here's how you can manage data types and field properties in Tableau:

Data Type Detection:

  • When you connect to a flat file, Tableau automatically attempts to detect the data types for each field in the dataset. It examines the first few rows of the data to infer the data types.
  • If Tableau's automatic detection is incorrect or if you want to manually specify data types, you can do so during the data connection process.

Managing Data Types:

  • To manage data types, click on a field in the "Data Source" tab, and then click the drop-down arrow next to the field name to access the data type options.
  • You can choose from a range of data types such as string, number, date, boolean, and geographic roles (latitude, longitude).
  • Additionally, you can convert string fields to numbers, dates, or geographic roles, depending on the data content.

Handling Field Properties:

  • After connecting to the data, Tableau allows you to manage various field properties to customize the data representation and behavior in visualizations.
  • Right-click on a field and select "Default Properties" to access options for sorting, aliasing, number formatting, and more.
  • You can change the field names, add aliases for better labeling, and modify the default aggregation for numerical fields (e.g., sum, average, count).
  • For date fields, you can format the date display, choose date hierarchies, and control the date parsing.

Dealing with Null Values:

  • Tableau also enables users to handle null values in the dataset. You can choose how to handle nulls during data preparation to avoid potential visualization issues.

Handling File Encoding and Locale Settings

When dealing with Flat File Connections in Tableau, users may encounter issues related to file encoding and locale settings, especially when working with text files that contain non-standard characters or are created using different regional conventions. To ensure proper handling of file encoding and locale settings in Tableau, consider the following approaches:

File Encoding:

  • When connecting to a flat file, Tableau automatically detects the file encoding. However, if the characters in the file are not displayed correctly, users can manually specify the encoding to ensure proper interpretation. Tableau supports various file encodings like UTF-8, UTF-16, ANSI, and more.
  • To change the file encoding, click on the dropdown arrow next to the file name in the "Connect" pane. Then select "Text File Properties" and choose the desired encoding from the "Encoding" dropdown menu.

Locale Settings:

  • Locale settings are essential for correctly interpreting date formats, numeric representations, and other regional-specific formatting in the data.
  • Tableau automatically detects the locale based on the operating system settings, but users can override this setting if required. To adjust the locale, go to "Help" in Tableau Desktop, select "Settings and Performance," then choose "Locale."

Custom Locale:

  • In some cases, data might have been generated using a different locale than the one detected by Tableau. If this causes issues with data interpretation, users can create a custom locale that matches the locale used in the data file.
  • To create a custom locale, go to Help in Tableau Desktop, select Settings and Performance, then choose Locale and click on Edit Custom...
  • Here, users can customize date formats, number formats, and other locale-related settings to match the data's original locale.

Refreshing and Updating Flat File Data

Refreshing and updating flat file data in Tableau is essential to keep the analysis up-to-date with the latest information from the data source. Tableau provides several options for refreshing flat file data:

Manual Refresh:

  • By default, Tableau connects to flat files as an extract, creating a local copy of the data. To manually refresh the data, users can right-click on the data source in the Data pane and select "Extract" > "Extract" to trigger a refresh. Refresh on Open:
  • Tableau can be configured to automatically refresh the data when the workbook is opened. To enable this option, go to the "Data" menu, then select "Extract" > "Extract" and check the "Refresh on Open" checkbox.

Scheduling Refreshes:

  • Tableau Server and Tableau Online allow for scheduling data source refreshes at specific intervals (e.g., daily, hourly). This ensures that the data is always up-to-date for all users accessing the published workbook.

Real-time Data Connection:

  • In addition to using extracts, Tableau can directly connect to flat files in real time. Any changes made to the flat file will be immediately reflected in Tableau without requiring manual refreshes.

Web Data Connector:

  • For web-based flat file data sources, Tableau's Web Data Connector (WDC) can be used to establish a live connection. This allows users to pull real-time data directly from web URLs or APIs.

Combining Flat File Data with Other Data Sources

In Tableau, combining flat file data with other data sources is a common practice to gain deeper insights and perform more comprehensive analyses. Tableau offers several methods to blend and join flat file data with data from other sources:

Data Blending:

  • Data blending allows users to combine data from multiple data sources in a single visualization without explicitly merging the data at the data source level. This is especially useful when working with data from disparate sources with a common field (e.g., date or region).
  • To blend data, simply connect to the flat file and other data sources individually, then drag and drop the relevant fields onto the visualization canvas. Tableau will automatically recognize the common field and blend the data accordingly.

Data Joins:

  • When merging data at the data source level, data joins are used. This involves combining data from flat files and other data sources based on matching key fields.
  • To perform a data join, connect to both the flat file and the other data source, then click and drag the common field from one data source to the other in the "Data" pane. Tableau will create the join based on the selected field.


  • If the flat file and other data sources have the same structure (i.e., the same columns and data types), a union can be used to stack the data on top of each other.
  • To perform a union, connect to both data sources, go to a worksheet, and click on "Data" > "New Union." Select the desired data sources to combine, and Tableau will create a unified view.

Custom SQL:

  • For more complex data combination scenarios, users can write custom SQL queries that join or blend data from the flat file and other data sources based on specific conditions.


  • Flat File Connection in Tableau allows users to easily connect and import data from simple, structured text files, such as CSV and TXT, without the need for complex database setups.
  • Tableau supports a variety of flat file formats, including Excel, JSON, Google Sheets, PDF, and spatial files, expanding the range of data sources that can be analyzed.
  • Users can customize the import process by specifying data types, delimiters, and headers, ensuring accurate data interpretation.
  • Tableau's intuitive drag-and-drop interface and extensive visualization options empower users to create powerful visualizations and perform data exploration, uncovering valuable insights.
  • Tableau provides various data refresh options, enabling users to keep the analysis up-to-date with manual refreshes, scheduled refreshes, or real-time data connections.